Exclusive: Tillerson declines to host Ramadan event at State Department

How many will die because of this snub to the religion of peace?

Exclusive: Tillerson declines to host Ramadan event at State Department

Of course there will be no revenge.

In Ramadan Massacre, Egyptian Christians Killed for Refusing to Renounce Their Faith in Jesus

In Ramadan Massacre, Egyptian Christians Killed for Refusing to Renounce Their Faith in Jesus - JVIM

NOTE: the headlines are from the articles proved.
Ramadan requires Muslims to rest all day and nothing opens until sundown. How are these people going to show up for work? Was in UAE during Ramadan and Saudi Arabia. The day is dead.

No it doesn't.
Guess I was mistaken for tradition outside of Arab world. What is the name of the holiday when they cut Christians heads off and blow up market place with suicide bombers?
You do understand that the Crusades were in response to Muslim invasion and aggression?
Actually, they were in response to a letter from the Byzantine Emperor who was hoping to use the western forces to protect and expand his empire.
What you need do is protest Christmas parties and the holiday in general. Demand that you have to work on Christmas. Demand that you work for straight time. That will show them.
I'm not protesting Xmas parties, just pointing out the hypocrisy in not having a Ramadan party.
There's no hypocrisy. Peace on earth and good will to man trumps murder and subjugation.
Your prejudices don't trump the Constitution.
Christmas is a federal holiday. It's not unconstitutional, you putz.
They're not mutually exclusive, shortbus.

Uh, yea they are. Christmas has been a federal holiday for 147 years now. This is a Constitutonal reality, bitch.
In the name of diversity we should all be forced to celebrate every holiday. Eventually nothing will ever get done business will collapse and we will all have to rely on the generosity of the Government Liberal Utopia.
Ramadan requires Muslims to rest all day and nothing opens until sundown. How are these people going to show up for work? Was in UAE during Ramadan and Saudi Arabia. The day is dead.

No it doesn't.
Guess I was mistaken for tradition outside of Arab world. What is the name of the holiday when they cut Christians heads off and blow up market place with suicide bombers?
You do understand that the Crusades were in response to Muslim invasion and aggression?
Actually, they were in response to a letter from the Byzantine Emperor who was hoping to use the western forces to protect and expand his empire.
The Muslims were encroaching on East Roman Empire territory. The Emperor made a plea to the Pope for help.
"Of course there will be no revenge"? What does that mean? Is the left suggesting that "revenge" is a logical outcome when an event is cancelled at the State Dept.?

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