
With the possible exception of the whole truth thingy.

The truth is that our knowledge ends at death and everything after that point is imaginative speculation, or reliance on the imaginative speculation of another Monkey with a pen.

So, basically, you believe that a person lives, dies, and that's the gist of it?

What a truly sad thing...........and if you actually believe that why in the world are you still alive? What's the point? I mean, given all the trials and tribulations this world has to offer, what is the point of continuing on? If there is "nothing else," why bother? Seems like those who believe as you are only engaging in an exercise in futility does it not?

Sad, truly sad.......I hope you don't have children, or, if you do, I hope you have not taught them your philosophy of about child abuse........

That's not what I said at all. Read the post. I said that all of the KNOWLEDGE Monkeys have ends at death, and that's where speculation and beliefs begin.

Just because one Monkey, or even 90% of the Monkeys in a given population, believe with all their hearts, souls and minds that something in particular happens at death, doesn't make it knowledge and doesn't make it true.

Knowledge requires more than faith.

Secondly, just because I'm smart enough to understand the difference between knowledge and faith, and I understand the limitations of faith in religious discussion, does NOT mean that I'm a Monkey without faith. I simply believe that to box God up in to one of the nice, neat little packages so conveniently passed along in the various ancient stories is pretty fucking arrogant. I also believe that if God is, She's WAY bigger than all of the ancient stories, let alone any one of them.
Romans 2:1-4

You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.

Jeri is condemning himself.

Romans is wrong.

It's important to make judgements on wickedness.

If you don't, you aren't making a moral distinction between what is right, and what is wong.

And if you don't make a moral distinction, then there is no reason for you not to do wicked things

Seriously? Does every single Atheist do "wicked things" because they lack the ability to make "moral distinctions"? Neither the bible nor any other religion has an exclusive right to dictate morality. In fact many religious texts advocate things that are considered immoral today.

Passing "judgment" in terms of the passage from Romans was a warning against hypocrisy. You don't get to judge others because you don't know what is in their hearts. Did someone steal money because they wanted to buy themselves a new pair of sneakers or did they do it so that they could feed their children? Do you condemn someone for the way they are dressed without knowing why they are wearing what they have on?

Jeri condemns people as "haters" simply because they don't share his particular beliefs. Are they "wicked" because they don't believe exactly as he does? Are they immoral because they prefer their own brand of religion or none at all?

I don't care why Hitler, Stalin, OBL, and Hamas, have targeted civilian people and did atrocities.

I condemn them . I despise their wickedness.

And yes I am making a judgement.

So I guess if I blow up a school bus you can consider me a hypocrite. However, the chances are extremely unlikely that I will do so.

BTW Jeri is a she.
Romans is wrong.

It's important to make judgements on wickedness.

If you don't, you aren't making a moral distinction between what is right, and what is wong.

And if you don't make a moral distinction, then there is no reason for you not to do wicked things

Seriously? Does every single Atheist do "wicked things" because they lack the ability to make "moral distinctions"? Neither the bible nor any other religion has an exclusive right to dictate morality. In fact many religious texts advocate things that are considered immoral today.

Passing "judgment" in terms of the passage from Romans was a warning against hypocrisy. You don't get to judge others because you don't know what is in their hearts. Did someone steal money because they wanted to buy themselves a new pair of sneakers or did they do it so that they could feed their children? Do you condemn someone for the way they are dressed without knowing why they are wearing what they have on?

Jeri condemns people as "haters" simply because they don't share his particular beliefs. Are they "wicked" because they don't believe exactly as he does? Are they immoral because they prefer their own brand of religion or none at all?

I don't care why Hitler, Stalin, OBL, and Hamas, have targeted civilian people and did atrocities.

I condemn them . I despise their wickedness.

And yes I am making a judgement.

So I guess if I blow up a school bus you can consider me a hypocrite. However, the chances are extremely unlikely that I will do so.

BTW Jeri is a she.

You are only harming yourself by despising them. You were taught to love because that is positive. Hatred is negative and harms the hater far more than the hated. Neither you nor Jeri understand your own religions. This is not surprising in the least though. Very few judgmental types ever do. You use your religion as an excuse to hide your own personal shortcomings instead of a means to become better people. Thanks for revealing your true natures. Have a nice day.
Seriously? Does every single Atheist do "wicked things" because they lack the ability to make "moral distinctions"? Neither the bible nor any other religion has an exclusive right to dictate morality. In fact many religious texts advocate things that are considered immoral today.

Passing "judgment" in terms of the passage from Romans was a warning against hypocrisy. You don't get to judge others because you don't know what is in their hearts. Did someone steal money because they wanted to buy themselves a new pair of sneakers or did they do it so that they could feed their children? Do you condemn someone for the way they are dressed without knowing why they are wearing what they have on?

Jeri condemns people as "haters" simply because they don't share his particular beliefs. Are they "wicked" because they don't believe exactly as he does? Are they immoral because they prefer their own brand of religion or none at all?

I don't care why Hitler, Stalin, OBL, and Hamas, have targeted civilian people and did atrocities.

I condemn them . I despise their wickedness.

And yes I am making a judgement.

So I guess if I blow up a school bus you can consider me a hypocrite. However, the chances are extremely unlikely that I will do so.

BTW Jeri is a she.

You are only harming yourself by despising them. You were taught to love because that is positive. Hatred is negative and harms the hater far more than the hated. Neither you nor Jeri understand your own religions. This is not surprising in the least though. Very few judgmental types ever do. You use your religion as an excuse to hide your own personal shortcomings instead of a means to become better people. Thanks for revealing your true natures. Have a nice day.

Oh the irony...:eusa_whistle:

You seem extremely judgemental yourself.

I can assure you I understand my religion a lot better than you do.

We quoted the text in proverbs...

Godly people despise the wickedness of the wicked.

You may love the wickedness of the wicked.

That's your affair.

However godly people despise what OBL, Hitler, and Stalin did.

I was not taught to love everything. There are things that should be despised.
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I don't care why Hitler, Stalin, OBL, and Hamas, have targeted civilian people and did atrocities.

I condemn them . I despise their wickedness.

And yes I am making a judgement.

So I guess if I blow up a school bus you can consider me a hypocrite. However, the chances are extremely unlikely that I will do so.

BTW Jeri is a she.

You are only harming yourself by despising them. You were taught to love because that is positive. Hatred is negative and harms the hater far more than the hated. Neither you nor Jeri understand your own religions. This is not surprising in the least though. Very few judgmental types ever do. You use your religion as an excuse to hide your own personal shortcomings instead of a means to become better people. Thanks for revealing your true natures. Have a nice day.

Oh the irony...:eusa_whistle:

You seem extremely judgemental yourself.
Considering the source...
I can assure you I understand my religion a lot better than you do.

We quoted the text in proverbs...

Godly people despise the wickedness of the wicked.

You may love the wickedness of the wicked.

That's your affair.

However godly people despise what OBL, Hitler, and Stalin did.

I was not taught to love everything. There are things that should be despised.

Rejecting the teachings of Jesus and setting yourself up on a pedestal as "godly" is something that the Pharisees did. If you knew your religion as well as you claim you should know that.

I completely support what the Pharisees/ Jews did and I condemn the anti semitism in the Christian bible about them.
Seriously? Does every single Atheist do "wicked things" because they lack the ability to make "moral distinctions"? Neither the bible nor any other religion has an exclusive right to dictate morality. In fact many religious texts advocate things that are considered immoral today.

Passing "judgment" in terms of the passage from Romans was a warning against hypocrisy. You don't get to judge others because you don't know what is in their hearts. Did someone steal money because they wanted to buy themselves a new pair of sneakers or did they do it so that they could feed their children? Do you condemn someone for the way they are dressed without knowing why they are wearing what they have on?

Jeri condemns people as "haters" simply because they don't share his particular beliefs. Are they "wicked" because they don't believe exactly as he does? Are they immoral because they prefer their own brand of religion or none at all?

I don't care why Hitler, Stalin, OBL, and Hamas, have targeted civilian people and did atrocities.

I condemn them . I despise their wickedness.

And yes I am making a judgement.

So I guess if I blow up a school bus you can consider me a hypocrite. However, the chances are extremely unlikely that I will do so.

BTW Jeri is a she.

You are only harming yourself by despising them. You were taught to love because that is positive. Hatred is negative and harms the hater far more than the hated. Neither you nor Jeri understand your own religions. This is not surprising in the least though. Very few judgmental types ever do. You use your religion as an excuse to hide your own personal shortcomings instead of a means to become better people. Thanks for revealing your true natures. Have a nice day.

Whoa, now!! :eusa_hand: Since when does judging = hating?

Every Monkey judges stuff every day, including (but not limited to) judging the behaviors of the other Monkeys one encounters. It isn't wrong - it's survival at it's core.

Judging without hating is easy... just let it go.
I don't care why Hitler, Stalin, OBL, and Hamas, have targeted civilian people and did atrocities.

I condemn them . I despise their wickedness.

And yes I am making a judgement.

So I guess if I blow up a school bus you can consider me a hypocrite. However, the chances are extremely unlikely that I will do so.

BTW Jeri is a she.

You are only harming yourself by despising them. You were taught to love because that is positive. Hatred is negative and harms the hater far more than the hated. Neither you nor Jeri understand your own religions. This is not surprising in the least though. Very few judgmental types ever do. You use your religion as an excuse to hide your own personal shortcomings instead of a means to become better people. Thanks for revealing your true natures. Have a nice day.

Oh the irony...:eusa_whistle:

You seem extremely judgemental yourself.

I can assure you I understand my religion a lot better than you do.

We quoted the text in proverbs...

Godly people despise the wickedness of the wicked.

You may love the wickedness of the wicked.

That's your affair.

However godly people despise what OBL, Hitler, and Stalin did.

I was not taught to love everything. There are things that should be despised.

I agree, Mike. I quoted the same proverb earlier. I do not judge what others wear! What is that to me? I'll consider what I'm wearing not what someone else is wearing! The idea itself is silly, isn't it?

As to terrorism? Yes, I speak out against evil, of course I do and I would encourage others to do the same. When you remain silent it is as if you are endorsing what the bad guys are doing. Don't you know that,Deidre? - Jeri
Seriously? Does every single Atheist do "wicked things" because they lack the ability to make "moral distinctions"? Neither the bible nor any other religion has an exclusive right to dictate morality. In fact many religious texts advocate things that are considered immoral today.

Passing "judgment" in terms of the passage from Romans was a warning against hypocrisy. You don't get to judge others because you don't know what is in their hearts. Did someone steal money because they wanted to buy themselves a new pair of sneakers or did they do it so that they could feed their children? Do you condemn someone for the way they are dressed without knowing why they are wearing what they have on?

Jeri condemns people as "haters" simply because they don't share his particular beliefs. Are they "wicked" because they don't believe exactly as he does? Are they immoral because they prefer their own brand of religion or none at all?

I don't care why Hitler, Stalin, OBL, and Hamas, have targeted civilian people and did atrocities.

I condemn them . I despise their wickedness.

And yes I am making a judgement.

So I guess if I blow up a school bus you can consider me a hypocrite. However, the chances are extremely unlikely that I will do so.

BTW Jeri is a she.

You are only harming yourself by despising them. You were taught to love because that is positive. Hatred is negative and harms the hater far more than the hated. Neither you nor Jeri understand your own religions. This is not surprising in the least though. Very few judgmental types ever do. You use your religion as an excuse to hide your own personal shortcomings instead of a means to become better people. Thanks for revealing your true natures. Have a nice day.

Please post it here where MikeC or I have said we despised people? I haven't said I despised anyone - I despise doctines, ideas that are dangerous, evil men just as Hitler, Stalin which Mike mentioned - they are dead and gone - but despise people? No. Deidre, your problem is that you have mistaken speaking up against evil acts with hating the people behind it because in your mind - we are not giving them their way as perhaps you are... there is a reason for that. You don't cave in to evil. You stand against it firmly.

Now feel free to do what you wish but do not judge MikeC or myself because we refuse to come under your way of doing things. I didn't see you mention you were of any belief in G-d at all yet you assume you know more than Mike knows about Judaism or I know about Christianity? lol. The forum for comedy is that a way ------------>


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You are only harming yourself by despising them. You were taught to love because that is positive. Hatred is negative and harms the hater far more than the hated. Neither you nor Jeri understand your own religions. This is not surprising in the least though. Very few judgmental types ever do. You use your religion as an excuse to hide your own personal shortcomings instead of a means to become better people. Thanks for revealing your true natures. Have a nice day.

Oh the irony...:eusa_whistle:

You seem extremely judgemental yourself.

I can assure you I understand my religion a lot better than you do.

We quoted the text in proverbs...

Godly people despise the wickedness of the wicked.

You may love the wickedness of the wicked.

That's your affair.

However godly people despise what OBL, Hitler, and Stalin did.

I was not taught to love everything. There are things that should be despised.

I agree, Mike. I quoted the same proverb earlier. I do not judge what others wear! What is that to me? I'll consider what I'm wearing not what someone else is wearing! The idea itself is silly, isn't it?

As to terrorism? Yes, I speak out against evil, of course I do and I would encourage others to do the same. When you remain silent it is as if you are endorsing what the bad guys are doing. Don't you know that,Deidre? - Jeri

There is a difference between speaking out and condemning. You obviously don't understand the distinction. Then again you didn't get it when it came to the Boston bombing either. Your "speaking out" was tantamount to inciting a lynch mob mentality. Needless to say you still don't get it and won't even if you live to be 100. Go back to your superstitious rituals of spreading blood over people and possessions to ward off "evil spirits".
I don't care why Hitler, Stalin, OBL, and Hamas, have targeted civilian people and did atrocities.

I condemn them . I despise their wickedness.

And yes I am making a judgement.

So I guess if I blow up a school bus you can consider me a hypocrite. However, the chances are extremely unlikely that I will do so.

BTW Jeri is a she.

You are only harming yourself by despising them. You were taught to love because that is positive. Hatred is negative and harms the hater far more than the hated. Neither you nor Jeri understand your own religions. This is not surprising in the least though. Very few judgmental types ever do. You use your religion as an excuse to hide your own personal shortcomings instead of a means to become better people. Thanks for revealing your true natures. Have a nice day.

Please post it here where MikeC or I have said we despised people? I haven't said I despised anyone - I despise doctines, ideas that are dangerous, evil men just as Hitler, Stalin which Mike mentioned - they are dead and gone - but despise people? No. Deidre, your problem is that you have mistaken speaking up against evil acts with hating the people behind it because in your mind - we are not giving them their way as perhaps you are... there is a reason for that. You don't cave in to evil. You stand against it firmly.

Now feel free to do what you wish but do not judge MikeC or myself because we refuse to come under your way of doing things. I didn't see you mention you were of any belief in G-d at all yet you assume you know more than Mike knows about Judaism or I know about Christianity? lol. The forum for comedy is that a way ------------>



So according to Jeri neither Hitler nor Stalin was a person. You claim not to "despise people" but then go right ahead and name two of them in the same sentence. You just don't get it and never will. Have a nice day.
You are only harming yourself by despising them. You were taught to love because that is positive. Hatred is negative and harms the hater far more than the hated. Neither you nor Jeri understand your own religions. This is not surprising in the least though. Very few judgmental types ever do. You use your religion as an excuse to hide your own personal shortcomings instead of a means to become better people. Thanks for revealing your true natures. Have a nice day.

Oh the irony...:eusa_whistle:

You seem extremely judgemental yourself.

I can assure you I understand my religion a lot better than you do.

We quoted the text in proverbs...

Godly people despise the wickedness of the wicked.

You may love the wickedness of the wicked.

That's your affair.

However godly people despise what OBL, Hitler, and Stalin did.

I was not taught to love everything. There are things that should be despised.

I agree, Mike. I quoted the same proverb earlier. I do not judge what others wear! What is that to me? I'll consider what I'm wearing not what someone else is wearing! The idea itself is silly, isn't it?

As to terrorism? Yes, I speak out against evil, of course I do and I would encourage others to do the same. When you remain silent it is as if you are endorsing what the bad guys are doing. Don't you know that,Deidre? - Jeri

How's the old saying go? For evil to triumph, all it takes is for good folks to do nothing.

Step one is to judge the behavior.
You are only harming yourself by despising them. You were taught to love because that is positive. Hatred is negative and harms the hater far more than the hated. Neither you nor Jeri understand your own religions. This is not surprising in the least though. Very few judgmental types ever do. You use your religion as an excuse to hide your own personal shortcomings instead of a means to become better people. Thanks for revealing your true natures. Have a nice day.

Please post it here where MikeC or I have said we despised people? I haven't said I despised anyone - I despise doctines, ideas that are dangerous, evil men just as Hitler, Stalin which Mike mentioned - they are dead and gone - but despise people? No. Deidre, your problem is that you have mistaken speaking up against evil acts with hating the people behind it because in your mind - we are not giving them their way as perhaps you are... there is a reason for that. You don't cave in to evil. You stand against it firmly.

Now feel free to do what you wish but do not judge MikeC or myself because we refuse to come under your way of doing things. I didn't see you mention you were of any belief in G-d at all yet you assume you know more than Mike knows about Judaism or I know about Christianity? lol. The forum for comedy is that a way ------------>



So according to Jeri neither Hitler nor Stalin was a person. You claim not to "despise people" but then go right ahead and name two of them in the same sentence. You just don't get it and never will. Have a nice day.

The people who knew them personally said they were demon possessed monsters. I agree. Look at what they did. - Jeri
Please post it here where MikeC or I have said we despised people? I haven't said I despised anyone - I despise doctines, ideas that are dangerous, evil men just as Hitler, Stalin which Mike mentioned - they are dead and gone - but despise people? No. Deidre, your problem is that you have mistaken speaking up against evil acts with hating the people behind it because in your mind - we are not giving them their way as perhaps you are... there is a reason for that. You don't cave in to evil. You stand against it firmly.

Now feel free to do what you wish but do not judge MikeC or myself because we refuse to come under your way of doing things. I didn't see you mention you were of any belief in G-d at all yet you assume you know more than Mike knows about Judaism or I know about Christianity? lol. The forum for comedy is that a way ------------>



So according to Jeri neither Hitler nor Stalin was a person. You claim not to "despise people" but then go right ahead and name two of them in the same sentence. You just don't get it and never will. Have a nice day.

The people who knew them personally said they were demon possessed monsters. I agree. Look at what they did. - Jeri

They were ordinary sociopathes with financial backing. We have many like them in the republican christian fascist party.
Oh the irony...:eusa_whistle:

You seem extremely judgemental yourself.

I can assure you I understand my religion a lot better than you do.

We quoted the text in proverbs...

Godly people despise the wickedness of the wicked.

You may love the wickedness of the wicked.

That's your affair.

However godly people despise what OBL, Hitler, and Stalin did.

I was not taught to love everything. There are things that should be despised.

I agree, Mike. I quoted the same proverb earlier. I do not judge what others wear! What is that to me? I'll consider what I'm wearing not what someone else is wearing! The idea itself is silly, isn't it?

As to terrorism? Yes, I speak out against evil, of course I do and I would encourage others to do the same. When you remain silent it is as if you are endorsing what the bad guys are doing. Don't you know that,Deidre? - Jeri

How's the old saying go? For evil to triumph, all it takes is for good folks to do nothing.

Step one is to judge the behavior.

Is the first sentence a Bible quote? NO??? Ok, then....quit mixing secular, human quotes and religious doctrine.

Christ specifically said "judge not, meat ye be judged" ,"take the log out of your own eye before you point out the speck in your brother's","let those without sin cast the first stone". He also said "if a man sues you for your coat, give him your shirt as well."..."and to love your enemy as well as your neighbor, because even ANIMALS love only their families and neighbors", "turn the other cheek and forgive people's transgressions"...lastly...just to throw Politics in the Judgment of Nations...better known as the sheep and goats.

You aren't fit to judge in God's place. You are lack the ability to accurately judge people other than their actions. God judges hearts, souls and minds.

You can't expect forgiveness if you don't give it. Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.
Rest in peace to this person.....May the Creator of all give this soul a smooth transition to the next world.

With that being said I have no problem only until religion is pushed

"religion" is most often "pushed" on people...........however, Christianity IS NEVER "pushed" onto people.........the joyous "gift of Grace, feely given by God, and the price paid for by the precious blood of Jesus Christ is there for any and all who wish to accept it. IT IS NEVER PUSHED, for that goes against all the teachings of Christ.

So rest assured, and worry not about Christianity being "pushed" upon you.

Nobody can make you turn Christian. If you don't believe, you don't believe. That's between you and God.
Thanks tip. I just view atheists as brothers and sisters unaware. I want them all in Heaven.

If heaven is an eternity where we'll find such luminaries as Pat Robertson, Billy Graham, dozens of televangelists and politicians and preachers and born agains, each proudly showing off their two belly buttons AND gazillions of preachy nutjobs like those on this board ...

That sounds like the travel brochure for hell.

Besides, you'll all be gone on your rapture. Ain't no way atheists are invited or would go on that little field trip.

Wow...I really feel sorry for you Lud :( You're so lost.........

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