Exclusive–Paula Jones: Hillary Clinton ‘Two Faced,’ ‘Liar,’ ‘Cares Nothing About Women at All’

You said Dick Morris wasn't credible because he sucked some whore's toes. What does that imply about Slick Willy who stuffed a cigar in some whore's pussy?

I'm saying he's not credible because he was FIRED BY HILLARY for the toe-sucking. Ever since then, he's had a grudge against her. So when he makes a claim that Hillary (who never liked him from day one) had a 'secret police" that intimidated the women, and offers no proof of that

oh, yeah, and last time I checked, there wasn't a law against using a cigar as a dildo.

There ARE laws against hiring prostitutes, which is why Dick Morris was fired.
Well everyone knows Hillary condones sexual abuse of women.

-------------------What's worse ? A guy who grabs some butt or a murdering gop swine like GWB ?

During a radio interview on Sunday, Paula Jones, the former Arkansas state employee who notoriously sued President Bill Clinton for sexual harassment, demanded Hillary Clinton personally apologize for “allowing” her husband to “abuse” and “sexually harass” women.
Speaking to weekend talk radio host Aaron Klein, Jones slammed Hillary as a “two-faced” “liar” who waged a war on women by trying to discredit “predator” Bill’s sexual accusers.

“And how dare her. You know what? She don’t care nothing about women. Because if she did she would believe what I had to say. She would believe what the other women had to say. ”

Jones further accused the media of practicing a double standard by “protecting” the Clintons while deservedly scrutinizing Bill Cosby’s alleged sexual assaults.

Stated Jones: “It’s really a sad, sad day if Hillary becomes president, because she has allowed her husband to get by with this type of stuff. Why does he have a right to be back in the White House, the people’s house?

Paula Jones: Clinton 'Two Faced,' 'Liar,' 'Cares Nothing About Women at All'

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