Exxon paid a 2% US income tax rate off its profit before tax.

I'm all for companies keeping more of what they earn but when the tax burden is shifted onto me and you then I have a problem. The goal should be to make sure America endures. If big companies can get all these tax breaks while running overseas, that's hurts small businesses here. Which isn't good for America. If they skip or find some legal judo move to avoid taxes, that hurts the people here when it's shifted onto us in the form of more taxes or cutting medicare, ssi or headstart programs. See, making sure a company makes money is important but not more important than myself or making sure America endures. If I'm wrong for putting myself or America first then I'm guilty as charged.

Corporations did not write the tax code, the US congress wrote it. If you have an issue with the tax code contact your senator or representative. Exxon and every other american corporation is in compliance with the US tax code.

Do you want to eliminate corporate influence on congress? then support term limits and the ban of lobbyists.

Shoot, Corporations damn near writes the codes themselves! In some cases they can submit paragraphs to approval and basically have an envelope with cash in it attached to it (not litterally but because of Citizen United thats basically what happens).

Term limits...Yeah! Ban Lobbiest...yeah! But if the money is not taken out of politics the new group that comes in will also be influenced too.

Sure they follow the tax code but it ends up hurting all of us. An example would be a cop speeding is following the rules but when he mows down a bunch of kids I dont have to like it because technically he was speeding in accordance with the rules.
I'm all for companies keeping more of what they earn but when the tax burden is shifted onto me and you then I have a problem. The goal should be to make sure America endures. If big companies can get all these tax breaks while running overseas, that's hurts small businesses here. Which isn't good for America. If they skip or find some legal judo move to avoid taxes, that hurts the people here when it's shifted onto us in the form of more taxes or cutting medicare, ssi or headstart programs. See, making sure a company makes money is important but not more important than myself or making sure America endures. If I'm wrong for putting myself or America first then I'm guilty as charged.

Yet you and your ilk have no problem with almost half of the adult citizenry shifting tax burden onto the other half... funny how that is
I'm all for companies keeping more of what they earn but when the tax burden is shifted onto me and you then I have a problem. The goal should be to make sure America endures. If big companies can get all these tax breaks while running overseas, that's hurts small businesses here. Which isn't good for America. If they skip or find some legal judo move to avoid taxes, that hurts the people here when it's shifted onto us in the form of more taxes or cutting medicare, ssi or headstart programs. See, making sure a company makes money is important but not more important than myself or making sure America endures. If I'm wrong for putting myself or America first then I'm guilty as charged.

Corporations did not write the tax code, the US congress wrote it. If you have an issue with the tax code contact your senator or representative. Exxon and every other american corporation is in compliance with the US tax code.

Do you want to eliminate corporate influence on congress? then support term limits and the ban of lobbyists.

Shoot, Corporations damn near writes the codes themselves! In some cases they can submit paragraphs to approval and basically have an envelope with cash in it attached to it (not litterally but because of Citizen United thats basically what happens).

Term limits...Yeah! Ban Lobbiest...yeah! But if the money is not taken out of politics the new group that comes in will also be influenced too.

Sure they follow the tax code but it ends up hurting all of us. An example would be a cop speeding is following the rules but when he mows down a bunch of kids I dont have to like it because technically he was speeding in accordance with the rules.

Link... or


Just like so much of the other crap you post
I'm all for companies keeping more of what they earn but when the tax burden is shifted onto me and you then I have a problem. The goal should be to make sure America endures. If big companies can get all these tax breaks while running overseas, that's hurts small businesses here. Which isn't good for America. If they skip or find some legal judo move to avoid taxes, that hurts the people here when it's shifted onto us in the form of more taxes or cutting medicare, ssi or headstart programs. See, making sure a company makes money is important but not more important than myself or making sure America endures. If I'm wrong for putting myself or America first then I'm guilty as charged.

But you aren't putting America FIRST!!!

Why do you think there is over $1 trillion off shore? Because of TAXES!
Now idiots like you think the solution is raising taxes raise revenue. It does. Short TERM!
Idiots like you think Unions are necessary. But when auto makers are faced with union contracts that require grass cutters be paid a total of $65/hour in wages and benefits... Why do you think jobs are overseas and therefore manufacturing and therefore TAX BASE!
With this anti-business anti-capitalist, business owners are EVIL administration especially that is RAISING the costs of doing business in the USA
AGAIN do you understand therefore why businesses are off shore!

There is NO Economic incentive to keep businesses and wealthy people here!

So what you say...

Tell Calif. "so what"
From small businessmen in San Diego to vintners in Napa Valley, top-earning Californians reeling from a new state income tax are preparing to pack up and bail out.

Read more: California residents, businesses consider bailing on Golden State over taxes | Fox News

Tell New York "so what"!
New York state tops the nation in one key export — people fleeing high taxes.
More than 3.4 million New Yorkers — with combined annual earnings of $119 billion — pulled up stakes and left for other states from 2000 through 2009, according to the Tax Foundation.'
New York?s high taxes are driving residents to other states, new study shows - NYPOST.com

And these states are the microcosm of the USA economy! Companies like people are trying to keep what they earn and they WANT to pay
a reasonable rate BUT...
Why should Federal tax money sent to pay for these stupid government spending??
These people are just sick of seeing there tax money paying for:
The USA Federal government spent:
- $2.6 million to make sure prostitutes in China drink less on the job.

- $1.44 million in federal funds estimating the size of the population and examining the “social milieu” of male prostitutes in Hanoi & Ho Chi Minh City,

- Washington spends $25 billion annually maintaining unused or vacant federal properties

- Studying pig poop. The EPA awarded a $141,450 grant under the Clean Air Act to fund a Chinese study on swine manure

- a $1.2 million grant to the United Nations for clean fuel promotion.

- Conferences for government employees. In 2008 & 2009 alone, the Department of Justice spent $121 million to host or participate in 1,832 conferences.

- U.S. government has spent $1.5 million to preserve some artifacts left during the hostile Indian occupation of Alcatraz Island more than four decades go.
While the State Department saved money on security in Libya, it somehow managed to find $5.6 million in 2011 to support “pressing cultural preservation needs” in dozens of foreign countries.
Here are some of the dire projects funded by U.S. tax dollars that perhaps could be better spent on securing U.S. embassies in hostile Arab countries.
- Uncle Sam doled out
$750,000 to restore a 16th-century tomb complex in India,
$700,000 to conserve ruins in Tanzania,
$600,000 for the “temple of the winged lions” in Jordan and
$450,000 for the conservation of a 10th century temple in Cambodia. Those were just the big ticket projects.
Hundreds of thousands more went to smaller causes throughout the world.

I mean do you REALLY think spending $2.6 million IN CHINA studying drinking habits of Chinese prostitutes is essential??

So again.. people that hate to see their tax dollars paid to do the above, find ways to minimize and going out of state or out of the country -- that's the FACTS
I'm all for companies keeping more of what they earn but when the tax burden is shifted onto me and you then I have a problem. The goal should be to make sure America endures. If big companies can get all these tax breaks while running overseas, that's hurts small businesses here. Which isn't good for America. If they skip or find some legal judo move to avoid taxes, that hurts the people here when it's shifted onto us in the form of more taxes or cutting medicare, ssi or headstart programs. See, making sure a company makes money is important but not more important than myself or making sure America endures. If I'm wrong for putting myself or America first then I'm guilty as charged.

Yet you and your ilk have no problem with almost half of the adult citizenry shifting tax burden onto the other half... funny how that is

If my house is flooded I'm going to have a problem with the ocean water in my house not the guy with a water gun.:cuckoo: Put both on the scale and see which one is heavier...now tell me why I should focus on the smaller option?
Corporations did not write the tax code, the US congress wrote it. If you have an issue with the tax code contact your senator or representative. Exxon and every other american corporation is in compliance with the US tax code.

Do you want to eliminate corporate influence on congress? then support term limits and the ban of lobbyists.

Shoot, Corporations damn near writes the codes themselves! In some cases they can submit paragraphs to approval and basically have an envelope with cash in it attached to it (not litterally but because of Citizen United thats basically what happens).

Term limits...Yeah! Ban Lobbiest...yeah! But if the money is not taken out of politics the new group that comes in will also be influenced too.

Sure they follow the tax code but it ends up hurting all of us. An example would be a cop speeding is following the rules but when he mows down a bunch of kids I dont have to like it because technically he was speeding in accordance with the rules.

Link... or


Just like so much of the other crap you post

How many links do you want because once I post them I'm sure you'll start saying why this one doesnt count or that one isnt real. Anyway,

Electronic Arts: Video-game company helps write Florida tax laws, saves millions - Orlando Sentinel

But the biggest beneficiary of those expanded breaks is a multibillion-dollar video-game developer that was designing games in Central Florida long before it began receiving incentives — and employs fewer people in the region today than it did five years ago.
That company is Electronic Arts Inc., the Redwood City, Calif.-based video-game giant developing games at its EA Tiburon studio in Maitland since the mid-1990s.

Florida awarded EA more than $9.1 million in tax credits during the state's 2011-12 fiscal year to subsidize development of the 2012 editions of three popular EA sports games: Madden NFL, NCAA Football and Tiger Woods PGA Tour. It was the largest amount one company has received in a single year in the history of Florida's entertainment-based incentive program.

Next year should be even better for EA, which generated more than $4 billion in worldwide sales during its fiscal 2012. The company is tentatively in line for $14.5 million worth of tax credits — to subsidize development of the 2013 versions of the same three video games.

EA is profiting so handsomely from Florida's entertainment incentives because it helped rewrite the state program. Records obtained by the Orlando Sentinel show that lobbyists for EA have worked closely with an influential Central Florida lawmaker — state Rep. Steve Precourt, R-Orlando — to mold the 9-year-old program to EA's advantage.

Is that cool?
I'm all for companies keeping more of what they earn but when the tax burden is shifted onto me and you then I have a problem. The goal should be to make sure America endures. If big companies can get all these tax breaks while running overseas, that's hurts small businesses here. Which isn't good for America. If they skip or find some legal judo move to avoid taxes, that hurts the people here when it's shifted onto us in the form of more taxes or cutting medicare, ssi or headstart programs. See, making sure a company makes money is important but not more important than myself or making sure America endures. If I'm wrong for putting myself or America first then I'm guilty as charged.

Yet you and your ilk have no problem with almost half of the adult citizenry shifting tax burden onto the other half... funny how that is

If my house is flooded I'm going to have a problem with the ocean water in my house not the guy with a water gun.:cuckoo: Put both on the scale and see which one is heavier...now tell me why I should focus on the smaller option?

Uh huh... the evil corporations not paying enough make you pay more... but the 1/2 of the adult citizenry that does not pay, does not.. and the overspending for the entitlements does not :roleyes:

You are about as dumb as they come

Yes, but that doesn't quite tell the whole story, does it? You left out the fact that Exxon pays a 44% effective world-wide income tax rate, that more than 2/3 of their income is earned outside the US, and that their domestic (US) income tax rate on their income earned in the US is 16.8% for the federal income tax, 22.1% if you also include state income taxes, and 31.9% if you include deferred items that will be taxed in future years based on that years(2011) income.

You can't take their US tax and divide by worldwide income (where they pay even higher tax rates) and then report in one line what you concluded without being deceptive. Maybe that was the point of your deceptive OP?

When a company like Exxon, which you concede earns 1/3 of its income in the US, pays only 1.791B out of before tax income of 78.726B, something is wrong with the US tax code.

The US isn't getting its fair share.

Really? $1.8B of taxes plus paying the salaries and payroll taxes for thousands of employees (who also pay gobs of taxes) isn't a fair share?

What is a Fair Share?

Shoot, Corporations damn near writes the codes themselves! In some cases they can submit paragraphs to approval and basically have an envelope with cash in it attached to it (not litterally but because of Citizen United thats basically what happens).

Term limits...Yeah! Ban Lobbiest...yeah! But if the money is not taken out of politics the new group that comes in will also be influenced too.

Sure they follow the tax code but it ends up hurting all of us. An example would be a cop speeding is following the rules but when he mows down a bunch of kids I dont have to like it because technically he was speeding in accordance with the rules.

Link... or


Just like so much of the other crap you post

How many links do you want because once I post them I'm sure you'll start saying why this one doesnt count or that one isnt real. Anyway,

Electronic Arts: Video-game company helps write Florida tax laws, saves millions - Orlando Sentinel

But the biggest beneficiary of those expanded breaks is a multibillion-dollar video-game developer that was designing games in Central Florida long before it began receiving incentives — and employs fewer people in the region today than it did five years ago.
That company is Electronic Arts Inc., the Redwood City, Calif.-based video-game giant developing games at its EA Tiburon studio in Maitland since the mid-1990s.

Florida awarded EA more than $9.1 million in tax credits during the state's 2011-12 fiscal year to subsidize development of the 2012 editions of three popular EA sports games: Madden NFL, NCAA Football and Tiger Woods PGA Tour. It was the largest amount one company has received in a single year in the history of Florida's entertainment-based incentive program.

Next year should be even better for EA, which generated more than $4 billion in worldwide sales during its fiscal 2012. The company is tentatively in line for $14.5 million worth of tax credits — to subsidize development of the 2013 versions of the same three video games.

EA is profiting so handsomely from Florida's entertainment incentives because it helped rewrite the state program. Records obtained by the Orlando Sentinel show that lobbyists for EA have worked closely with an influential Central Florida lawmaker — state Rep. Steve Precourt, R-Orlando — to mold the 9-year-old program to EA's advantage.

Is that cool?

Except it does not support your assertion... you have a 'he said'.. not proof... you might as well have posted a link or snippet from the subject of Purple Monkey Dishwasher
Last edited:
Wait, thats not proof? They have records? Are records not proof anymore?

Either way, you like to nit pick on little things. Point is, I'm not cutting my own throat or Americas just so a few at the very top can prosper. I'll choose America over them (if its a choice) everytime.

I would say I'm sorry, but I'm not
Wait, thats not proof? They have records? Are records not proof anymore?

Either way, you like to nit pick on little things. Point is, I'm not cutting my own throat or Americas just so a few at the very top can prosper. I'll choose America over them (if its a choice) everytime.

I would say I'm sorry, but I'm not

I am not cutting my own throat either... I am calling for EQUAL treatment.. not trying to punish the 'evil rich' and letting others pay NOTHING in income tax... flat for individual, flat for corporate....

Whether you like them or not. the 'rich' are also part of America.. not just you entitlement junkies and those who use them to buy votes for a social agenda
Wait, thats not proof? They have records? Are records not proof anymore?

Either way, you like to nit pick on little things. Point is, I'm not cutting my own throat or Americas just so a few at the very top can prosper. I'll choose America over them (if its a choice) everytime.

I would say I'm sorry, but I'm not

I am not cutting my own throat either... I am calling for EQUAL treatment.. not trying to punish the 'evil rich' and letting others pay NOTHING in income tax... flat for individual, flat for corporate....

Whether you like them or not. the 'rich' are also part of America.. not just you entitlement junkies and those who use them to buy votes for a social agenda

You can call for equal treatment all you like but doing that while defending the current system wont lead to any change since...you are defending it. Whether you realize it or not defending this is cutting your own throat. Who do you think the burden falls on when they dont pay?

I realize they are part of America....I want them to realize and stop stiffing the rest of us. Again, if thats wrong then I'm guilty. But we both realize there is a problem. I just chose to go after the sharks and you choose to go after the minnows.
Wait, thats not proof? They have records? Are records not proof anymore?

Either way, you like to nit pick on little things. Point is, I'm not cutting my own throat or Americas just so a few at the very top can prosper. I'll choose America over them (if its a choice) everytime.

I would say I'm sorry, but I'm not

I am not cutting my own throat either... I am calling for EQUAL treatment.. not trying to punish the 'evil rich' and letting others pay NOTHING in income tax... flat for individual, flat for corporate....

Whether you like them or not. the 'rich' are also part of America.. not just you entitlement junkies and those who use them to buy votes for a social agenda

You can call for equal treatment all you like but doing that while defending the current system wont lead to any change since...you are defending it. Whether you realize it or not defending this is cutting your own throat. Who do you think the burden falls on when they dont pay?

I realize they are part of America....I want them to realize and stop stiffing the rest of us. Again, if thats wrong then I'm guilty. But we both realize there is a problem. I just chose to go after the sharks and you choose to go after the minnows.

How does a wealthy person or a corporation paying say 2% less or whatever amount less, amount to you being stiffed unless your entire premise is that your are entitled to 100% of someone else's property?
I'm all for companies keeping more of what they earn but when the tax burden is shifted onto me and you then I have a problem. The goal should be to make sure America endures. If big companies can get all these tax breaks while running overseas, that's hurts small businesses here. Which isn't good for America. If they skip or find some legal judo move to avoid taxes, that hurts the people here when it's shifted onto us in the form of more taxes or cutting medicare, ssi or headstart programs. See, making sure a company makes money is important but not more important than myself or making sure America endures. If I'm wrong for putting myself or America first then I'm guilty as charged.

Corporations did not write the tax code, the US congress wrote it. If you have an issue with the tax code contact your senator or representative. Exxon and every other american corporation is in compliance with the US tax code.

Do you want to eliminate corporate influence on congress? then support term limits and the ban of lobbyists.

Shoot, Corporations damn near writes the codes themselves! In some cases they can submit paragraphs to approval and basically have an envelope with cash in it attached to it (not litterally but because of Citizen United thats basically what happens).

Term limits...Yeah! Ban Lobbiest...yeah! But if the money is not taken out of politics the new group that comes in will also be influenced too.

Sure they follow the tax code but it ends up hurting all of us. An example would be a cop speeding is following the rules but when he mows down a bunch of kids I dont have to like it because technically he was speeding in accordance with the rules.
The problem with this is that you haven't shown how this hurts you or us. The premise that the US tax level is justified doesn't wash. If you feel the burden for taxes is shifted to you, why is it that you are not questioning the need for the massive amounts of taxes that exist to begin with?

Rather than shift the burden of taxation, how about we tell the government that they don't really need that extra taxation and that they eliminate programs until their budget meets their income.
I am not cutting my own throat either... I am calling for EQUAL treatment.. not trying to punish the 'evil rich' and letting others pay NOTHING in income tax... flat for individual, flat for corporate....

Whether you like them or not. the 'rich' are also part of America.. not just you entitlement junkies and those who use them to buy votes for a social agenda

You can call for equal treatment all you like but doing that while defending the current system wont lead to any change since...you are defending it. Whether you realize it or not defending this is cutting your own throat. Who do you think the burden falls on when they dont pay?

I realize they are part of America....I want them to realize and stop stiffing the rest of us. Again, if thats wrong then I'm guilty. But we both realize there is a problem. I just chose to go after the sharks and you choose to go after the minnows.

How does a wealthy person or a corporation paying say 2% less or whatever amount less, amount to you being stiffed unless your entire premise is that your are entitled to 100% of someone else's property?

They dont pay as much as small business which in turn hurts small business which in turn hurts American business which in turn hurts America.

What would America look like if everyone paid 2% in taxes? Not the America I would want or my children to want. You can pretend not to understand, deflect to making it personal, or go on a "liberals want all your money" tirade.

But underneath all that guff...you understand what I'm saying.
Corporations did not write the tax code, the US congress wrote it. If you have an issue with the tax code contact your senator or representative. Exxon and every other american corporation is in compliance with the US tax code.

Do you want to eliminate corporate influence on congress? then support term limits and the ban of lobbyists.

Shoot, Corporations damn near writes the codes themselves! In some cases they can submit paragraphs to approval and basically have an envelope with cash in it attached to it (not litterally but because of Citizen United thats basically what happens).

Term limits...Yeah! Ban Lobbiest...yeah! But if the money is not taken out of politics the new group that comes in will also be influenced too.

Sure they follow the tax code but it ends up hurting all of us. An example would be a cop speeding is following the rules but when he mows down a bunch of kids I dont have to like it because technically he was speeding in accordance with the rules.
The problem with this is that you haven't shown how this hurts you or us. The premise that the US tax level is justified doesn't wash. If you feel the burden for taxes is shifted to you, why is it that you are not questioning the need for the massive amounts of taxes that exist to begin with?

Rather than shift the burden of taxation, how about we tell the government that they don't really need that extra taxation and that they eliminate programs until their budget meets their income.

Who do you think picks up the slack when someone else doesnt pay their taxes? I'll put it a way you will understand....Poor people dont pay income taxes. Who do you think that burden falls onto? No one or Someone?
Shoot, Corporations damn near writes the codes themselves! In some cases they can submit paragraphs to approval and basically have an envelope with cash in it attached to it (not litterally but because of Citizen United thats basically what happens).

Term limits...Yeah! Ban Lobbiest...yeah! But if the money is not taken out of politics the new group that comes in will also be influenced too.

Sure they follow the tax code but it ends up hurting all of us. An example would be a cop speeding is following the rules but when he mows down a bunch of kids I dont have to like it because technically he was speeding in accordance with the rules.

Link... or


Just like so much of the other crap you post

How many links do you want because once I post them I'm sure you'll start saying why this one doesnt count or that one isnt real. Anyway,

Electronic Arts: Video-game company helps write Florida tax laws, saves millions - Orlando Sentinel

But the biggest beneficiary of those expanded breaks is a multibillion-dollar video-game developer that was designing games in Central Florida long before it began receiving incentives — and employs fewer people in the region today than it did five years ago.
That company is Electronic Arts Inc., the Redwood City, Calif.-based video-game giant developing games at its EA Tiburon studio in Maitland since the mid-1990s.

Florida awarded EA more than $9.1 million in tax credits during the state's 2011-12 fiscal year to subsidize development of the 2012 editions of three popular EA sports games: Madden NFL, NCAA Football and Tiger Woods PGA Tour. It was the largest amount one company has received in a single year in the history of Florida's entertainment-based incentive program.

Next year should be even better for EA, which generated more than $4 billion in worldwide sales during its fiscal 2012. The company is tentatively in line for $14.5 million worth of tax credits — to subsidize development of the 2013 versions of the same three video games.

EA is profiting so handsomely from Florida's entertainment incentives because it helped rewrite the state program. Records obtained by the Orlando Sentinel show that lobbyists for EA have worked closely with an influential Central Florida lawmaker — state Rep. Steve Precourt, R-Orlando — to mold the 9-year-old program to EA's advantage.

Is that cool?

Form your link:

Electronic Arts says Florida as a whole has benefited from the incentives. It says the incentives have nurtured the growth of the entire video-game industry, which EA said now employs more than 6,000 people statewide at an annual average wage of $80,000.

EA also said it is adding jobs at its Maitland studio and noted that it contributes to charitable and civic causes in Central Florida.

It sounds like Florida did the math and decided that $480 million in annual wages for the state was worth giving up $9.1 million for, and it would seem hard to disagree with that.
In any case, these are state incentives, not federal. Many states are giving incentives to lure companies to build production facilities and create jobs; the federal government could do the same (and does) to incentivize companies away from locating overseas.
GE hasn't paid a dime for years?

Yet what will some domestic owned firm pay? A lot, and a lot more since the fiscal cliff deal was made.

The system gives a huge advantage to the multinational corporation. It's an uneven playing field.

Created by government bureaucrats. You want a "level playing field"? Get government the fuck out of business (where they don't belong anyway). What could be more fair than complete and total freedom?

There are consumer protections that, in my opinion, are necessary. Those would be specific to anti-trust laws.
Link... or


Just like so much of the other crap you post

How many links do you want because once I post them I'm sure you'll start saying why this one doesnt count or that one isnt real. Anyway,

Electronic Arts: Video-game company helps write Florida tax laws, saves millions - Orlando Sentinel

Is that cool?

Form your link:

Electronic Arts says Florida as a whole has benefited from the incentives. It says the incentives have nurtured the growth of the entire video-game industry, which EA said now employs more than 6,000 people statewide at an annual average wage of $80,000.

EA also said it is adding jobs at its Maitland studio and noted that it contributes to charitable and civic causes in Central Florida.

It sounds like Florida did the math and decided that $480 million in annual wages for the state was worth giving up $9.1 million for, and it would seem hard to disagree with that.
In any case, these are state incentives, not federal. Many states are giving incentives to lure companies to build production facilities and create jobs; the federal government could do the same (and does) to incentivize companies away from locating overseas.

Ok, but he asked for proof that companies sometimes write the law themselves. I provided that. The one thing you can ALWAYS find if you look for it is a Justification.
Corporations did not write the tax code, the US congress wrote it. If you have an issue with the tax code contact your senator or representative. Exxon and every other american corporation is in compliance with the US tax code.

Do you want to eliminate corporate influence on congress? then support term limits and the ban of lobbyists.

Shoot, Corporations damn near writes the codes themselves! In some cases they can submit paragraphs to approval and basically have an envelope with cash in it attached to it (not litterally but because of Citizen United thats basically what happens).

Term limits...Yeah! Ban Lobbiest...yeah! But if the money is not taken out of politics the new group that comes in will also be influenced too.

Sure they follow the tax code but it ends up hurting all of us. An example would be a cop speeding is following the rules but when he mows down a bunch of kids I dont have to like it because technically he was speeding in accordance with the rules.
The problem with this is that you haven't shown how this hurts you or us. The premise that the US tax level is justified doesn't wash. If you feel the burden for taxes is shifted to you, why is it that you are not questioning the need for the massive amounts of taxes that exist to begin with?

Rather than shift the burden of taxation, how about we tell the government that they don't really need that extra taxation and that they eliminate programs until their budget meets their income.

ABSOLUTELY 100% right!
The Inspector GENERALS identify $67 billion in WASTE some like the above!

a Committee report released today revealed waste-cleanup recommendations from non-partisan Inspector Generals working across the federal government, which would save taxpayers $67 billion per year, have not been implemented.

Backlogs of unimplemented recommendations have grown to 16,906.
“President Obama should listen to the recommendations of his Administration’s own Inspector Generals and work with Congress
to implement common sense spending cuts that target wasteful and poorly performing programs instead of settling for the furloughs
and service disruptions happening under the sequester.”
Education and Transportation: We Have No Idea How Much Money We Spend on Conferences - Katie Pavlich

Plus these gross examples of totally WASTED tax dollars!

- $2.6 million to make sure prostitutes in China drink less on the job.

- $1.44 million in federal funds estimating the size of the population and examining the “social milieu” of male prostitutes in Hanoi & Ho Chi Minh City,

- Washington spends $25 billion annually maintaining unused or vacant federal properties

- Studying pig poop. The EPA awarded a $141,450 grant under the Clean Air Act to fund a Chinese study on swine manure

- a $1.2 million grant to the United Nations for clean fuel promotion.

- Conferences for government employees. In 2008 & 2009 alone, the Department of Justice spent $121 million to host or participate in 1,832 conferences.

- U.S. government has spent $1.5 million to preserve some artifacts left during the hostile Indian occupation of Alcatraz Island more than four decades go.
While the State Department saved money on security in Libya, it somehow managed to find $5.6 million in 2011 to support “pressing cultural preservation
needs” in dozens of foreign countries.
Here are some of the dire projects funded by U.S. tax dollars that perhaps could be better spent on securing U.S. embassies in hostile Arab countries.
- Uncle Sam doled out
$750,000 to restore a 16th-century tomb complex in India,
$700,000 to conserve ruins in Tanzania,
$600,000 for the “temple of the winged lions” in Jordan and
$450,000 for the conservation of a 10th century temple in Cambodia. Those were just the big ticket projects.
Hundreds of thousands more went to smaller causes throughout the world.

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