Ever Wonder Why the Plight of Blacks and Homeless in Dem Cities Never Improves?

Why don’t you give us some examples of gop utopias that are so much better ?

oh . I bet you won’t!!!

San Diego, Jacksonville, Fort Worth, OK City, Tulsa, Miami, Virginia Beach, Arlington.....

Have a nice day!
OKC, evidently you have no idea what Okies can't do. Shawnee, OK, run by Repubs has a 124% higher crime rate than the rest of the US average. Now answer me why this is occurring since you know all the answers.
Wow, an obscure small town nobody’s heard of. Want to talk about how many of those crimes are committed by Indians?
Which Indians there are many tribes in Okiehoma? I did make a mistake the rate above the national average in Shawnee is 1349% in 20017. Sam,e with Anadarko, Tulsa, Muskogee all in the 1000%+ plus range., OKC 849%......
Considering all you placed was a Repub vs. Democrat run city race doesn't matter.
Wisdom of the ages.

Yes, I agree about Trump who is about to lose his job.

A job where he donates 100% of his paycheck? I see Now why you were banned. Consistent idiocy.

He'll need another source of income to give away after he loses..

If he loses he ll retire and play golf full time. He doesn’t need the job. Why do you care? You’re old. 50/50 you make to the election anyway. Tik tok tik tok.
D-Engel, caught on a hot Mic at a Floyd rally, told everyone why the plight of blacks under Democrats never improves:

'if it wasn't for my re-election I wouldn't give a damn'

So why don't blacks vote for Trump and prosperity? November 2020 is a golden opportunity for blacks.
Cause Drumpf is a fuck up and a racist....and thats just for starters.
Racist as fuck...wonder how many racists smash black puss?
Blacks are getting the shaft in AMERICA . That means republican and democratic cities and towns.
Because there are no major republican cities... Cities built on hate don't grow.
These guys talk about 3-4 cities over and over, but there are all kinds of smaller cities and towns controlled by republicans where blacks don't stand a chance.
Democrats try to keep Blacks poor, pissed off and dependent on government. When you get enough Blacks living under those conditions you end up with a Democrat controlled shithole city. This doesn't happen because Blacks want to live that way. It happens because Democrats want it that way.
Wisdom of the ages.

Thats got to be the most retarded ignorant piece of advice I have ever heard. Your leaders primary job is to solve your problems. Once those are solved more will come that need to be solved. If he cant solve those new problems you start looking for someone trustworthy that can solve the new ones.

For example. Leader A gets you to the top of the mountain. Well its fucking freezing at the top of the mountain. Now leader A has to figure out a way to keep people warm. If leader A cant keep people warm then you start looking for someone you trust that can. What you dont do is follow the sad sack of shit thats trying to be the new leader that was holding you back when you were trying to reach the top of the mountain.

Why do people keep voting in the same people then?
Wisdom of the ages.

Thats got to be the most retarded ignorant piece of advice I have ever heard. Your leaders primary job is to solve your problems. Once those are solved more will come that need to be solved. If he cant solve those new problems you start looking for someone trustworthy that can solve the new ones.

For example. Leader A gets you to the top of the mountain. Well its fucking freezing at the top of the mountain. Now leader A has to figure out a way to keep people warm. If leader A cant keep people warm then you start looking for someone you trust that can. What you dont do is follow the sad sack of shit thats trying to be the new leader that was holding you back when you were trying to reach the top of the mountain.

Name one accomplishment of Obama then. Other than to create racial divide in America.
Wisdom of the ages.

Thats got to be the most retarded ignorant piece of advice I have ever heard. Your leaders primary job is to solve your problems. Once those are solved more will come that need to be solved. If he cant solve those new problems you start looking for someone trustworthy that can solve the new ones.

For example. Leader A gets you to the top of the mountain. Well its fucking freezing at the top of the mountain. Now leader A has to figure out a way to keep people warm. If leader A cant keep people warm then you start looking for someone you trust that can. What you dont do is follow the sad sack of shit thats trying to be the new leader that was holding you back when you were trying to reach the top of the mountain.

Talk about a lazy fuck who does nothing. I solve my own problems, and i dont rely on some political hack, who just wants to make his pockets full of my tax dollars. Idiots like you think that because they steal from US hard working people, you will get more, which it isnt, but some pittance of free stuff to keep you in the corral.

Shut your ignorant ass up. You wouldnt even be typing on this webpage if you didnt depend on some politician. Your hill billy ass would be busy chopping fire wood so you could see at night.

How do you know i dont chop firewood? Seems like that would be pretty good exercise, instead of being a welfare queen like yourself.
Those places needed no help and neither does the rural cities which are dilapidated and trashy.
Grammar aside, are "rural cities" something akin to bulls being cows.

You are more than a bit of an idiot. Do you get that?

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