Ever Wonder Why the Plight of Blacks and Homeless in Dem Cities Never Improves?

Wisdom of the ages.

Thats got to be the most retarded ignorant piece of advice I have ever heard. Your leaders primary job is to solve your problems. Once those are solved more will come that need to be solved. If he cant solve those new problems you start looking for someone trustworthy that can solve the new ones.

For example. Leader A gets you to the top of the mountain. Well its fucking freezing at the top of the mountain. Now leader A has to figure out a way to keep people warm. If leader A cant keep people warm then you start looking for someone you trust that can. What you dont do is follow the sad sack of shit thats trying to be the new leader that was holding you back when you were trying to reach the top of the mountain.

So the leader is the only one working?....everyone else is like an infant in the womb sitting on their ass waiting for the "leader"?.....sounds just like you....

No idiot. The leader is the primary leader. Thats his job. If people didnt want or need leaders the word wouldnt exist. I forgot how concepts confuse you poorly educated clowns. :)

A Leader leads a team...not a bunch of lazy good for nothing jackoffs...

A leader leads people. A smart leader develops his people into a cohesive team and builds other leaders. A real leader never considers his people a bunch of lazy good for nothings. Thats what you call an incompetent fuckup and weak leader. Hey!!! Kind of like Drumpf.

"A real leader never considers his people a bunch of lazy good for nothings"

He does if that's what you are....

I said a "real" leader. Not someone like you. A real leader sees potential. A sad sack such as yourself cant and wont get beyond superficial perceptions.

Potential is not always existent...when a leader must spoon feed you he knows what he has on his hands....a sorry bunch of lazy bums....so he stops being a leader at that point and becomes your daddy....are you confusing leadership with fatherhood?....have you even experienced either one?...
Wisdom of the ages.

Thats got to be the most retarded ignorant piece of advice I have ever heard. Your leaders primary job is to solve your problems. Once those are solved more will come that need to be solved. If he cant solve those new problems you start looking for someone trustworthy that can solve the new ones.

For example. Leader A gets you to the top of the mountain. Well its fucking freezing at the top of the mountain. Now leader A has to figure out a way to keep people warm. If leader A cant keep people warm then you start looking for someone you trust that can. What you dont do is follow the sad sack of shit thats trying to be the new leader that was holding you back when you were trying to reach the top of the mountain.

Talk about a lazy fuck who does nothing. I solve my own problems, and i dont rely on some political hack, who just wants to make his pockets full of my tax dollars. Idiots like you think that because they steal from US hard working people, you will get more, which it isnt, but some pittance of free stuff to keep you in the corral.

Shut your ignorant ass up. You wouldnt even be typing on this webpage if you didnt depend on some politician. Your hill billy ass would be busy chopping fire wood so you could see at night.

How do you know i dont chop firewood? Seems like that would be pretty good exercise, instead of being a welfare queen like yourself.

I know because you said "Seems like". If you actually did then you would know for sure.

Bwaaaahhaaaaa.....I live in a very rich neighborhood where we have blacks and whites living together. We drink Remi Martin and discuss how stupid you lazy liberal fucks are, because you are all victims of Liberalism. We dont feel sorry for you either, because you vote stupidly for those who keep you miserable and poor. Maybe you could start your own business chopping up wood for other peoples fireplaces? I heard you can make good money, only if you are willing to work. Seems that you dont like that word.

Sound like the beginning of a great story but not really any of my business. Your slobby fat ass depends on politicians.

Says the guy who votes for those who keep you on the liberal plantation. Go fuck yourself and all your prison bitches also..

Says the unclean slovenly fat ass that is being led around by the nose by the repubs.

Does that also apply to Shaq and other very rich black men and women who moved out of the ghetto? Need to clarify who you mean, you ghetto trash worthless mass of organic tissue.
Wisdom of the ages.

Thats got to be the most retarded ignorant piece of advice I have ever heard. Your leaders primary job is to solve your problems. Once those are solved more will come that need to be solved. If he cant solve those new problems you start looking for someone trustworthy that can solve the new ones.

For example. Leader A gets you to the top of the mountain. Well its fucking freezing at the top of the mountain. Now leader A has to figure out a way to keep people warm. If leader A cant keep people warm then you start looking for someone you trust that can. What you dont do is follow the sad sack of shit thats trying to be the new leader that was holding you back when you were trying to reach the top of the mountain.

Why do people keep voting in the same people then?

Not sure exactly what you mean?

If a person stays in politics for half a century, that does not mean he/she is doing good. A politician even changes their views several times over. And the view that they have may be the complete opposite of something just several years before. Politics today is The Dem Party which is now left of liberal. And the Repub Party which is left to moderate within their confines.
Wisdom of the ages.

Thats got to be the most retarded ignorant piece of advice I have ever heard. Your leaders primary job is to solve your problems. Once those are solved more will come that need to be solved. If he cant solve those new problems you start looking for someone trustworthy that can solve the new ones.

For example. Leader A gets you to the top of the mountain. Well its fucking freezing at the top of the mountain. Now leader A has to figure out a way to keep people warm. If leader A cant keep people warm then you start looking for someone you trust that can. What you dont do is follow the sad sack of shit thats trying to be the new leader that was holding you back when you were trying to reach the top of the mountain.

So the leader is the only one working?....everyone else is like an infant in the womb sitting on their ass waiting for the "leader"?.....sounds just like you....

No idiot. The leader is the primary leader. Thats his job. If people didnt want or need leaders the word wouldnt exist. I forgot how concepts confuse you poorly educated clowns. :)

A Leader leads a team...not a bunch of lazy good for nothing jackoffs...

A leader leads people. A smart leader develops his people into a cohesive team and builds other leaders. A real leader never considers his people a bunch of lazy good for nothings. Thats what you call an incompetent fuckup and weak leader. Hey!!! Kind of like Drumpf.

"A real leader never considers his people a bunch of lazy good for nothings"

He does if that's what you are....

I said a "real" leader. Not someone like you. A real leader sees potential. A sad sack such as yourself cant and wont get beyond superficial perceptions.

Yes you are confusing leadership with fatherhood aren't you?....and that in a nutshell is what is wrong with the African American community...they want a daddy not a leader...they don't want to be led they want to be fed.....
Wisdom of the ages.

Thats got to be the most retarded ignorant piece of advice I have ever heard. Your leaders primary job is to solve your problems. Once those are solved more will come that need to be solved. If he cant solve those new problems you start looking for someone trustworthy that can solve the new ones.

For example. Leader A gets you to the top of the mountain. Well its fucking freezing at the top of the mountain. Now leader A has to figure out a way to keep people warm. If leader A cant keep people warm then you start looking for someone you trust that can. What you dont do is follow the sad sack of shit thats trying to be the new leader that was holding you back when you were trying to reach the top of the mountain.

Why do people keep voting in the same people then?

Not sure exactly what you mean?

If a person stays in politics for half a century, that does not mean he/she is doing good. A politician even changes their views several times over. And the view that they have may be the complete opposite of something just several years before. Politics today is The Dem Party which is now left of liberal. And the Repub Party which is left to moderate within their confines.

So to answer your first question I would say marketing. Whoever has the best marketing and actions more consistent with that marketing gets the votes.
Wisdom of the ages.

Thats got to be the most retarded ignorant piece of advice I have ever heard. Your leaders primary job is to solve your problems. Once those are solved more will come that need to be solved. If he cant solve those new problems you start looking for someone trustworthy that can solve the new ones.

For example. Leader A gets you to the top of the mountain. Well its fucking freezing at the top of the mountain. Now leader A has to figure out a way to keep people warm. If leader A cant keep people warm then you start looking for someone you trust that can. What you dont do is follow the sad sack of shit thats trying to be the new leader that was holding you back when you were trying to reach the top of the mountain.

So the leader is the only one working?....everyone else is like an infant in the womb sitting on their ass waiting for the "leader"?.....sounds just like you....

No idiot. The leader is the primary leader. Thats his job. If people didnt want or need leaders the word wouldnt exist. I forgot how concepts confuse you poorly educated clowns. :)

A Leader leads a team...not a bunch of lazy good for nothing jackoffs...

A leader leads people. A smart leader develops his people into a cohesive team and builds other leaders. A real leader never considers his people a bunch of lazy good for nothings. Thats what you call an incompetent fuckup and weak leader. Hey!!! Kind of like Drumpf.

"A real leader never considers his people a bunch of lazy good for nothings"

He does if that's what you are....

I said a "real" leader. Not someone like you. A real leader sees potential. A sad sack such as yourself cant and wont get beyond superficial perceptions.

Yes you are confusing leadership with fatherhood aren't you?....and that in a nutshell is what is wrong with the African American community...they want a daddy not a leader...they don't want to be led they want to be fed.....

Fathers are leaders. Being a father is thee most important and gratifying leader role a man can have. so to answer your question, no. Youre the one that seems to be confused.
Wisdom of the ages.

Thats got to be the most retarded ignorant piece of advice I have ever heard. Your leaders primary job is to solve your problems. Once those are solved more will come that need to be solved. If he cant solve those new problems you start looking for someone trustworthy that can solve the new ones.

For example. Leader A gets you to the top of the mountain. Well its fucking freezing at the top of the mountain. Now leader A has to figure out a way to keep people warm. If leader A cant keep people warm then you start looking for someone you trust that can. What you dont do is follow the sad sack of shit thats trying to be the new leader that was holding you back when you were trying to reach the top of the mountain.

Talk about a lazy fuck who does nothing. I solve my own problems, and i dont rely on some political hack, who just wants to make his pockets full of my tax dollars. Idiots like you think that because they steal from US hard working people, you will get more, which it isnt, but some pittance of free stuff to keep you in the corral.

Shut your ignorant ass up. You wouldnt even be typing on this webpage if you didnt depend on some politician. Your hill billy ass would be busy chopping fire wood so you could see at night.

How do you know i dont chop firewood? Seems like that would be pretty good exercise, instead of being a welfare queen like yourself.

I know because you said "Seems like". If you actually did then you would know for sure.

Bwaaaahhaaaaa.....I live in a very rich neighborhood where we have blacks and whites living together. We drink Remi Martin and discuss how stupid you lazy liberal fucks are, because you are all victims of Liberalism. We dont feel sorry for you either, because you vote stupidly for those who keep you miserable and poor. Maybe you could start your own business chopping up wood for other peoples fireplaces? I heard you can make good money, only if you are willing to work. Seems that you dont like that word.

Sound like the beginning of a great story but not really any of my business. Your slobby fat ass depends on politicians.

Says the guy who votes for those who keep you on the liberal plantation. Go fuck yourself and all your prison bitches also..

Says the unclean slovenly fat ass that is being led around by the nose by the repubs.

Does that also apply to Shaq and other very rich black men and women who moved out of the ghetto? Need to clarify who you mean, you ghetto trash worthless mass of organic tissue.

Not sure what you mean. Does what apply?

When I called you a unclean slovenly fat ass I was referring directly to you.
Wisdom of the ages.

Thats got to be the most retarded ignorant piece of advice I have ever heard. Your leaders primary job is to solve your problems. Once those are solved more will come that need to be solved. If he cant solve those new problems you start looking for someone trustworthy that can solve the new ones.

For example. Leader A gets you to the top of the mountain. Well its fucking freezing at the top of the mountain. Now leader A has to figure out a way to keep people warm. If leader A cant keep people warm then you start looking for someone you trust that can. What you dont do is follow the sad sack of shit thats trying to be the new leader that was holding you back when you were trying to reach the top of the mountain.

So the leader is the only one working?....everyone else is like an infant in the womb sitting on their ass waiting for the "leader"?.....sounds just like you....

No idiot. The leader is the primary leader. Thats his job. If people didnt want or need leaders the word wouldnt exist. I forgot how concepts confuse you poorly educated clowns. :)

A Leader leads a team...not a bunch of lazy good for nothing jackoffs...

A leader leads people. A smart leader develops his people into a cohesive team and builds other leaders. A real leader never considers his people a bunch of lazy good for nothings. Thats what you call an incompetent fuckup and weak leader. Hey!!! Kind of like Drumpf.

"A real leader never considers his people a bunch of lazy good for nothings"

He does if that's what you are....

I said a "real" leader. Not someone like you. A real leader sees potential. A sad sack such as yourself cant and wont get beyond superficial perceptions.

Yes you are confusing leadership with fatherhood aren't you?....and that in a nutshell is what is wrong with the African American community...they want a daddy not a leader...they don't want to be led they want to be fed.....

Fathers are leaders. Being a father is thee most important and gratifying leader role a man can have. so to answer your question, no. Youre the one that seems to be confused.

You do confuse the two...no wonder you think the way you do...you need a daddy not a leader....you haven't been allowed to grow up...now I can see where you are coming from....fatherhood is very different than leadership....I kind of feel sorry for you now...and now I can understand the black community better...
They are in want of a daddy not a leader that will take them to new heights...no wonder so many of them are losers....Trump was leading and providing a path to excel.....he had the lowest black unemployment rate in history...and look at you now...breaking things and crying in the streets for a daddy figure....
Wisdom of the ages.

Thats got to be the most retarded ignorant piece of advice I have ever heard. Your leaders primary job is to solve your problems. Once those are solved more will come that need to be solved. If he cant solve those new problems you start looking for someone trustworthy that can solve the new ones.

For example. Leader A gets you to the top of the mountain. Well its fucking freezing at the top of the mountain. Now leader A has to figure out a way to keep people warm. If leader A cant keep people warm then you start looking for someone you trust that can. What you dont do is follow the sad sack of shit thats trying to be the new leader that was holding you back when you were trying to reach the top of the mountain.

So the leader is the only one working?....everyone else is like an infant in the womb sitting on their ass waiting for the "leader"?.....sounds just like you....

No idiot. The leader is the primary leader. Thats his job. If people didnt want or need leaders the word wouldnt exist. I forgot how concepts confuse you poorly educated clowns. :)

A Leader leads a team...not a bunch of lazy good for nothing jackoffs...

A leader leads people. A smart leader develops his people into a cohesive team and builds other leaders. A real leader never considers his people a bunch of lazy good for nothings. Thats what you call an incompetent fuckup and weak leader. Hey!!! Kind of like Drumpf.

"A real leader never considers his people a bunch of lazy good for nothings"

He does if that's what you are....

I said a "real" leader. Not someone like you. A real leader sees potential. A sad sack such as yourself cant and wont get beyond superficial perceptions.

Yes you are confusing leadership with fatherhood aren't you?....and that in a nutshell is what is wrong with the African American community...they want a daddy not a leader...they don't want to be led they want to be fed.....

Fathers are leaders. Being a father is thee most important and gratifying leader role a man can have. so to answer your question, no. Youre the one that seems to be confused.

You do confuse the two...no wonder you think the way you do...you need a daddy not a leader....you haven't been allowed to grow up...now I can see where you are coming from....fatherhood is very different than leadership....I kind of feel sorry for you now...and now I can understand the black community better...
They are in want of a daddy not a leader that will take them to new heights...no wonder so many of them are losers....Trump was leading and providing a path to excel.....he had the lowest black unemployment rate in history...and look at you now...breaking things and crying in the streets for a daddy figure....

Its a good thing no one with brains and true leadership ability agrees with you. I feel sorry for you. :)
Dems use the poor to gather state and federal tax money, then they siphon off the money and spend it on other crap.
Wisdom of the ages.

Thats got to be the most retarded ignorant piece of advice I have ever heard. Your leaders primary job is to solve your problems. Once those are solved more will come that need to be solved. If he cant solve those new problems you start looking for someone trustworthy that can solve the new ones.

For example. Leader A gets you to the top of the mountain. Well its fucking freezing at the top of the mountain. Now leader A has to figure out a way to keep people warm. If leader A cant keep people warm then you start looking for someone you trust that can. What you dont do is follow the sad sack of shit thats trying to be the new leader that was holding you back when you were trying to reach the top of the mountain.

So the leader is the only one working?....everyone else is like an infant in the womb sitting on their ass waiting for the "leader"?.....sounds just like you....

No idiot. The leader is the primary leader. Thats his job. If people didnt want or need leaders the word wouldnt exist. I forgot how concepts confuse you poorly educated clowns. :)

A Leader leads a team...not a bunch of lazy good for nothing jackoffs...

A leader leads people. A smart leader develops his people into a cohesive team and builds other leaders. A real leader never considers his people a bunch of lazy good for nothings. Thats what you call an incompetent fuckup and weak leader. Hey!!! Kind of like Drumpf.

"A real leader never considers his people a bunch of lazy good for nothings"

He does if that's what you are....

I said a "real" leader. Not someone like you. A real leader sees potential. A sad sack such as yourself cant and wont get beyond superficial perceptions.

Yes you are confusing leadership with fatherhood aren't you?....and that in a nutshell is what is wrong with the African American community...they want a daddy not a leader...they don't want to be led they want to be fed.....

Fathers are leaders. Being a father is thee most important and gratifying leader role a man can have. so to answer your question, no. Youre the one that seems to be confused.

You do confuse the two...no wonder you think the way you do...you need a daddy not a leader....you haven't been allowed to grow up...now I can see where you are coming from....fatherhood is very different than leadership....I kind of feel sorry for you now...and now I can understand the black community better...
They are in want of a daddy not a leader that will take them to new heights...no wonder so many of them are losers....Trump was leading and providing a path to excel.....he had the lowest black unemployment rate in history...and look at you now...breaking things and crying in the streets for a daddy figure....

Its a good thing no one with brains and true leadership ability agrees with you. I feel sorry for you. :)

You feel sorry for me?....lol...I'm not the one stomping my feet crying in the streets....
Wisdom of the ages.

Thats got to be the most retarded ignorant piece of advice I have ever heard. Your leaders primary job is to solve your problems. Once those are solved more will come that need to be solved. If he cant solve those new problems you start looking for someone trustworthy that can solve the new ones.

For example. Leader A gets you to the top of the mountain. Well its fucking freezing at the top of the mountain. Now leader A has to figure out a way to keep people warm. If leader A cant keep people warm then you start looking for someone you trust that can. What you dont do is follow the sad sack of shit thats trying to be the new leader that was holding you back when you were trying to reach the top of the mountain.

So the leader is the only one working?....everyone else is like an infant in the womb sitting on their ass waiting for the "leader"?.....sounds just like you....

No idiot. The leader is the primary leader. Thats his job. If people didnt want or need leaders the word wouldnt exist. I forgot how concepts confuse you poorly educated clowns. :)

A Leader leads a team...not a bunch of lazy good for nothing jackoffs...

A leader leads people. A smart leader develops his people into a cohesive team and builds other leaders. A real leader never considers his people a bunch of lazy good for nothings. Thats what you call an incompetent fuckup and weak leader. Hey!!! Kind of like Drumpf.

"A real leader never considers his people a bunch of lazy good for nothings"

He does if that's what you are....

I said a "real" leader. Not someone like you. A real leader sees potential. A sad sack such as yourself cant and wont get beyond superficial perceptions.

Yes you are confusing leadership with fatherhood aren't you?....and that in a nutshell is what is wrong with the African American community...they want a daddy not a leader...they don't want to be led they want to be fed.....

Fathers are leaders. Being a father is thee most important and gratifying leader role a man can have. so to answer your question, no. Youre the one that seems to be confused.

You do confuse the two...no wonder you think the way you do...you need a daddy not a leader....you haven't been allowed to grow up...now I can see where you are coming from....fatherhood is very different than leadership....I kind of feel sorry for you now...and now I can understand the black community better...
They are in want of a daddy not a leader that will take them to new heights...no wonder so many of them are losers....Trump was leading and providing a path to excel.....he had the lowest black unemployment rate in history...and look at you now...breaking things and crying in the streets for a daddy figure....

Its a good thing no one with brains and true leadership ability agrees with you. I feel sorry for you. :)

You feel sorry for me?....lol...I'm not the one stomping my feet crying in the streets....

I feel sorry for you because of your genetic fear and general all around lack of intelligence. It must suck major ass to be so afraid of Black people and hurt to be so dumb. :)
Wisdom of the ages.

Thats got to be the most retarded ignorant piece of advice I have ever heard. Your leaders primary job is to solve your problems. Once those are solved more will come that need to be solved. If he cant solve those new problems you start looking for someone trustworthy that can solve the new ones.

For example. Leader A gets you to the top of the mountain. Well its fucking freezing at the top of the mountain. Now leader A has to figure out a way to keep people warm. If leader A cant keep people warm then you start looking for someone you trust that can. What you dont do is follow the sad sack of shit thats trying to be the new leader that was holding you back when you were trying to reach the top of the mountain.

So the leader is the only one working?....everyone else is like an infant in the womb sitting on their ass waiting for the "leader"?.....sounds just like you....

No idiot. The leader is the primary leader. Thats his job. If people didnt want or need leaders the word wouldnt exist. I forgot how concepts confuse you poorly educated clowns. :)

A Leader leads a team...not a bunch of lazy good for nothing jackoffs...

A leader leads people. A smart leader develops his people into a cohesive team and builds other leaders. A real leader never considers his people a bunch of lazy good for nothings. Thats what you call an incompetent fuckup and weak leader. Hey!!! Kind of like Drumpf.

"A real leader never considers his people a bunch of lazy good for nothings"

He does if that's what you are....

I said a "real" leader. Not someone like you. A real leader sees potential. A sad sack such as yourself cant and wont get beyond superficial perceptions.

Yes you are confusing leadership with fatherhood aren't you?....and that in a nutshell is what is wrong with the African American community...they want a daddy not a leader...they don't want to be led they want to be fed.....

Fathers are leaders. Being a father is thee most important and gratifying leader role a man can have. so to answer your question, no. Youre the one that seems to be confused.

You do confuse the two...no wonder you think the way you do...you need a daddy not a leader....you haven't been allowed to grow up...now I can see where you are coming from....fatherhood is very different than leadership....I kind of feel sorry for you now...and now I can understand the black community better...
They are in want of a daddy not a leader that will take them to new heights...no wonder so many of them are losers....Trump was leading and providing a path to excel.....he had the lowest black unemployment rate in history...and look at you now...breaking things and crying in the streets for a daddy figure....

Its a good thing no one with brains and true leadership ability agrees with you. I feel sorry for you. :)

You feel sorry for me?....lol...I'm not the one stomping my feet crying in the streets....

I feel sorry for you because of your genetic fear and general all around lack of intelligence. It must suck major ass to be so afraid of Black people and hurt to be so dumb. :)

Afraid of black people?...buuuaaahahahahaha...I have "black people" in my immediate family dummy...LMFAO....I still think you must be a spoiled little white kid.....
Wisdom of the ages.

Thats got to be the most retarded ignorant piece of advice I have ever heard. Your leaders primary job is to solve your problems. Once those are solved more will come that need to be solved. If he cant solve those new problems you start looking for someone trustworthy that can solve the new ones.

For example. Leader A gets you to the top of the mountain. Well its fucking freezing at the top of the mountain. Now leader A has to figure out a way to keep people warm. If leader A cant keep people warm then you start looking for someone you trust that can. What you dont do is follow the sad sack of shit thats trying to be the new leader that was holding you back when you were trying to reach the top of the mountain.

So the leader is the only one working?....everyone else is like an infant in the womb sitting on their ass waiting for the "leader"?.....sounds just like you....

No idiot. The leader is the primary leader. Thats his job. If people didnt want or need leaders the word wouldnt exist. I forgot how concepts confuse you poorly educated clowns. :)

A Leader leads a team...not a bunch of lazy good for nothing jackoffs...

A leader leads people. A smart leader develops his people into a cohesive team and builds other leaders. A real leader never considers his people a bunch of lazy good for nothings. Thats what you call an incompetent fuckup and weak leader. Hey!!! Kind of like Drumpf.

"A real leader never considers his people a bunch of lazy good for nothings"

He does if that's what you are....

I said a "real" leader. Not someone like you. A real leader sees potential. A sad sack such as yourself cant and wont get beyond superficial perceptions.

Yes you are confusing leadership with fatherhood aren't you?....and that in a nutshell is what is wrong with the African American community...they want a daddy not a leader...they don't want to be led they want to be fed.....

Fathers are leaders. Being a father is thee most important and gratifying leader role a man can have. so to answer your question, no. Youre the one that seems to be confused.

You do confuse the two...no wonder you think the way you do...you need a daddy not a leader....you haven't been allowed to grow up...now I can see where you are coming from....fatherhood is very different than leadership....I kind of feel sorry for you now...and now I can understand the black community better...
They are in want of a daddy not a leader that will take them to new heights...no wonder so many of them are losers....Trump was leading and providing a path to excel.....he had the lowest black unemployment rate in history...and look at you now...breaking things and crying in the streets for a daddy figure....

Its a good thing no one with brains and true leadership ability agrees with you. I feel sorry for you. :)

You feel sorry for me?....lol...I'm not the one stomping my feet crying in the streets....

I feel sorry for you because of your genetic fear and general all around lack of intelligence. It must suck major ass to be so afraid of Black people and hurt to be so dumb. :)


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