Federal Judge Reveals Incumbent President Joe Biden Ordered FBI Access to Mar-a-Lago Documents

I can't wait for this stuff to start happening to YOU in November.

We'll all be laughing at WaPo bleating about it

WaPo is LESS credible than the Gateway Pundit

Thank you for proving you are a dumbass. Goebbels would be more reliable than gatewaypundit.
This judge is a lying Trump partisan. It is very simple.
No. You’re very simple. Simple minded. One limited ruling and you scumbag libtards start accusing her of all that bullshit. All she did was her job and it was completely fair and reasonable.

You’re a joke and libtards are whining little snots. GFY.

I say that with every bit “of all due respect.”
Judge Cannon confirmed, contrary to what DOJ hacks and media carve-outs claimed, that

• Trump sought appointment of special master day after raid

• Almost all material was outside the scope of the original subpoena. This included personal info including medical records…

• The filter team passed along privileged material to the investigative team at least twice

• Trump has standing and the unprecedented nature of the raid warrants special considerations


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Former Attorney General William Barr on Tuesday disputed a federal judge's ruling to appoint a special master to review records the FBI seized last month from Mar-a-Lago, former President Donald Trump's Florida residence.

"The opinion, I think, was wrong, and I think the government should appeal it," Barr, who was attorney general under the Trump administration, told Fox News. "It's deeply flawed in a number of ways. I don't think the appointment of a special master is going to hold up, but even if it does, I don't see it fundamentally changing the trajectory."

"I think the fundamental dynamics of the case are set," Barr continued. "The government has very strong evidence of what it really needs to determine whether charges are appropriate."

Neal Katyal, a former acting solicitor general, tweeted that the judge's order appointing a special master "won't stop the very serious Trump stolen docs investigation." But Katyal went on to say that he thinks the Justice Department "has to appeal here" because the ruling sets a "terrible precedent."

"This ruling is preposterous — especially the part where it blocks the government from continuing to use materials already in its possession," Stephen Vladeck, a law professor at University of Texas, said in a tweet.

Bradley P. Moss, a national security lawyer, in a tweet said the ruling was "ridiculous and will be immediately appealed by DOJ."

A detailed inventory of items recovered from Mar-a-Lago by the FBI was unsealed last week. The inventory revealed that 48 empty folders marked "CLASSIFIED" were among the materials recovered by the agents who executed the search warrant at Trump's Florida home.

In an interview with Fox News that aired last Friday, Barr said he saw no "legitimate reason" for Trump to possess classified documents at Mar-a-Lago. Barr noted that critics of the FBI search on the former president's personal residence have decried it as "unprecedented," adding, "well, it's also unprecedented for a president to take all this classified information and put them in a country club."

Karl Rove has also said that Trump had no right to this material as well.
No. You’re very simple. Simple minded. One limited ruling and you scumbag libtards start accusing her of all that bullshit. All she did was her job and it was completely fair and reasonable.

You’re a joke and libtards are whining little snots. GFY.

I say that with every bit “of all due respect.”

She did not do her job. It was not fair and reasonable. Every legal expert has called it essentially bullshit. That includes Trump's former AG Barr. This is the guy that falsely claimed that Mueller had exonerated Trump.

Those actions being...?
Any malicious new president could do it to the old one, and so on, and so on.

And historically presidents in America have had more decorum than that.

Stupid shit like that when the idiots want to win that badly will make them lose in America. That was a stupid move, one that no other president America has ever had except Obama would pull.

Furthermore if any prosecution depends on that, it makes the whole thing entirely political, which I think it is anyway, so do 3x+ of those that don't, according to the OP poll.
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undermining the judicial branch is common practice among the demafacist cult

In this case, they are doing it to themselves. The Supreme Court has shown that it is a partisan Republican panel and this crook is a part of it.
She did not do her job. It was not fair and reasonable. Every legal expert has called it essentially bullshit. That includes Trump's former AG Barr. This is the guy that falsely claimed that Mueller had exonerated Trump.
Biden ordered the FBI to seize Melania's underwear, you idiot!
The magistrate is conflicted and a pathetic shopped excuse of JUSTICE!
The demented left are running out of legal pursuits of their nemesis Trump.
They NEVER had any!
Squirm bee, as your hive minded hypnosis you were taught crumbles.

The magistrate is not conflicted and he understands JUSTICE far more than you right wing Nazis.

You are the one squirming as your excuses get more pathetic.
The magistrate is not conflicted and he understands JUSTICE far more than you right wing Nazis.

You are the one squirming as your excuses get more pathetic.
Someday, hopefully, you will come to a realization that you were lied to your whole life.
You were TAUGHT that America and Capitalism is bad. How did that happen?
Here, let Uncle Yuri explain it to you if you care to understand how you got where your misguided brain is at.

They lied.

On Monday, August 8, 2022, the Biden FBI-DOJ raided President Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago and rifled through his home and belongings for 9 hours. The FBI even ransacked 16-year-old Barron Trump’s room and First Lady Melania Trump’s closet.

The following day White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre told reporters that the Biden White House learned of the raid in the news.

Jean Pierre insisted that the President was not briefed on the raid.

Published September 5, 2022

Democruds are Democrooks and contrary Constitution, reason, and everything else they fuck up, including country.

Let's Go Brandon, MAGA
Good grief, here you are pounding this drum again.
If conservatives can't learn to make this crucial distinction, the reminders will continue, yes. :)
The present day Democrats are NOT liberal,
Correct, but this is what they call themselves.
they are the furthest thing from it.
They wear and embrace that political label, but it's only as a mask, because they know it polls better than their actual political philosophy...
which is hardcore federal supremacy and limitation of individual liberties,
the two main pillars of leftism.
It's much more complicated of course, but Democrats/liberals are not the left - they're deranged conservatives.

Most on the left don't celebrate or seek what you claim, but it's ultimately irrelevant, as the left has no power.

The bottom line, as ever, is that calling liberals the left is like saying the Nazis were Jewish.
Thank you for proving you are a dumbass. Goebbels would be more reliable than gatewaypundit.

You're a complete fucking idiot.

Blather on, fool.

Fucking Goebbels... you asswipes have left orbit. Goebbels? Reliable? Sure.

You want to talk about Mengele Fauci too? Or should we save that for another thread?

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