Everyone Repeat After Me...This Is A Manufactured Crisis...Manufactured Crisis....Manufactured Cr...

There Is No Border Crisis
“In FY 2017, CBP [Customs and Border Protection] recorded the lowest level of illegal cross-border migration on record, as measured by apprehensions along the border and inadmissible encounters at U.S. ports of entry,” according to the Trump administration’s DHS report released in December 2017. Did the situation at the border change dramatically over the next 13 months and go from an historic “lowest level of illegal cross-border migration” to a national crisis? The answer is, “No.”

Border Patrol apprehensions along the Southwest border in FY 2018 were the 5th lowest level of illegal entry recorded in the past 46 years. (Apprehensions are a proxy for illegal entry.) While the 396,579 apprehensions in FY 2018 represented a 30% increase from FY 2017, that’s largely because the 303,916 apprehensions in FY 2017 were the lowest number of apprehensions recorded along the Southwest border since 1972 – nearly a half century ago.

Here is the big picture: The most important overlooked immigration development is that illegal entry by individuals from Mexico has plummeted by more than 90% since FY 2000, according to Border Patrol apprehensions data. That means large-scale illegal migration by Mexicans to the United States – the original public justification Donald Trump used for building a wall along the border – is simply over. Demographics and improved economic conditions in Mexico ended it.

That still leaves the problem of families and unaccompanied minors from Central America seeking safety, economic well-being or both in the United States. It also leaves a U.S. system not well organized to cope with them. Unaccompanied minors and family units from two countries drove the increase in FY 2018 numbers.

Apprehensions of family units (children with adult family members) from El Salvador dropped almost 50% between FY 2016 and FY 2018. Apprehensions of unaccompanied minors from El Salvador fell by 72%, down to 4,949 in FY 2018. Border Patrol apprehensions of family units and unaccompanied minors from Mexico have also dropped significantly in the past few years.
Anyone who actually bothers to look at the data knows their is no "crisis."

The Perils of Illegal Border Crossing
You realize that link is talking about the journey to the border, not numbers on apprehensions over time.
ICE busts more than 50 illegal immigrants in New England raids – Boston Herald
This below was before the latest bust above
In Three Months, Enough Fentanyl Was Smuggled Across The Border To Kill 36 Million Americans
Border Patrol agents confiscated more than 36 million lethal doses worth of fentanyl in three months while catching illegal immigrants entering the U.S. along the southern border, according to congressional testimony.

Andrew R. Arthur of the research institute Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) testified in front of the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Thursday. Congress invited witnesses to discuss how environmental regulations affect border enforcement.

Yeah, because border deportations/apprehensions are down, due to fudging of numbers by the previous administration. This admin has gone back to reporting as has been done in the past.

High deportation figures are misleading
Obama Administration Inflating Deportation Numbers | National Review
There Is No Border Crisis
“In FY 2017, CBP [Customs and Border Protection] recorded the lowest level of illegal cross-border migration on record, as measured by apprehensions along the border and inadmissible encounters at U.S. ports of entry,” according to the Trump administration’s DHS report released in December 2017. Did the situation at the border change dramatically over the next 13 months and go from an historic “lowest level of illegal cross-border migration” to a national crisis? The answer is, “No.”

Border Patrol apprehensions along the Southwest border in FY 2018 were the 5th lowest level of illegal entry recorded in the past 46 years. (Apprehensions are a proxy for illegal entry.) While the 396,579 apprehensions in FY 2018 represented a 30% increase from FY 2017, that’s largely because the 303,916 apprehensions in FY 2017 were the lowest number of apprehensions recorded along the Southwest border since 1972 – nearly a half century ago.

Here is the big picture: The most important overlooked immigration development is that illegal entry by individuals from Mexico has plummeted by more than 90% since FY 2000, according to Border Patrol apprehensions data. That means large-scale illegal migration by Mexicans to the United States – the original public justification Donald Trump used for building a wall along the border – is simply over. Demographics and improved economic conditions in Mexico ended it.

That still leaves the problem of families and unaccompanied minors from Central America seeking safety, economic well-being or both in the United States. It also leaves a U.S. system not well organized to cope with them. Unaccompanied minors and family units from two countries drove the increase in FY 2018 numbers.

Apprehensions of family units (children with adult family members) from El Salvador dropped almost 50% between FY 2016 and FY 2018. Apprehensions of unaccompanied minors from El Salvador fell by 72%, down to 4,949 in FY 2018. Border Patrol apprehensions of family units and unaccompanied minors from Mexico have also dropped significantly in the past few years.
Anyone who actually bothers to look at the data knows their is no "crisis."
Date on that matters not, as it was continued through then end of his administration.
Maybe repeating this will-

Illegal immigrants accounted for nearly 75 percent of federal drug sentences in 2014. This is according to the United States Sentencing Commission, which also found that illegals were involved in nearly 17 percent of drug-trafficking sentences and over 33 percent of federal sentences overall.

5. A disproportionate amount of illegals are in state prisons. Peter Kirsanow, a member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights and a lawyer, reviewed statistics from the Government Accountability Office and Pew Research Center and compared the number of illegals and non-illegals imprisoned for murder-related offenses in a 2015 National Review piece. Some of his findings:

  • There were 68.57 illegal aliens imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals in Arizona, compared to 54.06 citizens and legal noncitizens imprisoned for every 100,000 citizens and legal noncitizens.
  • There were 97.2 illegals imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals in California, compared to 74.1 citizens and legal noncitizens imprisoned per 100,000 citizen and legal noncitizens.
  • There were 54.85 illegals imprisoned for every 100,00 illegals in Florida, compared to 67.8 legal immigrants imprisoned for every 100,000 legal immigrants.
  • There were 168.75 illegals imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals in New York, compared to 48.12 legal immigrants imprisoned for every 100,000 legal immigrants.
  • There were 54.54 illegals imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals in Texas, compared to 65.43 legal immigrants .
Kirsanow acknowledged that while comparing murder incarceration rates isn't a perfect measurement, "it’s difficult to contend that illegal aliens are more law-abiding than legal residents — at least when it comes to major crimes." But the more disturbing fact was that "approximately 2,430 illegal aliens are in prison just for homicide-related offenses" in California alone.
9 Things You Need To Know About Illegal Immigration And Crime

Yeah, because border deportations/apprehensions are down, due to fudging of numbers by the previous administration. This admin has gone back to reporting as has been done in the past.

High deportation figures are misleading
Obama Administration Inflating Deportation Numbers | National Review
There Is No Border Crisis
“In FY 2017, CBP [Customs and Border Protection] recorded the lowest level of illegal cross-border migration on record, as measured by apprehensions along the border and inadmissible encounters at U.S. ports of entry,” according to the Trump administration’s DHS report released in December 2017. Did the situation at the border change dramatically over the next 13 months and go from an historic “lowest level of illegal cross-border migration” to a national crisis? The answer is, “No.”

Border Patrol apprehensions along the Southwest border in FY 2018 were the 5th lowest level of illegal entry recorded in the past 46 years. (Apprehensions are a proxy for illegal entry.) While the 396,579 apprehensions in FY 2018 represented a 30% increase from FY 2017, that’s largely because the 303,916 apprehensions in FY 2017 were the lowest number of apprehensions recorded along the Southwest border since 1972 – nearly a half century ago.

Here is the big picture: The most important overlooked immigration development is that illegal entry by individuals from Mexico has plummeted by more than 90% since FY 2000, according to Border Patrol apprehensions data. That means large-scale illegal migration by Mexicans to the United States – the original public justification Donald Trump used for building a wall along the border – is simply over. Demographics and improved economic conditions in Mexico ended it.

That still leaves the problem of families and unaccompanied minors from Central America seeking safety, economic well-being or both in the United States. It also leaves a U.S. system not well organized to cope with them. Unaccompanied minors and family units from two countries drove the increase in FY 2018 numbers.

Apprehensions of family units (children with adult family members) from El Salvador dropped almost 50% between FY 2016 and FY 2018. Apprehensions of unaccompanied minors from El Salvador fell by 72%, down to 4,949 in FY 2018. Border Patrol apprehensions of family units and unaccompanied minors from Mexico have also dropped significantly in the past few years.
Anyone who actually bothers to look at the data knows their is no "crisis."
Those articles are from 2014. Are you saying the trump admin's own DHS is unaware of changes at the border? What you've linked doesn't provide a strong case for their being a "crisis" either.
If you're going to bring up drug crimes you should probably mention that most drugs come through legal ports of entry.
When looking at crime rate for illegal immigrants, your own data shows that it varies.
See here:
  • There were 54.85 illegals imprisoned for every 100,00 illegals in Florida, compared to 67.8 legal immigrants imprisoned for every 100,000 legal immigrants
  • There were 54.54 illegals imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals in Texas, compared to 65.43 legal immigrants.
That's not a very strong case.
The Dummycraps are still trying to sell this lie that this is a manufactured crisis.......even though before Trump was elected they all said it was real.
Now it's much worse than it was when they agreed it was a crisis.

Still, talking-head on the left keeps repeating this lie that this is a "MANUFACTURED CRISIS".

This is how Obama reacted to the immigration crisis that Pelosi and Schumer say now is manufactured.

Why didn’t trump get the money from Paul Ryan? You’re saying this crisis occurred the minute Pelosi took over? Liar

You must be retarded.
He needs cooperation from the Democrats to get anything done in the Senate.
Now the Democrats have managed to steal enough seats to take back the House, so thanks to the idiots in California, Trump has to deal with Nancy Pelosi.

Waaaaa! Waaaaa! We controled everything but it's still the mean old Democrat's fault!

Quit yer bitchin' you big baby. You kids had the chance and you blew it, now suck it up and move on.

Obama is responsible for literally millions of illegals and "asylum seekers" dispersed in an even manner throughout the US A high percentage are Muslims). Many have strange diseases and whatnot. Chattanooga, Minnesota are 2 of the places. That's central and North covered, I'm sure there's west and east places, too.

What about these facts?

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

Clearly Bill Clinton was doing the job and Bush didn't. I say it was on purpose. Republicans loved illegals back then doing jobs Americans wouldn't do.

Republicans have no shame no matter how wrong they are or were. Back in the 2000's I argued and argued with them but they

a. Loved the cheap shit coming from China
b. Defended illegals for just doing jobs Americans wouldn't do
c. Defended corporations and bashed unions as those corporations were sending our best paying manufacturing jobs to Mexico

And Republicans refuse to go after employers, even illegal ones. Deep down they love the cheap labor. Trump can't hire illegals at Mara Largo and then ask to build a wall. How stupid does he think we are?
ICE busts more than 50 illegal immigrants in New England raids – Boston Herald
This below was before the latest bust above
In Three Months, Enough Fentanyl Was Smuggled Across The Border To Kill 36 Million Americans
Border Patrol agents confiscated more than 36 million lethal doses worth of fentanyl in three months while catching illegal immigrants entering the U.S. along the southern border, according to congressional testimony.

Andrew R. Arthur of the research institute Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) testified in front of the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Thursday. Congress invited witnesses to discuss how environmental regulations affect border enforcement.

Yeah, because border deportations/apprehensions are down, due to fudging of numbers by the previous administration. This admin has gone back to reporting as has been done in the past.

High deportation figures are misleading
Obama Administration Inflating Deportation Numbers | National Review
There Is No Border Crisis
“In FY 2017, CBP [Customs and Border Protection] recorded the lowest level of illegal cross-border migration on record, as measured by apprehensions along the border and inadmissible encounters at U.S. ports of entry,” according to the Trump administration’s DHS report released in December 2017. Did the situation at the border change dramatically over the next 13 months and go from an historic “lowest level of illegal cross-border migration” to a national crisis? The answer is, “No.”

Border Patrol apprehensions along the Southwest border in FY 2018 were the 5th lowest level of illegal entry recorded in the past 46 years. (Apprehensions are a proxy for illegal entry.) While the 396,579 apprehensions in FY 2018 represented a 30% increase from FY 2017, that’s largely because the 303,916 apprehensions in FY 2017 were the lowest number of apprehensions recorded along the Southwest border since 1972 – nearly a half century ago.

Here is the big picture: The most important overlooked immigration development is that illegal entry by individuals from Mexico has plummeted by more than 90% since FY 2000, according to Border Patrol apprehensions data. That means large-scale illegal migration by Mexicans to the United States – the original public justification Donald Trump used for building a wall along the border – is simply over. Demographics and improved economic conditions in Mexico ended it.

That still leaves the problem of families and unaccompanied minors from Central America seeking safety, economic well-being or both in the United States. It also leaves a U.S. system not well organized to cope with them. Unaccompanied minors and family units from two countries drove the increase in FY 2018 numbers.

Apprehensions of family units (children with adult family members) from El Salvador dropped almost 50% between FY 2016 and FY 2018. Apprehensions of unaccompanied minors from El Salvador fell by 72%, down to 4,949 in FY 2018. Border Patrol apprehensions of family units and unaccompanied minors from Mexico have also dropped significantly in the past few years.
Anyone who actually bothers to look at the data knows their is no "crisis."
Date on that matters not, as it was continued through then end of his administration.
Maybe repeating this will-

Illegal immigrants accounted for nearly 75 percent of federal drug sentences in 2014. This is according to the United States Sentencing Commission, which also found that illegals were involved in nearly 17 percent of drug-trafficking sentences and over 33 percent of federal sentences overall.

5. A disproportionate amount of illegals are in state prisons. Peter Kirsanow, a member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights and a lawyer, reviewed statistics from the Government Accountability Office and Pew Research Center and compared the number of illegals and non-illegals imprisoned for murder-related offenses in a 2015 National Review piece. Some of his findings:

  • There were 68.57 illegal aliens imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals in Arizona, compared to 54.06 citizens and legal noncitizens imprisoned for every 100,000 citizens and legal noncitizens.
  • There were 97.2 illegals imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals in California, compared to 74.1 citizens and legal noncitizens imprisoned per 100,000 citizen and legal noncitizens.
  • There were 54.85 illegals imprisoned for every 100,00 illegals in Florida, compared to 67.8 legal immigrants imprisoned for every 100,000 legal immigrants.
  • There were 168.75 illegals imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals in New York, compared to 48.12 legal immigrants imprisoned for every 100,000 legal immigrants.
  • There were 54.54 illegals imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals in Texas, compared to 65.43 legal immigrants .
Kirsanow acknowledged that while comparing murder incarceration rates isn't a perfect measurement, "it’s difficult to contend that illegal aliens are more law-abiding than legal residents — at least when it comes to major crimes." But the more disturbing fact was that "approximately 2,430 illegal aliens are in prison just for homicide-related offenses" in California alone.
9 Things You Need To Know About Illegal Immigration And Crime

Yeah, because border deportations/apprehensions are down, due to fudging of numbers by the previous administration. This admin has gone back to reporting as has been done in the past.

High deportation figures are misleading
Obama Administration Inflating Deportation Numbers | National Review
There Is No Border Crisis
Anyone who actually bothers to look at the data knows their is no "crisis."
Those articles are from 2014. Are you saying the trump admin's own DHS is unaware of changes at the border? What you've linked doesn't provide a strong case for their being a "crisis" either.
If you're going to bring up drug crimes you should probably mention that most drugs come through legal ports of entry.
When looking at crime rate for illegal immigrants, your own data shows that it varies.
See here:
  • There were 54.85 illegals imprisoned for every 100,00 illegals in Florida, compared to 67.8 legal immigrants imprisoned for every 100,000 legal immigrants
  • There were 54.54 illegals imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals in Texas, compared to 65.43 legal immigrants.
That's not a very strong case.
Still not a strong case. Surely you understand the importance of looking at data rather than individual instances of particular things happening? I can post articles about people dying as a result of X and than claim there's a huge crisis when the data doesn't support my claim. Trump supporters love to do that.
“transport the bulk of their goods over the Southwest Border through ports of entry (POEs) using passenger vehicles or tractor trailers.”
Drugs will flow in regardless, ever heard of the balloon effect?
Yeah, because border deportations/apprehensions are down, due to fudging of numbers by the previous administration. This admin has gone back to reporting as has been done in the past.

High deportation figures are misleading
Obama Administration Inflating Deportation Numbers | National Review
There Is No Border Crisis
Anyone who actually bothers to look at the data knows their is no "crisis."
Those articles are from 2014. Are you saying the trump admin's own DHS is unaware of changes at the border? What you've linked doesn't provide a strong case for their being a "crisis" either.
so you'd ignore what the border agency claims is needed? so you are a KAOA member to? Kill Americans Off Agenda!
border patrol got 700 miles of the wall built in the places they requested the past 10 years.... are you claiming that border patrol wants a wall across the entire southern border as Trump claimed we needed?
where the border agents said was needed. yep!!!

Unless you missed it, he's listening to them since they are the experts. you not so much.
in case you missed it, dummy, border patrol told us where they needed a wall/fence in 2006/7 and got the 700 miles they requested in the Secure Border Act passed that year, and the past 10 years we did what they asked.... the 700 mile fence was just completed recently, we doubled their Border Patrol and INS agents, we gave them newer technology that they asked for as well....

And the high of 1,600,000 illegals TRYING to cross illegally a year at the border has been REDUCED
to around 300-400K a year due mostly to all of those changes...

There is very little, wall to build yet that they have requested.... there are improvements to be made to existing walls or fences, but not much more in new walls in areas where there is none.... just some smaller gaps....
Last edited:
Not a strong enough of a case to show that enough fentanyl came in through illegal immigrants to kill every man, woman, and child in America. Got it.
ICE busts more than 50 illegal immigrants in New England raids – Boston Herald
This below was before the latest bust above
In Three Months, Enough Fentanyl Was Smuggled Across The Border To Kill 36 Million Americans
Border Patrol agents confiscated more than 36 million lethal doses worth of fentanyl in three months while catching illegal immigrants entering the U.S. along the southern border, according to congressional testimony.

Andrew R. Arthur of the research institute Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) testified in front of the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Thursday. Congress invited witnesses to discuss how environmental regulations affect border enforcement.

Yeah, because border deportations/apprehensions are down, due to fudging of numbers by the previous administration. This admin has gone back to reporting as has been done in the past.

High deportation figures are misleading
Obama Administration Inflating Deportation Numbers | National Review
There Is No Border Crisis
“In FY 2017, CBP [Customs and Border Protection] recorded the lowest level of illegal cross-border migration on record, as measured by apprehensions along the border and inadmissible encounters at U.S. ports of entry,” according to the Trump administration’s DHS report released in December 2017. Did the situation at the border change dramatically over the next 13 months and go from an historic “lowest level of illegal cross-border migration” to a national crisis? The answer is, “No.”

Border Patrol apprehensions along the Southwest border in FY 2018 were the 5th lowest level of illegal entry recorded in the past 46 years. (Apprehensions are a proxy for illegal entry.) While the 396,579 apprehensions in FY 2018 represented a 30% increase from FY 2017, that’s largely because the 303,916 apprehensions in FY 2017 were the lowest number of apprehensions recorded along the Southwest border since 1972 – nearly a half century ago.

Here is the big picture: The most important overlooked immigration development is that illegal entry by individuals from Mexico has plummeted by more than 90% since FY 2000, according to Border Patrol apprehensions data. That means large-scale illegal migration by Mexicans to the United States – the original public justification Donald Trump used for building a wall along the border – is simply over. Demographics and improved economic conditions in Mexico ended it.

That still leaves the problem of families and unaccompanied minors from Central America seeking safety, economic well-being or both in the United States. It also leaves a U.S. system not well organized to cope with them. Unaccompanied minors and family units from two countries drove the increase in FY 2018 numbers.

Apprehensions of family units (children with adult family members) from El Salvador dropped almost 50% between FY 2016 and FY 2018. Apprehensions of unaccompanied minors from El Salvador fell by 72%, down to 4,949 in FY 2018. Border Patrol apprehensions of family units and unaccompanied minors from Mexico have also dropped significantly in the past few years.
Anyone who actually bothers to look at the data knows their is no "crisis."
Date on that matters not, as it was continued through then end of his administration.
Maybe repeating this will-

Illegal immigrants accounted for nearly 75 percent of federal drug sentences in 2014. This is according to the United States Sentencing Commission, which also found that illegals were involved in nearly 17 percent of drug-trafficking sentences and over 33 percent of federal sentences overall.

5. A disproportionate amount of illegals are in state prisons. Peter Kirsanow, a member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights and a lawyer, reviewed statistics from the Government Accountability Office and Pew Research Center and compared the number of illegals and non-illegals imprisoned for murder-related offenses in a 2015 National Review piece. Some of his findings:

  • There were 68.57 illegal aliens imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals in Arizona, compared to 54.06 citizens and legal noncitizens imprisoned for every 100,000 citizens and legal noncitizens.
  • There were 97.2 illegals imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals in California, compared to 74.1 citizens and legal noncitizens imprisoned per 100,000 citizen and legal noncitizens.
  • There were 54.85 illegals imprisoned for every 100,00 illegals in Florida, compared to 67.8 legal immigrants imprisoned for every 100,000 legal immigrants.
  • There were 168.75 illegals imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals in New York, compared to 48.12 legal immigrants imprisoned for every 100,000 legal immigrants.
  • There were 54.54 illegals imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals in Texas, compared to 65.43 legal immigrants .
Kirsanow acknowledged that while comparing murder incarceration rates isn't a perfect measurement, "it’s difficult to contend that illegal aliens are more law-abiding than legal residents — at least when it comes to major crimes." But the more disturbing fact was that "approximately 2,430 illegal aliens are in prison just for homicide-related offenses" in California alone.
9 Things You Need To Know About Illegal Immigration And Crime

Yeah, because border deportations/apprehensions are down, due to fudging of numbers by the previous administration. This admin has gone back to reporting as has been done in the past.

High deportation figures are misleading
Obama Administration Inflating Deportation Numbers | National Review
Those articles are from 2014. Are you saying the trump admin's own DHS is unaware of changes at the border? What you've linked doesn't provide a strong case for their being a "crisis" either.
If you're going to bring up drug crimes you should probably mention that most drugs come through legal ports of entry.
When looking at crime rate for illegal immigrants, your own data shows that it varies.
See here:
  • There were 54.85 illegals imprisoned for every 100,00 illegals in Florida, compared to 67.8 legal immigrants imprisoned for every 100,000 legal immigrants
  • There were 54.54 illegals imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals in Texas, compared to 65.43 legal immigrants.
That's not a very strong case.
Still not a strong case. Surely you understand the importance of looking at data rather than individual instances of particular things happening? I can post articles about people dying as a result of X and than claim there's a huge crisis when the data doesn't support my claim. Trump supporters love to do that.
“transport the bulk of their goods over the Southwest Border through ports of entry (POEs) using passenger vehicles or tractor trailers.”
Drugs will flow in regardless, ever heard of the balloon effect?
There Is No Border Crisis
“In FY 2017, CBP [Customs and Border Protection] recorded the lowest level of illegal cross-border migration on record, as measured by apprehensions along the border and inadmissible encounters at U.S. ports of entry,” according to the Trump administration’s DHS report released in December 2017. Did the situation at the border change dramatically over the next 13 months and go from an historic “lowest level of illegal cross-border migration” to a national crisis? The answer is, “No.”

Border Patrol apprehensions along the Southwest border in FY 2018 were the 5th lowest level of illegal entry recorded in the past 46 years. (Apprehensions are a proxy for illegal entry.) While the 396,579 apprehensions in FY 2018 represented a 30% increase from FY 2017, that’s largely because the 303,916 apprehensions in FY 2017 were the lowest number of apprehensions recorded along the Southwest border since 1972 – nearly a half century ago.

Here is the big picture: The most important overlooked immigration development is that illegal entry by individuals from Mexico has plummeted by more than 90% since FY 2000, according to Border Patrol apprehensions data. That means large-scale illegal migration by Mexicans to the United States – the original public justification Donald Trump used for building a wall along the border – is simply over. Demographics and improved economic conditions in Mexico ended it.

That still leaves the problem of families and unaccompanied minors from Central America seeking safety, economic well-being or both in the United States. It also leaves a U.S. system not well organized to cope with them. Unaccompanied minors and family units from two countries drove the increase in FY 2018 numbers.

Apprehensions of family units (children with adult family members) from El Salvador dropped almost 50% between FY 2016 and FY 2018. Apprehensions of unaccompanied minors from El Salvador fell by 72%, down to 4,949 in FY 2018. Border Patrol apprehensions of family units and unaccompanied minors from Mexico have also dropped significantly in the past few years.
Anyone who actually bothers to look at the data knows their is no "crisis."

The Perils of Illegal Border Crossing
You realize that link is talking about the journey to the border, not numbers on apprehensions over time.

First, there are fewer apprehensions because of the 700 miles of walls that has been built, showing that walls do work. But, apprehensions is only one aspect. You are completely ignoring those who die while trying to journey to and across the border as if those deaths mean nothing. So, the fact is you're trying to use the "big picture" to minimize the details of the crisis. Not very honest of you.
Not a strong enough of a case to show that enough fentanyl came in through illegal immigrants to kill every man, woman, and child in America. Got it.
ICE busts more than 50 illegal immigrants in New England raids – Boston Herald
This below was before the latest bust above
In Three Months, Enough Fentanyl Was Smuggled Across The Border To Kill 36 Million Americans
Border Patrol agents confiscated more than 36 million lethal doses worth of fentanyl in three months while catching illegal immigrants entering the U.S. along the southern border, according to congressional testimony.

Andrew R. Arthur of the research institute Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) testified in front of the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Thursday. Congress invited witnesses to discuss how environmental regulations affect border enforcement.

Yeah, because border deportations/apprehensions are down, due to fudging of numbers by the previous administration. This admin has gone back to reporting as has been done in the past.

High deportation figures are misleading
Obama Administration Inflating Deportation Numbers | National Review
There Is No Border Crisis
Anyone who actually bothers to look at the data knows their is no "crisis."
Date on that matters not, as it was continued through then end of his administration.
Maybe repeating this will-

Illegal immigrants accounted for nearly 75 percent of federal drug sentences in 2014. This is according to the United States Sentencing Commission, which also found that illegals were involved in nearly 17 percent of drug-trafficking sentences and over 33 percent of federal sentences overall.

5. A disproportionate amount of illegals are in state prisons. Peter Kirsanow, a member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights and a lawyer, reviewed statistics from the Government Accountability Office and Pew Research Center and compared the number of illegals and non-illegals imprisoned for murder-related offenses in a 2015 National Review piece. Some of his findings:

  • There were 68.57 illegal aliens imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals in Arizona, compared to 54.06 citizens and legal noncitizens imprisoned for every 100,000 citizens and legal noncitizens.
  • There were 97.2 illegals imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals in California, compared to 74.1 citizens and legal noncitizens imprisoned per 100,000 citizen and legal noncitizens.
  • There were 54.85 illegals imprisoned for every 100,00 illegals in Florida, compared to 67.8 legal immigrants imprisoned for every 100,000 legal immigrants.
  • There were 168.75 illegals imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals in New York, compared to 48.12 legal immigrants imprisoned for every 100,000 legal immigrants.
  • There were 54.54 illegals imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals in Texas, compared to 65.43 legal immigrants .
Kirsanow acknowledged that while comparing murder incarceration rates isn't a perfect measurement, "it’s difficult to contend that illegal aliens are more law-abiding than legal residents — at least when it comes to major crimes." But the more disturbing fact was that "approximately 2,430 illegal aliens are in prison just for homicide-related offenses" in California alone.
9 Things You Need To Know About Illegal Immigration And Crime

Those articles are from 2014. Are you saying the trump admin's own DHS is unaware of changes at the border? What you've linked doesn't provide a strong case for their being a "crisis" either.
If you're going to bring up drug crimes you should probably mention that most drugs come through legal ports of entry.
When looking at crime rate for illegal immigrants, your own data shows that it varies.
See here:
  • There were 54.85 illegals imprisoned for every 100,00 illegals in Florida, compared to 67.8 legal immigrants imprisoned for every 100,000 legal immigrants
  • There were 54.54 illegals imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals in Texas, compared to 65.43 legal immigrants.
That's not a very strong case.
Still not a strong case. Surely you understand the importance of looking at data rather than individual instances of particular things happening? I can post articles about people dying as a result of X and than claim there's a huge crisis when the data doesn't support my claim. Trump supporters love to do that.
“transport the bulk of their goods over the Southwest Border through ports of entry (POEs) using passenger vehicles or tractor trailers.”
Drugs will flow in regardless, ever heard of the balloon effect?
Most drugs come through legal ports of entry and drug traffickers always find new routes.
And yes, it's not a strong case when you consider it's 161 pounds.
Yeah, because border deportations/apprehensions are down, due to fudging of numbers by the previous administration. This admin has gone back to reporting as has been done in the past.

High deportation figures are misleading
Obama Administration Inflating Deportation Numbers | National Review
Those articles are from 2014. Are you saying the trump admin's own DHS is unaware of changes at the border? What you've linked doesn't provide a strong case for their being a "crisis" either.
so you'd ignore what the border agency claims is needed? so you are a KAOA member to? Kill Americans Off Agenda!
border patrol got 700 miles of the wall built in the places they requested the past 10 years.... are you claiming that border patrol wants a wall across the entire southern border as Trump claimed we needed?
where the border agents said was needed. yep!!!

Unless you missed it, he's listening to them since they are the experts. you not so much.
in case you missed it, dummy, border patrol told us where they needed a wall/fence in 2007 and got the 700 miles they requested in the Secure Border Act passed that year, and the past 10 years we did what they asked.... the 700 mile fence was just completed recently, we doubled their Border Patrol and INS agents, we gave them newer technology that they asked for as well....

And the high of 1,600,000 illegals TRYING to cross illegally a year at the border has been REDUCED
to around 300-400K a year due mostly to all of those changes...

There is very little, wall to build yet that they have requested.... there are improvements to be made to existing walls or fences, but not much more in new walls in areas where there is none.... just some smaller gaps....
too fking funny. the fact you posted those stats is enough for me to declare you stupid of the day!!!!! wow, just fking wow.

The Dummycraps are still trying to sell this lie that this is a manufactured crisis.......even though before Trump was elected they all said it was real.
Now it's much worse than it was when they agreed it was a crisis.

Still, talking-head on the left keeps repeating this lie that this is a "MANUFACTURED CRISIS".

This is how Obama reacted to the immigration crisis that Pelosi and Schumer say now is manufactured.

Why didn’t trump get the money from Paul Ryan? You’re saying this crisis occurred the minute Pelosi took over? Liar

You must be retarded.
He needs cooperation from the Democrats to get anything done in the Senate.
Now the Democrats have managed to steal enough seats to take back the House, so thanks to the idiots in California, Trump has to deal with Nancy Pelosi.

Waaaaa! Waaaaa! We controled everything but it's still the mean old Democrat's fault!

Quit yer bitchin' you big baby. You kids had the chance and you blew it, now suck it up and move on.

Obama is responsible for literally millions of illegals and "asylum seekers" dispersed in an even manner throughout the US A high percentage are Muslims). Many have strange diseases and whatnot. Chattanooga, Minnesota are 2 of the places. That's central and North covered, I'm sure there's west and east places, too.

What about these facts?

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

Clearly Bill Clinton was doing the job and Bush didn't. I say it was on purpose. Republicans loved illegals back then doing jobs Americans wouldn't do.

Republicans have no shame no matter how wrong they are or were. Back in the 2000's I argued and argued with them but they

a. Loved the cheap shit coming from China
b. Defended illegals for just doing jobs Americans wouldn't do
c. Defended corporations and bashed unions as those corporations were sending our best paying manufacturing jobs to Mexico

And Republicans refuse to go after employers, even illegal ones. Deep down they love the cheap labor. Trump can't hire illegals at Mara Largo and then ask to build a wall. How stupid does he think we are?

You're making an assumption.
A decrease in apprehensions doesn't automatically mean much of anything. You need facts, not opinions to base any valued judgment from.
A decrease could mean that fewer people were breaking the law, or people were just hiding their illegality better.
Not a strong enough of a case to show that enough fentanyl came in through illegal immigrants to kill every man, woman, and child in America. Got it.
ICE busts more than 50 illegal immigrants in New England raids – Boston Herald
This below was before the latest bust above
In Three Months, Enough Fentanyl Was Smuggled Across The Border To Kill 36 Million Americans
Border Patrol agents confiscated more than 36 million lethal doses worth of fentanyl in three months while catching illegal immigrants entering the U.S. along the southern border, according to congressional testimony.

Andrew R. Arthur of the research institute Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) testified in front of the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Thursday. Congress invited witnesses to discuss how environmental regulations affect border enforcement.

Yeah, because border deportations/apprehensions are down, due to fudging of numbers by the previous administration. This admin has gone back to reporting as has been done in the past.

High deportation figures are misleading
Obama Administration Inflating Deportation Numbers | National Review
Date on that matters not, as it was continued through then end of his administration.
Maybe repeating this will-

Illegal immigrants accounted for nearly 75 percent of federal drug sentences in 2014. This is according to the United States Sentencing Commission, which also found that illegals were involved in nearly 17 percent of drug-trafficking sentences and over 33 percent of federal sentences overall.

5. A disproportionate amount of illegals are in state prisons. Peter Kirsanow, a member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights and a lawyer, reviewed statistics from the Government Accountability Office and Pew Research Center and compared the number of illegals and non-illegals imprisoned for murder-related offenses in a 2015 National Review piece. Some of his findings:

  • There were 68.57 illegal aliens imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals in Arizona, compared to 54.06 citizens and legal noncitizens imprisoned for every 100,000 citizens and legal noncitizens.
  • There were 97.2 illegals imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals in California, compared to 74.1 citizens and legal noncitizens imprisoned per 100,000 citizen and legal noncitizens.
  • There were 54.85 illegals imprisoned for every 100,00 illegals in Florida, compared to 67.8 legal immigrants imprisoned for every 100,000 legal immigrants.
  • There were 168.75 illegals imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals in New York, compared to 48.12 legal immigrants imprisoned for every 100,000 legal immigrants.
  • There were 54.54 illegals imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals in Texas, compared to 65.43 legal immigrants .
Kirsanow acknowledged that while comparing murder incarceration rates isn't a perfect measurement, "it’s difficult to contend that illegal aliens are more law-abiding than legal residents — at least when it comes to major crimes." But the more disturbing fact was that "approximately 2,430 illegal aliens are in prison just for homicide-related offenses" in California alone.
9 Things You Need To Know About Illegal Immigration And Crime
If you're going to bring up drug crimes you should probably mention that most drugs come through legal ports of entry.
When looking at crime rate for illegal immigrants, your own data shows that it varies.
See here:
  • There were 54.85 illegals imprisoned for every 100,00 illegals in Florida, compared to 67.8 legal immigrants imprisoned for every 100,000 legal immigrants
  • There were 54.54 illegals imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals in Texas, compared to 65.43 legal immigrants.
That's not a very strong case.
Still not a strong case. Surely you understand the importance of looking at data rather than individual instances of particular things happening? I can post articles about people dying as a result of X and than claim there's a huge crisis when the data doesn't support my claim. Trump supporters love to do that.
“transport the bulk of their goods over the Southwest Border through ports of entry (POEs) using passenger vehicles or tractor trailers.”
Drugs will flow in regardless, ever heard of the balloon effect?
Most drugs come through legal ports of entry and drug traffickers always find new routes.
And yes, it's not a strong case when you consider it's 161 pounds.
correct, wow, actual facts. The effort is to move most all now.
There Is No Border Crisis
“In FY 2017, CBP [Customs and Border Protection] recorded the lowest level of illegal cross-border migration on record, as measured by apprehensions along the border and inadmissible encounters at U.S. ports of entry,” according to the Trump administration’s DHS report released in December 2017. Did the situation at the border change dramatically over the next 13 months and go from an historic “lowest level of illegal cross-border migration” to a national crisis? The answer is, “No.”

Border Patrol apprehensions along the Southwest border in FY 2018 were the 5th lowest level of illegal entry recorded in the past 46 years. (Apprehensions are a proxy for illegal entry.) While the 396,579 apprehensions in FY 2018 represented a 30% increase from FY 2017, that’s largely because the 303,916 apprehensions in FY 2017 were the lowest number of apprehensions recorded along the Southwest border since 1972 – nearly a half century ago.

Here is the big picture: The most important overlooked immigration development is that illegal entry by individuals from Mexico has plummeted by more than 90% since FY 2000, according to Border Patrol apprehensions data. That means large-scale illegal migration by Mexicans to the United States – the original public justification Donald Trump used for building a wall along the border – is simply over. Demographics and improved economic conditions in Mexico ended it.

That still leaves the problem of families and unaccompanied minors from Central America seeking safety, economic well-being or both in the United States. It also leaves a U.S. system not well organized to cope with them. Unaccompanied minors and family units from two countries drove the increase in FY 2018 numbers.

Apprehensions of family units (children with adult family members) from El Salvador dropped almost 50% between FY 2016 and FY 2018. Apprehensions of unaccompanied minors from El Salvador fell by 72%, down to 4,949 in FY 2018. Border Patrol apprehensions of family units and unaccompanied minors from Mexico have also dropped significantly in the past few years.
Anyone who actually bothers to look at the data knows their is no "crisis."

The Perils of Illegal Border Crossing
You realize that link is talking about the journey to the border, not numbers on apprehensions over time.

First, there are fewer apprehensions because of the 700 miles of walls that has been built, showing that walls do work. But, apprehensions is only one aspect. You are completely ignoring those who die while trying to journey to and across the border as if those deaths mean nothing. So, the fact is you're trying to use the "big picture" to minimize the details of the crisis. Not very honest of you.
You think the fence is the reason for the rapid decline in apprehensions? It's because of economic growth in countries like Mexico -- that's the primary driver.
You are completely ignoring those who die while trying to journey to and across the border as if those deaths mean nothing.
It's always funny when people pretend to give a shit about people fleeing their home countries for economic opportunity/asylum and than simultaneously saying they're "invaders." Of course apprehension isn't the only aspect, but Trump and others are trying to paint the picture that there's a massive increase in illegal immigration that is unprecedented, which is nonsense. Also, I never said the deaths mean nothing. In fact, I have no problem with people seeking asylum. Nice try though!
Those articles are from 2014. Are you saying the trump admin's own DHS is unaware of changes at the border? What you've linked doesn't provide a strong case for their being a "crisis" either.
so you'd ignore what the border agency claims is needed? so you are a KAOA member to? Kill Americans Off Agenda!
border patrol got 700 miles of the wall built in the places they requested the past 10 years.... are you claiming that border patrol wants a wall across the entire southern border as Trump claimed we needed?
where the border agents said was needed. yep!!!

Unless you missed it, he's listening to them since they are the experts. you not so much.
in case you missed it, dummy, border patrol told us where they needed a wall/fence in 2007 and got the 700 miles they requested in the Secure Border Act passed that year, and the past 10 years we did what they asked.... the 700 mile fence was just completed recently, we doubled their Border Patrol and INS agents, we gave them newer technology that they asked for as well....

And the high of 1,600,000 illegals TRYING to cross illegally a year at the border has been REDUCED
to around 300-400K a year due mostly to all of those changes...

There is very little, wall to build yet that they have requested.... there are improvements to be made to existing walls or fences, but not much more in new walls in areas where there is none.... just some smaller gaps....
too fking funny. the fact you posted those stats is enough for me to declare you stupid of the day!!!!! wow, just fking wow.

link up buddy.... prove me wrong! Every number listed is fact, not fiction.
There Is No Border Crisis
“In FY 2017, CBP [Customs and Border Protection] recorded the lowest level of illegal cross-border migration on record, as measured by apprehensions along the border and inadmissible encounters at U.S. ports of entry,” according to the Trump administration’s DHS report released in December 2017. Did the situation at the border change dramatically over the next 13 months and go from an historic “lowest level of illegal cross-border migration” to a national crisis? The answer is, “No.”

Border Patrol apprehensions along the Southwest border in FY 2018 were the 5th lowest level of illegal entry recorded in the past 46 years. (Apprehensions are a proxy for illegal entry.) While the 396,579 apprehensions in FY 2018 represented a 30% increase from FY 2017, that’s largely because the 303,916 apprehensions in FY 2017 were the lowest number of apprehensions recorded along the Southwest border since 1972 – nearly a half century ago.

Here is the big picture: The most important overlooked immigration development is that illegal entry by individuals from Mexico has plummeted by more than 90% since FY 2000, according to Border Patrol apprehensions data. That means large-scale illegal migration by Mexicans to the United States – the original public justification Donald Trump used for building a wall along the border – is simply over. Demographics and improved economic conditions in Mexico ended it.

That still leaves the problem of families and unaccompanied minors from Central America seeking safety, economic well-being or both in the United States. It also leaves a U.S. system not well organized to cope with them. Unaccompanied minors and family units from two countries drove the increase in FY 2018 numbers.

Apprehensions of family units (children with adult family members) from El Salvador dropped almost 50% between FY 2016 and FY 2018. Apprehensions of unaccompanied minors from El Salvador fell by 72%, down to 4,949 in FY 2018. Border Patrol apprehensions of family units and unaccompanied minors from Mexico have also dropped significantly in the past few years.
Anyone who actually bothers to look at the data knows their is no "crisis."

The Perils of Illegal Border Crossing
You realize that link is talking about the journey to the border, not numbers on apprehensions over time.

First, there are fewer apprehensions because of the 700 miles of walls that has been built, showing that walls do work. But, apprehensions is only one aspect. You are completely ignoring those who die while trying to journey to and across the border as if those deaths mean nothing. So, the fact is you're trying to use the "big picture" to minimize the details of the crisis. Not very honest of you.
You think the fence is the reason for the rapid decline in apprehensions? It's because of economic growth in countries like Mexico -- that's the primary driver.
You are completely ignoring those who die while trying to journey to and across the border as if those deaths mean nothing.
It's always funny when people pretend to give a shit about people fleeing their home countries for economic opportunity/asylum and than simultaneously saying they're "invaders." Of course apprehension isn't the only aspect, but Trump and others are trying to paint the picture that there's a massive increase in illegal immigration that is unprecedented, which is nonsense. Also, I never said the deaths mean nothing. In fact, I have no problem with people seeking asylum. Nice try though!
but the people coming in are not from mexico. but thanks for trying.

Caravan, baby, caravan.
Not a strong enough of a case to show that enough fentanyl came in through illegal immigrants to kill every man, woman, and child in America. Got it.
ICE busts more than 50 illegal immigrants in New England raids – Boston Herald
This below was before the latest bust above
In Three Months, Enough Fentanyl Was Smuggled Across The Border To Kill 36 Million Americans
Border Patrol agents confiscated more than 36 million lethal doses worth of fentanyl in three months while catching illegal immigrants entering the U.S. along the southern border, according to congressional testimony.

Andrew R. Arthur of the research institute Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) testified in front of the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Thursday. Congress invited witnesses to discuss how environmental regulations affect border enforcement.

If you're going to bring up drug crimes you should probably mention that most drugs come through legal ports of entry.
When looking at crime rate for illegal immigrants, your own data shows that it varies.
See here:
That's not a very strong case.
Still not a strong case. Surely you understand the importance of looking at data rather than individual instances of particular things happening? I can post articles about people dying as a result of X and than claim there's a huge crisis when the data doesn't support my claim. Trump supporters love to do that.
“transport the bulk of their goods over the Southwest Border through ports of entry (POEs) using passenger vehicles or tractor trailers.”
Drugs will flow in regardless, ever heard of the balloon effect?
Most drugs come through legal ports of entry and drug traffickers always find new routes.
And yes, it's not a strong case when you consider it's 161 pounds.
correct, wow, actual facts. The effort is to move most all now.
Do you honestly believe 161 pounds of Fentanyl is going to kill all americans?
Don't let your size instinct get out of control.
" In California, a veteran was raped and brutally murdered by an illegal alien with a long criminal history. In Maryland, MS-13 gang members viciously stabbed a 16-year-old girl. 100,000 assaults. 4,000 murders. Tell those families this crisis isn't real." - trump
There Is No Border Crisis
Anyone who actually bothers to look at the data knows their is no "crisis."

The Perils of Illegal Border Crossing
You realize that link is talking about the journey to the border, not numbers on apprehensions over time.

First, there are fewer apprehensions because of the 700 miles of walls that has been built, showing that walls do work. But, apprehensions is only one aspect. You are completely ignoring those who die while trying to journey to and across the border as if those deaths mean nothing. So, the fact is you're trying to use the "big picture" to minimize the details of the crisis. Not very honest of you.
You think the fence is the reason for the rapid decline in apprehensions? It's because of economic growth in countries like Mexico -- that's the primary driver.
You are completely ignoring those who die while trying to journey to and across the border as if those deaths mean nothing.
It's always funny when people pretend to give a shit about people fleeing their home countries for economic opportunity/asylum and than simultaneously saying they're "invaders." Of course apprehension isn't the only aspect, but Trump and others are trying to paint the picture that there's a massive increase in illegal immigration that is unprecedented, which is nonsense. Also, I never said the deaths mean nothing. In fact, I have no problem with people seeking asylum. Nice try though!
but the people coming in are not from mexico. but thanks for trying.

Caravan, baby, caravan.
You can look at numbers from a variety of countries, not just Mexico. Hence: "countries like Mexico."
You still disregard enough came over through illegals to kill America. Fact is, they are more likely to get caught coming through ports than illegally across the border.
Not a strong enough of a case to show that enough fentanyl came in through illegal immigrants to kill every man, woman, and child in America. Got it.
ICE busts more than 50 illegal immigrants in New England raids – Boston Herald
This below was before the latest bust above
In Three Months, Enough Fentanyl Was Smuggled Across The Border To Kill 36 Million Americans
Border Patrol agents confiscated more than 36 million lethal doses worth of fentanyl in three months while catching illegal immigrants entering the U.S. along the southern border, according to congressional testimony.

Andrew R. Arthur of the research institute Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) testified in front of the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Thursday. Congress invited witnesses to discuss how environmental regulations affect border enforcement.

Yeah, because border deportations/apprehensions are down, due to fudging of numbers by the previous administration. This admin has gone back to reporting as has been done in the past.

High deportation figures are misleading
Obama Administration Inflating Deportation Numbers | National Review
Date on that matters not, as it was continued through then end of his administration.
Maybe repeating this will-

Illegal immigrants accounted for nearly 75 percent of federal drug sentences in 2014. This is according to the United States Sentencing Commission, which also found that illegals were involved in nearly 17 percent of drug-trafficking sentences and over 33 percent of federal sentences overall.

5. A disproportionate amount of illegals are in state prisons. Peter Kirsanow, a member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights and a lawyer, reviewed statistics from the Government Accountability Office and Pew Research Center and compared the number of illegals and non-illegals imprisoned for murder-related offenses in a 2015 National Review piece. Some of his findings:

  • There were 68.57 illegal aliens imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals in Arizona, compared to 54.06 citizens and legal noncitizens imprisoned for every 100,000 citizens and legal noncitizens.
  • There were 97.2 illegals imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals in California, compared to 74.1 citizens and legal noncitizens imprisoned per 100,000 citizen and legal noncitizens.
  • There were 54.85 illegals imprisoned for every 100,00 illegals in Florida, compared to 67.8 legal immigrants imprisoned for every 100,000 legal immigrants.
  • There were 168.75 illegals imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals in New York, compared to 48.12 legal immigrants imprisoned for every 100,000 legal immigrants.
  • There were 54.54 illegals imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals in Texas, compared to 65.43 legal immigrants .
Kirsanow acknowledged that while comparing murder incarceration rates isn't a perfect measurement, "it’s difficult to contend that illegal aliens are more law-abiding than legal residents — at least when it comes to major crimes." But the more disturbing fact was that "approximately 2,430 illegal aliens are in prison just for homicide-related offenses" in California alone.
9 Things You Need To Know About Illegal Immigration And Crime
If you're going to bring up drug crimes you should probably mention that most drugs come through legal ports of entry.
When looking at crime rate for illegal immigrants, your own data shows that it varies.
See here:
  • There were 54.85 illegals imprisoned for every 100,00 illegals in Florida, compared to 67.8 legal immigrants imprisoned for every 100,000 legal immigrants
  • There were 54.54 illegals imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals in Texas, compared to 65.43 legal immigrants.
That's not a very strong case.
Still not a strong case. Surely you understand the importance of looking at data rather than individual instances of particular things happening? I can post articles about people dying as a result of X and than claim there's a huge crisis when the data doesn't support my claim. Trump supporters love to do that.
“transport the bulk of their goods over the Southwest Border through ports of entry (POEs) using passenger vehicles or tractor trailers.”
Drugs will flow in regardless, ever heard of the balloon effect?
Most drugs come through legal ports of entry and drug traffickers always find new routes.
And yes, it's not a strong case when you consider it's 161 pounds.
so you'd ignore what the border agency claims is needed? so you are a KAOA member to? Kill Americans Off Agenda!
border patrol got 700 miles of the wall built in the places they requested the past 10 years.... are you claiming that border patrol wants a wall across the entire southern border as Trump claimed we needed?
where the border agents said was needed. yep!!!

Unless you missed it, he's listening to them since they are the experts. you not so much.
in case you missed it, dummy, border patrol told us where they needed a wall/fence in 2007 and got the 700 miles they requested in the Secure Border Act passed that year, and the past 10 years we did what they asked.... the 700 mile fence was just completed recently, we doubled their Border Patrol and INS agents, we gave them newer technology that they asked for as well....

And the high of 1,600,000 illegals TRYING to cross illegally a year at the border has been REDUCED
to around 300-400K a year due mostly to all of those changes...

There is very little, wall to build yet that they have requested.... there are improvements to be made to existing walls or fences, but not much more in new walls in areas where there is none.... just some smaller gaps....
too fking funny. the fact you posted those stats is enough for me to declare you stupid of the day!!!!! wow, just fking wow.

link up buddy.... prove me wrong! Every number listed is fact, not fiction.
Southwest Border Migration FY 2019 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
You still disregard enough came over through illegals to kill America. Fact is, they are more likely to get caught coming through ports than illegally across the border.
Not a strong enough of a case to show that enough fentanyl came in through illegal immigrants to kill every man, woman, and child in America. Got it.
ICE busts more than 50 illegal immigrants in New England raids – Boston Herald
This below was before the latest bust above
In Three Months, Enough Fentanyl Was Smuggled Across The Border To Kill 36 Million Americans
Border Patrol agents confiscated more than 36 million lethal doses worth of fentanyl in three months while catching illegal immigrants entering the U.S. along the southern border, according to congressional testimony.

Andrew R. Arthur of the research institute Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) testified in front of the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Thursday. Congress invited witnesses to discuss how environmental regulations affect border enforcement.

If you're going to bring up drug crimes you should probably mention that most drugs come through legal ports of entry.
When looking at crime rate for illegal immigrants, your own data shows that it varies.
See here:
That's not a very strong case.
Still not a strong case. Surely you understand the importance of looking at data rather than individual instances of particular things happening? I can post articles about people dying as a result of X and than claim there's a huge crisis when the data doesn't support my claim. Trump supporters love to do that.
“transport the bulk of their goods over the Southwest Border through ports of entry (POEs) using passenger vehicles or tractor trailers.”
Drugs will flow in regardless, ever heard of the balloon effect?
Most drugs come through legal ports of entry and drug traffickers always find new routes.
And yes, it's not a strong case when you consider it's 161 pounds.
You still disregard enough came over through illegals to kill America.
What is the mechanism by which this Fentanyl is distributed to kill all Americans? And the fact is that most drugs come through legal ports/not across the border where a "wall/fence/etc" would be built. Show me research that concludes that most drugs don't come through legal ports.

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