Feel good SCOTUS story of the day


I said that a while back. I feel right. I feel vindicated. And I feel happy that our board liberals will be all upset over a touch of Constitutional valid and proper legal analysis.

God Bless the Honorable Court.
Wow! You correctly predicted that the SC, bought and paid for by the right, would block the release of Trump's tax returns? You da man!
Wow! You correctly predicted that the SC, bought and paid for by the right, would block the release of Trump's tax returns? You da man!

Are any courts 'bought and paid for' by the left?
Wow! You correctly predicted that the SC, bought and paid for by the right, would block the release of Trump's tax returns? You da man!
I also predicted that morons like you would say idiotic bullshit like “the court is bought and paid for.”

Brainless trolls like you are plodding, predictable, trite and utterly stupid.
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I also predicted that morons like you would say idiotic bullshit like “the court is bought an paid for.”

Brainless trolls like you are plodding, predictable, trite and utterly stupid.
Of course, you did. I wonder if you retards would be so enamored about the SC if the situation was reversed.

A left-leaning court that blocks the tax returns of a Biden, say? Somehow, I find that hard to believe.


I said that a while back. I feel right. I feel vindicated. And I feel happy that our board liberals will be all upset over a touch of Constitutional valid and proper legal analysis.

God Bless the Honorable Court.
We now know why Trump will not release his tax returns even though he promised he would.

It's because everyone would see what a liar, cheat, and fraud he is.
Of course, you did. I wonder if you retards would be so enamored about the SC if the situation was reversed.

A left-leaning court that blocks the tax returns of a Biden, say? Somehow, I find that hard to believe.
Your premise implodes since Biden has released his tax returns.

Crooked Donald won't release his for reasons that are now quite obvious.
We now know why Trump will not release his tax returns even though he promised he would.

It's because everyone would see what a liar, cheat, and fraud he is.

Keep whistling.

Your fear and desperation are wonderful for us to witness.
Your premise implodes since Biden has released his tax returns.

Crooked Donald won't release his for reasons that are now quite obvious.
The only tax returns anyone should release voluntarily are ones that reference a person's time in public office. Anything to do with private business prior or after that person has a right to privacy.

Even still, tax returns being released should always be voluntary. You believe in Choice, right?
Of course, you did. I wonder if you retards would be so enamored about the SC if the situation was reversed.
It WAS reversed for a couple of generations, you absolute retard.
A left-leaning court that blocks the tax returns of a Biden, say?
Fine by me. They are supposed to be secret except for certain very limited purposes. And the bullshit Congressional “reasons” for seeking Trump’s returns don’t qualify.
Somehow, I find that hard to believe.
Nobody gives a rat’s twat what a moron like you finds hard to believe.
We now know why Trump will not release his tax returns even though he promised he would.

It's because everyone would see what a liar, cheat, and fraud he is.
Speculation. And, of course, irrelevant.
The only tax returns anyone should release voluntarily are ones that reference a person's time in public office. Anything to do with private business prior or after that person has a right to privacy.

Even still, tax returns being released should always be voluntary. You believe in Choice, right?


ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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