Fed up Fox host finally SHUTS DOWN Trump ally ON AIR

There's the diary that she wrote. Given his track record of sniffing little girls hair and having them pull on his leg hairs I'd say it has merit.
Thats not the diary she wrote, go read it again and stop spreading bs.
But im right and you are wrong.
Actually, you're mistaken. Now you will object, and I will affirm, and you will object and I will affirm..etc..then damn, is it really worth it to go back and forth with this right-wing drone? No. Have the last word and delude yourself into thinking you've won something. I have better things to do with my time and energy than going back and forth with you.

Left side is standard 767 passenger plane

Right side is plane that hit South Tower

Boeing makes three versions of 767, 2 are cargo versions, CIA bought several of those
I wouldn't be surprised if that were true, but what happened to all of the passengers? My take is that they knew it was going to happen and they just let her rip. That was the plan. Let them carry out the attack and capitalize on the event as much as possible. That was the pearl harbor they needed to cash in and pull the great "full spectral dominance" power-play.
Actually, you're mistaken. Now you will object, and I will affirm, and you will object and I will affirm..etc..then damn, is it really worth it to go back and forth with this right-wing drone? No. Have the last word and delude yourself into thinking you've won something. I have better things to do with my time and energy than going back and forth with you.
No, you were wrong from the beginning. Trump never showered with his daughter. :dunno:
There was only one airplane used on 911, the 767 CARGO VERSION drone that hit the South Tower.

North Tower blew up from inside.

Pentagon - cruise missile

Shanksville - nothing, ditch dug, metal junk inserted, doused with gasoline and set on fire for staged media event.

People who are the most insane and in need of help are the most oblivious.
How the fuck do half baked fantasies like these pass for fact for you right wingers?

There is no serious support to any of the bullshit you've just said.

Your bubble protects you from the truth.

Short term gain (maybe)
Long term it is not doing you any favors.
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Trump is just as perverted and adulterous, so there's no moral high ground there for you bucko. Actually, is there any real evidence that Biden has cheated on his wife? Trump was fucking around, all of the time. So much for family values.
No, but there are rumors that he is a homewrecker.

All of these folks are the same, anyone that wants to pretend they aren't, is only gaslighting themselves.

Deliberately so BTW...

Democrooks aren't just corrupt, stupid, incompetent, pieces of criminally insane shit. That're all that of course but they also WANT people fed up, disenfranchised, and unplugged. That's how they complete the objective of destroying the country. As it is, we are effectively a failed state. They're not ready to put tanks in the streets and heard the proles into whatever new hell they have planned, but rest assured, the sooner we ignore what they're up to in enough numbers they'll pull the plug.
It's far beyond a partisan issue though.

Stahp being stuck in the left right paradigm. That doesn't matter at this point.

If Trump wins that next election, and the GOP wins the Senate, and House, and has complete control of the SCOTUS? We are still in deep shit.

Your bubble protects you from the truth.

Short term gain (maybe)
Long term it is not doing you any favors.
The truth is that Biden's daughter never said her depression was a result of her dad doing something wrong.

Thats the truth. Not good enough for you? Why do you need to make up bullshit?

FOX defends Biden. At least one FOX pundit is getting sick of the BS.

Video from Brian Tayler Cohen who hosts a podcast, and is on You Tube. Yeah, you believe THIS guy's edited video ............you gullible 'pronouns'

Propaganda, disinformation, mis-Information Fake News, Marxist, Communist Lies and Gas Lighting of the American People have not only caused great damage to the United States but has also weakened the national security of the country.
Parasitic propagandist social media influencers who slither their way into social media platforms and use them as weapons to spin and spread fake news must be held to account. The false information that is presented by Brian Tyler Cohen is extremely harmful and should be examined and investigated.
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