“Everyone in the Western community wanted Shokin sacked.”

I get paid to be smart. You are a buffoon.

I’m sure you’re good at what you do. But debating politics isn’t your forte. You’re defensive, emotional, tangential and poorly informed. Worst of all, you can’t recognize and account for your biases.

Remember when you accused me of being from a foreign country? Yeah. You were wrong then too.
But it is. Under Trump the markets are thriving and so are my clients. That makes me happy. He also triggers Leftists. Bonus. Higher EBITDA = Happier Azog.

I disagree. You know how I said you’re tangential? This is you being tangential.

Want to get back to the topic or are you still trying to avoid it?
Topic is lost. Prove you’re a doctor. We will not agree on Trump. You suffer from TDS and I hate Leftists like you.

Do you think it’s possible to oppose the president and not have TDS?

How should I prove it to you?

(you ran from the topic. That’s how I know you’re not good at this)
I am at my oldests basketball game. I have a life. LOL
I’m sure you’re good at what you do. But debating politics isn’t your forte. You’re defensive, emotional, tangential and poorly informed. Worst of all, you can’t recognize and account for your biases.

Remember when you accused me of being from a foreign country? Yeah. You were wrong then too.
But it is. Under Trump the markets are thriving and so are my clients. That makes me happy. He also triggers Leftists. Bonus. Higher EBITDA = Happier Azog.

I disagree. You know how I said you’re tangential? This is you being tangential.

Want to get back to the topic or are you still trying to avoid it?
Topic is lost. Prove you’re a doctor. We will not agree on Trump. You suffer from TDS and I hate Leftists like you.

Do you think it’s possible to oppose the president and not have TDS?

How should I prove it to you?

(you ran from the topic. That’s how I know you’re not good at this)
I am at my oldests basketball game. I have a life. LOL
You ran a long time ago and admitted as such. I tried to steer you back but you had no intention.

“the topic is lost” because you didn’t want to discuss it.
But it is. Under Trump the markets are thriving and so are my clients. That makes me happy. He also triggers Leftists. Bonus. Higher EBITDA = Happier Azog.

I disagree. You know how I said you’re tangential? This is you being tangential.

Want to get back to the topic or are you still trying to avoid it?
Topic is lost. Prove you’re a doctor. We will not agree on Trump. You suffer from TDS and I hate Leftists like you.

Do you think it’s possible to oppose the president and not have TDS?

How should I prove it to you?

(you ran from the topic. That’s how I know you’re not good at this)
I am at my oldests basketball game. I have a life. LOL
You ran a long time ago and admitted as such. I tried to steer you back but you had no intention.

“the topic is lost” because you didn’t want to discuss it.
I already Won the debate. You admitted Trump would win in 2020. Case closed. You also admitted you lied about your profession
You can’t figure out someone in a hospital that makes $500k, then you don’t know much about healthcare.

Share your job title. You are not a doctor. That I 100% know.
How do you know that?

Because you're a fucking idiot. That is how. I'll play. What is your specialty? LOL

Nice try. LMAO. Doctor. Yeah, OK. NO!

You aren’t as smart as you think you are. You definitely aren’t a good judge of character.

I get paid to be smart. You are a buffoon.

How childish.
So I make $550, what do you make?

Some good hospitals in Boston. Envy of the world. MGH is a great institution. I’ve worked at better, but still an amazing place. Chock full of leftists though that place is.

Better? Name it? I don't believe you make that. I make around the same. Depending on bonuses. What do you do?

You can’t figure out someone in a hospital that makes $500k, then you don’t know much about healthcare.

Share your job title. You are not a doctor. That I 100% know.
How do you know that?

Because you're a fucking idiot. That is how. I'll play. What is your specialty? LOL

Nice try. LMAO. Doctor. Yeah, OK. NO!

Wow. Another childish retort. Grow up.
ukraine had met the benchmarks needed to get aid from us. funds were released the year b4 & the year b4 that with no strings attached other than the anti corruption benchmarks. only until biden entered the race, did donny have a problem.

curious dat.
Another Lie by another Liar. There is No Such Thing as No Strings Attached Foreign Aid. The President can suspend it for any reason, like he did in Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador.

This same topic has been beaten to death 100 times, and each time it ends up with you festering bungholes lying, and us wasting our time exposing your lies.

The Mods should just shit can your responses.

learn to comprehend. the ANTI CORRUPTION BENCHMARKS had to be net. those were the strings attached.
Learn not to be a Moron and Realize The President Sets Foreign Policy and has The Power to Delay Foreign Aid.

He did it in Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatamala, and threatened to do it to Mexico.

All Perfectly Legal. But since you already know you are destined to burn in Hell for being a Liar, it's nothing to you to continue to lie and try to deceive people with disinformation, and more lies.


Speaking for me only. I would Consider myself an utter failure if my kids decided to live with me when they are in their 30s. That’s just me.

an utter failure is trolling a message board instead of spending time earning enough cash to provide for your family debt free.
Because they are irrational and run by Leftists. Duh...UK finally woke up and France should not be far behind.

What was irrational about their opinion on Shokin?

You tell me. Since you're asking obvious questions. The obvious answers are right there in front of you. Also, if Europe is so interested in the Ukraine why aren't they funding them? Why are we? Can you answer that? Thanks.
There was nothing irrational about their position. Shokin was obviously not reforming Ukraine’s corrupt prosecutors office. He was holding them back. That’s the obvious answer that you are ignoring.

European countries do fund Ukraine, silly. Check your assumptions before asking questions that reveal your ignorance.

Where’d ya go?
I am right here, bitch. I have a job too. Do you?

apparently you don't earn much at all.
I disagree. You know how I said you’re tangential? This is you being tangential.

Want to get back to the topic or are you still trying to avoid it?
Topic is lost. Prove you’re a doctor. We will not agree on Trump. You suffer from TDS and I hate Leftists like you.

Do you think it’s possible to oppose the president and not have TDS?

How should I prove it to you?

(you ran from the topic. That’s how I know you’re not good at this)
I am at my oldests basketball game. I have a life. LOL
You ran a long time ago and admitted as such. I tried to steer you back but you had no intention.

“the topic is lost” because you didn’t want to discuss it.
I already Won the debate. You admitted Trump would win in 2020. Case closed. You also admitted you lied about your profession
You’re behaving like a child. I told a joke. Don’t be such asshole.
The facts behind Trump’s bogus accusations about Biden and Ukraine
Trump claims Biden threatened Ukraine to aid his son’s business interests. The facts suggest otherwise.
The facts behind Trump’s bogus accusations about Biden and Ukraine
I hesitate to bring the matter of Shokin's firing up again for a couple of reasons. One being, no matter what the facts are, and the article I linked to provides a comprehensive examination of the facts, Trumper's are going to believe what they want to believe. The same could be said for every other nutbag conspiracy theory and lie Don and right wing media has ever spewed. So there's that.
Secondly, because it keeps this particular lie about Biden getting discussed even though it is without merit.

But.............there is an important takeaway here for anyone with an open mind, a lesson to be learned about how Trump operates. A lesson that should have been learned by Trumpette's back when Don was peddling the nonsense about Obama's citizenship. It's about his use of baseless innuendo to achieve his goal........at the time, to use smearing Obama as a means to attract attention to himself and his burgeoning campaign. He would often say, "I hear people say Obama was born in Kenya" or "I hear people say his birth certificate isn't real." All of which is meant to create suspicion, to suggest something is wrong by implying there is doubt and that it is a matter that should be looked in to.

If that has a familiar ring it's because he has done the same thing with Biden. Naturally, The Following has come along for the ride. They mindlessly repeat the notion Biden needs to be investigated but can't explain exactly why based on any specific, credible facts. That which they believe is true is completely debunked by the information in the article I provided a link for. An article Trumpette's will not read. Because the truth is boring and conspiracy theories are fun. Besides, once you begin to realize just how much of the entire construct of Trumpery is founded on a steaming pile of shit (fictions like the "Deep State" "fake news" "I am a stable genius" "I will never leave the WH to play golf") you are left with the unavoidable conclusion Trump is an orange fraud and a conman. Obviously, no Trumpette wants to go there. I mean, that would require Trumpette's admit to themselves they have been duped. Manipulated. Yanked around like puppets on a string. They might even have to admit the call wasn't so perfect. They may never admit aspects of it were illegal, but we can all agree it was certainly not the kind of thing (abusing the power of the presidency) the prez should be engaging in, right?

I realize it's heresy to say these things about Dear Leader. But what really hurts a Trumpette is to hear these things about themselves.
So where is the proof that anyone other than Biden asked for Shokin to be fired?
Why Was Ukraine's Top Prosecutor Fired? The Issue At The Heart Of The Dispute Gripping Washington
September 24, 2019 13:31 GMT

"Ironically, Joe Biden asked Shokin to leave because the prosecutor failed [to pursue] the Burisma investigation, not because Shokin was tough and active with this case," Kaleniuk said.

Ukrainian prosecutors have described no evidence indicating that Biden sought to help his son by getting Shokin dismissed -- and have suggested that they have not discovered any such evidence.

But there is a long list of Western organizations, governments, and diplomats, as well as Ukrainian anti-corruption groups, that wanted to see Shokin fired.

They include the International Monetary Fund, the European Union, the U.S. government, foreign investors, and Ukrainian advocates of reform.

Why Was Ukraine's Top Prosecutor Fired? The Issue At The Heart Of The Dispute Gripping Washington

Your article contains no examples of anyone requesting Shokin to be fired aside from Biden.

IMF warning sparks Ukraine pledge on corruption and reform
Lagarde threat to suspend $40bn aid package elicits swift response from Kiev
Neil Buckley in London, Roman Olearchyk in Kiev and Shawn Donnan in Washington
February 10, 2016

Christine Lagarde, the IMF’s managing director, said on Wednesday that Ukraine needed to make a “substantial new effort” to invigorate reforms, warning that without such a push “it is hard to see how [a $40bn IMF-led rescue of the economy] can continue and be successful”.

Subscribe to read | Financial Times

Envoys pushed to oust Ukraine prosecutor before Biden
EU and US officials dispute Trump’s claim former vice-president acted to protect son

EU diplomats working on Ukraine at the time have, however, told the FT that they were looking for ways to persuade Kiev to remove Mr Shokin well before Mr Biden entered the picture. The push for Mr Shokin’s removal was part of an international effort to bolster Ukraine’s institutions following Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the armed conflict in the eastern part of the country.

“All of us were really pushing [former Ukrainian president Petro] Poroshenko that he needs to do something, because the prosecutor was not following any of the corruption issues. He was really bad news,” said an EU diplomat involved in the discussions. “It was Biden who finally came in [and triggered it]. Biden was the most vocal, as the US usually is. But we were all literally complaining about the prosecutor.”
Subscribe to read | Financial Times

just c/p the headline & google for the actual full articles.

lol... yer welcome, you poorly educated basket dwelling deplorable, you.
Last edited:
Topic is lost. Prove you’re a doctor. We will not agree on Trump. You suffer from TDS and I hate Leftists like you.

Do you think it’s possible to oppose the president and not have TDS?

How should I prove it to you?

(you ran from the topic. That’s how I know you’re not good at this)
I am at my oldests basketball game. I have a life. LOL
You ran a long time ago and admitted as such. I tried to steer you back but you had no intention.

“the topic is lost” because you didn’t want to discuss it.
I already Won the debate. You admitted Trump would win in 2020. Case closed. You also admitted you lied about your profession
You’re behaving like a child. I told a joke. Don’t be such asshole.

wait until he insists you are a drinker, because well.... he just 'knows'. sounds an awful like trumpese.
The facts behind Trump’s bogus accusations about Biden and Ukraine
Trump claims Biden threatened Ukraine to aid his son’s business interests. The facts suggest otherwise.
The facts behind Trump’s bogus accusations about Biden and Ukraine
I hesitate to bring the matter of Shokin's firing up again for a couple of reasons. One being, no matter what the facts are, and the article I linked to provides a comprehensive examination of the facts, Trumper's are going to believe what they want to believe. The same could be said for every other nutbag conspiracy theory and lie Don and right wing media has ever spewed. So there's that.
Secondly, because it keeps this particular lie about Biden getting discussed even though it is without merit.

But.............there is an important takeaway here for anyone with an open mind, a lesson to be learned about how Trump operates. A lesson that should have been learned by Trumpette's back when Don was peddling the nonsense about Obama's citizenship. It's about his use of baseless innuendo to achieve his goal........at the time, to use smearing Obama as a means to attract attention to himself and his burgeoning campaign. He would often say, "I hear people say Obama was born in Kenya" or "I hear people say his birth certificate isn't real." All of which is meant to create suspicion, to suggest something is wrong by implying there is doubt and that it is a matter that should be looked in to.

If that has a familiar ring it's because he has done the same thing with Biden. Naturally, The Following has come along for the ride. They mindlessly repeat the notion Biden needs to be investigated but can't explain exactly why based on any specific, credible facts. That which they believe is true is completely debunked by the information in the article I provided a link for. An article Trumpette's will not read. Because the truth is boring and conspiracy theories are fun. Besides, once you begin to realize just how much of the entire construct of Trumpery is founded on a steaming pile of shit (fictions like the "Deep State" "fake news" "I am a stable genius" "I will never leave the WH to play golf") you are left with the unavoidable conclusion Trump is an orange fraud and a conman. Obviously, no Trumpette wants to go there. I mean, that would require Trumpette's admit to themselves they have been duped. Manipulated. Yanked around like puppets on a string. They might even have to admit the call wasn't so perfect. They may never admit aspects of it were illegal, but we can all agree it was certainly not the kind of thing (abusing the power of the presidency) the prez should be engaging in, right?

I realize it's heresy to say these things about Dear Leader. But what really hurts a Trumpette is to hear these things about themselves.
So where is the proof that anyone other than Biden asked for Shokin to be fired?
Why Was Ukraine's Top Prosecutor Fired? The Issue At The Heart Of The Dispute Gripping Washington
September 24, 2019 13:31 GMT

"Ironically, Joe Biden asked Shokin to leave because the prosecutor failed [to pursue] the Burisma investigation, not because Shokin was tough and active with this case," Kaleniuk said.

Ukrainian prosecutors have described no evidence indicating that Biden sought to help his son by getting Shokin dismissed -- and have suggested that they have not discovered any such evidence.

But there is a long list of Western organizations, governments, and diplomats, as well as Ukrainian anti-corruption groups, that wanted to see Shokin fired.

They include the International Monetary Fund, the European Union, the U.S. government, foreign investors, and Ukrainian advocates of reform.

Why Was Ukraine's Top Prosecutor Fired? The Issue At The Heart Of The Dispute Gripping Washington

Your article contains no examples of anyone requesting Shokin to be fired aside from Biden.

IMF warning sparks Ukraine pledge on corruption and reform
Lagarde threat to suspend $40bn aid package elicits swift response from Kiev
Neil Buckley in London, Roman Olearchyk in Kiev and Shawn Donnan in Washington
February 10, 2016

Christine Lagarde, the IMF’s managing director, said on Wednesday that Ukraine needed to make a “substantial new effort” to invigorate reforms, warning that without such a push “it is hard to see how [a $40bn IMF-led rescue of the economy] can continue and be successful”.

Subscribe to read | Financial Times

Envoys pushed to oust Ukraine prosecutor before Biden
EU and US officials dispute Trump’s claim former vice-president acted to protect son

EU diplomats working on Ukraine at the time have, however, told the FT that they were looking for ways to persuade Kiev to remove Mr Shokin well before Mr Biden entered the picture. The push for Mr Shokin’s removal was part of an international effort to bolster Ukraine’s institutions following Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the armed conflict in the eastern part of the country.

“All of us were really pushing [former Ukrainian president Petro] Poroshenko that he needs to do something, because the prosecutor was not following any of the corruption issues. He was really bad news,” said an EU diplomat involved in the discussions. “It was Biden who finally came in [and triggered it]. Biden was the most vocal, as the US usually is. But we were all literally complaining about the prosecutor.”
Subscribe to read | Financial Times

just c/p the headline & google for the actual full articles.

lol... yer welcome, you poorly educated basket dwelling deplorable, you.
After the fact.

Show us something that was said prior to the impeachment charade. It's easy to claim you did this or did that after the shit has hit the fan.
The facts behind Trump’s bogus accusations about Biden and Ukraine
Trump claims Biden threatened Ukraine to aid his son’s business interests. The facts suggest otherwise.
The facts behind Trump’s bogus accusations about Biden and Ukraine
I hesitate to bring the matter of Shokin's firing up again for a couple of reasons. One being, no matter what the facts are, and the article I linked to provides a comprehensive examination of the facts, Trumper's are going to believe what they want to believe. The same could be said for every other nutbag conspiracy theory and lie Don and right wing media has ever spewed. So there's that.
Secondly, because it keeps this particular lie about Biden getting discussed even though it is without merit.

But.............there is an important takeaway here for anyone with an open mind, a lesson to be learned about how Trump operates. A lesson that should have been learned by Trumpette's back when Don was peddling the nonsense about Obama's citizenship. It's about his use of baseless innuendo to achieve his goal........at the time, to use smearing Obama as a means to attract attention to himself and his burgeoning campaign. He would often say, "I hear people say Obama was born in Kenya" or "I hear people say his birth certificate isn't real." All of which is meant to create suspicion, to suggest something is wrong by implying there is doubt and that it is a matter that should be looked in to.

If that has a familiar ring it's because he has done the same thing with Biden. Naturally, The Following has come along for the ride. They mindlessly repeat the notion Biden needs to be investigated but can't explain exactly why based on any specific, credible facts. That which they believe is true is completely debunked by the information in the article I provided a link for. An article Trumpette's will not read. Because the truth is boring and conspiracy theories are fun. Besides, once you begin to realize just how much of the entire construct of Trumpery is founded on a steaming pile of shit (fictions like the "Deep State" "fake news" "I am a stable genius" "I will never leave the WH to play golf") you are left with the unavoidable conclusion Trump is an orange fraud and a conman. Obviously, no Trumpette wants to go there. I mean, that would require Trumpette's admit to themselves they have been duped. Manipulated. Yanked around like puppets on a string. They might even have to admit the call wasn't so perfect. They may never admit aspects of it were illegal, but we can all agree it was certainly not the kind of thing (abusing the power of the presidency) the prez should be engaging in, right?

I realize it's heresy to say these things about Dear Leader. But what really hurts a Trumpette is to hear these things about themselves.
So where is the proof that anyone other than Biden asked for Shokin to be fired?
Why Was Ukraine's Top Prosecutor Fired? The Issue At The Heart Of The Dispute Gripping Washington
September 24, 2019 13:31 GMT

"Ironically, Joe Biden asked Shokin to leave because the prosecutor failed [to pursue] the Burisma investigation, not because Shokin was tough and active with this case," Kaleniuk said.

Ukrainian prosecutors have described no evidence indicating that Biden sought to help his son by getting Shokin dismissed -- and have suggested that they have not discovered any such evidence.

But there is a long list of Western organizations, governments, and diplomats, as well as Ukrainian anti-corruption groups, that wanted to see Shokin fired.

They include the International Monetary Fund, the European Union, the U.S. government, foreign investors, and Ukrainian advocates of reform.

Why Was Ukraine's Top Prosecutor Fired? The Issue At The Heart Of The Dispute Gripping Washington

Your article contains no examples of anyone requesting Shokin to be fired aside from Biden.

IMF warning sparks Ukraine pledge on corruption and reform
Lagarde threat to suspend $40bn aid package elicits swift response from Kiev
Neil Buckley in London, Roman Olearchyk in Kiev and Shawn Donnan in Washington
February 10, 2016

Christine Lagarde, the IMF’s managing director, said on Wednesday that Ukraine needed to make a “substantial new effort” to invigorate reforms, warning that without such a push “it is hard to see how [a $40bn IMF-led rescue of the economy] can continue and be successful”.

Subscribe to read | Financial Times

Envoys pushed to oust Ukraine prosecutor before Biden
EU and US officials dispute Trump’s claim former vice-president acted to protect son

EU diplomats working on Ukraine at the time have, however, told the FT that they were looking for ways to persuade Kiev to remove Mr Shokin well before Mr Biden entered the picture. The push for Mr Shokin’s removal was part of an international effort to bolster Ukraine’s institutions following Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the armed conflict in the eastern part of the country.

“All of us were really pushing [former Ukrainian president Petro] Poroshenko that he needs to do something, because the prosecutor was not following any of the corruption issues. He was really bad news,” said an EU diplomat involved in the discussions. “It was Biden who finally came in [and triggered it]. Biden was the most vocal, as the US usually is. But we were all literally complaining about the prosecutor.”
Subscribe to read | Financial Times

just c/p the headline & google for the actual full articles.

lol... yer welcome, you poorly educated basket dwelling deplorable, you.
After the fact.

Show us something that was said prior to the impeachment charade. It's easy to claim you did this or did that after the shit has hit the fan.

wrong. the first article was dated b4 trump was even installed.

you failed again little monkey. better luck next time. HA! who am i kidding, you'll never win.
So where is the proof that anyone other than Biden asked for Shokin to be fired?
Why Was Ukraine's Top Prosecutor Fired? The Issue At The Heart Of The Dispute Gripping Washington
September 24, 2019 13:31 GMT

"Ironically, Joe Biden asked Shokin to leave because the prosecutor failed [to pursue] the Burisma investigation, not because Shokin was tough and active with this case," Kaleniuk said.

Ukrainian prosecutors have described no evidence indicating that Biden sought to help his son by getting Shokin dismissed -- and have suggested that they have not discovered any such evidence.

But there is a long list of Western organizations, governments, and diplomats, as well as Ukrainian anti-corruption groups, that wanted to see Shokin fired.

They include the International Monetary Fund, the European Union, the U.S. government, foreign investors, and Ukrainian advocates of reform.

Why Was Ukraine's Top Prosecutor Fired? The Issue At The Heart Of The Dispute Gripping Washington

Your article contains no examples of anyone requesting Shokin to be fired aside from Biden.

IMF warning sparks Ukraine pledge on corruption and reform
Lagarde threat to suspend $40bn aid package elicits swift response from Kiev
Neil Buckley in London, Roman Olearchyk in Kiev and Shawn Donnan in Washington
February 10, 2016

Christine Lagarde, the IMF’s managing director, said on Wednesday that Ukraine needed to make a “substantial new effort” to invigorate reforms, warning that without such a push “it is hard to see how [a $40bn IMF-led rescue of the economy] can continue and be successful”.

Subscribe to read | Financial Times

Envoys pushed to oust Ukraine prosecutor before Biden
EU and US officials dispute Trump’s claim former vice-president acted to protect son

EU diplomats working on Ukraine at the time have, however, told the FT that they were looking for ways to persuade Kiev to remove Mr Shokin well before Mr Biden entered the picture. The push for Mr Shokin’s removal was part of an international effort to bolster Ukraine’s institutions following Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the armed conflict in the eastern part of the country.

“All of us were really pushing [former Ukrainian president Petro] Poroshenko that he needs to do something, because the prosecutor was not following any of the corruption issues. He was really bad news,” said an EU diplomat involved in the discussions. “It was Biden who finally came in [and triggered it]. Biden was the most vocal, as the US usually is. But we were all literally complaining about the prosecutor.”
Subscribe to read | Financial Times

just c/p the headline & google for the actual full articles.

lol... yer welcome, you poorly educated basket dwelling deplorable, you.
After the fact.

Show us something that was said prior to the impeachment charade. It's easy to claim you did this or did that after the shit has hit the fan.

wrong. the first article was dated b4 trump was even installed.

you failed again little monkey. better luck next time. HA! who am i kidding, you'll never win.
The first article doesn't say a thing about firing Shokin.

You really are an astounding dumbass.
Another Lie by another Liar. There is No Such Thing as No Strings Attached Foreign Aid. The President can suspend it for any reason, like he did in Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador.

This same topic has been beaten to death 100 times, and each time it ends up with you festering bungholes lying, and us wasting our time exposing your lies.

The Mods should just shit can your responses.

learn to comprehend. the ANTI CORRUPTION BENCHMARKS had to be net. those were the strings attached.
Learn not to be a Moron and Realize The President Sets Foreign Policy and has The Power to Delay Foreign Aid.

He did it in Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatamala, and threatened to do it to Mexico.

All Perfectly Legal. But since you already know you are destined to burn in Hell for being a Liar, it's nothing to you to continue to lie and try to deceive people with disinformation, and more lies.


Speaking for me only. I would Consider myself an utter failure if my kids decided to live with me when they are in their 30s. That’s just me.

an utter failure is trolling a message board instead of spending time earning enough cash to provide for your family debt free.
When you and your husband were 39 you were debt free? LOL Debt is so cheap now it’s actually not bad to have a mortgage. You’re so uneducated
Topic is lost. Prove you’re a doctor. We will not agree on Trump. You suffer from TDS and I hate Leftists like you.

Do you think it’s possible to oppose the president and not have TDS?

How should I prove it to you?

(you ran from the topic. That’s how I know you’re not good at this)
I am at my oldests basketball game. I have a life. LOL
You ran a long time ago and admitted as such. I tried to steer you back but you had no intention.

“the topic is lost” because you didn’t want to discuss it.
I already Won the debate. You admitted Trump would win in 2020. Case closed. You also admitted you lied about your profession
You’re behaving like a child. I told a joke. Don’t be such asshole.
You lied. It was not a joke. You got caught. In my profession I know more or less what people make as I have worked with 1000s of companies. Only joke is that impeachment.
Do you think it’s possible to oppose the president and not have TDS?

How should I prove it to you?

(you ran from the topic. That’s how I know you’re not good at this)
I am at my oldests basketball game. I have a life. LOL
You ran a long time ago and admitted as such. I tried to steer you back but you had no intention.

“the topic is lost” because you didn’t want to discuss it.
I already Won the debate. You admitted Trump would win in 2020. Case closed. You also admitted you lied about your profession
You’re behaving like a child. I told a joke. Don’t be such asshole.

wait until he insists you are a drinker, because well.... he just 'knows'. sounds an awful like trumpese.
My intuition is rarely off. You’re not a drinker. You’re a drunk.
Do you think it’s possible to oppose the president and not have TDS?

How should I prove it to you?

(you ran from the topic. That’s how I know you’re not good at this)
I am at my oldests basketball game. I have a life. LOL
You ran a long time ago and admitted as such. I tried to steer you back but you had no intention.

“the topic is lost” because you didn’t want to discuss it.
I already Won the debate. You admitted Trump would win in 2020. Case closed. You also admitted you lied about your profession
You’re behaving like a child. I told a joke. Don’t be such asshole.
You lied. It was not a joke. You got caught. In my profession I know more or less what people make as I have worked with 1000s of companies. Only joke is that impeachment.

Then you’re not very smart.

Do you know how much doctors make?
I am at my oldests basketball game. I have a life. LOL
You ran a long time ago and admitted as such. I tried to steer you back but you had no intention.

“the topic is lost” because you didn’t want to discuss it.
I already Won the debate. You admitted Trump would win in 2020. Case closed. You also admitted you lied about your profession
You’re behaving like a child. I told a joke. Don’t be such asshole.

wait until he insists you are a drinker, because well.... he just 'knows'. sounds an awful like trumpese.
My intuition is rarely off. You’re not a drinker. You’re a drunk.
Except when you accused me of being from a foreign nation.

Oh, and you believe Shokin without question.

Oh, and you still can’t explain why the US embassy staff and the head of the IMF wanted Shokin fired.
I am at my oldests basketball game. I have a life. LOL
You ran a long time ago and admitted as such. I tried to steer you back but you had no intention.

“the topic is lost” because you didn’t want to discuss it.
I already Won the debate. You admitted Trump would win in 2020. Case closed. You also admitted you lied about your profession
You’re behaving like a child. I told a joke. Don’t be such asshole.
You lied. It was not a joke. You got caught. In my profession I know more or less what people make as I have worked with 1000s of companies. Only joke is that impeachment.

Then you’re not very smart.

Do you know how much doctors make?
Of course. But I am 100% sure you’re not a doctor. Plus many do not make as much as you think. Insurance costs are killer.
You ran a long time ago and admitted as such. I tried to steer you back but you had no intention.

“the topic is lost” because you didn’t want to discuss it.
I already Won the debate. You admitted Trump would win in 2020. Case closed. You also admitted you lied about your profession
You’re behaving like a child. I told a joke. Don’t be such asshole.

wait until he insists you are a drinker, because well.... he just 'knows'. sounds an awful like trumpese.
My intuition is rarely off. You’re not a drinker. You’re a drunk.
Except when you accused me of being from a foreign nation.

Oh, and you believe Shokin without question.

Oh, and you still can’t explain why the US embassy staff and the head of the IMF wanted Shokin fired.
I asked You to show a link. You didn’t. I said Shokin was on the investigation, you conceded you were mistaken. You’re a Leftist. I have Said this 100x (hyperbole). Leftists are like the Alt Right to me. Awful people. You’re also a liar.

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