
"Faith" is the glorification of foolishness.

How do you explain the phenomenon of what I posted above.
If it's mathematically impossible for some one to do something and they do it, it's foolish not to heed the implications.

Romans 4:20-21 — No distrust made him [Abraham] waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised.

Faith is the glorification of love and commitment. :eusa_angel:
How do you explain the phenomenon of what I posted above.
If it's mathematically impossible for some one to do something and they do it, it's foolish not to heed the implications.

The instructional letters to the Christians by Paul and others were penned 50 years after the death of Jesus and the Gospel Stories were written 70 years after his death.

Now, knowing Monkeys and their politics the way you know Monkeys, which do you think prevailed in those writings, accuracy or agenda?

Israel did what they were supposed to.

They continued to worship their G-D instead of being led astray to worship foreign gods which they have not known.

That's what G-D commanded them to do.

No Mike, they did not. They fought and argued and blamed God for everything, they tried to kill Moses, insisted that they didn't need God, that they were capable of adhering to any rules He put before them, ASKED HIM TO LEAVE HIS OWN TEMPLE, because they preferred to be ruled by a King instead.

They were already worshiping a cow before Moses could get back down the mountain.
Solomon lost his temple and his people for tossing a coin to one of his pagan wife's idols.

But God never stopped loving them. Never. He sent His Son to them once, and He is about to send Christ to them again.
That's why Jeremiah saw light in their eyes.

It is that God that the Jewish Christ introduced we pagan Gentiles to. Jesus, is spoken of often in Psalms. So is the existence of the Holy Spirit.

Christians worship the God of Abraham. Our Lord is a Jewish Rabbi.
Jews and Christians = same vine, different branches. :eusa_angel:

Jews sometimes fell off the wagaon, but they got back on.

However, jews still did what G-D wanted.

G-D stated clearly, and in numerous passages, that jews may only worship G-D, the one G-D, the only G-D, the G-D they have known.

Any other god is a fake according to the G-D that the jews believe in.

So worshipping jesus would be a great sin for the jews. Perhaps it would be one of the gravest sins.

That's why jews don't do it.

What an odd statement. Jesus CAME to the Jews, and taught that the Gospel was to be given to the JEWS FIRST, and then to the Gentiles.......IT WAS JEWS who FIRST accepted Christ and became His disciples in great numbers..........And it is quite CLEAR that you do not understand (or refuse to accept) the "Godhead," the Holy Trinity........JESUS IS GOD! He TOLD the Jews............."before Abraham was, I AM!" The most sacred name for God the Jews have..............He stated............."I and my Father are ONE!"

NOT WORSHIPING Jesus is what caused the unbelieving Jews to be hewn from the vine!

Another question, pure curiosity........why would you type God as G-D? Is this for any specific purpose? Does your keyboard not have an "o?"
No Mike, they did not. They fought and argued and blamed God for everything, they tried to kill Moses, insisted that they didn't need God, that they were capable of adhering to any rules He put before them, ASKED HIM TO LEAVE HIS OWN TEMPLE, because they preferred to be ruled by a King instead.

They were already worshiping a cow before Moses could get back down the mountain.
Solomon lost his temple and his people for tossing a coin to one of his pagan wife's idols.

But God never stopped loving them. Never. He sent His Son to them once, and He is about to send Christ to them again.
That's why Jeremiah saw light in their eyes.

It is that God that the Jewish Christ introduced we pagan Gentiles to. Jesus, is spoken of often in Psalms. So is the existence of the Holy Spirit.

Christians worship the God of Abraham. Our Lord is a Jewish Rabbi.
Jews and Christians = same vine, different branches. :eusa_angel:

Jews sometimes fell off the wagaon, but they got back on.

However, jews still did what G-D wanted.

G-D stated clearly, and in numerous passages, that jews may only worship G-D, the one G-D, the only G-D, the G-D they have known.

Any other god is a fake according to the G-D that the jews believe in.

So worshipping jesus would be a great sin for the jews. Perhaps it would be one of the gravest sins.

That's why jews don't do it.

I understand completely, but I want you to know that the Bible isn't an anti-semitic book, it is a co-Abrahamic bond.

There is still a lot of hatred for jews.

I think it's because the jews didn't buy what the christians were selling.

God promised you a Messiah, and God is going to deliver.

That is true.

He will be a Lion. From the tribe of Judah.
Christians believe He was here before, as the sacrificial Lamb. A custom of the Jews.

We don't know what tribe jesus was from.

Tribal lineage goes by the father. We don't know who jesus' father was.

Sacrificial lamb? Sacrificing a human being is called murder.

That said jesus didn't sacrifice himself. He was caught by the romans and executed.

Also, we are all reponsible for our own sins.

Jesus being caught and executed has nothing to do with my sins.

Also G-D said that the only person with divine power is the one and only G-D himself.

Therefore, relying on jesus to supposedly get rid of your sins is within itself a great sin.

Also, jesus wasn't a lamb, he was person. A lamb goes bahhhhhhh.

Most of the Bible was written by Jews.
The early Jews that accepted Christ, and there were many, continued to be Jewish. They wondered what to do with all of the Gentiles that were following this Jewish Rabbi covenant. Circumcise them? Cleanse them in the pools?

Some of the jews that were led astray "accepted jesus."

Most of the jews followed their G-D.

According to judaism you have to pick your god, so if they followed jesus, they were no longer considered jewish.

He wasn't a jewish rabbi. Based on judaism he was a false prophet and a false god.

Mary isn't Catholic. She was a little Jewish girl.
When God reveals your Messiah to you, our knees will also bend. There is nothing in the Bible meant to belittle the Jew.
However, there is a lot of hatred of jews. I already posted those passages.

Having said that, our belief is based on your prophets. And they didn't describe the coming Messiah as a lion, but first as a baby, then again, as a lion.

I'm almost afraid to ask. Where did you get the lion from?

The messiah will be a mortal, human being.

I know it's a bit lengthy, but I can't think of any better tangible proof that Christ is the Messiah that will touch down on the Mt. of Olives, and propel Israel to victory in the battle that is coming.

I want you to read this mathematical summary of the scientific law of probability to calculate the odds of one person fulfilling even just a few of the Old Testament prophesies that Christ indeed did fill.

That it could be a fluke that Jesus fulfilled the predictions of your prophets, isn't possible scientifically.
How do you disregard the data? I can't.

Mathematical Probability that Jesus is the Christ:

If one were to conceive 50 specific prophecies about a person in the future, whom one would never meet, just what's the likelihood that this person will fulfill all 50 of the predictions? How much less would this likelihood be if 25 of these predictions were about what other people would do to him, and were completely beyond his control?

Other than riding a donkey and being from bethehelem he didn't fullfill any of the messianic prophesies.

The messianic prophesies that the real messiah will fullfill are:

Michah 4:3

World peace

Ezekiel 37

One uniformely accepted king of the jews

All the jews will go to Israel

All the jews will stay in Israel

All nations will worship one G-d.

The temple in jerusalem will be rebuilt and stand forever (the temple was destroyed soon after jesus)

Also, G-D said very clearly that only he has divine power and not to trust anyone who claims to have divine power.

Deuterenomy 13

Just that jesus claimed to be a divine being within itself makes it crystal clear that he has nothing to do with the G-D that the jews believe in.

That's all I have time for right now.
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Muslims have just as much faith and comitment as you do...some might even say many suicide christians have ya heard about? :lol:

Because our God (which is NOT the same as the muslims) never told us to go out and murder innocent people. We're not to murder anyone, including babies.

How do you figure? They're both spin-offs of the ancient creation story starring the family of Abraham. Both are a way for the common Monkey to have the God of The Jews for their very own.

If they were the same, we would not be fighting the muslim terrorists and they would not be killing Christians and people of other religions. Come can't REALLY think they're the same?!?!
Because our God (which is NOT the same as the muslims) never told us to go out and murder innocent people. We're not to murder anyone, including babies.

How do you figure? They're both spin-offs of the ancient creation story starring the family of Abraham. Both are a way for the common Monkey to have the God of The Jews for their very own.

If they were the same, we would not be fighting the muslim terrorists and they would not be killing Christians and people of other religions. Come can't REALLY think they're the same?!?!

Because Christians have never committed acts of terrorism in the name of Christianity and never killed Muslims or people of other religions?

Currently Christianity is not that bad, but you can't pretend it never was. I'm not aware of any Muslim countries that have actually banned Jews altogether like Spain did.

And you need to read your Old Testament again if you think your God never told people to kill innocents and children. And you need to reread your history if you think that Christians never did it, either.
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Because our God (which is NOT the same as the muslims) never told us to go out and murder innocent people. We're not to murder anyone, including babies.

How do you figure? They're both spin-offs of the ancient creation story starring the family of Abraham. Both are a way for the common Monkey to have the God of The Jews for their very own.

If they were the same, we would not be fighting the muslim terrorists and they would not be killing Christians and people of other religions. Come can't REALLY think they're the same?!?!

I base my opinion on the matter on my limited understanding of the ancient stories in question: The New Testament and The Koran, both of which seem to base their reality in The Torrah.

If either the Christians or the Muslims do NOT base their faith on the ancient stories starring the family of Abraham, please enlighten me.
I rarely mention monkeys.

I do on the other hand, often find myself discussing the sometimes predictable, sometimes bizarre, antics of the Monkeys on this planet, but it's not like it's a requirement.
No Mike, they did not. They fought and argued and blamed God for everything, they tried to kill Moses, insisted that they didn't need God, that they were capable of adhering to any rules He put before them, ASKED HIM TO LEAVE HIS OWN TEMPLE, because they preferred to be ruled by a King instead.

They were already worshiping a cow before Moses could get back down the mountain.
Solomon lost his temple and his people for tossing a coin to one of his pagan wife's idols.

But God never stopped loving them. Never. He sent His Son to them once, and He is about to send Christ to them again.
That's why Jeremiah saw light in their eyes.

It is that God that the Jewish Christ introduced we pagan Gentiles to. Jesus, is spoken of often in Psalms. So is the existence of the Holy Spirit.

Christians worship the God of Abraham. Our Lord is a Jewish Rabbi.
Jews and Christians = same vine, different branches. :eusa_angel:

Jews sometimes fell off the wagon, but they got back on.

However, jews still did what G-D wanted.

G-D stated clearly, and in numerous passages, that jews may only worship G-D, the one G-D, the only G-D, the G-D they have known.

Any other god is a fake according to the G-D that the jews believe in.

So worshipping jesus would be a great sin for the jews. Perhaps it would be one of the gravest sins.

That's why jews don't do it.

What an odd statement. Jesus CAME to the Jews, and taught that the Gospel was to be given to the JEWS FIRST, and then to the Gentiles.......

Deuterenomy 13

1. Everything I command you that you shall be careful to do it. You shall neither add to it, nor subtract from it

Obviously, the jews didn't want it.

The jews are commanded not to add nor take away for the Torah.

Attempting to add or worse "fulfill" the Torah was a grave sin.

That jesus didn't act as G-D commanded didn't make his credibility go to far.

T WAS JEWS who FIRST accepted Christ and became His disciples in great numbers.................

Unfortunately, some jews were led astray.

And it is quite CLEAR that you do not understand (or refuse to accept) the "Godhead," the Holy Trinity........JESUS IS GOD! He TOLD the Jews............."before Abraham was, I AM!" The most sacred name for God the Jews have..............He stated............."I and my Father are ONE!"

Jesus may be your G-D,but he is not the G-D of the jews.

Jews really don't care what jesus proclaimed himself to be.

What he said has had no relevance to the jews who stayed with the G-D of the jews.

G-D made it extremely clear to not believe in any G-D than him

Hear O Israel, the L-rd is our G-D, the L-ord is ONE (Deut)
I am the Lord, and there is no other; apart from Me there is no God. that from the rising of the Sun to the place of its setting men may know there is none besides Me. I am the Lord, and there is no other. (Isaiah, 45:5-6)

...I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me. (Isaiah, 46:9)

... so that all the peoples of the Earth may know that the Lord is God and that there is no other. (1 Kings, 8:60)

Turn to Me and be saved, all you ends of the Earth; for I am God, and there is no other. (Isaiah, 45:22)

This is what the Lord says…"Surely God is with you, and there is no other; there is no other God." (Isaiah, 45:14)

...The Lord our God, the Lord is one. (Deuteronomy, 6:4)

You are my witness--the words of Hashem--and My servant, whom I have chosen, so that you will know and believe in Me, and understand that I am He; before me nothing was created by a G-D, and after Me it shall not be (Isaiah 43:10)

... O Lord; no deeds can compare with Yours. All the nations You have made will come and worship before You, O Lord; they will bring glory to Your name. For You are great and do marvelous deeds; You alone are God. (Psalms, 86:8-10)

O Lord ...You alone are God over all the kingdoms of the Earth. You have made heaven and Earth. (Isaiah, 37:16)

... all kingdoms on Earth may know that You alone, O Lord, are God. (Isaiah, 37:20)

For this is what the Lord says—He Who created the heavens, He is God; He Who fashioned and made the Earth, He founded it; He did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited—He says: "I am the Lord, and there is no other." (Isaiah, 45:18)

...Was it not I, the Lord? And there is no god apart from Me, a righteous God and a Savior; there is none but Me. (Isaiah, 45:21)

See now that I Myself am He! There is no god besides Me. I put to death and I bring to life, I have wounded and I will heal... (Deuteronomy, 32:39) may know there is no one like the Lord our God. (Exodus, 8:10)

O Lord... there is no god like You in heaven above or on Earth below... (1 Kings, 8:23; 2 Chronicles, 6:14)

Then Asa called to the Lord his God and said, "Lord, there is no one like You to help the powerless against the mighty..."(2 Chronicles, 14:11)

I, even I, am the Lord, and apart from Me there is no savior. (Isaiah, 43:11)

There is no one like You, O Lord, and there is no god but You, as we have heard with our own ears. (1 Chronicles, 17:20; 2 Samuel, 7:22)

There is no one holy like the Lord; there is no one besides You; there is no strength like our God. (1 Samuel, 2:2)

His wisdom is profound, His power is vast. Who has resisted Him and come out unscathed. (Job, 9:4)

You have to make a choice you can either believe the G-D of the jews in the Torah or you believe both.

They are mutually exclusive.

So you can believe in god's head, trinity, and other christian beliefs, but they have nothing to do with jewish beliefs or our Torah.

NOT WORSHIPING Jesus is what caused the unbelieving Jews to be hewn from the vine!

Deutereonomy 13

2. If there will arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of a dream, and he gives you a sign or a wonder,

3. and the sign or the wonder of which he spoke to you happens, [and he] says, "Let us go after other gods which you have not known, and let us worship them,"

4. you shall not heed the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of a dream; for the Lord, your God, is testing you, to know whether you really love the Lord, your God, with all your heart and with all your soul.

5. You shall follow the Lord, your God, fear Him, keep His commandments, heed His voice, worship Him, and cleave to Him.

6. And that prophet, or that dreamer of a dream shall be put to death; because he spoke falsehood about the Lord, your God Who brought you out of the land of Egypt, and Who redeemed you from the house of bondage, to lead you astray from the way in which the Lord, your God, commanded you to go; so shall you clear away the evil from your midst.

7. If your brother, the son of your mother, tempts you in secret or your son, or your daughter, or the wife of your embrace, or your friend, who is as your own soul saying, "Let us go and worship other gods, which neither you, nor your forefathers have known."

8. Of the gods of the peoples around you, [whether] near to you or far from you, from one end of
9. You shall not desire him, and you shall not hearken to him; neither shall you pity him, have mercy upon him, nor shield him.

10. But you shall surely kill him, your hand shall be the first against him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people.

11. And you shall stone him with stones so that he dies, because he sought to lead you astray from the Lord, your God, Who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
12. And all Israel shall listen and fear, and they shall no longer do any evil such as this in your midst.

13. If you hear in one of your cities which the Lord, your God, is giving you to dwell therein, saying,

14. "Unfaithful men have gone forth from among you and have led the inhabitants of their city astray, saying, 'Let us go and worship other gods, which you have not known.' "
15. Then you shall inquire, investigate, and ask thoroughly, and, behold, it is true, the matter is certain, that such abomination has been committed in your midst:
16. You shall surely strike down the inhabitants of that city with the edge of the sword, destroy it with all that is in it and its livestock, with the edge of the sword.

17. And you shall collect all its spoil into the midst of its open square, and burn with fire the city and all its spoil, completely, for the Lord, your God; and it shall be a heap of destruction forever, never to be rebuilt.

18. And nothing that is doomed to destruction shall cling to your hand, so that the Lord may return from His fierce wrath, and grant you compassion, and be compassionate with you, and multiply you, as He swore to your forefathers.

19. For you shall hearken to the voice of the Lord your God, to keep all His commandments which I command you this day, to do that which is proper in the eyes of the Lord, your God.

Another question, pure curiosity........why would you type God as G-D? Is this for any specific purpose? Does your keyboard not have an "o?"

Jews don't spell out G-D because it's using G-D's name in vain.

Also if it's erased, it's like you are erasing G-D's name.

However, there is a difference of opinion whether it would be considered erasing G-D's name if it's via computer.

However, I do it as a sign of respect for G-D.

Here is a little more about it.

Why Don't You Spell Out G-d's Name? - Learning & Values
Because our God (which is NOT the same as the muslims) never told us to go out and murder innocent people. We're not to murder anyone, including babies.

How do you figure? They're both spin-offs of the ancient creation story starring the family of Abraham. Both are a way for the common Monkey to have the God of The Jews for their very own.

If they were the same, we would not be fighting the muslim terrorists and they would not be killing Christians and people of other religions. Come can't REALLY think they're the same?!?!

Here's another way to look at it... In the Muslim world, the Sunnis and the Shiites worship the same God, right? Catholics -vs- Protestants in Northern Ireland?

Bloody fighting among Monkeys over who is worshiping the same God correctly is at least as common in our history as fighting among Monkeys with mutually exclusive Gods, so yeah... I really think that they're the same. Even the whole thinking that they're ALL imaginary thing notwithstanding.
Seriously? Does every single Atheist do "wicked things" because they lack the ability to make "moral distinctions"? Neither the bible nor any other religion has an exclusive right to dictate morality. In fact many religious texts advocate things that are considered immoral today.

Passing "judgment" in terms of the passage from Romans was a warning against hypocrisy. You don't get to judge others because you don't know what is in their hearts. Did someone steal money because they wanted to buy themselves a new pair of sneakers or did they do it so that they could feed their children? Do you condemn someone for the way they are dressed without knowing why they are wearing what they have on?

Jeri condemns people as "haters" simply because they don't share his particular beliefs. Are they "wicked" because they don't believe exactly as he does? Are they immoral because they prefer their own brand of religion or none at all?

I don't care why Hitler, Stalin, OBL, and Hamas, have targeted civilian people and did atrocities.

I condemn them . I despise their wickedness.

And yes I am making a judgement.

So I guess if I blow up a school bus you can consider me a hypocrite. However, the chances are extremely unlikely that I will do so.

BTW Jeri is a she.

You are only harming yourself by despising them. You were taught to love because that is positive. Hatred is negative and harms the hater far more than the hated. Neither you nor Jeri understand your own religions. This is not surprising in the least though. Very few judgmental types ever do. You use your religion as an excuse to hide your own personal shortcomings instead of a means to become better people. Thanks for revealing your true natures. Have a nice day.

Psalms doesn't say anthing about not despising the wickedness of the wicked either.

See any love of wickedness?

Psalms 55

15. That together we would devise counsel; in the house of God we would walk with a multitude.

16. May He incite Death upon them; may they descend to the grave alive, for there are evils in their dwelling, in their midst.

4. But You, O God, shall lower them to the Pit of Destruction; men of blood and deceit shall not live half their days, but I will trust in You.

Psalms 101

4. A perverse heart turns away from me; I know no evil.

5. He who slanders his neighbor in secret, I cut him down; one whose eyes are raised up high and his heart is expansive, I cannot tolerate him.

6. My eyes are upon the faithful of the land to dwell with me; he who goes on the way of the innocent, he will serve me.
7. He will not dwell within my house; he who practices deceit, who speaks lies, will not be established before my eyes.

8. Betimes I cut down all the wicked of the earth; to cut down from the city of the Lord all workers of violence.

Psalms 28

3. Do not cause me to be drawn with the wicked or with those who work iniquity, who speak peace with their friends but evil is in their heart.

4. Give them according to their deeds and according to the evil of their endeavors; according to the work of their hands give to them; return their recompense to them.
I don't care why Hitler, Stalin, OBL, and Hamas, have targeted civilian people and did atrocities.

I condemn them . I despise their wickedness.

And yes I am making a judgement.

So I guess if I blow up a school bus you can consider me a hypocrite. However, the chances are extremely unlikely that I will do so.

BTW Jeri is a she.

You are only harming yourself by despising them. You were taught to love because that is positive. Hatred is negative and harms the hater far more than the hated. Neither you nor Jeri understand your own religions. This is not surprising in the least though. Very few judgmental types ever do. You use your religion as an excuse to hide your own personal shortcomings instead of a means to become better people. Thanks for revealing your true natures. Have a nice day.

Psalms doesn't say anthing about not despising the wickedness of the wicked either.

See any love of wickedness?

Psalms 55

15. That together we would devise counsel; in the house of God we would walk with a multitude.

16. May He incite Death upon them; may they descend to the grave alive, for there are evils in their dwelling, in their midst.

4. But You, O God, shall lower them to the Pit of Destruction; men of blood and deceit shall not live half their days, but I will trust in You.

Psalms 101

4. A perverse heart turns away from me; I know no evil.

5. He who slanders his neighbor in secret, I cut him down; one whose eyes are raised up high and his heart is expansive, I cannot tolerate him.

6. My eyes are upon the faithful of the land to dwell with me; he who goes on the way of the innocent, he will serve me.
7. He will not dwell within my house; he who practices deceit, who speaks lies, will not be established before my eyes.

8. Betimes I cut down all the wicked of the earth; to cut down from the city of the Lord all workers of violence.

Psalms 28

3. Do not cause me to be drawn with the wicked or with those who work iniquity, who speak peace with their friends but evil is in their heart.

4. Give them according to their deeds and according to the evil of their endeavors; according to the work of their hands give to them; return their recompense to them.

"Faith" is the glorification of foolishness.

How do you explain the phenomenon of what I posted above.
If it's mathematically impossible for some one to do something and they do it, it's foolish not to heed the implications.

Romans 4:20-21 — No distrust made him [Abraham] waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised.

Faith is the glorification of love and commitment. :eusa_angel:

Easy he didn't do it.
Oh, but he did, and no one else has.
The one who claimed to be your Messiah, fulfilled these prophesies of His grandfather, David. (through the lineage of His mother, a descendant of David) <prophesy
So, will your Messiah be treated like this when he arrives? Or was David's word untrustworthy?
Or has there been one that was already treated like this:

Psalm 22:
Written by King David a millennium before Christ, gives us the very perspective of the Lord hanging on the cross. It describes how the people mocked Christ (Psalm 22:7-8; Mat 27:41-43), how they cast lots to divide up his clothes (Psalm 22:18;Mat 27:35), how his bones were out of joint (Psalm 22:14), how the wicked had surrounded him and pierced his hands and feet (Psalm 22:16)

And again, your prophet -Zechariah 12:10
"And I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication; then they will look on Me whom they pierced&#8230;"

That the Messiah of your choice, has not yet come to fulfill the words of your prophet, doesn't remove the fact that there was a man that did fulfill them. Whether or not you chose to accept that man as your Messiah, doesn't change anything.

The odds are correct.

And not just a donkey. A young, untamed, unable to control, male. < prophesy.
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With the possible exception of the whole truth thingy.

The truth is that our knowledge ends at death and everything after that point is imaginative speculation, or reliance on the imaginative speculation of another Monkey with a pen.

Joe, did you die and get stupid and then come back to tells us about the end of knowledge, at the shedding of our clay shell, or is that speculation on your part? :tongue:

We are spirit, cloaked in clay. What makes you think spirits loose their memory, or start from scratch whenever we travel on without the pottery? :eusa_angel:

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