FBI opened investigation Feared Trump secretly working for Russians

I dismissed, your denial of the obvious witch hunt, you moron.

Also consider your pretense to not understand common english words to also be dismissed.

Yes, you did, after I pointed out you’re a mindless cultist for thinking it’s s witch hunt.

As far as blow back, that can mean anything from stomping feet to armed rebellion to anything in between. You’re asking posters to answer to that when you can’t even say what you mean by blow back.

1. Your denial of the obvious witch hunt, has already been dismissed, and ridiculed.

2. You are an asshole.

3. Correct, it could mean a wide range of possible responses. I asked if you considered it, and you obviously did not, because you are a moron and a fool.
There’s nothing to consider since you refuse to say what you mean by “blow back.”

You already defined it and your asking me to define it for you as though you don't know?

LOL! Dude. Dont' twist yourself into any more bullshit pretzel shapes.

You are an ass that never considered the likely response to your desire for a soft coup, and now that it has been brought to your attention, your only response is to play semantic games?

That will be a lot of help to you, if you get your way, and if blows up in your stupid face.
Now you’re lying again. I didn’t define it. I said it could be anything from foot stomping to armed rebellion. That’s a range and not a definition of what you mean by blow back. And yet you don’t want to say what you mean but you want people to answer your nebulous question.

And now we see the liberal, who has defined a word as a wide range of actions, asking for the word to be defined more specifically,

as though he does not understand that the word he just defined, as a wide range of possible action, is by it's very definition, that he has repeated posted, is not specific.

Thus we see that the modern liberal is completely and utterly with the slightest sense of intellectual honesty, or shame.

Meanwhile, while he is playing games, with semantics, extremely dishonest games with semantics,

he all the while is dodging a very simple quest that he has been asked, because he does not have an answer that does not paint him as a fucking moron.
Dishonesty and corruption are endemic at the Federal Bureau of Investigation

"The latest proof comes in a New York Times report that the FBI initiated an investigation in May of 2017 into whether President Donald Trump was serving as a covert Russian agent. The accusation itself was ludicrous on its face. But from a legal standpoint, the FBI's probe constituted an egregious abuse of power. The Bureau had no probable cause, no evidence, and no reasonable suspicions. They investigated Trump because they could. They defied the law, ignored or perverted facts, and debased the integrity of a heretofore-respected law enforcement agency."

Why did these rogue officials commit such an outrageous act of malfeasance? In a word, vengeance.

Already incensed that Trump had defeated their preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton, they grew furious when the president fired Director James Comey on May 9, 2017. In reaction, they sought retribution.

Absent credible proof, information could be manipulated to frame Trump while a compliant media would gobble up the leaks (*The LEAK Strategy Strzok referred to in his texts) and report the damaging charge. The election results could then be undone when the president was driven from office."

Corruption, dishonesty, Obstruction, Perjury, Conspiracy, Sedition, and even, arguably, TREASON within and perpetrated by the FBI, led by former Director of the FBI James Comey, Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, DBI agent Peter Strzok, aided by former Department of Justice Lynch, current Deputy US AG Rosentein, Ohr, and facilitated / aided by former National Intelligence Agency Director Clapper, former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Director Brennan, and even former First Lady / Senator / Secretary of State / 2-Time Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton have been undeniably exposed documented, recorded, reported - all supported / proven with solid, factual evidence.

"On the same day Comey exonerated Clinton, his FBI was furtively meeting with the author of the fictitious anti-Trump "dossier" funded by Clinton and the Democrats. Although nothing in the phony document was true or ever verified, the FBI used it as a pretext to commence and advance a malicious investigation into whether Trump "colluded" with Russia to steal the 2016 presidential election. They also exploited the "dossier" as the basis to (ILLEGALLY) gain a warrant to (ILLEGALLY) spy on the Trump campaign, (ILLEGALLY) concealing the truth from the intelligence court and deceiving the judges."

Former FBI Director Comey and Former US AG collaborated together to author Hillary Clinton's exoneration letter before the investigation was complete, before she was even interviewed. Her interview, in fact, was never recorded, despite the fact that almost every Law Enforcement agency in the United States now records all interviews / interrogations. (Peculiar since the FBI is supposed to be the most advanced, most state-of-the-art investigative agency in the United States.) Instead, the FBI documents the details and facts of their interviews in notes and also keeps transcripts of those interviews...except in Hillary's case no notes were written - until months later after interest in the interview picked up.

The Firing Of Former FBI Director James Comey

"Over the next ten months, the FBI failed to corroborate anything in the "dossier." Bureau agents uncovered no evidence that Trump had somehow conspired or coordinated with Russia to influence the election. Then came the firing of Comey for just cause. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Comey's direct boss, volunteered to author a memorandum recommending his termination for multiple acts of misconduct and serious violations of Justice Department and FBI rules in the Clinton case. Six former Attorneys General and Deputy Attorneys General from different eras and both political parties endorsed his termination. Comey was canned for reasons that were entirely merited and had nothing whatsoever to do with the Russia probe. The president was constitutionally authorized to take such action, which Comey confirmed in a letter to his colleagues at the FBI."

Despite all of this being proven, documented, recorded, reported FACT, the snowflakes on this board will STLL continue to lie, deny, justify, and defend the proven criminals and their proven criminal 'Witch Hunt' of the President. After 2 years of investigations, Mueller's and the Democrats investigations will end with several controversial 'Scooter Libby' indictments, some obtained through unethical means, having nothing to do with 'Illegal Russian Collusion', with a scathing partisan report intended to pain the President as a treasonous criminal - despite having zero evidence to back up their claims, especially none that can be used to indict the President for any crime - but intended to give Democrats justification enough in their minds to push for Impeachment, and with Democrats / Mueller / Rosenstein unwilling to indict Democrat criminals already recommended for indictment by the US IG and unwilling to investigate the proven crimes, supported by evidence, committed by Democrats - to include crimes committed by NIA Director Clapper, CIA Director Brennan, US AGs Eric Holder and Lynch, Deputy US AG Rosenstein, FBI Director Comey, Deputy Director McCabe, and even Special Counsel Mueller himself.

Gregg Jarrett: An FBI that is corrupt and dishonest -- Latest reports offer only more proof
I dismissed, your denial of the obvious witch hunt, you moron.

Also consider your pretense to not understand common english words to also be dismissed.

Yes, you did, after I pointed out you’re a mindless cultist for thinking it’s s witch hunt.

As far as blow back, that can mean anything from stomping feet to armed rebellion to anything in between. You’re asking posters to answer to that when you can’t even say what you mean by blow back.

1. Your denial of the obvious witch hunt, has already been dismissed, and ridiculed.

2. You are an asshole.

3. Correct, it could mean a wide range of possible responses. I asked if you considered it, and you obviously did not, because you are a moron and a fool.
And you are a dumb ass. Anyone who thinks this is a witch hunt after 36/37 indictments, can't be anything else.

Only someone completely ignorant of history would think that saying that a witch hunt, caught someone, is proof that witch hunt is not a witch hunt.

When you abuse the power of a court's office and corrupt the process and make the goal not finding the truth, but finding witches to burn,

that makes it easier to get convictions, not less, you moron. That is the whole POINT of a witch hunt.
Except there is no proven abuse of the courts power in the case of the Russia investigation. Conjecture is an excuse used by cowards, who haven't proven abuse.

I'm sure Cotton Mather said the same thing. After all, he KNEW that there were witches, and in his mind, he had proven it is a court of law, by the letter of the law.

So, because the rule of law is working in the wrong direction for you, others need to feel the pressure from threats? Is that it?

Witch hunts are a corruption and a weakening of the Rule of Law.

I asked a simple question. You lefties have a nice witch hunt going. Are you prepared to deal with the blow back?
when your witch is caught give it your best shot but we all know you'll support that pos forever
Think about this for a minute. You have Trump running around stealing the notes from the translator when Trump had his private meeting with Putin. No president in our history has ever done such a crazy thing. And criticizing the FBI for looking into that, is absolutely insane.

And have you noticed that the Trump administration has yet to give an answer that Trump isn't working for Russia?
Why would Trump even respond to such pure idiocy? How can Trump "steal" anything that his administration is paying for? Snowflake douchebags have a special talent for making perfectly normal legal activities sound like crimes.
Taking away the translator's notes is not "normal activity", and you can't cite such an example.
Says who?
1. Neither one of us have any idea what past Presidents may or may not have done.

2. What past President had to worry about a politically hostile FBI? This is on you libs, and your call for "resistance".

3. The FBI, does not have the credibility to make such a call anymore.

4. Only a mad fool, would consider for a second, such a mad and foolish idea.
No one has stolen translator talking points and any one with a functioning brain knows that with this corrupt individual, he wouldn't think twice to do it. There is not one thing thatis normal about those actions. couple that with Manafort giving private polling data away to Russians, only a straight up idiot wouldn't know Trump isn't in the pocket of Putin.
That's all pure horseshit. That's all you post.
If it's "horseshit" how come you didn't prove it? Show me another time when a president stole the translators copies of a conversation.
You blow a lot of hot air, but zero proof. How can Trump "steal" the translator's notes? They belong to him. He determines what happens to them, moron, just like every other document the administration produces. Why would the translators notes in a classified meeting become public information? I've never heard of that. It seems to be a theory invented by the fake news media.

Why would Trump take the translator's notes.

Yes Trump has the power to take them. But why did he do it?

Let me know why you think Trump meets alone (outside a translator) with Putin without any advisors or other members of his administration.

What is he doing that he doesn't want anyone to know???

I understand how a Trump butt resident like you won't care but real Americans do.
Every president has met alone with foreign leaders. It's quite common. Only paranoid snowflakes believe it to be something unusual. That's what the fake media and their party masters tell them.
Whoa! Clear evidence of how pathetically biased the FBI is now.
More like clear evidence you are biased.
Thats all the repub party has ,,,bash obama hillary and then bash a great institution like the FBI BUT never a foul word for the slimebag in our WH
I some times wonder how I woke up in this world.
"Imagine if you woke up and everything was real"
Unfortunately it is.
I dismissed, your denial of the obvious witch hunt, you moron.

Also consider your pretense to not understand common english words to also be dismissed.

Yes, you did, after I pointed out you’re a mindless cultist for thinking it’s s witch hunt.

As far as blow back, that can mean anything from stomping feet to armed rebellion to anything in between. You’re asking posters to answer to that when you can’t even say what you mean by blow back.

1. Your denial of the obvious witch hunt, has already been dismissed, and ridiculed.

2. You are an asshole.

3. Correct, it could mean a wide range of possible responses. I asked if you considered it, and you obviously did not, because you are a moron and a fool.
And you are a dumb ass. Anyone who thinks this is a witch hunt after 36/37 indictments, can't be anything else.

Only someone completely ignorant of history would think that saying that a witch hunt, caught someone, is proof that witch hunt is not a witch hunt.

When you abuse the power of a court's office and corrupt the process and make the goal not finding the truth, but finding witches to burn,

that makes it easier to get convictions, not less, you moron. That is the whole POINT of a witch hunt.
You gotta understand, these morons believe there are actual witches. They actually believe Trump "colluded" with Putin. I've never seen such stupidity or gullibility in my entire life.

I consider it willful gullibility. It is very convenient for them to believe this shit, because now they have a "reason" for their anger, hate, and tearing this nation apart.
I dismissed, your denial of the obvious witch hunt, you moron.

Also consider your pretense to not understand common english words to also be dismissed.

Yes, you did, after I pointed out you’re a mindless cultist for thinking it’s s witch hunt.

As far as blow back, that can mean anything from stomping feet to armed rebellion to anything in between. You’re asking posters to answer to that when you can’t even say what you mean by blow back.

1. Your denial of the obvious witch hunt, has already been dismissed, and ridiculed.

2. You are an asshole.

3. Correct, it could mean a wide range of possible responses. I asked if you considered it, and you obviously did not, because you are a moron and a fool.
There’s nothing to consider since you refuse to say what you mean by “blow back.”

You already defined it and your asking me to define it for you as though you don't know?

LOL! Dude. Dont' twist yourself into any more bullshit pretzel shapes.

You are an ass that never considered the likely response to your desire for a soft coup, and now that it has been brought to your attention, your only response is to play semantic games?

That will be a lot of help to you, if you get your way, and if blows up in your stupid face.
Faux claims he doesn't understand the meaning of "blow back" when he's getting a huge does of it all the time.

The asshole defines it, and then demands a definition from me, and attacks ME for not telling him something he has already posted.

The lever of assholeness and cluelessness, is beyond words.
Now you’re lying again. I didn’t define it. I said it could be anything from foot stomping to armed rebellion. That’s a range and not a definition of what you mean by blow back. And yet you don’t want to say what you mean but you want people to answer your nebulous question.
I'll say it for him. They want to threaten people because the law was on the side of justice, and not their complicit criminality. In their minds, the Left should suffer for exposing their criminality. They believe they are entitled, and that the law does not apply to Republicans. They aren't just sore losers. They are losers with violent fantasies. That's the answer he wants to give.
Who knows if that’s what he means because the pussy won’t say what he means exactly by “blow back.” :dunno:
He's a coward, who can't say what he means, and certainly won't do what he says. They use cheap shot gorilla tactics with a hit and run approach. They're all a bunch of talk.

You're a coward on an anonymous message board. Here's Trump vs. you:

The difference being, I don't threaten people on anonymous message boards. We leave that for the Right-wing cowards on this board. That's their specialty.

1. I did not threaten anyone, you lying piece of shit.

2. And maybe you don't "threaten" anyone, but you do like to talk shit that you would never say to someone's face, from the safety of your parents basement.
YOu start a Cold War, and actual war is likely to follow, or did you forget about Korea and Vietnam?

So wait...if we find out that Putin installed someone in our Oval Office...we should just shrug and move on because YOU think anything else will lead to war?

Are you that fucking stupid or are you just saying anything you can think of to defend your Orange fraud?
In his case, the dumb ass is both/and.
That whole crew at the FBI were in bed with the Democrats and are in violation of the Hatch Act.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
LoL!!! Nevermind providing a link, simple explain how it's being violated.

YOu start a Cold War, and actual war is likely to follow, or did you forget about Korea and Vietnam?

So wait...if we find out that Putin installed someone in our Oval Office...we should just shrug and move on because YOU think anything else will lead to war?

Are you that fucking stupid or are you just saying anything you can think of to defend your Orange fraud?
In his case, the dumb ass is both/and.

Did you support Hillary when she wanted to order American planes to fire on Russian planes?
And you are a dumb ass. Anyone who thinks this is a witch hunt after 36/37 indictments, can't be anything else.

Only someone completely ignorant of history would think that saying that a witch hunt, caught someone, is proof that witch hunt is not a witch hunt.

When you abuse the power of a court's office and corrupt the process and make the goal not finding the truth, but finding witches to burn,

that makes it easier to get convictions, not less, you moron. That is the whole POINT of a witch hunt.
You gotta understand, these morons believe there are actual witches. They actually believe Trump "colluded" with Putin. I've never seen such stupidity or gullibility in my entire life.
Lol! And the Manfort witch is in jail.
One more BIG witch to catch ,,, to be burned at the stake
Dream on, asshole. It's not going to happen.

Only someone completely ignorant of history would think that saying that a witch hunt, caught someone, is proof that witch hunt is not a witch hunt.

When you abuse the power of a court's office and corrupt the process and make the goal not finding the truth, but finding witches to burn,

that makes it easier to get convictions, not less, you moron. That is the whole POINT of a witch hunt.
You gotta understand, these morons believe there are actual witches. They actually believe Trump "colluded" with Putin. I've never seen such stupidity or gullibility in my entire life.
Lol! And the Manfort witch is in jail.
One more BIG witch to catch ,,, to be burned at the stake
Dream on, asshole. It's not going to happen.
Manaforts already in jail retard.
Only someone completely ignorant of history would think that saying that a witch hunt, caught someone, is proof that witch hunt is not a witch hunt.

When you abuse the power of a court's office and corrupt the process and make the goal not finding the truth, but finding witches to burn,

that makes it easier to get convictions, not less, you moron. That is the whole POINT of a witch hunt.
You gotta understand, these morons believe there are actual witches. They actually believe Trump "colluded" with Putin. I've never seen such stupidity or gullibility in my entire life.
Lol! And the Manfort witch is in jail.
One more BIG witch to catch ,,, to be burned at the stake
Dream on, asshole. It's not going to happen.
Manaforts already in jail retard.
and Cohen goes soon BUT not before we get what his trump skunk has been up to these past 7,8 years
I'll say it for him. They want to threaten people because the law was on the side of justice, and not their complicit criminality. In their minds, the Left should suffer for exposing their criminality. They believe they are entitled, and that the law does not apply to Republicans. They aren't just sore losers. They are losers with violent fantasies. That's the answer he wants to give.
Who knows if that’s what he means because the pussy won’t say what he means exactly by “blow back.” :dunno:
He's a coward, who can't say what he means, and certainly won't do what he says. They use cheap shot gorilla tactics with a hit and run approach. They're all a bunch of talk.

You're a coward on an anonymous message board. Here's Trump vs. you:

The difference being, I don't threaten people on anonymous message boards. We leave that for the Right-wing cowards on this board. That's their specialty.

1. I did not threaten anyone, you lying piece of shit.

2. And maybe you don't "threaten" anyone, but you do like to talk shit that you would never say to someone's face, from the safety of your parents basement.
I wasn't the one running his or mouth. You were. And by the way, I'm on the ground floor when ever you need to meet.
Only someone completely ignorant of history would think that saying that a witch hunt, caught someone, is proof that witch hunt is not a witch hunt.

When you abuse the power of a court's office and corrupt the process and make the goal not finding the truth, but finding witches to burn,

that makes it easier to get convictions, not less, you moron. That is the whole POINT of a witch hunt.
You gotta understand, these morons believe there are actual witches. They actually believe Trump "colluded" with Putin. I've never seen such stupidity or gullibility in my entire life.
Lol! And the Manfort witch is in jail.
One more BIG witch to catch ,,, to be burned at the stake
Dream on, asshole. It's not going to happen.
Manaforts already in jail retard.
You were referring to Trump, asshole. Why do you turds always play coy? Do you imagine that makes you look smart?
You gotta understand, these morons believe there are actual witches. They actually believe Trump "colluded" with Putin. I've never seen such stupidity or gullibility in my entire life.
Lol! And the Manfort witch is in jail.
One more BIG witch to catch ,,, to be burned at the stake
Dream on, asshole. It's not going to happen.
Manaforts already in jail retard.
and Cohen goes soon BUT not before we get what his trump skunk has been up to these past 7,8 years
He's been up to nothing illegal. Your fantasies will never come true, shit for brains. When the new AG comes in, he will reign Mueller in. That's why he's wrapping things up. No more using extortion to get targets of the investigation to perjure themselves.
Every president has met alone with foreign leaders. It's quite common. Only paranoid snowflakes believe it to be something unusual. That's what the fake media and their party masters tell them.
When are you going to snap out of your stupor hack?


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