Federal Judge Reveals Incumbent President Joe Biden Ordered FBI Access to Mar-a-Lago Documents

His word.

An idjit like you doesn't understand the ramifications of Biden's actions in this scenario.

It sets a very bad precedent.
That’s a great meme for you indeed! It seems White House knew


Yeah, the White House knew about the 15 boxes collected in January. Sucks for you it doesn't say anything about Biden knowing about additional boxes retrieved in a raid in August
Again...the President of the United States is the ULTIMATE AUTHORITY on classification of documents! If the President says something isn't classified anymore then it isn't! He doesn't have to get permission from someone to do that. He doesn't have to notify someone he's doing so. Trump has said repeatedly that he declassified the materials he had at Mar A Lago. Once he says that is the case then the DOJ's claims of Trump breaking laws regarding the handling of classified material goes right out the window unless the DOJ can somehow claim that Trump did NOT declassify them and good luck proving that! The bottom line is...this should never have been settled by raiding an Ex President's home! That's outrageous.

Could you link or at least identify the court document where the FPOTUS has made a case to the court that he declassified any of the documents bearing classification markings?

Or has he only made this claim on social media?

Cause if he makes it in court, then DOJ will be able to put witness after witness to counter the FPOTUS's claim, that in fact he and his staff still viewed the documents as classified. Under oath and subject to perjury.

Please, please FPOTUS, make the claim in court that you secretly and mentally declassified "everything".

Yeah, you keep believing that, if you didn't notice the court documents said WH involvement began on a date (May 12th or whatever), it didn't say it ended on that date.

It said it was in regard to turning over 15 boxes to the FBI and that occurred in May; and those 25 boxes were not from the raid.
His word. He's the ultimate authority. He doesn't have to tell anyone. He doesn't have to fill out any forms.
Where is the DOJ's proof that those documents WEREN'T declassified by Trump when he was in office?

So President Trump is the ultimate authority and he can secretly and mentally "declassify" documents just be thinking it prior to noon on January 20, 2021.

Then the FPOTUS was still in possession of classified material since President Biden at 12:01 on January 20, 2021 thought "Hey, the prior guy may have secretly and mentally declassified a bunch of stuff and not told anyone or filed any declassification documents. Therefore with the power now invested in me as President of the United States I'm going to secretly and mentally RECLASSIFY the documents without telling anyone."

It said it was in regard to turning over 15 boxes to the FBI and that occurred in May; and those 25 boxes were not from the raid.

Which is it, 15 or 25? And as I said, the court document said WH involvement began on 12 May. Why would they use that term if it was a one off?


Yeah, the White House knew about the 15 boxes collected in January. Sucks for you it doesn't say anything about Biden knowing about additional boxes retrieved in a raid in August
yep, knew what was happening. thanks
Could you link or at least identify the court document where the FPOTUS has made a case to the court that he declassified any of the documents bearing classification markings?

Or has he only made this claim on social media?

Cause if he makes it in court, then DOJ will be able to put witness after witness to counter the FPOTUS's claim, that in fact he and his staff still viewed the documents as classified. Under oath and subject to perjury.

Please, please FPOTUS, make the claim in court that you secretly and mentally declassified "everything".

So you're going to have a witness prove that Trump DIDN'T declassify those documents when a President doesn't have to tell anyone that he's doing so because he's the ultimate authority on classification? There's only one person that knows whether he did or didn't declassify those documents and that's Trump himself who now claims that he DID declassify them!

Again...good luck proving that didn't happen!
So President Trump is the ultimate authority and he can secretly and mentally "declassify" documents just be thinking it prior to noon on January 20, 2021.

Then the FPOTUS was still in possession of classified material since President Biden at 12:01 on January 20, 2021 thought "Hey, the prior guy may have secretly and mentally declassified a bunch of stuff and not told anyone or filed any declassification documents. Therefore with the power now invested in me as President of the United States I'm going to secretly and mentally RECLASSIFY the documents without telling anyone."

Now this is getting more amusing by the second, WW! You claim that Trump didn't have the authority to declassify those documents. Then when you're shown that he in fact does...you move to claiming that Biden "RECLASSIFIED" them when he became President? Interesting! So how was it that Joe even knew what Trump had in those boxes at Mar A Lago? And if he did...don't you think it would have been appropriate to inform a previous President that you were "RECLASSIFYING" the documents that he had in his possession...ESPECIALLY IF YOU WERE ABOUT TO SIC THE FBI ON HIM IN A RAID IN ON HIS FREAKIN' HOME!!!
Idiot, in a thread falsely claiming Biden was aware of the thread based on fake news gatewaypundit claiming a judge's filing revealed as much, YOU said it now it looks like he [Biden] was now behind it.
I think he knew about it, yes.
Which is it, 15 or 25? And as I said, the court document said WH involvement began on 12 May. Why would they use that term if it was a one off?

It was 15. And they were turned over to the FBI on May 18th. And it had nothing to do with the raid 3 months later.
She reminds me of Biden, always with the written answers on hand!

they are totally useless!
Well, it really is hard to keep track of all the leftist lies designed to make somebody else stumble and fall rather than to pick America up, make a home run with 3 on the bases like Donald John Trump. And people wonder why men and women of God say he is the Anointed one to pick America up and bring peace to the whole world while sparing some time to clean up the oceans of all that darn plastic. If we could teach the spirit of Trump to the universities, we'd all be brothers helping each other prosper and win the respect of the world that would harvest in peace, prosperity, and brotherhood. That was the ideal of the founders like George Washington. It's up to our generation to make sure the world experiences the thousand year peace wise prophets have predicted. Will we let Trump do that with brave hearts and brotherly love given without fear, without doubt, and without selfishness that destroys trust. May God bless us in the future to be wiser. The Kingdom of God is about peace and brotherhood. It will take a lot of chutzpah and good will to get back on the track our founders planned for peace on earth through respect for other people's rights. I hope with all my heart the left will take the bait and put it on lines that lift people up . It would be an amazing gift to the Kingdom of God that has been sorely neglected by our generation by petty scraps and anger that is more pointed than a speeding bullet. Prayers up as we make peace with each other so that we can achieve rallying the entire world to consider others first. My grandma didn't teach us girls in the family to take cuts. She insisted that we let others go first. That's not always easy, but it's always right.
Go with God, gentle people.

Love from my heart to yours, me.
He’s not. Only when fake news stories like this get punished and the gullible hive mind doesn’t think about what it’s saying.
Everything lefties are in denial about is “fake news”. Maybe you should stick to the platforms that censor your reading material for you.
Everything lefties are in denial about is “fake news”. Maybe you should stick to the platforms that censor your reading material for you.
You could read the story and understand the logical failure of it.
why would the DOJ all of the sudden go Roque?

They claim someone inside Mar-a-Raided informed them Trump had not returned all the classified documents nor was he keeping them stored securely.

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