Excellent Idea: Trump Considers Database And Special ID's For Muslims

Again, what an excellent idea. Trump knows the threat all Muslims are. We need to profile them and give them a ID. I would prefer them be tattooed with a number or yet go modernized with a microchip.

Trump won't rule out database, special ID for Muslims in US

Hitler would be proud!

The fact that any candidate would even consider such a lunatic idea tell me Trump is too dangerous to be President!

After we do a data base for Muslims should we also do one for Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Native American, Catholics, Mormons, Buddhists, Those that praise the Oak Tree, and Albino Space Alien Chimps with Down Syndrome?

Also what about those evil Left Handed people that think differently from those that are right handed?

you have something on THE NOBLE LEFT HANDED????? we of the left hand
are a persecuted people. ---------we SUFFER at the dinner table----specifically set
up for the CONVENIENCE of -------the right handed oppressors. even banks----
nail their pens to the tables in a manner making it almost impossible for
a noble left handed victim to ENDORSE. Notebooks impede us with giant rings----THAT KNOCK our struggling left hands off the page. -------and then----that annoying AUTO MATIC and AWKWARD right hand "shake"

Evidently, God hates left handed people.

not a nice thing to say
Again, what an excellent idea. Trump knows the threat all Muslims are. We need to profile them and give them a ID. I would prefer them be tattooed with a number or yet go modernized with a microchip.

Trump won't rule out database, special ID for Muslims in US

Hitler would be proud!

The fact that any candidate would even consider such a lunatic idea tell me Trump is too dangerous to be President!

After we do a data base for Muslims should we also do one for Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Native American, Catholics, Mormons, Buddhists, Those that praise the Oak Tree, and Albino Space Alien Chimps with Down Syndrome?

Also what about those evil Left Handed people that think differently from those that are right handed?

you have something on THE NOBLE LEFT HANDED????? we of the left hand
are a persecuted people. ---------we SUFFER at the dinner table----specifically set
up for the CONVENIENCE of -------the right handed oppressors. even banks----
nail their pens to the tables in a manner making it almost impossible for
a noble left handed victim to ENDORSE. Notebooks impede us with giant rings----THAT KNOCK our struggling left hands off the page. -------and then----that annoying AUTO MATIC and AWKWARD right hand "shake"

Evidently, God hates left handed people.

not a nice thing to say

Then complain to God. I didn't make you left handed.
As a Trump supporter I find this idea....................................................................fucking idiotic.........Total stupidity.........I'll still vote for him though.
Again, what an excellent idea. Trump knows the threat all Muslims are. We need to profile them and give them a ID. I would prefer them be tattooed with a number or yet go modernized with a microchip.

Trump won't rule out database, special ID for Muslims in US

Hitler would be proud!

The fact that any candidate would even consider such a lunatic idea tell me Trump is too dangerous to be President!

After we do a data base for Muslims should we also do one for Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Native American, Catholics, Mormons, Buddhists, Those that praise the Oak Tree, and Albino Space Alien Chimps with Down Syndrome?

Also what about those evil Left Handed people that think differently from those that are right handed?

you have something on THE NOBLE LEFT HANDED????? we of the left hand
are a persecuted people. ---------we SUFFER at the dinner table----specifically set
up for the CONVENIENCE of -------the right handed oppressors. even banks----
nail their pens to the tables in a manner making it almost impossible for
a noble left handed victim to ENDORSE. Notebooks impede us with giant rings----THAT KNOCK our struggling left hands off the page. -------and then----that annoying AUTO MATIC and AWKWARD right hand "shake"

Evidently, God hates left handed people.

not a nice thing to say

Then complain to God. I didn't make you left handed.

Left handedness is GENERALLY a manifestion of an INDETERMINATE DOMINANCE brain. Most brains are "right hand dominant"---but the current
theory is that there is either no "left hand dominant" brain-------just an "either hand
dominant brain" or PERHAPS some "left hand dominant" brains. Most lefties
are -----like me----"MIXED" I write with my left hand------but play ping pong and other sports "rightie" Other reasons for left handedness------is brain damage---------(nasty remarks will be ignored)
As a Trump supporter I find this idea....................................................................fucking idiotic.........Total stupidity.........I'll still vote for him though.

me too-----I think he was just demonstrating WATTA impulsive but lovable jerk he is
As a Trump supporter I find this idea....................................................................fucking idiotic.........Total stupidity.........I'll still vote for him though.

me too-----I think he was just demonstrating WATTA impulsive but lovable jerk he is

Sure. What's not to love about designating the second largest religion in the world as an underclass, and using Nazi tactics to identify them. That's almost as cute as a warm puppy.
Again, what an excellent idea. Trump knows the threat all Muslims are. We need to profile them and give them a ID. I would prefer them be tattooed with a number or yet go modernized with a microchip.

Trump won't rule out database, special ID for Muslims in US
Just a question in order to make things clearer; was there anything the Nazizs did you find personally shameful?

I ask because the solution Trump proposes and you approve of smacks of Nazi policy.
an ID of any kind will be next to impossible to make them carry it.

lapel clip/badge/pin ?
cards for wallets ?

Hold on, I've got it. !

register them and tattoo the number on their wrist. Or between their eyes is even better!

Chips. Let's just tag um with RFID (sarcasm off.)
Steve_McGarrett is setting up a help desk, patterned on ISIS's, to assist far right wingers to recreate the world in the fashion which they want.
This just out:

These far right reactionaries are getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us because for the first time they think they have the political pull to back up their uppityness.

I have to do something concerning them, going to give them a slight taste, just a bit so they quiet down and don't make a difference.

I will have them voting for me the next eight years." - Donald Trump.

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