
Hugs, You had better hope the "dude" shows back up because we are about to unleash bombs on this planet that will actually tilt our axis. Not just nervous breakdowns, but men's hearts will fail at the upcoming destruction.

Our eyes are wide open and set on Zion.< (prophesy)
We have read the last chapter of the book.

The difference between you and I is faith. You look at man and have none. I look at Christ and have it in abundance.
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Hugs, You had better hope the "dude" shows back up because we are about to unleash bombs on this planet that will actually tilt our axis. Not just nervous breakdowns, but men's hearts will fail at the upcoming destruction.

Our eyes are wide open and set on Zion.< (prophesy)
We have read the last chapter of the book.

The difference between you and I is faith. You look at man and have none. I look at Christ and have it in abundance.

The world will not end until God makes it worry about it is think you can change it is equally stupid...that's why I.have to laugh at the Pat Robertsons' of the world...and the Westboro's.

That "last chapter" barely made it in and if IIRC, the Catholic Church doesn't have it in. There is a significant evidence that the author of Revelations wrote it to give hope to Christians who were being mercilessly persecuted by the Roman Pagans....not as a prophecy of the end.of the world.
So as not to accept a Messiah that came as a Lamb instead of a warrior, you have replaced what refers to Jesus with Israel. The Catholics did the same thing. They took the Jews out and replaced them with the Catholic Church.

I have not replaced anything.

I'm simply informing you what the passages refer to.

Remember, this is jewish scripture, not christian scripture.

No where is jesus mentioned in the Torah. He is the christian messiah/god, not the jewish one.

Jesus is in the the Torah as much as Mohammed is in the Christian bible.
No interpretation is necessary when referring to being hung between two thieves. Jesus was either hung between two thieves or He wasn't. He was either buried in a rich man's grave or He wasn't. Israel has never been hung on a cross between two thieves, buried in a rich man's grave,

I am not sure what you are referring to.

or betrayed for silver. David's hands and feet were never pierced, he was never hung on a tree.

Those passages don't say what you want them to say.

I posted the translations.

We are going to have to agree to disagree on who the Messiah is, but happily we can both agree on the future of Israel, it's sovereignty under the protection the God of Abraham, and the peace that will emanate from Israel in the future.
Shalom until He comes, and we can compare notes. :)

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Hugs, You had better hope the "dude" shows back up because we are about to unleash bombs on this planet that will actually tilt our axis. Not just nervous breakdowns, but men's hearts will fail at the upcoming destruction.

Our eyes are wide open and set on Zion.< (prophesy)
We have read the last chapter of the book.

The difference between you and I is faith. You look at man and have none. I look at Christ and have it in abundance.

I hate to deviate here. Are your eyes set on Zion? What do you see as Zion?
How do you figure? They're both spin-offs of the ancient creation story starring the family of Abraham. Both are a way for the common Monkey to have the God of The Jews for their very own.

If they were the same, we would not be fighting the muslim terrorists and they would not be killing Christians and people of other religions. Come can't REALLY think they're the same?!?!

Because Christians have never committed acts of terrorism in the name of Christianity and never killed Muslims or people of other religions?

Currently Christianity is not that bad, but you can't pretend it never was. I'm not aware of any Muslim countries that have actually banned Jews altogether like Spain did.

And you need to read your Old Testament again if you think your God never told people to kill innocents and children. And you need to reread your history if you think that Christians never did it, either.

I've never said that....but, i know the Crusades involved the Catholics, which I think is no more than a cult. There are many that call themselves Christians, but we're not all the same. There were no Christians in the Old Testament....things changed after Jesus was born. That's when Christianity started. To me, the OT is more like a history lesson. Yes, there were horrible massacre's in the OT.....and I'm not a Bible scholar, so I really don't understand all of it. But I do know that true Christians practice what Jesus taught us, and it's not to hate and kill people of other beliefs. According to Islam, they're to convert everyone, and kill the ones that won't. Our God does not teach that.
Muslims will kill us. A 17 trillion dollar debt will kill us. Re-distribution of America's wealth will kill us. No jobs will kill us.
Christians have been here long enough for you to realize that church isn't what's killing this country.

Stupidly denying global climate change will kill us. Stupidly enforcing austerity will kill us. Stupidly obstructing jobs bills will kill us. Stupidly obstructing Obamacare will kill us. Stupidly wanting to start wars against Muslims will kill us.

Stupidity kills.

You've got a better chance of becoming a god than being killed by denying global climate change.
Muslims will kill us. A 17 trillion dollar debt will kill us. Re-distribution of America's wealth will kill us. No jobs will kill us.
Christians have been here long enough for you to realize that church isn't what's killing this country.

Stupidly denying global climate change will kill us. Stupidly enforcing austerity will kill us. Stupidly obstructing jobs bills will kill us. Stupidly obstructing Obamacare will kill us. Stupidly wanting to start wars against Muslims will kill us.

Stupidity kills.

You've got a better chance of becoming a god than being killed by denying global climate change.

Why don[t you tell that to the people whose farms are being wiped out by unprecedented droughts?
Stupidly denying global climate change will kill us. Stupidly enforcing austerity will kill us. Stupidly obstructing jobs bills will kill us. Stupidly obstructing Obamacare will kill us. Stupidly wanting to start wars against Muslims will kill us.

Stupidity kills.

You've got a better chance of becoming a god than being killed by denying global climate change.

Why don[t you tell that to the people whose farms are being wiped out by unprecedented droughts?

Unprecedented droughts? Droughts have occured since the beginning of time. There is absolutely nothing unprecedented about doughts.

That's the problem with the global warming scam. No matter what happens, you can blame global warming despite having absolutely nothing to back it up.

Do you know why they had to start calling global warming climate change? Because the evidence showed the planet wasnt warming. The coastal cities of the United States were supposed to be underwater over a decade and a half ago.

Tempature goes up. It's global warming. Tempature goes down. It's global warming. Lots of hurricanes: Global warming. Few hurricanes: Global warming. Lots of Tornados: Global warming. Few Tornados: Global warming. Earthquakes occur? It's global warming. Droughts occur? Global warming. Raining more than usual? Global warming. Blizzards? Global warming.

It's a scam. Look at the facts.

If you want to give up your liberty to the government for some scientific scam, go ahead. But you sure as heck are not getting mine.
You've got a better chance of becoming a god than being killed by denying global climate change.

Why don[t you tell that to the people whose farms are being wiped out by unprecedented droughts?

Unprecedented droughts? Droughts have occured since the beginning of time. There is absolutely nothing unprecedented about doughts.

That's the problem with the global warming scam. No matter what happens, you can blame global warming despite having absolutely nothing to back it up.

Do you know why they had to start calling global warming climate change? Because the evidence showed the planet wasnt warming. The coastal cities of the United States were supposed to be underwater over a decade and a half ago.

Tempature goes up. It's global warming. Tempature goes down. It's global warming. Lots of hurricanes: Global warming. Few hurricanes: Global warming. Lots of Tornados: Global warming. Few Tornados: Global warming. Earthquakes occur? It's global warming. Droughts occur? Global warming. Raining more than usual? Global warming. Blizzards? Global warming.

It's a scam. Look at the facts.
Ironic given that you believe in myths and fairy tales. :cuckoo:
If you want to give up your liberty to the government for some scientific scam, go ahead. But you sure as heck are not getting mine.

Who is more credible? The vast majority of scientists worldwide or those who worship an invisible sky fairy?
Ironic given that you believe in myths and fairy tales. :cuckoo:

Actually, I've already made it clear that I don't believe in man made global warming.

Who is more credible? The vast majority of scientists worldwide or those who worship an invisible sky fairy?

False Dilemna. Not surprised.

Once again we observe you drowning in your own denial of reality.
You've got a better chance of becoming a god than being killed by denying global climate change.

Why don[t you tell that to the people whose farms are being wiped out by unprecedented droughts?

Unprecedented droughts? Droughts have occured since the beginning of time. There is absolutely nothing unprecedented about doughts.

That's the problem with the global warming scam. No matter what happens, you can blame global warming despite having absolutely nothing to back it up.

Do you know why they had to start calling global warming climate change? Because the evidence showed the planet wasnt warming. The coastal cities of the United States were supposed to be underwater over a decade and a half ago.

Tempature goes up. It's global warming. Tempature goes down. It's global warming. Lots of hurricanes: Global warming. Few hurricanes: Global warming. Lots of Tornados: Global warming. Few Tornados: Global warming. Earthquakes occur? It's global warming. Droughts occur? Global warming. Raining more than usual? Global warming. Blizzards? Global warming.

It's a scam. Look at the facts.

If you want to give up your liberty to the government for some scientific scam, go ahead. But you sure as heck are not getting mine.

No scam on earth can hold a candle to religion. Christianity, Islam and Mormans are the most prolific charlitans on the planet bar none. The second there is definite proof that there is no god you assholes need to be rounded up, arrested, charged with fraud and sent to prison.

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