Evidence of Serious Election Fraud in the 2020 Election

So, Mike Griffith - name names.
Is that the requirement to prove voter fraud?
Um, yea.....

If you go to any court and allege an action needs to be taken to address some type of fraud....

The court is going to want to know specifics...like who committed the fraud...

So who?
Wrong. Fraud can be exposed and proven to have occurred without knowing those involved. You moved the goal posts by adding the need to go to court and prosecute someone.
So, Mike Griffith - name names.
Is that the requirement to prove voter fraud?
If you allege a crime has been committed, and want to be taken seriously, yes you have to tell us who committed the crime. Pretty basic.

How is it possible that Time magazine has already published those involved in the Steal months ago, naming all those who PROUDLY take credit for stealing the election from Trump, admit as much, pointed out by me and others here numerous times already, yet an idiot like you supposedly interested in the subject STILL asks for their names over and over apparently never able to actually see or keep that list in your head for more than 5 minutes?

While all you peons have been calling the Steal a baseless conspiracy theory, those who actually stole the election have been jumping up and down proudly admitting it!

Time Shadow Election Commission.png
So, Mike Griffith - name names.
Is that the requirement to prove voter fraud?
If you allege a crime has been committed, and want to be taken seriously, yes you have to tell us who committed the crime. Pretty basic.

How is it possible that Time magazine has already published those involved in the Steal months ago, naming all those who PROUDLY take credit for stealing the election from Trump, admit as much, pointed out by me and others here numerous times already, yet an idiot like you supposedly interested in the subject STILL asks for their names over and over apparently never able to actually see or keep that list in your head for more than 5 minutes?

While all you peons have been calling the Steal a baseless conspiracy theory, those who actually stole the election have been jumping up and down proudly admitting it!

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They publicly bragged about all that, yet they'd never ever stoop to stuffing ballot boxes and using algorithms to shave and flip votes.

Uh-huh, suuuuuure.
The plain truth.

Easy, here in Arizona it was Adrian Fontes and Katie Hobbs.
Dems have been in charge of the Maricopa county elections and they rigged it by making it impossible to trace votes to their precincts. Hundreds of thousands of mail in ballots without folds in them, thousands of voters registered to vacant lots and halfway homes. Rampant corruption and cheating here all allowed by the Democrats in charge.

Yet Republicans validated the election results in Arizona. Huh!

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
How many times do the same conspiracy theories have to be debunked before you go away? (I'm not asking you to believe it, that's a bridge too far for you and your ilk).
Fake plumbing "emergency" allows managers in Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia to send all observers and
election workers home (save for five specific workers, for some mysterious reason) where security monitors
recorded these five hand picked women work for several hours with no one around (illegal on it's face)
taking ballots from a large container hidden under a table and running them through, unsupervised of
course, the infamous Dominion vote changing machines.

And miraculously, when the "plumbing problem" is over and workers are called back, somehow
Donald Trump has lost his lead. The same with other centers where vote counting was also mysteriously
stopped, in an unprecedented action.
And in all places Trump leads vanished, somehow, but we are supposed to believe, like dumb animals,
that this election was fair and honest? No way at all!
So, Mike Griffith - name names.
Is that the requirement to prove voter fraud?
Um, yea.....

If you go to any court and allege an action needs to be taken to address some type of fraud....

The court is going to want to know specifics...like who committed the fraud...

So who?
Wrong. Fraud can be exposed and proven to have occurred without knowing those involved. You moved the goal posts by adding the need to go to court and prosecute someone.

Show us the fraud that swung the election in favor of Biden...

I'll wait
So, Mike Griffith - name names.
Is that the requirement to prove voter fraud?
Um, yea.....

If you go to any court and allege an action needs to be taken to address some type of fraud....

The court is going to want to know specifics...like who committed the fraud...

So who?
Wrong. Fraud can be exposed and proven to have occurred without knowing those involved. You moved the goal posts by adding the need to go to court and prosecute someone.
and if you want an entire election to be thrown out in favor of your cult leader -- you damn sure should be able to present that evidence to a court......

The reason you fragile cucks dodge that part is because you know you are full of shit
So, Mike Griffith - name names.

LOL! Well, for starters, to name names, the secretaries of state in PA, MI, and WI who indisputably violated election laws regarding write-in ballots and vote counting.

More names: The Dominion officials who were responsible for safeguarding the security logs of the Dominion voting system in Antrim County, MI. When the forensic auditors asked to examine those crucial logs, they were told they logs had "gone missing." Yeah, well, security logs don't just "go missing." All the other logs were present, but the security logs for the day before, day of, and day after the election "somehow" vanished.

More names: The local election officials who were caught ON VIDEO in GA pulling out crates of ballots after the GOP observers had departed and when even the other election workers thought they were done.

More names: The local election officials in PA, MI, and WI who were caught ON VIDEO refusing GOP observers access to observe vote counting or placing the observers so far away that they were unable to observe the vote counting.
So, basically the same bullshit that has been debunked and explained.

It has not been debunked nor explained.
So, Mike Griffith - name names.
Is that the requirement to prove voter fraud?
Um, yea.....

If you go to any court and allege an action needs to be taken to address some type of fraud....

The court is going to want to know specifics...like who committed the fraud...

So who?
Wrong. Fraud can be exposed and proven to have occurred without knowing those involved. You moved the goal posts by adding the need to go to court and prosecute someone.

Show us the fraud that swung the election in favor of Biden...

I'll wait

Uhhhh, I just created a website with numerous links that document the fraud that swung the election. Did you miss that part of the OP? That's kind of the only thing the OP is about.
So, Mike Griffith - name names.
Is that the requirement to prove voter fraud?
Um, yea.....

If you go to any court and allege an action needs to be taken to address some type of fraud....

The court is going to want to know specifics...like who committed the fraud...

So who?
Wrong. Fraud can be exposed and proven to have occurred without knowing those involved. You moved the goal posts by adding the need to go to court and prosecute someone.

Show us the fraud that swung the election in favor of Biden...

I'll wait

Uhhhh, I just created a website with numerous links that document the fraud that swung the election. Did you miss that part of the OP? That's kind of the only thing the OP is about.
You created a website with numerous links to bullshit......

If the largest event of voter fraud in US history is something only reactionary cucks like you were able to document.....

Then chances are....its bullshit.......
So, Mike Griffith - name names.

LOL! Well, for starters, to name names, the secretaries of state in PA, MI, and WI who indisputably violated election laws regarding write-in ballots and vote counting.

More names: The Dominion officials who were responsible for safeguarding the security logs of the Dominion voting system in Antrim County, MI. When the forensic auditors asked to examine those crucial logs, they were told they logs had "gone missing." Yeah, well, security logs don't just "go missing." All the other logs were present, but the security logs for the day before, day of, and day after the election "somehow" vanished.

More names: The local election officials who were caught ON VIDEO in GA pulling out crates of ballots after the GOP observers had departed and when even the other election workers thought they were done.

More names: The local election officials in PA, MI, and WI who were caught ON VIDEO refusing GOP observers access to observe vote counting or placing the observers so far away that they were unable to observe the vote counting.
So, basically the same bullshit that has been debunked and explained.

It has not been debunked nor explained.
For those who might be interested, I have created a website that documents the evidence of serious election fraud in the 2020 election.

It's all here....

Thanks! Great link!

I downloaded the Navarro Report, uploaded it to my domain, and put a link to the report on my election-fraud website. Thanks again.
To recap....This was the guy these Trumpers believe will overturn the election for their cult leader....until he quit..


The same guy who believed the CIA conspired with a company in Spain to hide servers in Germany....servers that supposedly contained evidence the election was stolen....

A guy who believes that Trump lawyer Sidney Powell led a team of Army Special forces into Germany to have a shoot out with the CIA to retrieve that server...

These folks pull conspiracy after conspiracy out of their ass -- and each one falls flat....does it prompt Trumpers to maybe question why do these folks keep insulting your intelligence?? Nope....and you wonder why we mock you.....
To recap....This was the guy these Trumpers believe will overturn the election for their cult leader....until he quit..

View attachment 494631

The same guy who believed the CIA conspired with a company in Spain to hide servers in Germany....servers that supposedly contained evidence the election was stolen....

A guy who believes that Trump lawyer Sidney Powell led a team of Army Special forces into Germany to have a shoot out with the CIA to retrieve that server...

These folks pull conspiracy after conspiracy out of their ass -- and each one falls flat....does it prompt Trumpers to maybe question why do these folks keep insulting your intelligence?? Nope....and you wonder why we mock you.....
Operative phrase; "he quit".

Nobody with a lick of sense took the shootout with the CIA fable seriously.

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