Eviction Notice

If the Dems want to win again they must come to terms with reality.

White votes still matter.

Good luck. Safe Spacer wingnuts say 'Whitey is bad.' The Democratic Party is rapidly losing the hard working blue collar white voter. It used to own that vote. The times are definitely a changin.

They will listen if they ever want to win again.

I suspect it is too late for that. The Dems decided to Live by Identity Politics, and now they are seeing a bit of the reductio ad absurdum of such a divisive strategy.
The only thing divisive is your New BS GOP bs propaganda, greedy billionaires, fake news and bigoted supporters/ignoramuses, dupe.

Frankie, you limit your vision to only black and white. The reality is black, white and an almost infinite number of shades of gray. Watch a movie such as A Beautiful Mind, listen and learn from it. This a complex world. Things often are not as they seem.

Pay particular attention to the title song, All Love Can Be. James Horner (composer), Charlotte Church (vocalist) and the orchestra all signed off on a single take of all recorded aspects. That is where Greatness truly springs from. Collaborative effort for the common good, not divisive political rhetoric such as espoused by your preferred party.

I truly admire your optimism and generosity of spirit, but alas, I fear they are wasted upon frankie.
If the Dems want to win again they must come to terms with reality.

White votes still matter.
I think Hillary aimed for the white vote with Kaine. But this identity politic thing is not working. It is the anti-thesis of unifying. Hillary led Trump by 80% in black vote. The problem was they didn't turn out in the numbers she needed, and she won females by only 18%. She didn't get the turnout and her ethics and perhaps Comey doomed her with moderate women who will trend towards the gop if given reason.

Trump got more votes from people of color than Romney did. Here’s the data.

Why the gender gap doomed Hillary Clinton

The OP is factually bs. And it uses the term "negro." Which should say something in code.
Putin screwed her with many Sanders supporters and indies. And our journalism free media suqs.
yeah, but man, she had negatives. And, really, her shelf life had expired four years ago. It's nearly impossible for either party to win 3 consecutive terms. But the gop left intact it's inability to win a simple maj.

I don't think they can win the senate in 18 because so many dem seats are up. But, it Price and Ryan do as expected with Medicare, House seats the Tea Party flipped in 10, may be vulnerable.
True, But before Comey II, she had a good lead. Even with a 4 pt Trump poll fake out. I voted Bernie in NY. I'm trying to stay alive for the 2020's...
I agree that Comey killed her with the Philly suburban women, and very possibly he did so in Madison and Ann Arbor.
They will listen if they ever want to win again.

I suspect it is too late for that. The Dems decided to Live by Identity Politics, and now they are seeing a bit of the reductio ad absurdum of such a divisive strategy.
The only thing divisive is your New BS GOP bs propaganda, greedy billionaires, fake news and bigoted supporters/ignoramuses, dupe.

Frankie, you limit your vision to only black and white. The reality is black, white and an almost infinite number of shades of gray. Watch a movie such as A Beautiful Mind, listen and learn from it. This a complex world. Things often are not as they seem.

Pay particular attention to the title song, All Love Can Be. James Horner (composer), Charlotte Church (vocalist) and the orchestra all signed off on a single take of all recorded aspects. That is where Greatness truly springs from. Collaborative effort for the common good, not divisive political rhetoric such as espoused by your preferred party.

I like TRUE facts, not bs propaganda and fake news, the New BS GOP's staple. Good movie.

You miss the entire point of my post, Franco (note the change in nomenclature). Reality is the point. Greatness can only be achieved when good people come together for the common good. Trash is, and always be, trash. MY country has spoken. Which shall you side with?

Those that choose congruity and divisiveness or those that chose moving forward together? Your choice, belongs only to you.

Your country is misinformed. Go Trump Party. I'm hoping for the best, which will include dumping the policies of 20% of his supporters.
They will listen if they ever want to win again.

I suspect it is too late for that. The Dems decided to Live by Identity Politics, and now they are seeing a bit of the reductio ad absurdum of such a divisive strategy.
The only thing divisive is your New BS GOP bs propaganda, greedy billionaires, fake news and bigoted supporters/ignoramuses, dupe.

Frankie, you limit your vision to only black and white. The reality is black, white and an almost infinite number of shades of gray. Watch a movie such as A Beautiful Mind, listen and learn from it. This a complex world. Things often are not as they seem.

Pay particular attention to the title song, All Love Can Be. James Horner (composer), Charlotte Church (vocalist) and the orchestra all signed off on a single take of all recorded aspects. That is where Greatness truly springs from. Collaborative effort for the common good, not divisive political rhetoric such as espoused by your preferred party.

I like TRUE facts, not bs propaganda and fake news, the New BS GOP's staple. Good movie.

You miss the entire point of my post, Franco (note the change in nomenclature). Reality is the point. Greatness can only be achieved when good people come together for the common good. Trash is, and always be, trash. MY country has spoken. Which shall you side with?

Those that choose congruity and divisiveness or those that chose moving forward together? Your choice, belongs only to you.

Well, time will tell if Trump tries to govern as a unifying force. Obama did, and Trump pulled the birther shit, and then there's Bannon. But yeah, the politics by identity thing is a loser.
I suspect it is too late for that. The Dems decided to Live by Identity Politics, and now they are seeing a bit of the reductio ad absurdum of such a divisive strategy.
The only thing divisive is your New BS GOP bs propaganda, greedy billionaires, fake news and bigoted supporters/ignoramuses, dupe.

Frankie, you limit your vision to only black and white. The reality is black, white and an almost infinite number of shades of gray. Watch a movie such as A Beautiful Mind, listen and learn from it. This a complex world. Things often are not as they seem.

Pay particular attention to the title song, All Love Can Be. James Horner (composer), Charlotte Church (vocalist) and the orchestra all signed off on a single take of all recorded aspects. That is where Greatness truly springs from. Collaborative effort for the common good, not divisive political rhetoric such as espoused by your preferred party.

I like TRUE facts, not bs propaganda and fake news, the New BS GOP's staple. Good movie.

You miss the entire point of my post, Franco (note the change in nomenclature). Reality is the point. Greatness can only be achieved when good people come together for the common good. Trash is, and always be, trash. MY country has spoken. Which shall you side with?

Those that choose congruity and divisiveness or those that chose moving forward together? Your choice, belongs only to you.

Well, time will tell if Trump tries to govern as a unifying force. Obama did, and Trump pulled the birther shit, and then there's Bannon. But yeah, the politics by identity thing is a loser.

How incredibly ludicrous. Obama NEVER tried to govern as a unifying force.
I suspect it is too late for that. The Dems decided to Live by Identity Politics, and now they are seeing a bit of the reductio ad absurdum of such a divisive strategy.
The only thing divisive is your New BS GOP bs propaganda, greedy billionaires, fake news and bigoted supporters/ignoramuses, dupe.

Frankie, you limit your vision to only black and white. The reality is black, white and an almost infinite number of shades of gray. Watch a movie such as A Beautiful Mind, listen and learn from it. This a complex world. Things often are not as they seem.

Pay particular attention to the title song, All Love Can Be. James Horner (composer), Charlotte Church (vocalist) and the orchestra all signed off on a single take of all recorded aspects. That is where Greatness truly springs from. Collaborative effort for the common good, not divisive political rhetoric such as espoused by your preferred party.

I like TRUE facts, not bs propaganda and fake news, the New BS GOP's staple. Good movie.

You miss the entire point of my post, Franco (note the change in nomenclature). Reality is the point. Greatness can only be achieved when good people come together for the common good. Trash is, and always be, trash. MY country has spoken. Which shall you side with?

Those that choose congruity and divisiveness or those that chose moving forward together? Your choice, belongs only to you.

Your country is misinformed. Go Trump Party. I'm hoping for the best, which will include dumping the policies of 20% of his supporters.

Alas, WE are misinformed according to the all knowing crystal ball of the leftist fortune tellers...those same misguided tellers of fortune that predicted a Clintonian Dynasty of epic proportion. Where are they now?

Shoveling shit in Missouri like George Patton eluded to?
White guilt liberals are so stupid they'll put themselves in chains.
You believe it never happened, or if it did, because Obama got elected? Total RW idiocy, just like this crap.

I believe you are an ignorant fool with scant grasp on the world around him. We had a recession that started in 2007. We did not have a depression in 2008, or even in 2009 when Obama REALLY fucked things up.That you have no knowledge of history nor economics notwithstanding.
Good luck. Safe Spacer wingnuts say 'Whitey is bad.' The Democratic Party is rapidly losing the hard working blue collar white voter. It used to own that vote. The times are definitely a changin.

They will listen if they ever want to win again.

I suspect it is too late for that. The Dems decided to Live by Identity Politics, and now they are seeing a bit of the reductio ad absurdum of such a divisive strategy.
The only thing divisive is your New BS GOP bs propaganda, greedy billionaires, fake news and bigoted supporters/ignoramuses, dupe.

Frankie, you limit your vision to only black and white. The reality is black, white and an almost infinite number of shades of gray. Watch a movie such as A Beautiful Mind, listen and learn from it. This a complex world. Things often are not as they seem.

Pay particular attention to the title song, All Love Can Be. James Horner (composer), Charlotte Church (vocalist) and the orchestra all signed off on a single take of all recorded aspects. That is where Greatness truly springs from. Collaborative effort for the common good, not divisive political rhetoric such as espoused by your preferred party.

I truly admire your optimism and generosity of spirit, but alas, I fear they are wasted upon frankie.

If the Dems want to win again they must come to terms with reality.

White votes still matter.
I think Hillary aimed for the white vote with Kaine. But this identity politic thing is not working. It is the anti-thesis of unifying. Hillary led Trump by 80% in black vote. The problem was they didn't turn out in the numbers she needed, and she won females by only 18%. She didn't get the turnout and her ethics and perhaps Comey doomed her with moderate women who will trend towards the gop if given reason.

Trump got more votes from people of color than Romney did. Here’s the data.

Why the gender gap doomed Hillary Clinton

The OP is factually bs. And it uses the term "negro." Which should say something in code.
Putin screwed her with many Sanders supporters and indies. And our journalism free media suqs.
yeah, but man, she had negatives. And, really, her shelf life had expired four years ago. It's nearly impossible for either party to win 3 consecutive terms. But the gop left intact it's inability to win a simple maj.

I don't think they can win the senate in 18 because so many dem seats are up. But, it Price and Ryan do as expected with Medicare, House seats the Tea Party flipped in 10, may be vulnerable.
True, But before Comey II, she had a good lead. Even with a 4 pt Trump poll fake out. I voted Bernie in NY. I'm trying to stay alive for the 2020's...
I agree that Comey killed her with the Philly suburban women, and very possibly he did so in Madison and Ann Arbor.
And the Putin e-mail drip drip went on for many months...What's a Russian Swiftboat?
You believe it never happened, or if it did, because Obama got elected? Total RW idiocy, just like this crap.

I believe you are an ignorant fool with scant grasp on the world around him. We had a recession that started in 2007. We did not have a depression in 2008, or even in 2009 when Obama REALLY fucked things up.That you have no knowledge of history nor economics notwithstanding.
Total whackjob. TARP passed in Oct 2008 DUH. Stimulus passed April 2009. We were losing 800k jobs/month before Obama was President. Job loss ended 10/2010.

You and many other dupes are absolutely clueless brainwashed LOUDMOUTHS.
Putin screwed her with many Sanders supporters and indies. And our journalism free media suqs.


And how did Putin do that? Did he fail to buy more uranium from America via bribes to her?
His people hacked DNC e-mails, which MANY dupes (GOP and Indies) believe showed she rigged the primaries. Ridiculous but we have no journalists. Cut the crap, idiot.

True, But before Comey II, she had a good lead. Even with a 4 pt Trump poll fake out. I voted Bernie in NY. I'm trying to stay alive for the 2020's...

Is the anti-virus software close to eradicating you? I didn't know malware such as you was self-aware?
I refuse to ignore, even pure superdupes like you. You're on another planet.
They will listen if they ever want to win again.

I suspect it is too late for that. The Dems decided to Live by Identity Politics, and now they are seeing a bit of the reductio ad absurdum of such a divisive strategy.
The only thing divisive is your New BS GOP bs propaganda, greedy billionaires, fake news and bigoted supporters/ignoramuses, dupe.

Frankie, you limit your vision to only black and white. The reality is black, white and an almost infinite number of shades of gray. Watch a movie such as A Beautiful Mind, listen and learn from it. This a complex world. Things often are not as they seem.

Pay particular attention to the title song, All Love Can Be. James Horner (composer), Charlotte Church (vocalist) and the orchestra all signed off on a single take of all recorded aspects. That is where Greatness truly springs from. Collaborative effort for the common good, not divisive political rhetoric such as espoused by your preferred party.

I truly admire your optimism and generosity of spirit, but alas, I fear they are wasted upon frankie.

I think Hillary aimed for the white vote with Kaine. But this identity politic thing is not working. It is the anti-thesis of unifying. Hillary led Trump by 80% in black vote. The problem was they didn't turn out in the numbers she needed, and she won females by only 18%. She didn't get the turnout and her ethics and perhaps Comey doomed her with moderate women who will trend towards the gop if given reason.

Trump got more votes from people of color than Romney did. Here’s the data.

Why the gender gap doomed Hillary Clinton

The OP is factually bs. And it uses the term "negro." Which should say something in code.
Putin screwed her with many Sanders supporters and indies. And our journalism free media suqs.
yeah, but man, she had negatives. And, really, her shelf life had expired four years ago. It's nearly impossible for either party to win 3 consecutive terms. But the gop left intact it's inability to win a simple maj.

I don't think they can win the senate in 18 because so many dem seats are up. But, it Price and Ryan do as expected with Medicare, House seats the Tea Party flipped in 10, may be vulnerable.
True, But before Comey II, she had a good lead. Even with a 4 pt Trump poll fake out. I voted Bernie in NY. I'm trying to stay alive for the 2020's...
I agree that Comey killed her with the Philly suburban women, and very possibly he did so in Madison and Ann Arbor.
And the Putin e-mail drip drip went on for many months...What's a Russian Swiftboat?

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy.

Свифт на лодке
Total whackjob. TARP passed in Oct 2008 DUH. Stimulus passed April 2009. We were losing 800k jobs/month before Obama was President. Job loss ended 10/2010.

You and many other dupes are absolutely clueless brainwashed LOUDMOUTHS.

Again retard, there was no depression in 2008. The highest job loss in 2008 was 584,000 in December.

Total 2008 job loss: 2.6 million - Jan. 9, 2009

See the problem I have with you dupe bot is that pretty much anything you post is a lie. I don't think you mean to lie, nor mean not to lie. You post what you read on the hate sites with no regard for fact or reality. This coupled with the shaky at best grasp you have on sanity and reality, added to your lack of education and abject ignorance leads to the kind of shit we see from you.

2008 saw 2.6 million jobs lost, which was devastating.

TARP passed in 2008, with disbursements of cash to well connected banks starting in February of 2009. Private profits with public risk reigned supreme. Porkulus came in 2009.
Putin screwed her with many Sanders supporters and indies. And our journalism free media suqs.


And how did Putin do that? Did he fail to buy more uranium from America via bribes to her?
His people hacked DNC e-mails, which MANY dupes (GOP and Indies) believe showed she rigged the primaries. Ridiculous but we have no journalists. Cut the crap, idiot.

That's what the Hillary campaign says, but is there any proof? None that I've seen presented--just nameless, faceless people offering theories.

But if you were Putin, who would you want to be in Washington? A Donald Trump with the reputation of quick retaliation, figuring things out, and not willing to take any crap off anybody? Or an Obama light in Hillary Clinton who is all talk but completely feckless in action and absolutely no hindrance or threat to Russia?

And if you were going to help one or the other. . . .?

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