Everyday Americans speak on whether Trump trials are political.. "Blatant corruption" says one

That's people with 3-digit IQs, including "everyday Americans".

We actually watch other networks too, but the propaganda is obvious.

You really think Biden is electable?
You can't have 3 digit IQ's and support Trump.
Say IM2, question. How far back do you go to find relatives that were slaves, and in what State(s)?
I'll go back as far as February 25, 1961 when I was born into Jim Crow. And Jim Crow didn't stop when Johnson signed that piece of paper in 1964. Nor did the racist attitutdes that went with it.
Until the Pardons………. then we’ll see the repercussions for the criminals who targeted an innocent for purely harrassment.

Impeachments, Jailings, Lawsuits, all the way to Obiden.
I'll go back as far as February 25, 1961 when I was born into Jim Crow. And Jim Crow didn't stop when Johnson signed that piece of paper in 1964. Nor did the racist attitutdes that went with it.

Wow, sounds like you remain a slave. What's that like?
I'll go back as far as February 25, 1961 when I was born into Jim Crow. And Jim Crow didn't stop when Johnson signed that piece of paper in 1964. Nor did the racist attitutdes that went with it.

I find it rather pathetic that the biggest whiners in this country, who cry about things that aren't happening have the nerve to call those of us with real, legit, existing grievances rthat we are whining.
I find it rather pathetic that the biggest whiners in this country, who cry about things that aren't happening have the nerve to call those of us with real, legit, existing grievances rthat we are whining.
Things not happening? You mean the Democrats have not saved your ass yet? That is not happening? Don't count on it ever happening. You need a red pill.
Things not happening? You mean the Democrats have not saved your ass yet? That is not happening? Don't count on it ever happening. You need a red pill.
You're the one whining about shit that doesn't happen. You can keep that fentanyl you take in that red pill.

I guess the elite leftists were wrong to think most Americans would buy this BS. They think we are stupid
Fox "News". Oh please.

I can do man-in-the-street interviews and slap together a video which would make credulous rubes like you bleev most people think Donald Trump is a lizard alien.

With the right kind of background doom music, I can make a video that would cause you to bleev the California wildfires were started by a Jewish Space Laser.
I didn't say anything like that dumb ass.

Sure you did, post 26. I asked if you had enslaved relatives, and you implied you're still a slave, which reads:

'll go back as far as February 25, 1961 when I was born into Jim Crow. And Jim Crow didn't stop when Johnson signed that piece of paper in 1964. Nor did the racist attitutdes that went with it.
Sure you did, post 26. I asked if you had enslaved relatives, and you implied you're still a slave, which reads:

'll go back as far as February 25, 1961 when I was born into Jim Crow. And Jim Crow didn't stop when Johnson signed that piece of paper in 1964. Nor did the racist attitutdes that went with it.
No idiot, I didn't. And I'm tired of whites like you who practice racism in 2024 trying to tell me how I'm still a fucking slave because I call your racist ass out. You are another example of the jim crow mindset that exists in white right wing America this very second.
You can't have 3 digit IQ's and support Trump.
LOL!! Trump was a real president, unlike the senile POS occupying the WH now.

Democrats are starting to drum up support to replace Biden before its too late.

It takes a very low IQ to see "Dixiecrat" Biden as electable.
No idiot, I didn't. And I'm tired of whites like you who practice racism in 2024 trying to tell me how I'm still a fucking slave because I call your racist ass out. You are another example of the jim crow mindset that exists in white right wing America this very second.
It's ok to be white. :itsok:

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