Eviction Notice

If the Dems want to win again they must come to terms with reality.

White votes still matter.

Good luck. Safe Spacer wingnuts say 'Whitey is bad.' The Democratic Party is rapidly losing the hard working blue collar white voter. It used to own that vote. The times are definitely a changin.
I'm only bigoted against bs hate propaganda. Which is all you've got, dupe.

You do what you are told to do, and NEVER question, bigot boi.

Your masters hate people with skin of X color.

X changes occasionally. X was once red, while the creator of the filthy democratic part, Andrew Jackson purged "those people" from Georgia

Later X was black, with all of you democrats lynching the objects of your hatred at party rallies.

Now X is white. The algorithm never changes, only the value of X. democrats hate people with X color skin - always.
Let's do the math:
63% of the people in this country are white.
12% are blacks.
If the RNC is the white party and you make the DNC the black party, how many elections does the DNC think it will win?
We'll continue being the smart party.

The only smart thing you guys did during this last election was cancel the party fireworks.....

I heard there were PLENTY of fireworks in Hillary's hotel room, resulting in Bill fleeing for dear life...
Fake news junkie. Fooled AGAIN....Go Trump Party. 60% dupes, 40% Dem.

Will the rat candidate in 2020 be wearing one of those 70s 3 foot wide Afro wigs and do a big city "Make Whitey Pay" tour?
Let's do the math:
63% of the people in this country are white.
12% are blacks.
If the RNC is the white party and you make the DNC the black party, how many elections does the DNC think it will win?
We'll continue being the smart party.

The only smart thing you guys did during this last election was cancel the party fireworks.....

I heard there were PLENTY of fireworks in Hillary's hotel room, resulting in Bill fleeing for dear life...
Fake news junkie. Fooled AGAIN....Go Trump Party. 60% dupes, 40% Dem.

Will the rat candidate in 2020 be wearing one of those 70s 3 foot wide Afro wigs and do a big city "Make Whitey Pay" tour?
No, (90% chance racist) dupe. Make greedy rich white lying GOPers pay! Dem rich already want to- and invest in the nonrich and the country.
I'm only bigoted against bs hate propaganda. Which is all you've got, dupe.

You do what you are told to do, and NEVER question, bigot boi.

Your masters hate people with skin of X color.

X changes occasionally. X was once red, while the creator of the filthy democratic part, Andrew Jackson purged "those people" from Georgia

Later X was black, with all of you democrats lynching the objects of your hatred at party rallies.

Now X is white. The algorithm never changes, only the value of X. democrats hate people with X color skin - always.
We hate greedy rich liars- your heroes, dupe. Did you hear about the corrupt GOP world depression? Or just that giant melt down? Ay caramba...
We'll continue being the smart party.

The only smart thing you guys did during this last election was cancel the party fireworks.....

I heard there were PLENTY of fireworks in Hillary's hotel room, resulting in Bill fleeing for dear life...
Fake news junkie. Fooled AGAIN....Go Trump Party. 60% dupes, 40% Dem.

Will the rat candidate in 2020 be wearing one of those 70s 3 foot wide Afro wigs and do a big city "Make Whitey Pay" tour?
No, (90% chance racist) dupe. Make greedy rich white lying GOPers pay! Dem rich already want to- and invest in the nonrich and the country.

Rather quick to play the old rat tried and true racist card there, eh Frankie? That all you got? Come on butthurt leftist...bring something for Pupps amusement.
And the GOP will continue to be the greedy rich party, supported by propagandized, fear mongered, 50% racist chumps...

Franco hater dupe bot, your filthy party needs to purge all white people. White's are racist and have no place in the peoples party. You must continue to denigrate and slander all whites. Make it clear that you hate white people (I guess Obama already has) and that they have no place in you GLORIOUS party.

It is absolutely the path that democrats must take in order to gain full power! :thup:

Trust me bigot boi, it's a winnign strategy.
I'm only bigoted against bs hate propaganda. Which is all you've got, dupe.
Why are members of your party calling for ALL whites to step down?

That's one unknown idiot, dupe. LOL

Unknown to YOU maybe but a known DNC planner and CNN employee.
No, (90% chance racist) dupe. Make greedy rich white lying GOPers pay! Dem rich already want to- and invest in the nonrich and the country.

There you go!

Whoever is coding the artificial stupidity routine behind you is on track. Make SURE you make clear to all that whitey has no place in your party or your world. Not rich George Soros decrees it, you must obey, since you are not sentient.

Leftist Jeff Bezos is not rich.
Leftist Mark Zuckerburk is not rich
Leftist Tim Cook is not rich
Leftist Warren Buffet is not rich

The rich people are these doctors and dentists who work 70 hour weeks, they MUST be crushed so that the not rich can rule without the little people getting uppity.
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The only smart thing you guys did during this last election was cancel the party fireworks.....

I heard there were PLENTY of fireworks in Hillary's hotel room, resulting in Bill fleeing for dear life...
Fake news junkie. Fooled AGAIN....Go Trump Party. 60% dupes, 40% Dem.

Will the rat candidate in 2020 be wearing one of those 70s 3 foot wide Afro wigs and do a big city "Make Whitey Pay" tour?
No, (90% chance racist) dupe. Make greedy rich white lying GOPers pay! Dem rich already want to- and invest in the nonrich and the country.

Rather quick to play the old rat tried and true racist card there, eh Frankie? That all you got? Come on butthurt leftist...bring something for Pupps amusement.
You played it, dupe. So did the OP. DUH. I know rural GOPers/dupes- and urban ones. And they're racists. Great people otherwise, just ignorant and brainwashed. Great job, Fox Rush GOP pols etc etc....
If the Dems want to win again they must come to terms with reality.

White votes still matter.

Good luck. Safe Spacer wingnuts say 'Whitey is bad.' The Democratic Party is rapidly losing the hard working blue collar white voter. It used to own that vote. The times are definitely a changin.

They will listen if they ever want to win again.
I heard there were PLENTY of fireworks in Hillary's hotel room, resulting in Bill fleeing for dear life...
Fake news junkie. Fooled AGAIN....Go Trump Party. 60% dupes, 40% Dem.

Will the rat candidate in 2020 be wearing one of those 70s 3 foot wide Afro wigs and do a big city "Make Whitey Pay" tour?
No, (90% chance racist) dupe. Make greedy rich white lying GOPers pay! Dem rich already want to- and invest in the nonrich and the country.

Rather quick to play the old rat tried and true racist card there, eh Frankie? That all you got? Come on butthurt leftist...bring something for Pupps amusement.
You played it, dupe. So did the OP. DUH. I know rural GOPers/dupes- and urban ones. And they're racists. Great people otherwise, just ignorant and brainwashed. Great job, Fox Rush GOP pols etc etc....

Po, po Frankie. Here's a tune to use as a balm for your butthurt. Now doan be sayn that it is racist due to the title:

Fake news junkie. Fooled AGAIN....Go Trump Party. 60% dupes, 40% Dem.

Will the rat candidate in 2020 be wearing one of those 70s 3 foot wide Afro wigs and do a big city "Make Whitey Pay" tour?
No, (90% chance racist) dupe. Make greedy rich white lying GOPers pay! Dem rich already want to- and invest in the nonrich and the country.

Rather quick to play the old rat tried and true racist card there, eh Frankie? That all you got? Come on butthurt leftist...bring something for Pupps amusement.
You played it, dupe. So did the OP. DUH. I know rural GOPers/dupes- and urban ones. And they're racists. Great people otherwise, just ignorant and brainwashed. Great job, Fox Rush GOP pols etc etc....

Po, po Frankie. Here's a tune to use as a balm for your butthurt. Now doan be sayn that it is racist due to the title:

I'd rather the centrist New Trump Party than Hill and total obstruction. I hope.
TO: White Democrats
From: Negros and Hispanics

I myself predicted on this very board six or eight months ago that Sanders was going to DIVIDE your party and the choice of some old nasty feeble white woman who is a damn criminal would lead to major failures in your system and now that day is here.

Well the racist Negro wing of your party of which you help create wants your nasty white peckerwood ass OUT of leadership. They are calling for ALL white leadership to step down NOW. While you can remain as members you MUST move to the back of the bus.

The Negro/Hispanic wing of your party no longer feels you are able to run or lead a party. And in some respects they are right as we view the total f#cking mess you made of this last election AND the last off year. The woman calling for this not only is a ranking member of your party as a democrat planner but for CNN as well. {Go figure!}

So your "all inclusive" party is fine as long as you don't believe in God and now are NOT white. Oh and did I mention this SAME woman says when four whites beat a negro its a hate crime but when four Negros beat a white its protest?
{Second video in OP for that}

So you head into 2018 with radical racist leadership that sees beating white people as protest. That work for ya huh?

58 seconds in to hear hate crimess/protests

Idiot is simply to nice a word for what you are.


A key element in Trump's win.

OP- Who? lol. Only in dupe world...

Let's do the math:
63% of the people in this country are white.
12% are blacks.
If the RNC is the white party and you make the DNC the black party, how many elections does the DNC think it will win?
We'll continue being the smart party.
In order to continue you need to start, you got a date for starting yet?

Let's do the math:
63% of the people in this country are white.
12% are blacks.
If the RNC is the white party and you make the DNC the black party, how many elections does the DNC think it will win?
We'll continue being the smart party.

If we were so smart we would have won the election dumbshit.

If the Dems want to win again they must come to terms with reality.

White votes still matter.

Good luck. Safe Spacer wingnuts say 'Whitey is bad.' The Democratic Party is rapidly losing the hard working blue collar white voter. It used to own that vote. The times are definitely a changin.

I would like to thank people like hater dupe Franco, and let us not forget Joe, Jillian, Rightwinger, along with a few others.....................who through their actions on here and elsewhere, along with their other arrogant lefty friends who knew it was JUST IN THE BAG FOR HILLY, and made sure everyone knew it to boot.

Along with them, we would like to thank Grueber, BLM, Harry Reid, occupy wall street, the creator (whomever it is) for safe spots on college campuses; Colin Kaperchump, with us not forgetting the genius who thought sooooooooooo much they had it in the proverbial bag that they decided to sponsor letting men in womens bathrooms. (yes, what a great campaign move, and I hope you keep that person on for 2020 and beyond)

Americans across the country, (except for California and New York) took a look at you misfits and said, no hell no, not this time. In every state but 2 Hillary Clinton actually tried to win, she got handed her big ass, lol. Down ballot, you basically have been put into dog catcher positions by the American public, and it is about time you people get a clue! The Democrats are no longer the party of JFK, they are the party of Keith (X) Ellison, and just as conservatives left the Republican party, moderate Democrats are running from you.

The OP claims that white people put Trump in. Well, a whole lot of white people voted for Clinton, and Obama when he ran too. No, white people did NOT put Trump in, patriotic American citizens of all stripes, with different levels of melanin put him in. Caucasians, Hispanics, Black, and Asian...........along with some Muslims. They made you far leftists irrelevant; especially after it was reported on Chucky Shumer would USE the nuclear option if necessary to push forth Hillary's agenda. That means, now we can use it too-)

I would remind the coalition, that the job is NOT done. In 18 massive amounts of Dem senate seats are on the block. Let us throw them ALL out, and make far leftists extinct. We can put "hater dupe" in a glass case in some museum, so we can show the next generation what they want to strive NOT to be.

As far as the Democratic party---------->unless they quit going along with people singing, "pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon," they will never get power except in big cities; and I have a feeling the big cities are going to have a BIG problem with President Trump, once a bunch of their states federal cash is cut off as long as the cities stay sanctuaries; which is fine, we don't mind using the money to balance the budget on your backs, considering it is YOUR constituency that is always demanding transfer of wealth anyway-)
Will the rat candidate in 2020 be wearing one of those 70s 3 foot wide Afro wigs and do a big city "Make Whitey Pay" tour?
No, (90% chance racist) dupe. Make greedy rich white lying GOPers pay! Dem rich already want to- and invest in the nonrich and the country.

Rather quick to play the old rat tried and true racist card there, eh Frankie? That all you got? Come on butthurt leftist...bring something for Pupps amusement.
You played it, dupe. So did the OP. DUH. I know rural GOPers/dupes- and urban ones. And they're racists. Great people otherwise, just ignorant and brainwashed. Great job, Fox Rush GOP pols etc etc....

Po, po Frankie. Here's a tune to use as a balm for your butthurt. Now doan be sayn that it is racist due to the title:

I'd rather the centrist.New Trump Party than Hill and total obstruction. I hope.

Frankie, my man, you be a babblin' now. Settle de fuck down and chill, bro. Lite another rock and imagine that Hellary had managed to steal the election. Close them bloodshot eyes and groove:

No, (90% chance racist) dupe. Make greedy rich white lying GOPers pay! Dem rich already want to- and invest in the nonrich and the country.

Rather quick to play the old rat tried and true racist card there, eh Frankie? That all you got? Come on butthurt leftist...bring something for Pupps amusement.
You played it, dupe. So did the OP. DUH. I know rural GOPers/dupes- and urban ones. And they're racists. Great people otherwise, just ignorant and brainwashed. Great job, Fox Rush GOP pols etc etc....

Po, po Frankie. Here's a tune to use as a balm for your butthurt. Now doan be sayn that it is racist due to the title:

I'd rather the centrist.New Trump Party than Hill and total obstruction. I hope.

Frankie, my man, you be a babblin' now. Settle de fuck down and chill, bro. Lite another rock and imagine that Hellary had managed to steal the election. Close them bloodshot eyes and groove:

If the Dems want to win again they must come to terms with reality.

White votes still matter.

Good luck. Safe Spacer wingnuts say 'Whitey is bad.' The Democratic Party is rapidly losing the hard working blue collar white voter. It used to own that vote. The times are definitely a changin.

They will listen if they ever want to win again.

I suspect it is too late for that. The Dems decided to Live by Identity Politics, and now they are seeing a bit of the reductio ad absurdum of such a divisive strategy.
If the Dems want to win again they must come to terms with reality.

White votes still matter.

Good luck. Safe Spacer wingnuts say 'Whitey is bad.' The Democratic Party is rapidly losing the hard working blue collar white voter. It used to own that vote. The times are definitely a changin.

They will listen if they ever want to win again.

I suspect it is too late for that. The Dems decided to Live by Identity Politics, and now they are seeing a bit of the reductio ad absurdum of such a divisive strategy.

Their strategy was to corral the minority vote and split the white vote taking 30 - 40% of it. It worked with Obama...Hellary, not so much. Like Pupps said before the election, blacks would not turn out for her like they did him. They didn't and the minority coalition fell to a historic "upset" victory.

In reality, it wasn't an upset. The polls were wrong because they were based on liberal demographic bias conducted by liberally biased pollsters. Why...how could this happen...how could we have been so wrong?

Because you are socialists and you see everything through your socialist prism.
No, (90% chance racist) dupe. Make greedy rich white lying GOPers pay! Dem rich already want to- and invest in the nonrich and the country.

There you go!

Whoever is coding the artificial stupidity routine behind you is on track. Make SURE you make clear to all that whitey has no place in your party or your world. Not rich George Soros decrees it, you must obey, since you are not sentient.

Leftist Jeff Bezos is not rich.
Leftist Mark Zuckerburk is not rich
Leftist Tim Cook is not rich
Leftist Warren Buffet is not rich

The rich people are these doctors and dentists who work 70 hour weeks, they MUST be crushed so that the not rich can rule without the little people getting uppity.
Man, you're off the wall. Intelligent, informed, nonracist whites will always be welcome in the Dem party duh. Those "leftists" want all rich to pay more, after 30 years of Voodoo wrecking the country, dupe. God, Hillary is a crummy campaigner....Maybe Pocahontas next time...

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