Exxon paid a 2% US income tax rate off its profit before tax.

You can call for equal treatment all you like but doing that while defending the current system wont lead to any change since...you are defending it. Whether you realize it or not defending this is cutting your own throat. Who do you think the burden falls on when they dont pay?

I realize they are part of America....I want them to realize and stop stiffing the rest of us. Again, if thats wrong then I'm guilty. But we both realize there is a problem. I just chose to go after the sharks and you choose to go after the minnows.

How does a wealthy person or a corporation paying say 2% less or whatever amount less, amount to you being stiffed unless your entire premise is that your are entitled to 100% of someone else's property?

They dont pay as much as small business which in turn hurts small business which in turn hurts American business which in turn hurts America.

What would America look like if everyone paid 2% in taxes? Not the America I would want or my children to want. You can pretend not to understand, deflect to making it personal, or go on a "liberals want all your money" tirade.

But underneath all that guff...you understand what I'm saying.

Yeah, you said that you were being stiffed... and that makes no sense. So, if my neighbor pays less taxes than me, I'm being stiffed?
How does a wealthy person or a corporation paying say 2% less or whatever amount less, amount to you being stiffed unless your entire premise is that your are entitled to 100% of someone else's property?

They dont pay as much as small business which in turn hurts small business which in turn hurts American business which in turn hurts America.

What would America look like if everyone paid 2% in taxes? Not the America I would want or my children to want. You can pretend not to understand, deflect to making it personal, or go on a "liberals want all your money" tirade.

But underneath all that guff...you understand what I'm saying.

Yeah, you said that you were being stiffed... and that makes no sense. So, if my neighbor pays less taxes than me, I'm being stiffed?

Ok, let's make it about the word stiff why dont we. Like I said you know what I'm saying you just choose to make it a pissing match. Here, I take back the word stiff. Now you have nothing
They dont pay as much as small business which in turn hurts small business which in turn hurts American business which in turn hurts America.

What would America look like if everyone paid 2% in taxes? Not the America I would want or my children to want. You can pretend not to understand, deflect to making it personal, or go on a "liberals want all your money" tirade.

But underneath all that guff...you understand what I'm saying.

Yeah, you said that you were being stiffed... and that makes no sense. So, if my neighbor pays less taxes than me, I'm being stiffed?

Ok, let's make it about the word stiff why dont we. Like I said you know what I'm saying you just choose to make it a pissing match. Here, I take back the word stiff. Now you have nothing

No, I'm making it about what you said.... what else is there? Or, are we going to embark on a what the definition of is is exercise?

If you care to re-frame your argument, hey, that's fine. Frankly, I haven't the time to figure out what you really mean.
I'm not reframing my arguement...I'll simply retract the word stiff and now you have nothing to whine about. There.
Wait, thats not proof? They have records? Are records not proof anymore?

Either way, you like to nit pick on little things. Point is, I'm not cutting my own throat or Americas just so a few at the very top can prosper. I'll choose America over them (if its a choice) everytime.

I would say I'm sorry, but I'm not

I am not cutting my own throat either... I am calling for EQUAL treatment.. not trying to punish the 'evil rich' and letting others pay NOTHING in income tax... flat for individual, flat for corporate....

Whether you like them or not. the 'rich' are also part of America.. not just you entitlement junkies and those who use them to buy votes for a social agenda

You can call for equal treatment all you like but doing that while defending the current system wont lead to any change since...you are defending it. Whether you realize it or not defending this is cutting your own throat. Who do you think the burden falls on when they dont pay?

I realize they are part of America....I want them to realize and stop stiffing the rest of us. Again, if thats wrong then I'm guilty. But we both realize there is a problem. I just chose to go after the sharks and you choose to go after the minnows.

The solution however is not more confiscation. The best way to attract and keep business here is to lower taxes and eliminate the more draconian regulations. These are the items which chase business out of the US in the first place.
The government in DC should create incentives for business to stay here. And create incentives to NOT relocate jobs overseas.
They dont pay as much as small business which in turn hurts small business which in turn hurts American business which in turn hurts America.

What would America look like if everyone paid 2% in taxes? Not the America I would want or my children to want. You can pretend not to understand, deflect to making it personal, or go on a "liberals want all your money" tirade.

But underneath all that guff...you understand what I'm saying.

Yeah, you said that you were being stiffed... and that makes no sense. So, if my neighbor pays less taxes than me, I'm being stiffed?

Ok, let's make it about the word stiff why dont we. Like I said you know what I'm saying you just choose to make it a pissing match. Here, I take back the word stiff. Now you have nothing

No. You don't get off that easily. You take back the word, but you still believe it.
Your solution and that of the left has always been higher taxation for the purpose of punishing those who make you uncomfortable. Excessive taxation has never been about revenue. It has always been about your side's perception of 'fairness'.
For example a week does not go by when Obama or some other liberal states some statistic about how much in taxes an individual or business does not pay then the next statement is in the form of "that's not fair".
When Obama was shown real figures on how the 15% capital gains tax resulted in more revenue to the federal government and increasing the rate would result in lowered revenues, Obama dismissed those facts and replied with statement opining that a 15% capital gains rate is not fair.
It has never been about revenue. Ever. Taxation has always been about establishing a political base.
There is no incentive to NOT go overseas. Lets put it simply...Business want to maximize profit. They maximize profit by paying employees enough to keep an employee and still make money. They also maximize profit by shifting money to lower taxed areas.

So the only solution that would be considered good for business is to either lower American workers pay or to lower the taxes LOWER than those other areas. What you call confiscation is what others would call Americas operating costs.

I'm done with cutting services, pay, medicare, ssi, headstart, etc etc all for businesses to make MORE and MORE while taken chomps out of our hides...they dont care about America. Why would they? They're only function is to make money...more money. Not one argument ever asks what about America? That just doesnt fit into that agenda....It's just money money
Yeah, you said that you were being stiffed... and that makes no sense. So, if my neighbor pays less taxes than me, I'm being stiffed?

Ok, let's make it about the word stiff why dont we. Like I said you know what I'm saying you just choose to make it a pissing match. Here, I take back the word stiff. Now you have nothing

No. You don't get off that easily. You take back the word, but you still believe it.
Your solution and that of the left has always been higher taxation for the purpose of punishing those who make you uncomfortable. Excessive taxation has never been about revenue. It has always been about your side's perception of 'fairness'.
For example a week does not go by when Obama or some other liberal states some statistic about how much in taxes an individual or business does not pay then the next statement is in the form of "that's not fair".
When Obama was shown real figures on how the 15% capital gains tax resulted in more revenue to the federal government and increasing the rate would result in lowered revenues, Obama dismissed those facts and replied with statement opining that a 15% capital gains rate is not fair.
It has never been about revenue. Ever. Taxation has always been about establishing a political base.

Progressive taxation was started waay before America. Call it excessive but it gave rise to Great Nations....A flat tax hasnt ever, never done that.

In a study published in 2011, which included the use of data from 54 countries, the authors stated, "our results showed that progressive taxation was positively associated with the subjective well-being of nations", later adding, "we found that the association between more-progressive taxation and higher levels of subjective well-being was mediated by citizens’ satisfaction with public goods, such as education and public transportation

Progressive tax - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There is no incentive to NOT go overseas. Lets put it simply...Business want to maximize profit. They maximize profit by paying employees enough to keep an employee and still make money. They also maximize profit by shifting money to lower taxed areas.

So the only solution that would be considered good for business is to either lower American workers pay or to lower the taxes LOWER than those other areas. What you call confiscation is what others would call Americas operating costs.

I'm done with cutting services, pay, medicare, ssi, headstart, etc etc all for businesses to make MORE and MORE while taken chomps out of our hides...they dont care about America. Why would they? They're only function is to make money...more money. Not one argument ever asks what about America? That just doesnt fit into that agenda....It's just money money

Otherwise known as what you can TAKE from America.... as evidenced by the talk of services, headstart, etc... Take Take Take... Sorry, being FOR America is not about what it can give you... it is indeed about being for the freedoms, and supporting the freedoms, so that you succeed or fail all on your little lonesome
you have to decide which is more important: Businesses keeping more money or America and the American way of living. Cant have both at the same time...Well, you can we just have to keep running to China for allowance
There is no incentive to NOT go overseas. Lets put it simply...Business want to maximize profit. They maximize profit by paying employees enough to keep an employee and still make money. They also maximize profit by shifting money to lower taxed areas.

So the only solution that would be considered good for business is to either lower American workers pay or to lower the taxes LOWER than those other areas. What you call confiscation is what others would call Americas operating costs.

I'm done with cutting services, pay, medicare, ssi, headstart, etc etc all for businesses to make MORE and MORE while taken chomps out of our hides...they dont care about America. Why would they? They're only function is to make money...more money. Not one argument ever asks what about America? That just doesnt fit into that agenda....It's just money money

Otherwise known as what you can TAKE from America.... as evidenced by the talk of services, headstart, etc... Take Take Take... Sorry, being FOR America is not about what it can give you... it is indeed about being for the freedoms, and supporting the freedoms, so that you succeed or fail all on your little lonesome

Everyone pays into those systems dude. It's not taking when we invest in it.

No man is an island...
Wait, thats not proof? They have records? Are records not proof anymore?

Either way, you like to nit pick on little things. Point is, I'm not cutting my own throat or Americas just so a few at the very top can prosper. I'll choose America over them (if its a choice) everytime.

I would say I'm sorry, but I'm not

I am not cutting my own throat either... I am calling for EQUAL treatment.. not trying to punish the 'evil rich' and letting others pay NOTHING in income tax... flat for individual, flat for corporate....

Whether you like them or not. the 'rich' are also part of America.. not just you entitlement junkies and those who use them to buy votes for a social agenda

You can call for equal treatment all you like but doing that while defending the current system wont lead to any change since...you are defending it. Whether you realize it or not defending this is cutting your own throat. Who do you think the burden falls on when they dont pay?

I realize they are part of America....I want them to realize and stop stiffing the rest of us. Again, if thats wrong then I'm guilty. But we both realize there is a problem. I just chose to go after the sharks and you choose to go after the minnows.
You exhibit the thought process of the modern liberal here. You state you are being stiffed. later in this thread you claim to take back the term. Let's not be dishonest here.
You make retract "stiffed" but you are a member of the new socialist progressive pack which looks at the world in a manner which is foreign to every hard working producing person willing to achieve and succeed
In the past we had this scenario.
A parent is walking along the street with their child. A man or woman drives by in an expensive car. The parent says to the child that if he or she stays in school works hard and makes themselves the best they can be, they too may have a nice car like that.
Fast forward to today. The modern lib/progressive parent sees the expensive car and tells the child that the reason that person has that car is because they took something from your mother and father. They cheated. It is because of them you cannot have the toys you like.
THIS is the typical of the American Left Wing.
Do not deny it. We see it on this forum. We see it in our entertainment. We see it in tin horn dictators like Hugo Chavez who told the masses that it was the rich that were screwing them and they believed it.
You people believe similarly.
you have to decide which is more important: Businesses keeping more money or America and the American way of living. Cant have both at the same time...Well, you can we just have to keep running to China for allowance

Take Take Take.. the American way of living you are talking about... boo hoo, they are cutting a service.. boo hoo, they are cutting an entitlement...

Sorry... corporations are people.. they are the people who work in them, invest in them , purchase from them, etc... and rather than your confiscate and take mantra, I will side with keeping more of what you earn... the government redistribution scheme is what started us down the bad path, and with it's growth the speed in which we are going down the bad path is growing and growing
There is no incentive to NOT go overseas. Lets put it simply...Business want to maximize profit. They maximize profit by paying employees enough to keep an employee and still make money. They also maximize profit by shifting money to lower taxed areas.

So the only solution that would be considered good for business is to either lower American workers pay or to lower the taxes LOWER than those other areas. What you call confiscation is what others would call Americas operating costs.

I'm done with cutting services, pay, medicare, ssi, headstart, etc etc all for businesses to make MORE and MORE while taken chomps out of our hides...they dont care about America. Why would they? They're only function is to make money...more money. Not one argument ever asks what about America? That just doesnt fit into that agenda....It's just money money

Otherwise known as what you can TAKE from America.... as evidenced by the talk of services, headstart, etc... Take Take Take... Sorry, being FOR America is not about what it can give you... it is indeed about being for the freedoms, and supporting the freedoms, so that you succeed or fail all on your little lonesome

Everyone pays into those systems dude. It's not taking when we invest in it.

No man is an island...

Cut the bullshit. We do not "pay into" anything. We are TAXED.
This is another example of how the modern liberal processes his surroundings. You people believe life begins and ends with social entitlements.
Investment is defined as a CHOICE.
We are commanded by government to surrender through payroll deductions the funding for these programs. They are NOT investments. If they were why is there no dividend? As in the promise made that social spending would give people in need a leg up and poverty would end.
If a government official had announced that a tax would be collected and the money would be used to guarantee those in need but not capable of caring for themselves would be able to live a decent life while those able to work and produce would be lifted out of poverty for good, I'd be all for it.
It just does not work that way. Social programs are a political tool. They have become entrenched expenditures which are increased every year as interested parties seek to ensure a continuing flood of those willing to vote for those who provide the government checks.
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From page 94 of the Exxon 10-K.

Yes, but that doesn't quite tell the whole story, does it? You left out the fact that Exxon pays a 44% effective world-wide income tax rate, that more than 2/3 of their income is earned outside the US, and that their domestic (US) income tax rate on their income earned in the US is 16.8% for the federal income tax, 22.1% if you also include state income taxes, and 31.9% if you include deferred items that will be taxed in future years based on that years(2011) income.

You can't take their US tax and divide by worldwide income (where they pay even higher tax rates) and then report in one line what you concluded without being deceptive. Maybe that was the point of your deceptive OP?

Few countries implemented the idiotic "Bush Tax Cuts" - which do not tax overeas profits - provided the money is NOT brought back to the U.S.

It's why Mitt goes to the Caymans every week to launder his money into U.S. banks.

There is no incentive to NOT go overseas. Lets put it simply...Business want to maximize profit. They maximize profit by paying employees enough to keep an employee and still make money. They also maximize profit by shifting money to lower taxed areas.

So the only solution that would be considered good for business is to either lower American workers pay or to lower the taxes LOWER than those other areas. What you call confiscation is what others would call Americas operating costs.

I'm done with cutting services, pay, medicare, ssi, headstart, etc etc all for businesses to make MORE and MORE while taken chomps out of our hides...they dont care about America. Why would they? They're only function is to make money...more money. Not one argument ever asks what about America? That just doesnt fit into that agenda....It's just money money

Otherwise known as what you can TAKE from America.... as evidenced by the talk of services, headstart, etc... Take Take Take... Sorry, being FOR America is not about what it can give you... it is indeed about being for the freedoms, and supporting the freedoms, so that you succeed or fail all on your little lonesome

Everyone pays into those systems dude. It's not taking when we invest in it.

No man is an island...

Uh huh... DUDE.. you pay $1 into it While I pay $50 and Rich guy pays $200... oh, and not to mention the ever growing masses that pay NOTHING into it

It is indeed taking... thinking the government exists to provide you things that you should be providing yourself.... You WANT a cell phone, you WANT someone else to pay for the bulk of your health care, you WANT you WANT you WANT.... the ever growing millions of WANTY citizens... not NEEDY, WANTY

Socialist fucking scum
From page 94 of the Exxon 10-K.

Yes, but that doesn't quite tell the whole story, does it? You left out the fact that Exxon pays a 44% effective world-wide income tax rate, that more than 2/3 of their income is earned outside the US, and that their domestic (US) income tax rate on their income earned in the US is 16.8% for the federal income tax, 22.1% if you also include state income taxes, and 31.9% if you include deferred items that will be taxed in future years based on that years(2011) income.

You can't take their US tax and divide by worldwide income (where they pay even higher tax rates) and then report in one line what you concluded without being deceptive. Maybe that was the point of your deceptive OP?

Few countries implemented the idiotic "Bush Tax Cuts" - which do not tax overeas profits - provided the money is NOT brought back to the U.S.

It's why Mitt goes to the Caymans every week to launder his money into U.S. banks.


Uh huh.. you try reaching to tax a company plant and sales floor in Norway, even if the company has a plant and sales floor here in the US... that will be hilarious to watch
The system is skewed in favor of the multinational.

Yes, skewed with taxes and regulatory compliance costs that make business more expensive domestically, thus granting advantage to organizations that do business elsewhere.

I know, let's make business ever MORE expensive, that'll fix it, right sparky?

A privately owned domestic firm often has to compete against multinationals, yet the US tax code is against a smaller local firm. It pays many times the rate of tax as does, GE, or Honeywell, etc.


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