Feel good SCOTUS story of the day

Awww... did the poor retard lose? Don't go away mad. Here, is your gift for participating...

No you libtarded liar. I’ve happily been here exposing you for the libtarded hack bitch you are. 😂🤣

Your as has been handed to you in a sack and you’re so dishonest you proclaim victory. Face it. You’re a worthless douche without any hint of credibility.

To the douches like Minimus who are whining and crying and bitching and moaning and groaning about how the SCOTUS is all bought and paid for —

How do you feeble-brained sissies explain THIS ruling:

Ya twats can’t have it both way!

So stop crying. Sack up. And give honesty a chance. Especially pussy Minimus.
There is nothing constitutional about this. Apparently the rule of law means nothing. The Supreme Court is corrupt.
what part of the “rule of law” allows private tax returns to be made public whenever a dem congressman wants them to be?
Elections have consequences. Perhaps if Congress had provided the court a reason for wanting to see Trumps tax returns other than for a partisan fishing expedition they might have ruled the other way. You might also take a moment to consider that this ruling also keeps Republicans from doing the same thing to Biden when they most likely take at least the House in next Tuesday midterms.

The SC has NOT ruled.... What they did is give it a "stay" while they decide if they are even going to hear it or not, and if they do decide to hear the case, a stay until the ruling.

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