Facts show Trump misrembers 9-11

Actually, Trump's quote was that he saw people celebrating. He didn't say that there was any public record of it in existence or he saw such a public record. Does the fact that there was no public record made in a newspaper actually show that it didn't exist? No! because we know that the newspaper doesn't cover a lot of things. A good example is the unemployment situation. The liberal newspapers don't cover it and liberals think it doesn't exist.

Does Trump have proof he rushed over to Jersey City on 9-11? What was he doing in Jersey City?

He is lying by spreading an urbam legend and claiming he was there

Trump lives in NY. I'll give him Jersey City.

But not the hallucination he claims to have seen.

Planes just hit the towers and Trump decides he wants to visit Jersey City? Getting in and out of the city was bedlam that day, Trump decided he needed to see Jersey City?

I suspect he was already in Jersey City. Its utterly plausible and unremarkable.

A massive celebration of 911 in Jersey City that involving thousands and thousands of Muslim that there is no record of of any kind? Utterly implausible and fantastically remarkable.
From the reactions of the usual lefty turds in here it's apparent that misremembering something is far more serious than outright lying, repeatedly, as in Hillary's many examples. Who knew?

Holy awkward attempt to change the topic, Batman!
From the reactions of the usual lefty turds in here it's apparent that misremembering something is far more serious than outright lying, repeatedly, as in Hillary's many examples. Who knew?
"I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down" is outright lying. He wasn't misremembering. He was lying.

And nice tu quoque fallacy. Like I always say, Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger.

You tards can't take having your own yardstick smacked back in your faces.

Trump lied, period.
Ya this fact checker didn't even check his own publication which had an article about what trump said.
Except the article said nothing about Muslims celebrating, it said "people" celebrating and those people turned out to be Israelis.

You should know better than to parrot your MessiahRushie's lies to defend Trump's lies.
Did they? How do you know? You can't believe anything anymore.

Why would Israelis cheer 9-11? That doesn't even make sense.

A neighbor reported that she heard them and to her it sounded like joyful celebration.

Yeah, that's not thousands. That wasn't on TV as Trump claimed. And there's no mention of celebrations or dancing by Muslims.

So.......Muslims existing in Jersey City. Well at least that part of Trump's story wasn't complete horseshit.

none of his story is "horseshit" except his "I SAW IT ON TV"-----I did not see it on TV------but I knew it was happening-------I did see it on Atlantic Ave-----what I saw
on Atlantic Ave.-----I did NOT see on TV I did not see it in Paterson, NJ---but
it was described to me-----I did not see it in Ramallah either-----but it was described
to me-------SO? his memory played a trick------he PICTURES in his mind what he
was told was happening

First, the omission that you admit doesn't make sense....is Trump's story. He claims to have seen it on TV. He didn't. He gives no other plausible narrative of how he could have seen it. He can't tell us where in Jersey City it happened. No one else remembers it.

Second, his claims was thousands of Muslims celebrating in Jersey City. There's no record of this. Not a single clip, not a single report. Nothing. Killing the already dead horse of Trump's imagination.

And if you saw thousands of Muslims celebrating on Alantic Avenue....why is there no mention of it from any news source, not even YOU.....until Trump made the claim. This would be huge news if it happened. And there would presumably be thousands upon thousands of witnesses. Tens of thousands if it went on for the days and days you described.

Yet nothing. Not a single news report. Not a single mention on any news site. Not a single picture. Not a single video. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

That's ridiculously implausible. The likelihood of Trump's account being accurate is virtually zero.

Yet you 'believe'. It takes a special kind of someone to be so obedient that they invent memories on command. You can't teach that.

I cannot say what ANYONE saw on TV------I was kinda busy in those days---
I know what I saw on Atlantic Avenue-----and since there are people who know me
and knew I was close to the action-----I got telephone calls to find out if we were
still alive. I do not know what was happening in IOWA or KENTUCKY----
I know what happened in Jersey City, Paterson New Jersey and in Ramallah---
(west bank) -----arab celebrations. Atlantic Avenue----celebrations (that I saw
myself) It is possible that Trump saw videoed stuff-------I did not video anything--
I don't have a video camera------I did not even do a snap shot. I can discuss what
people in various communities of the city of New York were doing over the
next few weeks -----because I was doing some work in four of the five boroughs. For a time------the most OBVIOUS of dressed up muslims seemed to stay home---
but within days muslim children wherever muslim children were -----were parroting
THE JOOOOS DID IT. In a few weeks cops told me that scores of muslim women
were showing up in the precincts claiming "someone" pulled my head scarf. The good news is that no one attacked muslims------no bullet holes in muslims in the
emergency rooms . There was one story that some teens went into something
like a falafel shop and overturned some tables------but then apologized and the
arab proprietor declined to call the cops (just a story I heard) WEEKS later--- I did see a few interviews of muslim teens in "other" countries, on TV-------all of them also "knew" -----the JOOOOS did it. The prevailing LIBEL BIT-------"ALL THE JOOOS IN NYC GOT PHONE CALLS THE NIGHT BEFORE WARNING THEM TO STAY HOME FROM THE WTC THAT DAY"----for the record----the MOSSAD----actually would know one of the persons who lives in my house and they should know that I did the subway directly UNDER the WTC------but the mossad FORGOT
to call my house. I felt neglected. I am amazed that Donald had time to watch TV-----I did not for awhile. People do not need to INVENT memories------the brain does it for you, especially in times of stress. Sometimes even night time dreams
BECOME a vivid memory. LONG LONG ago-----my baby ---then about 2 years old said to me------"when cars go on the grass----that's a dream". A very good insight into the workings of the brain-----nice and naïve and candid. Could be----someday if my kid gets drunk----he might "remember" seeing cars "go on the grass" ---and
be certain that he "REMEMBERS" it-------in old age. Delusions and hallucinations do not come out of thin air-----it is stuff already in your head---a little short circuited. PS-----I never said I saw THOUSANDS of people celebrating on Atlantic Avenue-----I did not try to count them and in fact walked in the opposite direction. There was a touch of footage on TV news-----just a touch. -----a few
people doing "V" for victory signs and dancing around.
Ya this fact checker didn't even check his own publication which had an article about what trump said.
Except the article said nothing about Muslims celebrating, it said "people" celebrating and those people turned out to be Israelis.

You should know better than to parrot your MessiahRushie's lies to defend Trump's lies.
Did they? How do you know? You can't believe anything anymore.

Why would Israelis cheer 9-11? That doesn't even make sense.

A neighbor reported that she heard them and to her it sounded like joyful celebration.

It kinda makes sense. As an Islamic Extremist was behind 911 (which seemed likely at the time) then the US would be even more closely aligned with Israel's interest.

Police Reports of the encounter include this paraphrased quote:

According to Officer Scott DeCarlo's police report, one of the passen-gers told him, "We were on the West Side Highway in New York City during the in-cident," not behind Maria's apartment building in New Jersey. The driver told them, 'We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem.'

Dancing Israelis

Which makes a sort of sense.
I know what I saw on Atlantic Avenue-----and since there are people who know me
and knew I was close to the action-----I got telephone calls to find out if we were
still alive. I do not know what was happening in IOWA or KENTUCKY----
I know what happened in Jersey City, Paterson New Jersey and in Ramallah---
(west bank) -----arab celebrations. Atlantic Avenue----celebrations (that I saw
myself) It is possible that Trump saw videoed stuff-------I did not video anything--
I don't have a video camera------I did not even do a snap shot.

If your account was that thousands and thousands of Muslims were celebrating on Atlantic avenue for days.....then your account is almost certainly inaccurate. As such an incident would have had 10s of thousands of witnesses. And there are no reports of it until Trump made his nonsense claim.

Not even from you.

The odds that such incident would have occurred without any report, any picture, any video, any news of any kind...is virtually zero. Your account is ridiculously implausible. Made all the more implausible by the fact your first mention of this 'event' was AFTER Trump made his gaffe.

Your account is at best, wrong. At worst, made up horseshit.
Around 911 they showed that clip of palistinians (?) celebrating . It was on a constant loop.

If this jersey thing was real it would've had big coverage .
I know what I saw on Atlantic Avenue-----and since there are people who know me
and knew I was close to the action-----I got telephone calls to find out if we were
still alive. I do not know what was happening in IOWA or KENTUCKY----
I know what happened in Jersey City, Paterson New Jersey and in Ramallah---
(west bank) -----arab celebrations. Atlantic Avenue----celebrations (that I saw
myself) It is possible that Trump saw videoed stuff-------I did not video anything--
I don't have a video camera------I did not even do a snap shot.

If your account was that thousands and thousands of Muslims were celebrating on Atlantic avenue for days.....then your account is almost certainly inaccurate. As such an incident would have had 10s of thousands of witnesses. And there are no reports of it until Trump made his nonsense claim.

Not even from you.

The odds that such incident would have occurred without any report, any picture, any video, any news of any kind...is virtually zero. Your account is ridiculously implausible. Made all the more implausible by the fact your first mention of this 'event' was AFTER Trump made his gaffe.

Your account is at best, wrong. At worst, made up horseshit.

Unlike you ----I am not a lying slut------I never SAID "THOUSANDS" lying slut----
TRUMP used the word "thousands" More news for you-----lots of really exciting
stuff never makes the news --------sometimes it is because local police "REQUEST"
of the press to "keep it quiet" Long ago----I was presenting the case of a MURDER---committed by a 92 year old man. ----my supervisor said
"can't be-----I listened to the morning news ----nothing said" He took the
emergency room chart from my hand and read it -----"'YUP SHE's RIGHT"

why would I be talking about dancing muslims on Atlantic Avenue------for the rest of my life OUT OF THE CLEAR BLUE SKY, shit licking bitch?
I know what I saw on Atlantic Avenue-----and since there are people who know me
and knew I was close to the action-----I got telephone calls to find out if we were
still alive. I do not know what was happening in IOWA or KENTUCKY----
I know what happened in Jersey City, Paterson New Jersey and in Ramallah---
(west bank) -----arab celebrations. Atlantic Avenue----celebrations (that I saw
myself) It is possible that Trump saw videoed stuff-------I did not video anything--
I don't have a video camera------I did not even do a snap shot.

If your account was that thousands and thousands of Muslims were celebrating on Atlantic avenue for days.....then your account is almost certainly inaccurate. As such an incident would have had 10s of thousands of witnesses. And there are no reports of it until Trump made his nonsense claim.

Not even from you.

The odds that such incident would have occurred without any report, any picture, any video, any news of any kind...is virtually zero. Your account is ridiculously implausible. Made all the more implausible by the fact your first mention of this 'event' was AFTER Trump made his gaffe.

Your account is at best, wrong. At worst, made up horseshit.
Neither she nor anyone else can substantiate any Muslims celebrating anywhere in America after 911.
irosie, you are lying. We all know you are lying. You lying about your lying is just more lying. Trump said it, but there were no thousands of cheering folks in New Jersey that day. No record of anything. And you are reported.
I know what I saw on Atlantic Avenue-----and since there are people who know me
and knew I was close to the action-----I got telephone calls to find out if we were
still alive. I do not know what was happening in IOWA or KENTUCKY----
I know what happened in Jersey City, Paterson New Jersey and in Ramallah---
(west bank) -----arab celebrations. Atlantic Avenue----celebrations (that I saw
myself) It is possible that Trump saw videoed stuff-------I did not video anything--
I don't have a video camera------I did not even do a snap shot.

If your account was that thousands and thousands of Muslims were celebrating on Atlantic avenue for days.....then your account is almost certainly inaccurate. As such an incident would have had 10s of thousands of witnesses. And there are no reports of it until Trump made his nonsense claim.

Not even from you.

The odds that such incident would have occurred without any report, any picture, any video, any news of any kind...is virtually zero. Your account is ridiculously implausible. Made all the more implausible by the fact your first mention of this 'event' was AFTER Trump made his gaffe.

Your account is at best, wrong. At worst, made up horseshit.

Unlike you ----I am not a lying slut------I never SAID "THOUSANDS" lying slut----
TRUMP used the word "thousands" More news for you-----lots of really exciting
stuff never makes the news --------sometimes it is because local police "REQUEST"
of the press to "keep it quiet"

Here's a new flash for you: right after 911 people were being arrested in New Jersey for even a *report* of them celebrating the attacks. The nation was in lock down and in a state of emergency. Muslims dancing in the street in Patterson in any significant number would have made national news. And resulted in similar arrests.

Yet....nothing. Not one report. Not one mention. Not one picture. Not one video. Not one arrest. Not one news report. Despite your account requiring 10s of thousands of witnesses

Even you never once cited this tale until AFTER Trump made his idiot comments.

Your claims are at best, wildly wrong. At worst, delusional horseshit.
I know what I saw on Atlantic Avenue-----and since there are people who know me
and knew I was close to the action-----I got telephone calls to find out if we were
still alive. I do not know what was happening in IOWA or KENTUCKY----
I know what happened in Jersey City, Paterson New Jersey and in Ramallah---
(west bank) -----arab celebrations. Atlantic Avenue----celebrations (that I saw
myself) It is possible that Trump saw videoed stuff-------I did not video anything--
I don't have a video camera------I did not even do a snap shot.

If your account was that thousands and thousands of Muslims were celebrating on Atlantic avenue for days.....then your account is almost certainly inaccurate. As such an incident would have had 10s of thousands of witnesses. And there are no reports of it until Trump made his nonsense claim.

Not even from you.

The odds that such incident would have occurred without any report, any picture, any video, any news of any kind...is virtually zero. Your account is ridiculously implausible. Made all the more implausible by the fact your first mention of this 'event' was AFTER Trump made his gaffe.

Your account is at best, wrong. At worst, made up horseshit.

Unlike you ----I am not a lying slut------I never SAID "THOUSANDS" lying slut----
TRUMP used the word "thousands" More news for you-----lots of really exciting
stuff never makes the news --------sometimes it is because local police "REQUEST"
of the press to "keep it quiet"

Here's a new flash for you: right after 911 people were being arrested in New Jersey for even a *report* of them celebrating the attacks. The nation was in lock down and in a state of emergency. Muslims dancing in the street in Patterson in any significant number would have made national news. And resulted in similar arrests.

Yet....nothing. Not one report. Not one mention. Not one picture. Not one video. Not one arrest. Not one news report. Despite your account requiring 10s of thousands of witnesses

Even you never once cited this tale until AFTER Trump made his idiot comments.

Your claims are at best, wildly wrong. At worst, delusional horseshit.
More like purposeful horseshit designed to fit the Trump fascist newspeak.

It might interest you ----I am a registered democrat and NEVER voted republican in my entire life------my approach to the dilemma of KERRY's bid for presidency was ------not to vote that year. I did vote for Obama, but not joyfully. Your news flash that people were being arrested for "celebrating" is sick SHIT------you are not
DELUSIONAL-----you are a pile of dog shit liar. Another point of interest-----the NEW YORK POLICE DEPARTMENT had been doing a SURVEILLANCE job
on JERSEY CITY------for years since at the very least 9-11-01------or it might have been since 1993 when your hero SHAKH ABDEL RAHMAN----planned the first bombing of the world trade center------along with his pals in his mosque in Jersey City-------the program was challenged and discontinued (probably unfortunately)
I know what I saw on Atlantic Avenue-----and since there are people who know me
and knew I was close to the action-----I got telephone calls to find out if we were
still alive. I do not know what was happening in IOWA or KENTUCKY----
I know what happened in Jersey City, Paterson New Jersey and in Ramallah---
(west bank) -----arab celebrations. Atlantic Avenue----celebrations (that I saw
myself) It is possible that Trump saw videoed stuff-------I did not video anything--
I don't have a video camera------I did not even do a snap shot.

If your account was that thousands and thousands of Muslims were celebrating on Atlantic avenue for days.....then your account is almost certainly inaccurate. As such an incident would have had 10s of thousands of witnesses. And there are no reports of it until Trump made his nonsense claim.

Not even from you.

The odds that such incident would have occurred without any report, any picture, any video, any news of any kind...is virtually zero. Your account is ridiculously implausible. Made all the more implausible by the fact your first mention of this 'event' was AFTER Trump made his gaffe.

Your account is at best, wrong. At worst, made up horseshit.

Unlike you ----I am not a lying slut------I never SAID "THOUSANDS" lying slut----
TRUMP used the word "thousands" More news for you-----lots of really exciting
stuff never makes the news --------sometimes it is because local police "REQUEST"
of the press to "keep it quiet"

Here's a new flash for you: right after 911 people were being arrested in New Jersey for even a *report* of them celebrating the attacks. The nation was in lock down and in a state of emergency. Muslims dancing in the street in Patterson in any significant number would have made national news. And resulted in similar arrests.

Yet....nothing. Not one report. Not one mention. Not one picture. Not one video. Not one arrest. Not one news report. Despite your account requiring 10s of thousands of witnesses

Even you never once cited this tale until AFTER Trump made his idiot comments.

Your claims are at best, wildly wrong. At worst, delusional horseshit.
More like purposeful horseshit designed to fit the Trump fascist newspeak.

It might interest you ----I am a registered democrat and NEVER voted republican in my entire life------my approach to the dilemma of KERRY's bid for presidency was ------not to vote that year. I did vote for Obama, but not joyfully. Your news flash that people were being arrested for "celebrating" is sick SHIT------you are not
DELUSIONAL-----you are a pile of dog shit liar. Another point of interest-----the NEW YORK POLICE DEPARTMENT had been doing a SURVEILLANCE job
on JERSEY CITY------for years since at the very least 9-11-01------or it might have been since 1993 when your hero SHAKH ABDEL RAHMAN----planned the first bombing of the world trade center------along with his pals in his mosque in Jersey City-------the program was challenged and discontinued (probably unfortunately)

It might interest you that I don't care what your political affiliation is. As my rejection of your nonsense account has nothing to do with political affiliation.

It has everything to do with your account being fantastically implausible. And there being nothing to back up your account. Not one report, not one picture, not one video, not one news story, not one arrest. Despite the event you made up requiring 10s of thousands of witnesses and make national news.

Your story is horseshit. Even you didn't try to pass off your fairy tale until AFTER Trump made his blunder.
If your account was that thousands and thousands of Muslims were celebrating on Atlantic avenue for days.....then your account is almost certainly inaccurate. As such an incident would have had 10s of thousands of witnesses. And there are no reports of it until Trump made his nonsense claim.

Not even from you.

The odds that such incident would have occurred without any report, any picture, any video, any news of any kind...is virtually zero. Your account is ridiculously implausible. Made all the more implausible by the fact your first mention of this 'event' was AFTER Trump made his gaffe.

Your account is at best, wrong. At worst, made up horseshit.

Unlike you ----I am not a lying slut------I never SAID "THOUSANDS" lying slut----
TRUMP used the word "thousands" More news for you-----lots of really exciting
stuff never makes the news --------sometimes it is because local police "REQUEST"
of the press to "keep it quiet"

Here's a new flash for you: right after 911 people were being arrested in New Jersey for even a *report* of them celebrating the attacks. The nation was in lock down and in a state of emergency. Muslims dancing in the street in Patterson in any significant number would have made national news. And resulted in similar arrests.

Yet....nothing. Not one report. Not one mention. Not one picture. Not one video. Not one arrest. Not one news report. Despite your account requiring 10s of thousands of witnesses

Even you never once cited this tale until AFTER Trump made his idiot comments.

Your claims are at best, wildly wrong. At worst, delusional horseshit.
More like purposeful horseshit designed to fit the Trump fascist newspeak.

It might interest you ----I am a registered democrat and NEVER voted republican in my entire life------my approach to the dilemma of KERRY's bid for presidency was ------not to vote that year. I did vote for Obama, but not joyfully. Your news flash that people were being arrested for "celebrating" is sick SHIT------you are not
DELUSIONAL-----you are a pile of dog shit liar. Another point of interest-----the NEW YORK POLICE DEPARTMENT had been doing a SURVEILLANCE job
on JERSEY CITY------for years since at the very least 9-11-01------or it might have been since 1993 when your hero SHAKH ABDEL RAHMAN----planned the first bombing of the world trade center------along with his pals in his mosque in Jersey City-------the program was challenged and discontinued (probably unfortunately)

It might interest you that I don't care what your political affiliation is. As my rejection of your nonsense account has nothing to do with political affiliation.

It has everything to do with your account being fantastically implausible. And there being nothing to back up your account. Not one report, not one picture, not one video, not one news story, not one arrest. Despite the event you made up requiring 10s of thousands of witnesses and make national news.

Your story is horseshit. Even you didn't try to pass off your fairy tale until AFTER Trump made his blunder.

your response is typical of the fucking slut that you are. Name one comment I made that is IMPLAUSIBLE -------cock sucking whore. What "event" that you----cock sucking whore---claim I MADE UP?-----requires 10s of thousands of witnesses?---- the area of Atlantic Avenue in question-----is no more than 10 blocks long------Yet YOU CLAIM that I described 'thousands of people"----that was YOUR SHITTY LIE------- ---I have witnessed lots of events in my life that never made news-----Nobody got arrested post 9-11-01 for flashing V for victory finger signs and passing out MAAMOUL in celebration of the event--------Nobody got arrested for teaching kids to say "DA JOOOOOS DID IT" In fact----as far as I know----nobody got arrested for false claims of "somebody pulled my head scarf"
either--------but the behavior was rampant in New York

another story-------I witnessed the crown heights riots of 1991---(go right ahead and call me a liar again) In fact I lived in the midst of the event. Within a few days the cops were reporting- "everthing quiet in crown heights"---------one of my clients was a police detective------I asked him----WHY ARE YOU GUYS SAYING 'everything quiet now' he said------" to keep it as quiet as possible------reports of
activity encourage outside people to JOIN UP "----------for the record----things were far from quiet. I said----"but the NEWS is reporting it-----what keeps reporters
from reporting the facts"? He said "they know that if they do not cooperate with us----we will not cooperate with them"--------seemed innocent enough for me----good strategy. -----for you idiots out there-----there are very nice and simple books on basic criminology--------designed for ------people not schooled in the field of psychology. Not publicizing the gory details is a very basic strategy in controlling crime
------unlike you---- whore----I do not lie. You expected reports of "celebrations on Atlantic Avenue----COME ONE, COME ALL!!!!" ???
Unlike you ----I am not a lying slut------I never SAID "THOUSANDS" lying slut----
TRUMP used the word "thousands" More news for you-----lots of really exciting
stuff never makes the news --------sometimes it is because local police "REQUEST"
of the press to "keep it quiet"

Here's a new flash for you: right after 911 people were being arrested in New Jersey for even a *report* of them celebrating the attacks. The nation was in lock down and in a state of emergency. Muslims dancing in the street in Patterson in any significant number would have made national news. And resulted in similar arrests.

Yet....nothing. Not one report. Not one mention. Not one picture. Not one video. Not one arrest. Not one news report. Despite your account requiring 10s of thousands of witnesses

Even you never once cited this tale until AFTER Trump made his idiot comments.

Your claims are at best, wildly wrong. At worst, delusional horseshit.
More like purposeful horseshit designed to fit the Trump fascist newspeak.

It might interest you ----I am a registered democrat and NEVER voted republican in my entire life------my approach to the dilemma of KERRY's bid for presidency was ------not to vote that year. I did vote for Obama, but not joyfully. Your news flash that people were being arrested for "celebrating" is sick SHIT------you are not
DELUSIONAL-----you are a pile of dog shit liar. Another point of interest-----the NEW YORK POLICE DEPARTMENT had been doing a SURVEILLANCE job
on JERSEY CITY------for years since at the very least 9-11-01------or it might have been since 1993 when your hero SHAKH ABDEL RAHMAN----planned the first bombing of the world trade center------along with his pals in his mosque in Jersey City-------the program was challenged and discontinued (probably unfortunately)

It might interest you that I don't care what your political affiliation is. As my rejection of your nonsense account has nothing to do with political affiliation.

It has everything to do with your account being fantastically implausible. And there being nothing to back up your account. Not one report, not one picture, not one video, not one news story, not one arrest. Despite the event you made up requiring 10s of thousands of witnesses and make national news.

Your story is horseshit. Even you didn't try to pass off your fairy tale until AFTER Trump made his blunder.

your response is typical of the fucking slut that you are. Name one comment I made that is IMPLAUSIBLE -------cock sucking whore. What "event" that you----cock sucking whore---claim I MADE UP?

Muslims dancing along Atlantic Avenue celebrating 911 in Patterson for days.

The odds of this happening as you describe is essentially zero. There's no part of your story that holds up. Nor can you back any of it. There's not one report, not one picture, not one video, not one news story, nothing. Despite your narrative requiring 10s of thousands of witnesses and events that would have resulted in arrests and national news.

Even you made no mention of your nonsense until AFTER Trump made his blunder of imagination.

Your story is simple horseshit.

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