EV Bus Explodes

Yes I know

But I am not pushing as much amps through it as it will stand in order to avoid waiting 3 days for it to charge

Nor do I have to pull massive amounts out for a cell phone

But I do to move a car

Do you know that EVs need a water cooling system FOR THE BATTERIES?

Just pointing out that Li ion batteries are being used in a huge number of consumer products, some of which HAVE actually caused problems before. But we are only treated to the horrors of them in EV's on here.
Just pointing out that Li ion batteries are being used in a huge number of consumer products, some of which HAVE actually caused problems before. But we are only treated to the horrors of them in EV's on here.
How much lithium is required to replace 88 million barrels of oil per day?
Just pointing out that Li ion batteries are being used in a huge number of consumer products, some of which HAVE actually caused problems before. But we are only treated to the horrors of them in EV's on here.
If EVs were just a normal consumer product I would not oil treat anyone to the horrors of exploding cars and busses

But liberals they represent much more

They are being pushed as the savior of Mother Earth

its full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes

So when the pointed heads in state and federal government stop telling us that we have to buy one whether we want to or not, then I wont be so unforgiving of them
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If EVs were just a normal consumer product I would not oil treat anyone to the horrors of exploding cars and busses

But liberals they represent much more

They are being pushed as the savior of Mother Earth

its full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes

So when the pointed heads in state and federal government stop telling us that we have to buy one whether we want to or not, then I wont be so unforgiving of them
EVs are orders of magnitude safer re fire than are gasoline or even hybrid powered vehicles. Given that fact, I am uncertain why you keep this up. And no one in any government is telling you that you HAVE TO BUY an EV.
If EVs were just a normal consumer product I would not oil treat anyone to the horrors of exploding cars and busses

But liberals they represent much more

They are being pushed as the savior of Mother Earth

its full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes

So when the pointed heads in state and federal government stop telling us that we have to buy one whether we want to or not, then I wont be so unforgiving of them

It is clearly you are relatively unfamiliar with the topic. For those of us who have worked in alternative fuels research it is not uncommon to find people unaware that many of the topics are under investigation and broadly expanded. Li ion batteries are not the only game in town in terms of potential. But it has to start somewhere.

Also: I'm so fascinated at you folks who complain bitterly about the government telling you what you can and cannot buy. The fact of the matter is this already happens every single day and you don't even notice it! You can't burn leaded gas in your car anymore. You can't buy a car without seatbelts. You can't buy a whole bunch of consumer products because they contain dangerous chemicals.

You act as if you have some freedom that is largely "imaginary" but feels real to you. Why is that?
How much lithium is required to replace 88 million barrels of oil per day?

Well, let's see, if I can drive for several years on the lithium in my car right now and YOU can only drive a few miles on the gasoline in your tank, which is a better value?

And in some future scenario we may be able to recycle said lithium (it doesn't get consumed) while the gas you burn is gone forever. It's not like you'll get usable oil back out of it for a couple million years.

Li isn't a fuel. It's part of a battery. Gasoline is a fuel. It gets burned up and goes away and you need more.
It is clearly you are relatively unfamiliar with the topic. For those of us who have worked in alternative fuels research it is not uncommon to find people unaware that many of the topics are under investigation and broadly expanded. Li ion batteries are not the only game in town in terms of potential. But it has to start somewhere.

Also: I'm so fascinated at you folks who complain bitterly about the government telling you what you can and cannot buy. The fact of the matter is this already happens every single day and you don't even notice it! You can't burn leaded gas in your car anymore. You can't buy a car without seatbelts. You can't buy a whole bunch of consumer products because they contain dangerous chemicals.

You act as if you have some freedom that is largely "imaginary" but feels real to you. Why is that?
I am aware of unleaded gas and other ways government rules my life

And I dont need any more than is absolutely necessary

I expect i will own an EV someday

But when I am ready, not when some pinhead in washington tells me to
Do you have any actual numbers to back that up? Remember: the oil once burned is gone.

Do you have any actual numbers to back that up? Remember: the oil once burned is gone.

"More automakers are pledging to go all-electric by 2030 or 2040. That means they’ll need leviathan amounts of lithium for their cars. Without it, they have no products. In other words, as more EVs are introduced, the demand will only grow exponentially.

According to Forbes, the amount of power EVs will need is estimated to be 2,700GWh (Gigawatts hours). Now, let’s do some math: a typical lithium ion battery can store 150 watts per kilogram. Convert 2,700GWh to watts, then divide that by 150 to get the total kilograms of lithium needed. The answer? 18 billion kilograms, or 20 million tons.
Now, take those numbers with a grain of salt, that’s just some paper-napkin math. Some batteries may make more watts per kilogram, and some may make less. But here’s where things start to get dicey: The approximate amount of lithium on earth is between 30 and 90 million tons. That means we’ll will run out eventually, but we’re not sure when.
PV Magazine states it could be as soon as 2040, assuming electric cars demand 20 million tons of lithium by then. Or it could be closer to 2100, giving us 100 years to find another renewable energy.
But we shouldn’t just be worried about the future. We ought to be worried about now."

Well, let's see, if I can drive for several years on the lithium in my car right now and YOU can only drive a few miles on the gasoline in your tank, which is a better value?

And in some future scenario we may be able to recycle said lithium (it doesn't get consumed) while the gas you burn is gone forever. It's not like you'll get usable oil back out of it for a couple million years.

Li isn't a fuel. It's part of a battery. Gasoline is a fuel. It gets burned up and goes away and you need more.

The gasoline in the car. Because it is less environmentally destructive. The infrastructure already exists. Its range is unlimited because we simply pour more gas in, and we don't have to worry about the toxic sludge left over at the end.

Until an EV competes on equal terms with an ICE powered racecar in an endurance race you are ALWAYS going to lose to a ICE powered vehicle.

That's called science.
Well, let's see, if I can drive for several years on the lithium in my car right now and YOU can only drive a few miles on the gasoline in your tank, which is a better value?

And in some future scenario we may be able to recycle said lithium (it doesn't get consumed) while the gas you burn is gone forever. It's not like you'll get usable oil back out of it for a couple million years.

Li isn't a fuel. It's part of a battery. Gasoline is a fuel. It gets burned up and goes away and you need more.
So you can't tell me how much lithium it would take to replace 88 million barrels of oil?

My point is it's not possible for them to produce enough lithium ion batteries to replace all of the ice vehicles, dummy.
The gasoline in the car. Because it is less environmentally destructive. The infrastructure already exists. Its range is unlimited because we simply pour more gas in, and we don't have to worry about the toxic sludge left over at the end.

Until an EV competes on equal terms with an ICE powered racecar in an endurance race you are ALWAYS going to lose to a ICE powered vehicle.

That's called science.
You skipped right over the point that your gasoline is consumed but the lithium in the battery is not.
You skipped right over the point that your gasoline is consumed but the lithium in the battery is not.
Sort of like how you skip over the fact they can't mine enough lithium to replace 88 million barrels of oil per day.
You skipped right over the point that your gasoline is consumed but the lithium in the battery is not.
How about an endurance race between an EV and an ICE vehicle in which the amounts of both lithium and gasoline are finite and fixed. Guess who wins?
Just pointing out that Li ion batteries are being used in a huge number of consumer products, some of which HAVE actually caused problems before. But we are only treated to the horrors of them in EV's on here.

I think I remember there being some major Samsung product a few years back, that became notorious for spontaneously catching on fire.

A quick bit of Googling found it.

You skipped right over the point that your gasoline is consumed but the lithium in the battery is not.

Nearly all the available electricity to fill that lithium battery is generated by consuming finite resources; ultimately at a rate to run an electric car that is not any more favorable than the rate at which oil is consumed to fuel a real car. And as it is, electrical power is limited. Some states aren't consistently generating enough to fully meet their own current needs. California is about to shut down its last nuclear power plant, with nothing planned to fill in the gap that it is going to leave.

How ignorant does someone truly have to be to believe that our current infrastructure can support a massive increase in the use of electric vehicles, when we can't even keep the lights on everywhere as it is?
You skipped right over the point that your gasoline is consumed but the lithium in the battery is not.

Sure it is. Eventually the lithium is used up. You like to ignore science. Why is that?
How about an endurance race between an EV and an ICE vehicle in which the amounts of both lithium and gasoline are finite and fixed. Guess who wins?

Gasoline. By a country mile. A thimble full of gasoline will drive a two ton vehicle four miles. No EV comes even close.
How about an endurance race between an EV and an ICE vehicle in which the amounts of both lithium and gasoline are finite and fixed. Guess who wins?

That's a dishonest comparison.

How about an endurance race where a real car competes against an electric car, where the electric car is charged with a gasoline-fueled generator, and not allowed to use any other source, and both are limited to the same total amount of gasoline? Same amount of fuel, same amount of energy; which car will go faster and farther?

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