FBI Document Shows Joe Biden Took $5M From Burisma As part of a Bribery Scheme

Stupid the shit happened while Biden was vp

As said, that proposed business deal with Bobulinski and hunter and a Chinese company that fell thru, took place after Joe Biden had left office. I2017.

A former associate of Hunter Biden has televised his grievances about former Vice President Joe Biden, telling Fox News host Tucker Carlson that the elder Biden was more involved in his son’s overseas business dealings than he has let on.

Tony Bobulinski claimed that emails, text messages and audio recordings he released show the Democratic presidential nominee was entangled in a 2017 venture involving a Chinese firm.

No credible news outlets have reported any wrongdoing or role held by Joe Biden
He doesn't even mention Burisma, he doesn't even mention a bribe, his contention about Joe is that he was a hand shaker, and th
e mention of $5 million was Hunter, not Joe, funneling money into a company Hunter owned. Nothing in there has anything to do with this unverified claim that Joe accepted a $5 million bribe from Burisma. Your brain is mush, PussyBitch.
Do you believe Joe Biden when he said he had nothing to do with Hunter's business dealings?
As said, that proposed business deal with Bobulinski and hunter and a Chinese company that fell thru, took place after Joe Biden had left office. I2017.

A former associate of Hunter Biden has televised his grievances about former Vice President Joe Biden, telling Fox News host Tucker Carlson that the elder Biden was more involved in his son’s overseas business dealings than he has let on.

Tony Bobulinski claimed that emails, text messages and audio recordings he released show the Democratic presidential nominee was entangled in a 2017 venture involving a Chinese firm.

No credible news outlets have reported any wrongdoing or role held by Joe Biden
"Credible". Who are the credible news outlets?
I just said that "This guy said he has evidence" is not actual evidence. Yet it's all you could provide.

Whatever. I'm sure this will turn out totally differently from the last hundred times y'all used "but this guy said so!" as proof that TheDemocratsAreDoomed.

You're dealing with dumbed-down, brain-washed, rubes. There's no getting through to them. They watch sources like Fox News, which continues to lie to them even after having to shell out $787 million for lying. Then they either accept what they hear on Fox as fact, or they "factcheck" on sites like gateway pundit, justthenews, etc., which merely echoes the lies spread by Fox. It's the echo chamber.

Just for kicks and giggles, last night I turned on Fox News to see how they were reporting on Trump's indictment. No joke, in the random 5 minutes I happened to watch, I caught 3 lies told by a guest on the show. First he claimed Trump could have declassified documents even after leaving office; then said documents at Mar-a-Lago were secured by the Secret Service; then said Jack Smith overstepped the Constitution's separation of powers.
No...the reason he's trying to do so is because Grifty is under indictment, and investigation, in numerous jurisdictions.
The reason Comer and Grassley are doing this is because of Biden's junkie son's laptop.

Notice the same day Wray was forced to share the 1023, Trump gets indicted?
Wrong again my good friend.

If you'll look back, our honorable friend G5000 claimed that Hunter was "employed" TWO YEARS AFTER then Vice President Biden boasted that he had gotten Shokin fired. That is a flat-out lie.

This is what YOU highlighted in the post I replied to...

Those investigations were into activities that took place before Hunter Biden joined the board in 2014

"Those investigations" refers to Ukraine opening investigations in 2012, which was 2 years before Hunter Biden took a job with Burisma, into alleged crimes committed by Mykola Zlochevsky between 2010-2012.

The part YOU highlighted is true.

I wouldn't laugh if that wasn't coming from a Donald "30000+ lies" Trump supporter.
So it's OK for Joe to lie because you believe Trump lied. Some guy just jumped off a bridge and killed himself. Go ahead.
Notice the same day Wray was forced to share the 1023, Trump gets indicted?

No, what I noticed, which you somehow missed, was early in the week when it was revealed the DoJ was going to ask a grand jury to return an indictment on Thursday.
So it's OK for Joe to lie because you believe Trump lied. Some guy just jumped off a bridge and killed himself. Go ahead.

I never said it was ok. That's your reading comprehension problem. I merely laughed at your hypocrisy.
"Probably" means you don't know. So why make things up?
That was an educated guess based on Biden's penchant for groping little girls.

“I have always been boy crazy. Hyper-sexualized @ a young age…I remember somewhat being sexualized with [a family member]; I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/my dad (probably not appropriate).”
Alleged January 2019 diary entry by Ashley Biden:

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