Evidence of Serious Election Fraud in the 2020 Election

To recap....This was the guy these Trumpers believe will overturn the election for their cult leader....until he quit..

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The same guy who believed the CIA conspired with a company in Spain to hide servers in Germany....servers that supposedly contained evidence the election was stolen....

A guy who believes that Trump lawyer Sidney Powell led a team of Army Special forces into Germany to have a shoot out with the CIA to retrieve that server...

These folks pull conspiracy after conspiracy out of their ass -- and each one falls flat....does it prompt Trumpers to maybe question why do these folks keep insulting your intelligence?? Nope....and you wonder why we mock you.....
Operative phrase; "he quit".

Nobody with a lick of sense took the shootout with the CIA fable seriously.
He quit after 3 weeks of morons like you cheeerleading him and claiming how this bullshit audit was going to EXPOSE BIDEN and overturn the election...he is the moron that had you goofy muthafuckas talking about bamboo ballots a couple of weeks ago...

Now yall pretend like none of that happened? FOH
Poor, delusional cultists. If the any Trumper here read a single word of any of those articles, I'm the Queen of England.
The plain truth.

Easy, here in Arizona it was Adrian Fontes and Katie Hobbs.
Dems have been in charge of the Maricopa county elections and they rigged it by making it impossible to trace votes to their precincts. Hundreds of thousands of mail in ballots without folds in them, thousands of voters registered to vacant lots and halfway homes. Rampant corruption and cheating here all allowed by the Democrats in charge.

Yet Republicans validated the election results in Arizona. Huh!

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Validating it doesn’t mean there wasn’t any cheating going on. There is just no way for them to know in such short amount of time. They were gutless cowards though, they should had delayed it.
Validating it doesn’t mean there wasn’t any cheating going on.
That's a cute little game you have all rigged up for yourself, there. So tell us what would satisfy you that there was no significant cheating in that the election wasn't stolen. The correct answer is that nothing would. This is all a silly delusion and a rigged game.
Validating it doesn’t mean there wasn’t any cheating going on.
That's a cute little game you have all rigged up for yourself, there. So tell us what would satisfy you that there was no significant cheating in that the election wasn't stolen. The correct answer is that nothing would. This is all a silly delusion and a rigged game.
When the numbers don’t add up in any election it means it’s been rigged. Dems stole the election, the facts speak for themselves.
When the numbers don’t add up in any election it means it’s been rigged
The numbers added up just fine. You frauds have a new reason everyday for why you have believed the election was rigged for the last 6 months. Go try your act out on someone dumber. Good luck.
When the numbers don’t add up in any election it means it’s been rigged
The numbers added up just fine. You frauds have a new reason everyday for why you have believed the election was rigged for the last 6 months. Go try your act out on someone dumber. Good luck.
Riiight. President Trump easily wins Texas, Ohio, and Florida, and is on track to easily win PA, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Michigan, then the vote counting stops, and suddenly hundreds of thousand of fresh ballots show up in the middle of the night that just barely put Biden over. If that isn’t a rigged election then what is?
and suddenly hundreds of thousand of fresh ballots show up in the middle of the night that just barely put Biden over.
To the surprise of absolutely nobody, because of mail ballots. In many states these ballots were not counted until later. We shouldn't have to explain this simple concept to functioning adults, but we have a silly cult here.

You are saying very stupid things and embarrassing yourself.
So, Mike Griffith - name names.
Is that the requirement to prove voter fraud?
If you allege a crime has been committed, and want to be taken seriously, yes you have to tell us who committed the crime. Pretty basic.

The same people who did the steal did 911, and rep Omar knows 911 was a fraud....

Zionist Jews

Aren't you just thrilled to know what the Atlanta Jewish times had to say about Biden a decade ago?

Have US based Mossad assets take out a president - homO - deemed unfriendly to Israel, so that the current vp -traitor Joe - could forcefully dictate us foreign policy to help the Jewish state exterminate everyone Muslim and/or Islamic

Indeed, if you think Biden is not a Zionist warmonger, you did not check his voting record under W

Bernie called Joe a warmonger

Did you not pay attention?
and suddenly hundreds of thousand of fresh ballots show up in the middle of the night that just barely put Biden over.
To the surprise of absolutely nobody, because of mail ballots. In many states these ballots were not counted until later. We shouldn't have to explain this simple concept to functioning adults, but we have a silly cult here.

You are saying very stupid things and embarrassing yourself.
So why did they need to be counted in the middle of the night when they sent home Republican and independent observers? They lied, opened up suitcases and counted their 96% Biden ballots. Biden will forever be known as the only illegitimate president.
and suddenly hundreds of thousand of fresh ballots show up in the middle of the night that just barely put Biden over.
To the surprise of absolutely nobody, because of mail ballots. In many states these ballots were not counted until later. We shouldn't have to explain this simple concept to functioning adults, but we have a silly cult here.

You are saying very stupid things and embarrassing yourself.
So why did they need to be counted in the middle of the night when they sent home Republican and independent observers? They lied, opened up suitcases and counted their 96% Biden ballots. Biden will forever be known as the only illegitimate president.
And Trump will forever be known as a whining sore-loser.
and suddenly hundreds of thousand of fresh ballots show up in the middle of the night that just barely put Biden over.
To the surprise of absolutely nobody, because of mail ballots. In many states these ballots were not counted until later. We shouldn't have to explain this simple concept to functioning adults, but we have a silly cult here.

You are saying very stupid things and embarrassing yourself.
So why did they need to be counted in the middle of the night when they sent home Republican and independent observers? They lied, opened up suitcases and counted their 96% Biden ballots. Biden will forever be known as the only illegitimate president.
And Trump will forever be known as a whining sore-loser.
Or more likely he’ll be known as the last legitimate US President.

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