Europe is right, we aren't worthy

Amazing. Every single thing you post is wrong. So much failure.
It is amusing when these idiots think they are being clever but just expose their ignorance instead.

Puts a smile on my face every time.
What’s idiotic is thinking this continent can’t handle its own problems. If they are attacked, it’s not like we still wouldn’t help them.
They can't even handle refugees and you think they can handle an invading ARMED force?

How are they mishandling refugees?
Ask the women being raped. Ask the communities overrun with violent young Muslim men. Ask the dead from all the random attacks.

Ask God for a functioning brain.
Do you have any statistics? No of course not; nor can you not explain why they aren’t able to handle any crimes being committed in their countries.
Let's bring our troops home and let them defend themselves. We just aren't good enough to defend them for free, or close to it.

Mea Culpa, Europe, we're sorry! Let's leave
Ever hear of Ramstein Medical in Germany? A state of the art trauma department within a great hospital complex that is maintained by the United States Army? It's the first place wounded troops from battlefields in Afghanistan and the Middle East are evacuated to. Victims of terrorist bombings, victims of terrorist attacks are treated there. When the hostages in Iran were freed, they too were taken to Ramstein. There are U.S. Army bases in the surrounding countryside that supply Ramstein and other U.S. Army hospital and medical facilities.

There are currently 30,000 u.S. Army personnel stationed in Germany. Should they, the people who are serving us and our medical facilities be brought home out of a fit of Trumpian pique? Isn't it prudent to stop and think before issuing a tweet because The Donald failed to read all his briefing memos on the situation?

Knee jerk reactions are never as wise as actions well thought out.
Given that Conservatives -- not that Trump is a conservative -- have been demanding we leave Europe to their own defense, this is hardly a knee-jerk reaction.

There is no reason that we cannot close down Rammstein AB and put the personnel someplace they'll be appreciated and welcome.

It is time for the US to get out of Europe and NATO.
For what logical reason should be American taxpayers pay for Europe's social Islam fellatio when Europeans and muslims are the two most ingrate, paranoid, American-hating cocksuckers on Earth? Never have I seen two groups of entitled child molesters who deserve each other more, united by their need to debase us. Muslims and Europeans are humanity's ultimate victimology crybabies. Not to mention both their cowardice! I wouldn't be as bothered about subsidizing Europe if they were capable of showing any gratitude and brave, human honor of any kind. And had the balls to protect their young females from their muslim sex criminals. But unfortunately Europe is the antithesis of these honorable principles - the laziest, most spoiled, most cowardly, most reprobate, most arrogant, most amoral, most hypocritical, most two-faced, utter scum of my race and gender.
It is amusing when these idiots think they are being clever but just expose their ignorance instead.

Puts a smile on my face every time.
What’s idiotic is thinking this continent can’t handle its own problems. If they are attacked, it’s not like we still wouldn’t help them.
They can't even handle refugees and you think they can handle an invading ARMED force?

How are they mishandling refugees?
Ask the women being raped. Ask the communities overrun with violent young Muslim men. Ask the dead from all the random attacks.

Ask God for a functioning brain.
Do you have any statistics? No of course not; nor can you not explain why they aren’t able to handle any crimes being committed in their countries.
You ask if I have something then proclaim I don't before you even hit the fucking post button.
Just how retarded are you?

A SIMPLE Google search will give you all the info you DON'T WANT TO HEAR.

Hell, it's so bad a wiki page is dedicated to it.
Islamic terrorism in Europe (2014–present) - Wikipedia

Tard. You're so damn stupid I may just need to put you on ignore to protect my brain cells from reading the stupidity you post.
What’s idiotic is thinking this continent can’t handle its own problems. If they are attacked, it’s not like we still wouldn’t help them.
They can't even handle refugees and you think they can handle an invading ARMED force?

How are they mishandling refugees?
Ask the women being raped. Ask the communities overrun with violent young Muslim men. Ask the dead from all the random attacks.

Ask God for a functioning brain.
Do you have any statistics? No of course not; nor can you not explain why they aren’t able to handle any crimes being committed in their countries.
You ask if I have something then proclaim I don't before you even hit the fucking post button.
Just how retarded are you?

A SIMPLE Google search will give you all the info you DON'T WANT TO HEAR.

Hell, it's so bad a wiki page is dedicated to it.
Islamic terrorism in Europe (2014–present) - Wikipedia

Tard. You're so damn stupid I may just need to put you on ignore to protect my brain cells from reading the stupidity you post.
Lol oh so Islamic terrorism in Europe were all done by refugees? Yeah you’re making shit up.
win win win win all around
1. we stop giving $$$ to these other countries
2. we save mucho $$$$ for many reasons
3. the US government take that $$$ that we spent in other countries and spend it in the US
4. instead of spending their $$$$ in other countries, the troops spend it in the US
how can you argue with bringing some of the troops home????!!!
we are in HUGE debt!!!
Think how much we'd save by not giving any money to any ME country.

Funny how you never mentioned that when Obama spent eight years flushing money in the ME
Let's bring our troops home and let them defend themselves. We just aren't good enough to defend them for free, or close to it.

Mea Culpa, Europe, we're sorry! Let's leave
Ever hear of Ramstein Medical in Germany? A state of the art trauma department within a great hospital complex that is maintained by the United States Army? It's the first place wounded troops from battlefields in Afghanistan and the Middle East are evacuated to. Victims of terrorist bombings, victims of terrorist attacks are treated there. When the hostages in Iran were freed, they too were taken to Ramstein. There are U.S. Army bases in the surrounding countryside that supply Ramstein and other U.S. Army hospital and medical facilities.

There are currently 30,000 u.S. Army personnel stationed in Germany. Should they, the people who are serving us and our medical facilities be brought home out of a fit of Trumpian pique? Isn't it prudent to stop and think before issuing a tweet because The Donald failed to read all his briefing memos on the situation?

Knee jerk reactions are never as wise as actions well thought out.
Given that Conservatives -- not that Trump is a conservative -- have been demanding we leave Europe to their own defense, this is hardly a knee-jerk reaction.

There is no reason that we cannot close down Rammstein AB and put the personnel someplace they'll be appreciated and welcome.

It is time for the US to get out of Europe and NATO.

Yes, the Trump Derangement Syndrome those idiots have is a debilitating disease. The world changed for them the day their beloved Hillary went down in flames. They can't accept that she was just a bad candidate, it was their own fault
Let's bring our troops home and let them defend themselves. We just aren't good enough to defend them for free, or close to it.

Mea Culpa, Europe, we're sorry! Let's leave
Ever hear of Ramstein Medical in Germany? A state of the art trauma department within a great hospital complex that is maintained by the United States Army? It's the first place wounded troops from battlefields in Afghanistan and the Middle East are evacuated to. Victims of terrorist bombings, victims of terrorist attacks are treated there. When the hostages in Iran were freed, they too were taken to Ramstein. There are U.S. Army bases in the surrounding countryside that supply Ramstein and other U.S. Army hospital and medical facilities.

There are currently 30,000 u.S. Army personnel stationed in Germany. Should they, the people who are serving us and our medical facilities be brought home out of a fit of Trumpian pique? Isn't it prudent to stop and think before issuing a tweet because The Donald failed to read all his briefing memos on the situation?

Knee jerk reactions are never as wise as actions well thought out.
Leave the gun (hospital staff) take the cannoli (non-hospital staff).
Let's bring our troops home and let them defend themselves. We just aren't good enough to defend them for free, or close to it.

Mea Culpa, Europe, we're sorry! Let's leave
Ever hear of Ramstein Medical in Germany? A state of the art trauma department within a great hospital complex that is maintained by the United States Army? It's the first place wounded troops from battlefields in Afghanistan and the Middle East are evacuated to. Victims of terrorist bombings, victims of terrorist attacks are treated there. When the hostages in Iran were freed, they too were taken to Ramstein. There are U.S. Army bases in the surrounding countryside that supply Ramstein and other U.S. Army hospital and medical facilities.

There are currently 30,000 u.S. Army personnel stationed in Germany. Should they, the people who are serving us and our medical facilities be brought home out of a fit of Trumpian pique? Isn't it prudent to stop and think before issuing a tweet because The Donald failed to read all his briefing memos on the situation?

Knee jerk reactions are never as wise as actions well thought out.

When you say things like "Trumpian pique," You've proven you're not interested in a serious discussion, just a valve to vent some of the butt hurt
Our foreign,policy is driven by fits of pique. And there is no more petulant leader than The Donald.

His followers think he is infallible. Your view of our allies is totally driven by your blind devotion to a man who governs by pique.

See Nosmo, this is why you don't merit any respect.

You won't address the leftist who contradicts you

Let's bring our troops home and let them defend themselves. We just aren't good enough to defend them for free, or close to it.

Mea Culpa, Europe, we're sorry! Let's leave
Europe wouldn’t give two shits if we emptied out our bases there.

It was just a few posts before your post
What’s idiotic is thinking this continent can’t handle its own problems. If they are attacked, it’s not like we still wouldn’t help them.
They can't even handle refugees and you think they can handle an invading ARMED force?

How are they mishandling refugees?
Ask the women being raped. Ask the communities overrun with violent young Muslim men. Ask the dead from all the random attacks.

Ask God for a functioning brain.
Do you have any statistics? No of course not; nor can you not explain why they aren’t able to handle any crimes being committed in their countries.
You ask if I have something then proclaim I don't before you even hit the fucking post button.
Just how retarded are you?

A SIMPLE Google search will give you all the info you DON'T WANT TO HEAR.

Hell, it's so bad a wiki page is dedicated to it.
Islamic terrorism in Europe (2014–present) - Wikipedia

Tard. You're so damn stupid I may just need to put you on ignore to protect my brain cells from reading the stupidity you post.

what billy doesn't seem to put into the puzzle is that if there WAS NOT a refugee crisis going on we'd not be taking them in also, now would we? the biggest reason germany is unhappy w/merkel as i understand it is because the refugees and illegals are bringing their "culture crimes" with them in how they treat others and esp women.

there is most certainly a problem going on and while theory has it that it was set in motion to spawn the globalization efforts, it may well be one of the things that wakes people up in that we simply can't get along in order to functional as a global group.

we can't get 10 posters in here to get along most of the time but the world will agree on working together in harmony? sounds like a star trek fantasy that won't happen for a long long long time.
Let's bring our troops home and let them defend themselves. We just aren't good enough to defend them for free, or close to it.

Mea Culpa, Europe, we're sorry! Let's leave
Ever hear of Ramstein Medical in Germany? A state of the art trauma department within a great hospital complex that is maintained by the United States Army? It's the first place wounded troops from battlefields in Afghanistan and the Middle East are evacuated to. Victims of terrorist bombings, victims of terrorist attacks are treated there. When the hostages in Iran were freed, they too were taken to Ramstein. There are U.S. Army bases in the surrounding countryside that supply Ramstein and other U.S. Army hospital and medical facilities.

There are currently 30,000 u.S. Army personnel stationed in Germany. Should they, the people who are serving us and our medical facilities be brought home out of a fit of Trumpian pique? Isn't it prudent to stop and think before issuing a tweet because The Donald failed to read all his briefing memos on the situation?

Knee jerk reactions are never as wise as actions well thought out.

When you say things like "Trumpian pique," You've proven you're not interested in a serious discussion, just a valve to vent some of the butt hurt
Our foreign,policy is driven by fits of pique. And there is no more petulant leader than The Donald.

His followers think he is infallible. Your view of our allies is totally driven by your blind devotion to a man who governs by pique.

You're an idiot. Im not a trump sypporter and my view has nothing to do with him. Grow up

You have a view? Please tell the reader what that might be. All I read from you are "ain't it awful" preceded by calling others idiots or stupid.
ah see, there is a certain feature in here called Quotes, and what you're confused with is reading the quotes of those leftists he is replying to. that's why you think he's the one issuing the insults and calling someone an idiot, when the leftists quoted are actually smearing someone. I get how that might confuse someone like you.
Ever hear of Ramstein Medical in Germany? A state of the art trauma department within a great hospital complex that is maintained by the United States Army? It's the first place wounded troops from battlefields in Afghanistan and the Middle East are evacuated to. Victims of terrorist bombings, victims of terrorist attacks are treated there. When the hostages in Iran were freed, they too were taken to Ramstein. There are U.S. Army bases in the surrounding countryside that supply Ramstein and other U.S. Army hospital and medical facilities.

There are currently 30,000 u.S. Army personnel stationed in Germany. Should they, the people who are serving us and our medical facilities be brought home out of a fit of Trumpian pique? Isn't it prudent to stop and think before issuing a tweet because The Donald failed to read all his briefing memos on the situation?

Knee jerk reactions are never as wise as actions well thought out.

When you say things like "Trumpian pique," You've proven you're not interested in a serious discussion, just a valve to vent some of the butt hurt
Our foreign,policy is driven by fits of pique. And there is no more petulant leader than The Donald.

His followers think he is infallible. Your view of our allies is totally driven by your blind devotion to a man who governs by pique.

You're an idiot. Im not a trump sypporter and my view has nothing to do with him. Grow up

You have a view? Please tell the reader what that might be. All I read from you are "ain't it awful" preceded by calling others idiots or stupid.
ah see, there is a certain feature in here called Quotes, and what you're confused with is reading the quotes of those leftists he is replying to. that's why you think he's the one issuing the insults and calling someone an idiot, when the leftists quoted are actually smearing someone. I get how that might confuse someone like you.

I have no idea what you are referencing, and as usual I can easily infer you're either absurd or toxic.
Ever hear of Ramstein Medical in Germany? A state of the art trauma department within a great hospital complex that is maintained by the United States Army? It's the first place wounded troops from battlefields in Afghanistan and the Middle East are evacuated to. Victims of terrorist bombings, victims of terrorist attacks are treated there. When the hostages in Iran were freed, they too were taken to Ramstein. There are U.S. Army bases in the surrounding countryside that supply Ramstein and other U.S. Army hospital and medical facilities.

There are currently 30,000 u.S. Army personnel stationed in Germany. Should they, the people who are serving us and our medical facilities be brought home out of a fit of Trumpian pique? Isn't it prudent to stop and think before issuing a tweet because The Donald failed to read all his briefing memos on the situation?

Knee jerk reactions are never as wise as actions well thought out.

When you say things like "Trumpian pique," You've proven you're not interested in a serious discussion, just a valve to vent some of the butt hurt
Our foreign,policy is driven by fits of pique. And there is no more petulant leader than The Donald.

His followers think he is infallible. Your view of our allies is totally driven by your blind devotion to a man who governs by pique.

You're an idiot. Im not a trump sypporter and my view has nothing to do with him. Grow up

You have a view? Please tell the reader what that might be. All I read from you are "ain't it awful" preceded by calling others idiots or stupid.
ah see, there is a certain feature in here called Quotes, and what you're confused with is reading the quotes of those leftists he is replying to. that's why you think he's the one issuing the insults and calling someone an idiot, when the leftists quoted are actually smearing someone. I get how that might confuse someone like you.

Wry doesnt even know what quote marks are. He thinks you quote paraphrases
When you say things like "Trumpian pique," You've proven you're not interested in a serious discussion, just a valve to vent some of the butt hurt
Our foreign,policy is driven by fits of pique. And there is no more petulant leader than The Donald.

His followers think he is infallible. Your view of our allies is totally driven by your blind devotion to a man who governs by pique.

You're an idiot. Im not a trump sypporter and my view has nothing to do with him. Grow up

You have a view? Please tell the reader what that might be. All I read from you are "ain't it awful" preceded by calling others idiots or stupid.
ah see, there is a certain feature in here called Quotes, and what you're confused with is reading the quotes of those leftists he is replying to. that's why you think he's the one issuing the insults and calling someone an idiot, when the leftists quoted are actually smearing someone. I get how that might confuse someone like you.

I have no idea what you are referencing, and as usual I can easily infer you're either absurd or toxic.
I like how the big hate guys like you always talk about hate
Let's bring our troops home and let them defend themselves. We just aren't good enough to defend them for free, or close to it.

Mea Culpa, Europe, we're sorry! Let's leave
Europe wouldn’t give two shits if we emptied out our bases there.
And the minute Trump says we are pulling out, you and Europe will throw a hissy fit.

Denial in ...3...2...1...
Our foreign,policy is driven by fits of pique. And there is no more petulant leader than The Donald.

His followers think he is infallible. Your view of our allies is totally driven by your blind devotion to a man who governs by pique.

You're an idiot. Im not a trump sypporter and my view has nothing to do with him. Grow up

You have a view? Please tell the reader what that might be. All I read from you are "ain't it awful" preceded by calling others idiots or stupid.
ah see, there is a certain feature in here called Quotes, and what you're confused with is reading the quotes of those leftists he is replying to. that's why you think he's the one issuing the insults and calling someone an idiot, when the leftists quoted are actually smearing someone. I get how that might confuse someone like you.

I have no idea what you are referencing, and as usual I can easily infer you're either absurd or toxic.
I like how the big hate guys like you always talk about hate

Cool, who or what do you want others to believe I hate? I don't hate you, you provide gallows humor and have mastered the idiot-gram which provides me material to mock.
Our foreign,policy is driven by fits of pique. And there is no more petulant leader than The Donald.

His followers think he is infallible. Your view of our allies is totally driven by your blind devotion to a man who governs by pique.

You're an idiot. Im not a trump sypporter and my view has nothing to do with him. Grow up

You have a view? Please tell the reader what that might be. All I read from you are "ain't it awful" preceded by calling others idiots or stupid.
ah see, there is a certain feature in here called Quotes, and what you're confused with is reading the quotes of those leftists he is replying to. that's why you think he's the one issuing the insults and calling someone an idiot, when the leftists quoted are actually smearing someone. I get how that might confuse someone like you.

I have no idea what you are referencing, and as usual I can easily infer you're either absurd or toxic.
I like how the big hate guys like you always talk about hate
You're an idiot. Im not a trump sypporter and my view has nothing to do with him. Grow up

You have a view? Please tell the reader what that might be. All I read from you are "ain't it awful" preceded by calling others idiots or stupid.
ah see, there is a certain feature in here called Quotes, and what you're confused with is reading the quotes of those leftists he is replying to. that's why you think he's the one issuing the insults and calling someone an idiot, when the leftists quoted are actually smearing someone. I get how that might confuse someone like you.

I have no idea what you are referencing, and as usual I can easily infer you're either absurd or toxic.
I like how the big hate guys like you always talk about hate
You know that was to wry
You have a view? Please tell the reader what that might be. All I read from you are "ain't it awful" preceded by calling others idiots or stupid.
ah see, there is a certain feature in here called Quotes, and what you're confused with is reading the quotes of those leftists he is replying to. that's why you think he's the one issuing the insults and calling someone an idiot, when the leftists quoted are actually smearing someone. I get how that might confuse someone like you.

I have no idea what you are referencing, and as usual I can easily infer you're either absurd or toxic.
I like how the big hate guys like you always talk about hate
You know that was to wry
yep, and I was agreeing with you. That's why the question mark.

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