Even Meghan McCain knows the 2020 election was fraudulent

So you'd be defending Trump if he did this? Not calling it collusion to steal/rig an election? You expect us to believe that? :laughing0301:
Yes, I would. As a matter of fact I have...if not this thread then one of the others because his administration did.

Besides the fact that the reported FBI visits happened largely during Trump's presidency. Did you miss this?
If they convict The FBI instigators who infiltrated the group and performed the false flag operation and also put the cop who callously and recklessly gunned down an unarmed soccer mom on Death Row, I could care less how many trumped up charges you throw at these people. A handful of people with a fire extinguisher is not in any way shape or form an attack on Democracy. It was an attack on stupidity and that is about the only level I would agree with.
Nothing but fascist burger.

If they convict The FBI instigators who infiltrated the group and performed the false flag operation and also put the cop who callously and recklessly gunned down an unarmed soccer mom on Death Row, I could care less how many trumped up charges you throw at these people. A handful of people with a fire extinguisher is not in any way shape or form an attack on Democracy. It was an attack on stupidity and that is about the only level I would agree with.
ROFL. Nice conspiracies you got their kid.

In the real world however, you need proof.

Go share your right wing cope stories with someone else in a thread where that is the actual topic.

Obviously you have nothing relevant to add to this topic.

FFS. You still don't even know we are a constitutional Republic not a democracy.
Yes, I would. As a matter of fact I have...if not this thread then one of the others because his administration did.

View attachment 735308Besides the fact that the reported FBI visits happened largely during Trump's presidency. Did you miss this?

Sorry, not buying it.

What does the fact that the FBI doing this during Trump's administration have anything to do with their actions? Just proves he was not controlling them or using them politically, but the deep state that wanted him gone certainly was.
ROFL. Nice conspiracies you got their kid.

In the real world however, you need proof.

Go share your right wing cope stories with someone else in a thread where that is the actual topic.

Obviously you have nothing relevant to add to this topic.

FFS. You still don't even know we are a constitutional Republic not a democracy.
You never needed Proof for your Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane COUP where the Democrats, lead by Obama, Clinton and Biden, colluded with Putin, The FBI, DOJ and FISA to falsify evidence, pursue charges they knew were false, and tried to overthrow our Constitutional Republic.
Sorry, not buying it.

What does the fact that the FBI doing this during Trump's administration have anything to do with their actions? Just proves he was not controlling them or using them politically, but the deep state that wanted him gone certainly was.
What? Your claiming that during the Trump presidency, the Biden campaign was controlling the FBI and having them meet weekly with Twitter to ask for posts not to made?

Is that what you're saying?
Sorry if I touched upon your insecurity.

Whining that political parties are equally bad is an easy way to avoid critical thinking while vilifying democracy.

What's your alternative? Feel free to sing its praises, whatever it is
Who’s the greater war criminal? I’ll go with W being the worst, but only by an eye lash. You?
What? Your claiming that during the Trump presidency, the Biden campaign was controlling the FBI and having them meet weekly with Twitter to ask for posts not to made?

Is that what you're saying?

Yes, someone inside the FBI was colluding with the Biden campaign to suppress negative press about Biden on major media outlets and social media. Simple as that. You think that just because Trump was president that DC insiders, i.e. the deep state, didn't work hard to smear him every chance they got? Please... :rolleyes:
Yes, someone inside the FBI was colluding with the Biden campaign to suppress negative press about Biden on major media outlets and social media. Simple as that. You think that just because Trump was president that DC insiders, i.e. the deep state, didn't work hard to smear him every chance they got? Please... :rolleyes:
The ways of the duopoly are strange. Ds are convinced Biden wouldn’t do anything wrong, but Trump does everything wrong. When shown proof of REAL wrongdoing by dumb Joe they want more proof, discount the proof, or attack the credibility of the reporter (Taibbi). When lied to about Trump’s wrongdoing, they refuse to believe it’s lies even when conclusively shown its lies.
Facts are not propaganda, sir.
Those who swallow propaganda usually try to parade it as "facts," Sirrah.

Facts: All fifty states, under both Republican and Democratic administrations, certified the results of the 2020 presidential election, often after recounts, audits, and dozens of court challenges. No credible evidence or suspects concerning an airy-fairy, stolen "Landslide!" have ever been contrived.

Self-serving delusions to the contrary are
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Who’s the greater war criminal? I’ll go with W being the worst, but only by an eye lash. You?
View attachment 735318
Whenever you are ready to present your superior alternative to democracy, have a go at it.

Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…’
Winston S Churchill, 11 November 1947​
Yes, someone inside the FBI was colluding with the Biden campaign to suppress negative press about Biden on major media outlets and social media. Simple as that. You think that just because Trump was president that DC insiders, i.e. the deep state, didn't work hard to smear him every chance they got? Please... :rolleyes:
Lol, unreal the stories you all will make up. The right blames the FBI for everything.

Insurrection? It was the FBI.
Biden campaign talking to twitter? It was the FBI.
Flynn lied? It was the FBI.
Trump stole documents? It was the FBI.
Election fraud? It was the FBI.
Governor kidnap attempt? I was the FBI.

Republicans have to be the most stupid gullable people in the world. I swear it. Bobbleheads will bobble.

Well if you can't beat em, join em.

What happened is aliens from Mars infiltrated Mar Lago and conspired with Trump to destroy Biden because Biden is the universes only hope. The aliens then pretended to be the FBI and contacted Biden and convinced him to let them ask Twitter to not post something because even though it isn't illegal to do so, they can either lie and say it is or they can blame the FBI for derp stating for Biden.

Trump is diabolical. He must be stopped.

If you don't believe it then you have your head is buried in the sand. Please...:rolleyes:

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