Faither/Daughter prosecuted for having sex

News & Star | News | Cumbrian father and daughter admit incest

IF you don't support what they did, you are a hateful, intolerant, bigot, right? DO gays go to jail for having sex?

Whine about the gays, and then try to defend the hillbillies of the south. Sigh......

Speaking of Hillbillies of The South....Where are you?

If you can read, I suggest opening the link: The article is about citizens of the UK.

....but don't let that change your ignorant bias against Hillbillies of The South....
It's bigotry to say anything negative or stereotype about gays you southern redneck hillbilly who makes moonshine!
Even if the father and daughter in this instance of incest are both adults at present...such liaisons strongly suggest a history of sexual abuse of the daughter by dad....THAT is criminal.
Sexual liaisons between gay adults are not. The false equivalency supported by some on this thread is absurd...and intellectually and morally dishonest.

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How do you know that? You are just making an assumption, based upon a stereotype you have. Aren't you as bad as the people you call bigots for stereotyping about gays and other groups?

Actually Nova Steve...I am basing my analysis on input gathered over 20 years of my clinical practice...I am a psychologist who specializes in work with PTSD and abuse survivors...
Parent/child sexual liaisons do not spring forth full-blown at the child's age of majority...they r usually the "tail end" of a lengthy history of emotional and sexual exploitation, often starting with endearing "grooming" by the adult in the child's early years....and progressing to full blown sexual abuse.

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So I take it you believe in eugenics and that people with genetic disorders or at risk from them s houldn't be allowed to procreate, because you say it impacts you?

The world is over-populated as it is. Once you turn 18, you should have to pass an IQ test, and anyone who doesn't make the cutoff point would be sterilized for the good of humanity. We do selective breeding with animals and plants already, and it works bigtime.

Theodore John "Ted" Kaczynski (The Unibomber) had a genius IQ.

I recall Manson also does.
I find this story about a father and daughter in the UK absolutely disgusting. But so is a man sticking his package in another man. However, that is legal here in the US. So what's the big deal? Traditional marriage has been changed. Marriage and/or love can now be anything anyone wants it to be. If you disagree then you are a bigot.
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News & Star | News | Cumbrian father and daughter admit incest

IF you don't support what they did, you are a hateful, intolerant, bigot, right? DO gays go to jail for having sex?

Whine about the gays, and then try to defend the hillbillies of the south. Sigh......

You didn't read the link, did you. (Not a question.) Cumbria is in northwest ENGLAND, you baboon!

Hangover has been getting punked out worse then Truthmatters lately. It's hilarious!

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Actually Nova Steve...I am basing my analysis on input gathered over 20 years of my clinical practice...I am a psychologist who specializes in work with PTSD and abuse survivors...
Parent/child sexual liaisons do not spring forth full-blown at the child's age of majority...they r usually the "tail end" of a lengthy history of emotional and sexual exploitation, often starting with endearing "grooming" by the adult in the child's early years....and progressing to full blown sexual abuse.
Usually means not always. Often homosexuals have environmental issues as well. And grooming is another vague term, you could use it indiscriminantly to make a case. So your analysis is based on opinion backed up by assertion. Which is why I don't automatically trust psychologists.
The children have a risk of being born with defects as a result. If that happens, it affects the taxpayers, who have to pay for the healthcare of said children.
Aids is highest with homosexuals and that cost taxpayers

It is also high among drug users and straight people.

Wrong, it affects gays, particularly gay black men, it is also high in the gay male community, Straights are a low risk group.
51 father and 23 daughter, AND in the UK. Wouldn't even be illegal in most US states, illegal to marry, but not to have a consensual relationship.

Marriage between a man and a woman illegal? How can that be if marriage is a civil right?

because a relationship between a father and daughter is based in a history of abuse.

someone with more than a double digit IQ would understand the distinction.

I agree. I would want to know about her childhood and when their sexual contact started before stating an opinion.

Even so, it is a relationship based on him having power over her.
Even if the father and daughter in this instance of incest are both adults at present...such liaisons strongly suggest a history of sexual abuse of the daughter by dad....THAT is criminal.
Sexual liaisons between gay adults are not. The false equivalency supported by some on this thread is absurd...and intellectually and morally dishonest.

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How do you know that? You are just making an assumption, based upon a stereotype you have. Aren't you as bad as the people you call bigots for stereotyping about gays and other groups?

Actually Nova Steve...I am basing my analysis on input gathered over 20 years of my clinical practice...I am a psychologist who specializes in work with PTSD and abuse survivors...
Parent/child sexual liaisons do not spring forth full-blown at the child's age of majority...they r usually the "tail end" of a lengthy history of emotional and sexual exploitation, often starting with endearing "grooming" by the adult in the child's early years....and progressing to full blown sexual abuse.

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Exactly what I thought on reading this.
Yeah cause incest is the same as being gay.

Friggin homophobes.

Isn't it all the same? If you love someone or love someone's, you should be free to marry them?

No it's not all the same.

How very odd that they want to change the definition of marriage which they will claim they don't. But as you see they want to change it to what they want it to say. they say they want freedom to marry whomever but in reality they just want validation.
There was a time when homosexuality was illegal too.

Maybe they need to start having incest pride parades

Yeah cause incest is the same as being gay.

Friggin homophobes.

Yeah cause homosexuality is exactly the same as heterosexuality.

Friggin hypocrites.

Clue: Rape is not the same as consensual sex. The law against interracial marriage, was not the same as the law against gay marriage. The law against gay marriage is not the same as the law against incest.

The law against murder is not the same as the law against capital punishment.

No surprise then that bigots are incapable of discerning the differences, and/or merely playing stupid to make bigoted arguments of hypocrisy.
If you support same sex marriage, then you are a hypocrite if you are going to tell anyone else who they can love and have sex with.

... so says one of the jerks who is in favor of men "marrying" 14 year old girls.

Although I am against it why are you against it? Do you know something about marriage the rest of us don't? Like there is an actual definition and there are actual restrictions thus making marriage not a right.
If you support same sex marriage, then you are a hypocrite if you are going to tell anyone else who they can love and have sex with.

... so says one of the jerks who is in favor of men "marrying" 14 year old girls.

Although I am against it why are you against it? Do you know something about marriage the rest of us don't? Like there is an actual definition and there are actual restrictions thus making marriage not a right.

Are you kidding? :cuckoo:

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