Facts show Trump misrembers 9-11

It matters nawt whether some muslims in the US celebrated 9-11 because we know they were happy their brothers brought the towers down! We all know this, and the Donald speaks for us that the MSM and political elites ignore! (-
No, Trump speaks for about 15% of America that wants a strong man fascist.

Trump said what he said, and we all heard it.

None of that is going to change.
Yep. Kasich and Jeb seem stuck. Maybe Christie. Cruz would still give the dems a chance, imo. Rubio?
It might interest you ----I am a registered democrat and NEVER voted republican in my entire life------my approach to the dilemma of KERRY's bid for presidency was ------not to vote that year. I did vote for Obama, but not joyfully. Your news flash that people were being arrested for "celebrating" is sick SHIT------you are not
DELUSIONAL-----you are a pile of dog shit liar. Another point of interest-----the NEW YORK POLICE DEPARTMENT had been doing a SURVEILLANCE job
on JERSEY CITY------for years since at the very least 9-11-01------or it might have been since 1993 when your hero SHAKH ABDEL RAHMAN----planned the first bombing of the world trade center------along with his pals in his mosque in Jersey City-------the program was challenged and discontinued (probably unfortunately)

It might interest you that I don't care what your political affiliation is. As my rejection of your nonsense account has nothing to do with political affiliation.

It has everything to do with your account being fantastically implausible. And there being nothing to back up your account. Not one report, not one picture, not one video, not one news story, not one arrest. Despite the event you made up requiring 10s of thousands of witnesses and make national news.

Your story is horseshit. Even you didn't try to pass off your fairy tale until AFTER Trump made his blunder.

your response is typical of the fucking slut that you are. Name one comment I made that is IMPLAUSIBLE -------cock sucking whore. What "event" that you----cock sucking whore---claim I MADE UP?

Muslims dancing along Atlantic Avenue celebrating 911 in Patterson for days.

The odds of this happening as you describe is essentially zero. There's no part of your story that holds up. Nor can you back any of it. There's not one report, not one picture, not one video, not one news story, nothing. Despite your narrative requiring 10s of thousands of witnesses and events that would have resulted in arrests and national news.

Even you made no mention of your nonsense until AFTER Trump made his blunder of imagination.

Your story is simple horseshit.

for the record------slut skylar claims that I (rosie) stated>>>>>
"Muslims dancing along Atlantic Avenue celebrating 911 in Patterson for days."---------please note-----ATLANTIC AVENUE IS IN BROOKLYN----it is not in
Patterson. I have been in Patterson, New Jersey many times and never saw an
ATLANTIC AVENUE ----------The Atlantic Avenue to which I referred is in BROOKLYN, NEW YORK-----it extends all the way to the EAST RIVER----where
one could get a clear view of the WTC whilst it still stood------that part of Atlantic
avenue is an arab enclave. I know that area well too. Skylar obviously has no
idea but shits up the board with her stupidity anyway.

So when you said this:

I know what I saw on Atlantic Avenue-----and since there are people who know me
and knew I was close to the action-----I got telephone calls to find out if we were
still alive. I do not know what was happening in IOWA or KENTUCKY----
I know what happened in Jersey City, Paterson New Jersey and in Ramallah---
(west bank) -----arab celebrations. Atlantic Avenue----celebrations (that I saw....

You were referring to Atlantic Avenue in New York?

That makes your story even less plausible. As there's zero chance that any significant 'celebration' of 911 by Muslims in NY would have gone unnoticed by anyone but you.

They would have made national news. There would have been arrests, as there were at even *reports* of celebrations. There would have been videos, pictures, and coverage in every nationally syndicated paper.

There was nothing. Amazingly you made your bullshit story even less plausible by claiming its Atlantic Avenue New York where these made up 'celebrations' occurred.

Your story is complete horseshit.

you are very wrong------you have no idea what was going on in New York City that day--------the disorder was catastrophic. That some people were on the sidewalks of Atlantic avenue flashing victory signs------and smiling with joy----
and jumping around was the least of the problems in the city that day------the
subways and roads were so clogged up that people could not get to hospitals-----I ended up tending a lady in labor on a subway platform-------she did end up getting
a transport. THAT EVENT was not reported in the news either-----you are a disgusting ass licking whore. BTW what is your image of "celebrations"-----
circus tents and balloons?-------kegs of beer? Arabs celebrate by passing sweets around-------that sort of stuff was going on-------MAAMOUL----the "Damascus bakery" was depleted. Maamoul is a very nice----kinda stuffed ----cookie
It might interest you that I don't care what your political affiliation is. As my rejection of your nonsense account has nothing to do with political affiliation.

It has everything to do with your account being fantastically implausible. And there being nothing to back up your account. Not one report, not one picture, not one video, not one news story, not one arrest. Despite the event you made up requiring 10s of thousands of witnesses and make national news.

Your story is horseshit. Even you didn't try to pass off your fairy tale until AFTER Trump made his blunder.

your response is typical of the fucking slut that you are. Name one comment I made that is IMPLAUSIBLE -------cock sucking whore. What "event" that you----cock sucking whore---claim I MADE UP?

Muslims dancing along Atlantic Avenue celebrating 911 in Patterson for days.

The odds of this happening as you describe is essentially zero. There's no part of your story that holds up. Nor can you back any of it. There's not one report, not one picture, not one video, not one news story, nothing. Despite your narrative requiring 10s of thousands of witnesses and events that would have resulted in arrests and national news.

Even you made no mention of your nonsense until AFTER Trump made his blunder of imagination.

Your story is simple horseshit.

for the record------slut skylar claims that I (rosie) stated>>>>>
"Muslims dancing along Atlantic Avenue celebrating 911 in Patterson for days."---------please note-----ATLANTIC AVENUE IS IN BROOKLYN----it is not in
Patterson. I have been in Patterson, New Jersey many times and never saw an
ATLANTIC AVENUE ----------The Atlantic Avenue to which I referred is in BROOKLYN, NEW YORK-----it extends all the way to the EAST RIVER----where
one could get a clear view of the WTC whilst it still stood------that part of Atlantic
avenue is an arab enclave. I know that area well too. Skylar obviously has no
idea but shits up the board with her stupidity anyway.

So when you said this:

I know what I saw on Atlantic Avenue-----and since there are people who know me
and knew I was close to the action-----I got telephone calls to find out if we were
still alive. I do not know what was happening in IOWA or KENTUCKY----
I know what happened in Jersey City, Paterson New Jersey and in Ramallah---
(west bank) -----arab celebrations. Atlantic Avenue----celebrations (that I saw....

You were referring to Atlantic Avenue in New York?

That makes your story even less plausible. As there's zero chance that any significant 'celebration' of 911 by Muslims in NY would have gone unnoticed by anyone but you.

They would have made national news. There would have been arrests, as there were at even *reports* of celebrations. There would have been videos, pictures, and coverage in every nationally syndicated paper.

There was nothing. Amazingly you made your bullshit story even less plausible by claiming its Atlantic Avenue New York where these made up 'celebrations' occurred.

Your story is complete horseshit.

you are very wrong------you have no idea what was going on in New York City that day--------the disorder was catastrophic. That some people were on the sidewalks of Atlantic avenue flashing victory signs------and smiling with joy----
and jumping around was the least of the problems in the city that day------the
subways and roads were so clogged up that people could not get to hospitals-----I ended up tending a lady in labor on a subway platform-------she did end up getting
a transport. THAT EVENT was not reported in the news either-----you are a disgusting ass licking whore. BTW what is your image of "celebrations"-----
circus tents and balloons?-------kegs of beer? Arabs celebrate by passing sweets around-------that sort of stuff was going on-------MAAMOUL----the "Damascus bakery" was depleted. Maamoul is a very nice----kinda stuffed ----cookie

Again, your nonsense story is laughably implausible. That there were groups of Muslims celebrating 911 on Atlantic Avenue in New York for *days* and no one but you noticed? No one took a picture? No one shot a video? No one called the cops? There's not one story in any paper?

Bullshit. There's nothing about your fairy tale that makes the slightest sense. Nor can you back your nonsense with anything.

Your story is utter horseshit. Just as Trump's story is utter horseshit.
Trump swift boated himself.

He told the truth, and the truth outed him.
your response is typical of the fucking slut that you are. Name one comment I made that is IMPLAUSIBLE -------cock sucking whore. What "event" that you----cock sucking whore---claim I MADE UP?

Muslims dancing along Atlantic Avenue celebrating 911 in Patterson for days.

The odds of this happening as you describe is essentially zero. There's no part of your story that holds up. Nor can you back any of it. There's not one report, not one picture, not one video, not one news story, nothing. Despite your narrative requiring 10s of thousands of witnesses and events that would have resulted in arrests and national news.

Even you made no mention of your nonsense until AFTER Trump made his blunder of imagination.

Your story is simple horseshit.

for the record------slut skylar claims that I (rosie) stated>>>>>
"Muslims dancing along Atlantic Avenue celebrating 911 in Patterson for days."---------please note-----ATLANTIC AVENUE IS IN BROOKLYN----it is not in
Patterson. I have been in Patterson, New Jersey many times and never saw an
ATLANTIC AVENUE ----------The Atlantic Avenue to which I referred is in BROOKLYN, NEW YORK-----it extends all the way to the EAST RIVER----where
one could get a clear view of the WTC whilst it still stood------that part of Atlantic
avenue is an arab enclave. I know that area well too. Skylar obviously has no
idea but shits up the board with her stupidity anyway.

So when you said this:

I know what I saw on Atlantic Avenue-----and since there are people who know me
and knew I was close to the action-----I got telephone calls to find out if we were
still alive. I do not know what was happening in IOWA or KENTUCKY----
I know what happened in Jersey City, Paterson New Jersey and in Ramallah---
(west bank) -----arab celebrations. Atlantic Avenue----celebrations (that I saw....

You were referring to Atlantic Avenue in New York?

That makes your story even less plausible. As there's zero chance that any significant 'celebration' of 911 by Muslims in NY would have gone unnoticed by anyone but you.

They would have made national news. There would have been arrests, as there were at even *reports* of celebrations. There would have been videos, pictures, and coverage in every nationally syndicated paper.

There was nothing. Amazingly you made your bullshit story even less plausible by claiming its Atlantic Avenue New York where these made up 'celebrations' occurred.

Your story is complete horseshit.

you are very wrong------you have no idea what was going on in New York City that day--------the disorder was catastrophic. That some people were on the sidewalks of Atlantic avenue flashing victory signs------and smiling with joy----
and jumping around was the least of the problems in the city that day------the
subways and roads were so clogged up that people could not get to hospitals-----I ended up tending a lady in labor on a subway platform-------she did end up getting
a transport. THAT EVENT was not reported in the news either-----you are a disgusting ass licking whore. BTW what is your image of "celebrations"-----
circus tents and balloons?-------kegs of beer? Arabs celebrate by passing sweets around-------that sort of stuff was going on-------MAAMOUL----the "Damascus bakery" was depleted. Maamoul is a very nice----kinda stuffed ----cookie

Again, your nonsense story is laughably implausible. That there were groups of Muslims celebrating 911 on Atlantic Avenue in New York for *days* and no one but you noticed? No one took a picture? No one shot a video? No one called the cops? There's not one story in any paper?

Bullshit. There's nothing about your fairy tale that makes the slightest sense. Nor can you back your nonsense with anything.

Your story is utter horseshit. Just as Trump's story is utter horseshit.

ROLMAO "call the cops" ---------the cops were OTHERWISE OCCUPIED.
lived in New York City. I understand-----I grew up in a small town------one could "call the cops" if a stranger walked down the block. In New York city one does
not call the cops because some people are passing out cookies----laughing and flashing V for victory signs--------In fact I grew up in a town not unlike FORT LEE----where people called the cops because some boys were standing on the top of their van watching the WTC burn. In my little town-----the whole police force would turn out if someone reported a fire cracker on the fourth of July. It happened-----
fourth of july in a large field------which was kinda tricked out to be a playground, part----baseball field-------site of neighborhood mass picnics ------etc------
SPARKLERS and some "cherry bombs" etc The WHOLE POLICE force
turned up. (four squad cars) WHO HAS THE STUFF demanded that well know 6' 6" town cop--------no one answered.------then one tiny little flaxen haired tyke pulled on the pants leg of the giant cop and said "JOHN DID IT" -----
"john" turned out to be the father of the little boy. HE who had the box of "CONTRABAND"------"in the house...." said the little thing. Such stuff does not
happen in New York City. I have personal stories----but I will desist
Actually, Trump's quote was that he saw people celebrating. He didn't say that there was any public record of it in existence or he saw such a public record.
Actually the pathological liar did say there was a public record of his lie, he said he saw it on TV.


DONALD TRUMP: Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering.


STEPHANOPOULOS: You know, the police say that didn't happen and all those rumors have been on the Internet for some time. So did you misspeak yesterday?

TRUMP: It did happen. I saw it.

STEPHANOPOULOS: You saw that --

TRUMP: It was on television. I saw it.

STEPHANOPOULOS: -- with your own eyes?

TRUMP: George, it did happen.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Police say it didn't happen.

TRUMP: There were people that were cheering on the other side of New Jersey, where you have large Arab populations. They were cheering as the World Trade Center came down. I know it might be not politically correct for you to talk about it, but there were people cheering as that building came down -- as those buildings came down. And that tells you something. It was well covered at the time, George. Now, I know they don't like to talk about it, but it was well covered at the time. There were people over in New Jersey that were watching it, a heavy Arab population, that were cheering as the buildings came down. Not good.

STEPHANOPOULOS: As I said, the police have said it didn't happen.

Now he's demanding an apology for being caught lying.

Carson told the same lie but changed his story when he was called on it..

My fave walk back by Carson is when he said his remarks were 'being taken too literally'.

Some other RW nutter candidate said that - last time around, I think. Can't remember who it was though.
Muslims dancing along Atlantic Avenue celebrating 911 in Patterson for days.

The odds of this happening as you describe is essentially zero. There's no part of your story that holds up. Nor can you back any of it. There's not one report, not one picture, not one video, not one news story, nothing. Despite your narrative requiring 10s of thousands of witnesses and events that would have resulted in arrests and national news.

Even you made no mention of your nonsense until AFTER Trump made his blunder of imagination.

Your story is simple horseshit.

for the record------slut skylar claims that I (rosie) stated>>>>>
"Muslims dancing along Atlantic Avenue celebrating 911 in Patterson for days."---------please note-----ATLANTIC AVENUE IS IN BROOKLYN----it is not in
Patterson. I have been in Patterson, New Jersey many times and never saw an
ATLANTIC AVENUE ----------The Atlantic Avenue to which I referred is in BROOKLYN, NEW YORK-----it extends all the way to the EAST RIVER----where
one could get a clear view of the WTC whilst it still stood------that part of Atlantic
avenue is an arab enclave. I know that area well too. Skylar obviously has no
idea but shits up the board with her stupidity anyway.

So when you said this:

I know what I saw on Atlantic Avenue-----and since there are people who know me
and knew I was close to the action-----I got telephone calls to find out if we were
still alive. I do not know what was happening in IOWA or KENTUCKY----
I know what happened in Jersey City, Paterson New Jersey and in Ramallah---
(west bank) -----arab celebrations. Atlantic Avenue----celebrations (that I saw....

You were referring to Atlantic Avenue in New York?

That makes your story even less plausible. As there's zero chance that any significant 'celebration' of 911 by Muslims in NY would have gone unnoticed by anyone but you.

They would have made national news. There would have been arrests, as there were at even *reports* of celebrations. There would have been videos, pictures, and coverage in every nationally syndicated paper.

There was nothing. Amazingly you made your bullshit story even less plausible by claiming its Atlantic Avenue New York where these made up 'celebrations' occurred.

Your story is complete horseshit.

you are very wrong------you have no idea what was going on in New York City that day--------the disorder was catastrophic. That some people were on the sidewalks of Atlantic avenue flashing victory signs------and smiling with joy----
and jumping around was the least of the problems in the city that day------the
subways and roads were so clogged up that people could not get to hospitals-----I ended up tending a lady in labor on a subway platform-------she did end up getting
a transport. THAT EVENT was not reported in the news either-----you are a disgusting ass licking whore. BTW what is your image of "celebrations"-----
circus tents and balloons?-------kegs of beer? Arabs celebrate by passing sweets around-------that sort of stuff was going on-------MAAMOUL----the "Damascus bakery" was depleted. Maamoul is a very nice----kinda stuffed ----cookie

Again, your nonsense story is laughably implausible. That there were groups of Muslims celebrating 911 on Atlantic Avenue in New York for *days* and no one but you noticed? No one took a picture? No one shot a video? No one called the cops? There's not one story in any paper?

Bullshit. There's nothing about your fairy tale that makes the slightest sense. Nor can you back your nonsense with anything.

Your story is utter horseshit. Just as Trump's story is utter horseshit.

ROLMAO "call the cops" ---------the cops were OTHERWISE OCCUPIED.

The weren't so busy they couldn't conduct arrests for people merely *reported* to be celebrating. Yet you're horseshit fairytale has Muslims celebrating for DAYS on Atlantic Avenue in New York and no one noticing but you.

Not a single photo. Not a single report. Not a single arrest. Not a single video. Not a single news story.

Just you, desperately making up a bullshit story to try and polish Trump's turd.


For *days*? Remember, Rosie.....you insisted this went on for a long, long time. For days. And in all that time there was *nothing* to back your lie. Not one report by anyone, not one news story by anyone, not one photo, not one video, not one arrest.

It would have been national news. Yet...nothing.
Even you didn't dare try to pass off your made up tale until Trump made up his.

Your story is hopeless horseshit. And even you can't back it up.
for the record------slut skylar claims that I (rosie) stated>>>>>
"Muslims dancing along Atlantic Avenue celebrating 911 in Patterson for days."---------please note-----ATLANTIC AVENUE IS IN BROOKLYN----it is not in
Patterson. I have been in Patterson, New Jersey many times and never saw an
ATLANTIC AVENUE ----------The Atlantic Avenue to which I referred is in BROOKLYN, NEW YORK-----it extends all the way to the EAST RIVER----where
one could get a clear view of the WTC whilst it still stood------that part of Atlantic
avenue is an arab enclave. I know that area well too. Skylar obviously has no
idea but shits up the board with her stupidity anyway.

So when you said this:

I know what I saw on Atlantic Avenue-----and since there are people who know me
and knew I was close to the action-----I got telephone calls to find out if we were
still alive. I do not know what was happening in IOWA or KENTUCKY----
I know what happened in Jersey City, Paterson New Jersey and in Ramallah---
(west bank) -----arab celebrations. Atlantic Avenue----celebrations (that I saw....

You were referring to Atlantic Avenue in New York?

That makes your story even less plausible. As there's zero chance that any significant 'celebration' of 911 by Muslims in NY would have gone unnoticed by anyone but you.

They would have made national news. There would have been arrests, as there were at even *reports* of celebrations. There would have been videos, pictures, and coverage in every nationally syndicated paper.

There was nothing. Amazingly you made your bullshit story even less plausible by claiming its Atlantic Avenue New York where these made up 'celebrations' occurred.

Your story is complete horseshit.

you are very wrong------you have no idea what was going on in New York City that day--------the disorder was catastrophic. That some people were on the sidewalks of Atlantic avenue flashing victory signs------and smiling with joy----
and jumping around was the least of the problems in the city that day------the
subways and roads were so clogged up that people could not get to hospitals-----I ended up tending a lady in labor on a subway platform-------she did end up getting
a transport. THAT EVENT was not reported in the news either-----you are a disgusting ass licking whore. BTW what is your image of "celebrations"-----
circus tents and balloons?-------kegs of beer? Arabs celebrate by passing sweets around-------that sort of stuff was going on-------MAAMOUL----the "Damascus bakery" was depleted. Maamoul is a very nice----kinda stuffed ----cookie

Again, your nonsense story is laughably implausible. That there were groups of Muslims celebrating 911 on Atlantic Avenue in New York for *days* and no one but you noticed? No one took a picture? No one shot a video? No one called the cops? There's not one story in any paper?

Bullshit. There's nothing about your fairy tale that makes the slightest sense. Nor can you back your nonsense with anything.

Your story is utter horseshit. Just as Trump's story is utter horseshit.

ROLMAO "call the cops" ---------the cops were OTHERWISE OCCUPIED.

The weren't so busy they couldn't conduct arrests for people merely *reported* to be celebrating. Yet you're horseshit fairytale has Muslims celebrating for DAYS on Atlantic Avenue in New York and no one noticing but you.

Not a single photo. Not a single report. Not a single arrest. Not a single video. Not a single news story.

Just you, desperately making up a bullshit story to try and polish Trump's turd.


For *days*? Remember, Rosie.....you insisted this went on for a long, long time. For days. And in all that time there was *nothing* to back your lie. Not one report by anyone, not one news story by anyone, not one photo, not one video, not one arrest.

It would have been national news. Yet...nothing.
Even you didn't dare try to pass off your made up tale until Trump made up his.

Your story is hopeless horseshit. And even you can't back it up.

I do not lie-----cock sucking whore------I have no reason to lie-----you seem
to imagine that I am a campaigner for TRUMP-------another fart from your
empty head, It is clear to me that you support the obscene mutilation murders
of innocent children-------and have become more and more desperate in your
perversity. BTW where were you when your heroes were running planes into
the WTC? I have testified in courts as an EXPERT WITNESS--------no one
demanded "BACK UP"-----------I remain an expert witness in the events that took
place on 9-11-01 and the aftermath that I WITNESSED-----and you are shit
So when you said this:

You were referring to Atlantic Avenue in New York?

That makes your story even less plausible. As there's zero chance that any significant 'celebration' of 911 by Muslims in NY would have gone unnoticed by anyone but you.

They would have made national news. There would have been arrests, as there were at even *reports* of celebrations. There would have been videos, pictures, and coverage in every nationally syndicated paper.

There was nothing. Amazingly you made your bullshit story even less plausible by claiming its Atlantic Avenue New York where these made up 'celebrations' occurred.

Your story is complete horseshit.

you are very wrong------you have no idea what was going on in New York City that day--------the disorder was catastrophic. That some people were on the sidewalks of Atlantic avenue flashing victory signs------and smiling with joy----
and jumping around was the least of the problems in the city that day------the
subways and roads were so clogged up that people could not get to hospitals-----I ended up tending a lady in labor on a subway platform-------she did end up getting
a transport. THAT EVENT was not reported in the news either-----you are a disgusting ass licking whore. BTW what is your image of "celebrations"-----
circus tents and balloons?-------kegs of beer? Arabs celebrate by passing sweets around-------that sort of stuff was going on-------MAAMOUL----the "Damascus bakery" was depleted. Maamoul is a very nice----kinda stuffed ----cookie

Again, your nonsense story is laughably implausible. That there were groups of Muslims celebrating 911 on Atlantic Avenue in New York for *days* and no one but you noticed? No one took a picture? No one shot a video? No one called the cops? There's not one story in any paper?

Bullshit. There's nothing about your fairy tale that makes the slightest sense. Nor can you back your nonsense with anything.

Your story is utter horseshit. Just as Trump's story is utter horseshit.

ROLMAO "call the cops" ---------the cops were OTHERWISE OCCUPIED.

The weren't so busy they couldn't conduct arrests for people merely *reported* to be celebrating. Yet you're horseshit fairytale has Muslims celebrating for DAYS on Atlantic Avenue in New York and no one noticing but you.

Not a single photo. Not a single report. Not a single arrest. Not a single video. Not a single news story.

Just you, desperately making up a bullshit story to try and polish Trump's turd.


For *days*? Remember, Rosie.....you insisted this went on for a long, long time. For days. And in all that time there was *nothing* to back your lie. Not one report by anyone, not one news story by anyone, not one photo, not one video, not one arrest.

It would have been national news. Yet...nothing.
Even you didn't dare try to pass off your made up tale until Trump made up his.

Your story is hopeless horseshit. And even you can't back it up.

I do not lie-----cock sucking whore------I have no reason to lie-----you seem
to imagine that I am a campaigner for TRUMP-------another fart from your
empty head, It is clear to me that you support the obscene mutilation murders
of innocent children-------and have become more and more desperate in your
perversity. BTW where were you when your heroes were running planes into
the WTC? I have testified in courts as an EXPERT WITNESS--------no one
demanded "BACK UP"-----------I remain an expert witness in the events that took
place on 9-11-01 and the aftermath that I WITNESSED-----and you are shit

A bizarre mix of tourettes, the Exorcist and modern day Conservatism.

Honey, you done shot your credibility in the dick.
So when you said this:

You were referring to Atlantic Avenue in New York?

That makes your story even less plausible. As there's zero chance that any significant 'celebration' of 911 by Muslims in NY would have gone unnoticed by anyone but you.

They would have made national news. There would have been arrests, as there were at even *reports* of celebrations. There would have been videos, pictures, and coverage in every nationally syndicated paper.

There was nothing. Amazingly you made your bullshit story even less plausible by claiming its Atlantic Avenue New York where these made up 'celebrations' occurred.

Your story is complete horseshit.

you are very wrong------you have no idea what was going on in New York City that day--------the disorder was catastrophic. That some people were on the sidewalks of Atlantic avenue flashing victory signs------and smiling with joy----
and jumping around was the least of the problems in the city that day------the
subways and roads were so clogged up that people could not get to hospitals-----I ended up tending a lady in labor on a subway platform-------she did end up getting
a transport. THAT EVENT was not reported in the news either-----you are a disgusting ass licking whore. BTW what is your image of "celebrations"-----
circus tents and balloons?-------kegs of beer? Arabs celebrate by passing sweets around-------that sort of stuff was going on-------MAAMOUL----the "Damascus bakery" was depleted. Maamoul is a very nice----kinda stuffed ----cookie

Again, your nonsense story is laughably implausible. That there were groups of Muslims celebrating 911 on Atlantic Avenue in New York for *days* and no one but you noticed? No one took a picture? No one shot a video? No one called the cops? There's not one story in any paper?

Bullshit. There's nothing about your fairy tale that makes the slightest sense. Nor can you back your nonsense with anything.

Your story is utter horseshit. Just as Trump's story is utter horseshit.

ROLMAO "call the cops" ---------the cops were OTHERWISE OCCUPIED.

The weren't so busy they couldn't conduct arrests for people merely *reported* to be celebrating. Yet you're horseshit fairytale has Muslims celebrating for DAYS on Atlantic Avenue in New York and no one noticing but you.

Not a single photo. Not a single report. Not a single arrest. Not a single video. Not a single news story.

Just you, desperately making up a bullshit story to try and polish Trump's turd.


For *days*? Remember, Rosie.....you insisted this went on for a long, long time. For days. And in all that time there was *nothing* to back your lie. Not one report by anyone, not one news story by anyone, not one photo, not one video, not one arrest.

It would have been national news. Yet...nothing.
Even you didn't dare try to pass off your made up tale until Trump made up his.

Your story is hopeless horseshit. And even you can't back it up.

I do not lie-----cock sucking whore------I have no reason to lie-----you seem
to imagine that I am a campaigner for TRUMP-------another fart from your
empty head, It is clear to me that you support the obscene mutilation murders
of innocent children-------and have become more and more desperate in your
perversity. BTW where were you when your heroes were running planes into
the WTC? I have testified in courts as an EXPERT WITNESS--------no one
demanded "BACK UP"-----------I remain an expert witness in the events that took
place on 9-11-01 and the aftermath that I WITNESSED-----and you are shit

Then your story is delusional horseshit. Fiction that you've convinced yourself of. But has nothing to do with the real world. As your tale is mindless fantasy.

There is zero chance Muslims would have been dancing in celebration of 911 on Atlantic Avenue in New York for days and days without anyone but you noticing. It would have been national news.

Yet...your fantasy was nothing. As you made it up.
There's not one picture. There's not one video. There's not one report, article, or arrest.


Your story is utter horseshit. Just as Trump's story is utter horseshit.
  • How Obama's Response to ISIS Is Boosting Trump and Cruz
    Yahoo! News ^ | November 24, 2015 | Eric Pianin, The Fiscal Times
    President Obama’s low-key response to the recent ISIS attacks in Paris has turned off many Americans, even as the bombastic, tough-guy talk of Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is resonating with Republican voters, according to new polling data. Obama, who drew sharp criticism from Republicans and some Democrats for his response to the deadly Nov. 13 terrorist attacks, met on Tuesday in Washington with French President Francois Hollande, who is seeking to bolster international cooperation and intensified attacks against ISIS forces. Obama said that the United States stands united in “total solidarity with France,” but he did not...
I live in Jersey and Trump is right: Muslims DID celebrate on 9/11 in NJ . . . we saw it!
Biz Pac Review ^ | 11/23/15 | Carmine Sabia
It did happen, and I saw it. Donald Trump is telling the truth about Muslims celebrating in New Jersey on September 11, 2001. I drove with family members though Patterson, N.J. that morning, after the planes hit. It’s not the kind of thing you forget. We witnessed people in traditional Muslim garb dancing, jumping, shouting and celebrating like their team had won the Super Bowl, just as Trump said. Read more: Home | BizPac Review
CNN Edits Donald Trump's 'Muslim Registry' Comments to Make Him Look Like an Anti-Muslim Bigot
PJ Media ^ | 11-22-2015 | Michael van der Galien
CNN -- the cable network that's going to host a new Republican debate soon -- has been caught with its greedy, sticky little hands firmly planted in the cookie jar. As Gateway Pundit reports, CNN maliciously edited a video of Donald Trump in order to make him look like an anti-Muslim bigot. Here's the video. Be sure to pay attention: you'll see that they took some footage out immediately before Trump says "absolutely." Because of CNN's selective editing, it looks like Trump answers "absolutely" to the question of whether his administration would create a Muslim registry. The only problem? The...
I live in Jersey and Trump is right: Muslims DID celebrate on 9/11 in NJ . . . we saw it!
Biz Pac Review ^ | 11/23/15 | Carmine Sabia
It did happen, and I saw it. Donald Trump is telling the truth about Muslims celebrating in New Jersey on September 11, 2001. I drove with family members though Patterson, N.J. that morning, after the planes hit. It’s not the kind of thing you forget. We witnessed people in traditional Muslim garb dancing, jumping, shouting and celebrating like their team had won the Super Bowl, just as Trump said. Read more: Home | BizPac Review

Now it's time to find video, some sort of credibly in the blog post you linked to.
HOLY SHIT..and from NeoCommunist website SLATE!!!!

Wait, Maybe Trump Didn't Actually Call for Mandatory Registration of Muslims

Slate ^ | November 20, 2015 | Josh Voorhees
... I spent much of Friday afternoon rewatching that clip as though it was the Zapruder film and--I can't believe I'm about to say this--I think Trump's technically right: He doesn't explicitly advocate for creating the database. Yes, he seems to go along with the general idea after the reporter asks him about it--but he also doesn't explicitly endorse it either. The reporter is asking about Muslims in America, but Trump appears unable to imagine that group includes U.S. citizens, which is probably why he immediately starts talking about the wall--a telling blind spot for a man campaigning on nativist...
I live in Jersey and Trump is right: Muslims DID celebrate on 9/11 in NJ . . . we saw it!
Biz Pac Review ^ | 11/23/15 | Carmine Sabia
It did happen, and I saw it. Donald Trump is telling the truth about Muslims celebrating in New Jersey on September 11, 2001. I drove with family members though Patterson, N.J. that morning, after the planes hit. It’s not the kind of thing you forget. We witnessed people in traditional Muslim garb dancing, jumping, shouting and celebrating like their team had won the Super Bowl, just as Trump said. Read more: Home | BizPac Review

Now it's time to find video, some sort of credibly in the blog post you linked to.

You mean you don't believe YOUR OWN NeoCommunist website SLATE?... Shame on you Crappy Toy!
I live in Jersey and Trump is right: Muslims DID celebrate on 9/11 in NJ . . . we saw it!
Biz Pac Review ^ | 11/23/15 | Carmine Sabia
It did happen, and I saw it. Donald Trump is telling the truth about Muslims celebrating in New Jersey on September 11, 2001. I drove with family members though Patterson, N.J. that morning, after the planes hit. It’s not the kind of thing you forget. We witnessed people in traditional Muslim garb dancing, jumping, shouting and celebrating like their team had won the Super Bowl, just as Trump said. Read more: Home | BizPac Review

Now it's time to find video, some sort of credibly in the blog post you linked to.

You mean you don't believe YOUR OWN NeoCommunist website SLATE?... Shame on you Crappy Toy!

Your post is off topic, start a new one and let's see how Trump fares.

EDIT: Meaning your post that eventually links to Slate which is about creating a database for Muslims. You are conflating it all into a single mass.
I live in Jersey and Trump is right: Muslims DID celebrate on 9/11 in NJ . . . we saw it!
Biz Pac Review ^ | 11/23/15 | Carmine Sabia
It did happen, and I saw it. Donald Trump is telling the truth about Muslims celebrating in New Jersey on September 11, 2001. I drove with family members though Patterson, N.J. that morning, after the planes hit. It’s not the kind of thing you forget. We witnessed people in traditional Muslim garb dancing, jumping, shouting and celebrating like their team had won the Super Bowl, just as Trump said. Read more: Home | BizPac Review

Now it's time to find video, some sort of credibly in the blog post you linked to.

You mean you don't believe YOUR OWN NeoCommunist website SLATE?... Shame on you Crappy Toy!

Your post is off topic, start a new one and let's see how Trump fares.

Yes, crappy toy, You can't debate it, so you try to deflect it.... It's there, deal with it little NeoCommunist!
I live in Jersey and Trump is right: Muslims DID celebrate on 9/11 in NJ . . . we saw it!
Biz Pac Review ^ | 11/23/15 | Carmine Sabia
It did happen, and I saw it. Donald Trump is telling the truth about Muslims celebrating in New Jersey on September 11, 2001. I drove with family members though Patterson, N.J. that morning, after the planes hit. It’s not the kind of thing you forget. We witnessed people in traditional Muslim garb dancing, jumping, shouting and celebrating like their team had won the Super Bowl, just as Trump said. Read more: Home | BizPac Review

Now it's time to find video, some sort of credibly in the blog post you linked to.

You mean you don't believe YOUR OWN NeoCommunist website SLATE?... Shame on you Crappy Toy!

Your post is off topic, start a new one and let's see how Trump fares.

Yes, crappy toy, You can't debate it, so you try to deflect it.... It's there, deal with it little NeoCommunist!
You are the one deflecting.
I live in Jersey and Trump is right: Muslims DID celebrate on 9/11 in NJ . . . we saw it!
Biz Pac Review ^ | 11/23/15 | Carmine Sabia
It did happen, and I saw it. Donald Trump is telling the truth about Muslims celebrating in New Jersey on September 11, 2001. I drove with family members though Patterson, N.J. that morning, after the planes hit. It’s not the kind of thing you forget. We witnessed people in traditional Muslim garb dancing, jumping, shouting and celebrating like their team had won the Super Bowl, just as Trump said. Read more: Home | BizPac Review

Now it's time to find video, some sort of credibly in the blog post you linked to.

You mean you don't believe YOUR OWN NeoCommunist website SLATE?... Shame on you Crappy Toy!

Your post is off topic, start a new one and let's see how Trump fares.

EDIT: Meaning your post that eventually links to Slate.

Vig is citing the free republic message boards. Not 'Slate'. And there's not the slightest mention of this anywhere before Trump's gaffe.

Worse, Trump claimed to have seen the thousands and thousands of celebrating muslims on TV. And claimed they were in Jersey City.

There's no record of either.
I live in Jersey and Trump is right: Muslims DID celebrate on 9/11 in NJ . . . we saw it!
Biz Pac Review ^ | 11/23/15 | Carmine Sabia
It did happen, and I saw it. Donald Trump is telling the truth about Muslims celebrating in New Jersey on September 11, 2001. I drove with family members though Patterson, N.J. that morning, after the planes hit. It’s not the kind of thing you forget. We witnessed people in traditional Muslim garb dancing, jumping, shouting and celebrating like their team had won the Super Bowl, just as Trump said. Read more: Home | BizPac Review

Now it's time to find video, some sort of credibly in the blog post you linked to.

You mean you don't believe YOUR OWN NeoCommunist website SLATE?... Shame on you Crappy Toy!

Your post is off topic, start a new one and let's see how Trump fares.

Yes, crappy toy, You can't debate it, so you try to deflect it.... It's there, deal with it little NeoCommunist!

Start a separate thread about Muslim databases, this is about supposed Muslims protesting by the thousands in Jersey City.

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