Federal Judge Stops trump's Plan To Use 3.6 Billion Military Dollars On Wall

I think Trump is doing a great job. Wages are up, unemployment is down. He got the new trade deal signed, all with the democrats trying to impeach him. All the republicans got to run on in the election, what did the democrats do for you and your family for the last two years. I can tell you, they worked on a failed plan to impeach a duly elected president.

I'm not a Democrat nor am I here to defend their failures. There is more to life and politics than two lousy parties that constantly lie to us and we get sucked into defending those lies.
If Trump did nothing his whole presidency. Keeping Hillary from being president is all I wanted.

Which is fine. Just quit trying to defend his failures and lies.
What failures? He has also been one of the first presidents to keep almost all of his campaign promises.

Well, let's see.
Build the wall? nope
Throw Hillary in prison? Nope
Spend a trillion on infrastructure? nope.
Deport 12 million aliens in 2 years? Nope
End deficit spending? Nope
Win the trade war? Nope
Denuclearize N. Korea? Nope
Replace Obamacare with a better health plan? Nope
End the violence in Chicago? Nope
Will be working too hard to play golf? Nope

Shall I go on?
The wall is being built. It's proven that Obama spied on Trump, only time the cards will drop. Liberal judges unlawfully stopped him from doing some of your list. Trump also met with ruler of North Korea, something Obama could've hoped for.
I'm not a Democrat nor am I here to defend their failures. There is more to life and politics than two lousy parties that constantly lie to us and we get sucked into defending those lies.
If Trump did nothing his whole presidency. Keeping Hillary from being president is all I wanted.

Which is fine. Just quit trying to defend his failures and lies.
What failures? He has also been one of the first presidents to keep almost all of his campaign promises.

Well, let's see.
Build the wall? nope
Throw Hillary in prison? Nope
Spend a trillion on infrastructure? nope.
Deport 12 million aliens in 2 years? Nope
End deficit spending? Nope
Win the trade war? Nope
Denuclearize N. Korea? Nope
Replace Obamacare with a better health plan? Nope
End the violence in Chicago? Nope
Will be working too hard to play golf? Nope

Shall I go on?
The wall is being built. It's proven that Obama spied on Trump, only time the cards will drop. Liberal judges unlawfully stopped him from doing some of your list. Trump also met with ruler of North Korea, something Obama could've hoped for.

True, Trump's asshole buddy is Kim. He has given Kim the credibility that he craved on the world stage...and got nothing in return. The fantasy that Trump was spied on by the democrats is a joke, and any ruling a judge makes is lawful unless overturned by a higher court. But, you just keep on watching Fox news. Like a broken clock being right 2 times per day, even you may be correct about something! Who know? Maybe someday Trump will invite you to the WH for a Whopper!
True, Trump's asshole buddy is Kim. He has given Kim the credibility that he craved on the world stage...and got nothing in return. The fantasy that Trump was spied on by the democrats is a joke, and any ruling a judge makes is lawful unless overturned by a higher court. But, you just keep on watching Fox news. Like a broken clock being right 2 times per day, even you may be correct about something! Who know? Maybe someday Trump will invite you to the WH for a Whopper!
Only a total moron and fool denies what is plainly true. The FISA warrant to spy on Trump and associates was gained by
the FBI making false claims that they knew to be lies to the court, something that would land people in jail under ordinary circumstances. FBI Lied To FISA Court About Christopher Steele’s Credibility
Your denials are comical and ridiculous but what else can a true believer do when their "truths" and "facts" turn out to be lies?
Trump had the White House and majorities in the House and Senate and did nothing. "Well, just you wait until the next time"..........LOL
The republicans were at the time against him as the democrats. It's different now, Trump has done a lot considering what he has been fighting against. He will be reelected and he will choose conservative supreme court judges.

It isn't different now. Those who fill the accounts of politicians do not want the cheap labor to stop. You are fooling yourself. It's why Trump does nothing about the tens of thousands of employers. Nothing. Not a little even. Nothing.

And it's the fault of those like yourself who refuse to hold him accountable.
I think Trump is doing a great job. Wages are up, unemployment is down. He got the new trade deal signed, all with the democrats trying to impeach him. All the republicans got to run on in the election, what did the democrats do for you and your family for the last two years. I can tell you, they worked on a failed plan to impeach a duly elected president.
FYI, it has been
11 months of Dems having power in the house, as of this month, with no power in the Senate....
What have they accomplished? A failed coop? I do appreciate it though. Y'all are gonna give Trump the power next year to be able to make roe vs wade a bad memory. Thanks to Pelosi and Schiff, I will send them a thank you note!

If you overturn RvW all that does is send it back to the States. States that want to make late term abortions legal can again.
Supreme court ruled on using military funds for wall in June or July.
They sided with trump.
If they let it play out while lower litigation considered it, how do you think they will rule?

Texas land owners have yet begun to fight - JUST LIKE I'VE BEEN SAYING.
Dimocrats are ecstatic and celebrate that illegals will continue to have an easier time to sneak into our country.

If they had the slightest bit of intellectual honesty, they would demand that all existing fencing be removed. But, of course, they don't.
Supreme court ruled on using military funds for wall in June or July.
They sided with trump.
If they let it play out while lower litigation considered it, how do you think they will rule?

Texas land owners have yet begun to fight - JUST LIKE I'VE BEEN SAYING.
Derailed your own thread on post 3 lol
What a loser

you already did ya moron - the sc ruled on pentagon $$$$.

El Paso judges turn - :badgrin:
The judge didn't reject the fence. He rejected Trump's illegal misappropriation.
If Trump did nothing his whole presidency. Keeping Hillary from being president is all I wanted.

Which is fine. Just quit trying to defend his failures and lies.
What failures? He has also been one of the first presidents to keep almost all of his campaign promises.

Well, let's see.
Build the wall? nope
Throw Hillary in prison? Nope
Spend a trillion on infrastructure? nope.
Deport 12 million aliens in 2 years? Nope
End deficit spending? Nope
Win the trade war? Nope
Denuclearize N. Korea? Nope
Replace Obamacare with a better health plan? Nope
End the violence in Chicago? Nope
Will be working too hard to play golf? Nope

Shall I go on?
The wall is being built. It's proven that Obama spied on Trump, only time the cards will drop. Liberal judges unlawfully stopped him from doing some of your list. Trump also met with ruler of North Korea, something Obama could've hoped for.

True, Trump's asshole buddy is Kim. He has given Kim the credibility that he craved on the world stage...and got nothing in return. The fantasy that Trump was spied on by the democrats is a joke, and any ruling a judge makes is lawful unless overturned by a higher court. But, you just keep on watching Fox news. Like a broken clock being right 2 times per day, even you may be correct about something! Who know? Maybe someday Trump will invite you to the WH for a Whopper!
He will turn the supreme court conservative. Then he won't have to worry about your littlejudges anymore. I don't have cable, but you do speak talking points.
The republicans were at the time against him as the democrats. It's different now, Trump has done a lot considering what he has been fighting against. He will be reelected and he will choose conservative supreme court judges.

It isn't different now. Those who fill the accounts of politicians do not want the cheap labor to stop. You are fooling yourself. It's why Trump does nothing about the tens of thousands of employers. Nothing. Not a little even. Nothing.

And it's the fault of those like yourself who refuse to hold him accountable.
I think Trump is doing a great job. Wages are up, unemployment is down. He got the new trade deal signed, all with the democrats trying to impeach him. All the republicans got to run on in the election, what did the democrats do for you and your family for the last two years. I can tell you, they worked on a failed plan to impeach a duly elected president.
FYI, it has been
11 months of Dems having power in the house, as of this month, with no power in the Senate....
What have they accomplished? A failed coop? I do appreciate it though. Y'all are gonna give Trump the power next year to be able to make roe vs wade a bad memory. Thanks to Pelosi and Schiff, I will send them a thank you note!

If you overturn RvW all that does is send it back to the States. States that want to make late term abortions legal can again.
Not if they declare a fetus, a living human.
It isn't different now. Those who fill the accounts of politicians do not want the cheap labor to stop. You are fooling yourself. It's why Trump does nothing about the tens of thousands of employers. Nothing. Not a little even. Nothing.

And it's the fault of those like yourself who refuse to hold him accountable.
I think Trump is doing a great job. Wages are up, unemployment is down. He got the new trade deal signed, all with the democrats trying to impeach him. All the republicans got to run on in the election, what did the democrats do for you and your family for the last two years. I can tell you, they worked on a failed plan to impeach a duly elected president.
FYI, it has been
11 months of Dems having power in the house, as of this month, with no power in the Senate....
What have they accomplished? A failed coop? I do appreciate it though. Y'all are gonna give Trump the power next year to be able to make roe vs wade a bad memory. Thanks to Pelosi and Schiff, I will send them a thank you note!

If you overturn RvW all that does is send it back to the States. States that want to make late term abortions legal can again.
Not if they declare a fetus, a living human.

It will return the decision back to the states. Period.
The judge didn't reject the fence. He rejected Trump's illegal misappropriation.

How cool is that? Your president is willing to push the envelope to that degree just to protect the American citizenry from foreign invaders....Remember when the Super Nig wrote his own immigration law and issued his own made-up, weird form of citizenship? He did that not to benefit the American citizenry, but to benefit the people of Mexico while fucking over the American citizenry....WOW, we've come a long way huh?
If Obama had illegally misappropriated money, you'd be screaming for his impeachment.

Like this:

Impeach Obama?

Impeach obama!

Impeach obama

Impeach Obama Now !

Impeach the Kenyan!

Why to impeach Obama

Will Republicans impeach Obama?

Impeach Obama Over Syria????

Boehner's Master Plan: Impeach Obama

""IMPEACH"" Law Breaker Obama! Now!!!

Enough enough with Obama, IMPEACH

Palin: Impeach

why won't anyone impeach Obama the racist?

Is Baltimore enough to impeach Obama?

---->>>> Impeach Obama If He Strikes Syria <<<<---- :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::scared1:

SD GOP state convention: IMPEACH OBAMA!!

Is it time to impeach Obama ?

We could impeach Obama if we default

*Congress Setting Stage To Impeach Obama*

Impeach Obama, says Rep. Michael Burgess

I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

Are There Grounds To Impeach Obama?

Charge for Treason, and Impeach

Oklahoma Prepares To Impeach Obama Over Transgender Bathrooms

America’s new battle cry "Impeach Obama!" and "Deport! Deport!"

Will Biden team up with Republicans to Impeach Obama?

Benghazi: What Republicans have to get passed to impeach Obama

Impeach Obama Robocall Campaign Launched By Conservative Group

It's is far time we impeach

THE “TAKE CARE CLAUSE” …A Reason to Impeach?

Harvard Constitutional Attorney: Time To Impeach Obama (Gotta Hear This Folks)

OK, after today I am on the impeach Obama band wagon

Sarah Palin: Start Obama Investigations To Impeach In Order To Stop His Transformation Of America

White House: Republicans May Push to Impeach Obama If They Get the Chance

Are there sufficient and compelling offenses by President Obama to impeach him?

Impeaching Obama

I think we both know that Trump did not misappropriate funds but I'll play along anyhoo...If the Super Boog would have misappropriated funds it would have been to benefit Mexico and Americas lowest grade...Good, real Americans definitely would have called for his impeachment.
from the emergency that wasn't back to reality -

Judge Blocks Trump Plan to Divert $3.6 Billion in Military Funds to Border Wall

ain't gonna be no damn FENCE ...
There's more than a billion to keep building till it gets to a real court. Don't worry, be happy.

That's one hell of a repair job!

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