Final Clinton Ad...Fucking Great


May 23, 2014
Trump going to be sworn in to office in a matter of days...YES!
Too bad the Democrats couldn't come up with somebody better. Trump was so easily beatable.
The Cinton machine had the most $$$ in history and the liberal media in on the fix. Informed people said NO!
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Too bad the Democrats couldn't come up with somebody better. Trump was so easily beatable.
They might have done so if they weren't so corrupted. This election proved how deplorable the Democrats have become. Think they can unfuck themselves in 2-4 years? Maybe with the dying of the Clinton dynasty they can.
Trump going to be sworn in to office in a matter of days...YES!

Tomorrow your ass is going to have a breakdown and send Podesta out to placate your retarded fucking sniveling supporters.
Rigged Primary.
Election Fraud in the Primary.
Debate Questions in advance.
Ukraine intervening/collaboration
'Fake News'
'All-In' Media
& $1 Billion....

...and STILL LOST ... to Donald Trump.


Bush92 The second we elected Trump I shifted my focus from leaving a country that no longer supported freedom and the "American way" ((my 'ideological" beliefs,) to a country that just might come back from the depths of Hell.

Within the first few days of the election I'd made a killing on the stock market, an unexpected windfall that I decided to invest in "Trump's America." Thus far I've funded the start of four small businesses and I'll be closing on a clothing manufacturer in Georgia hopefully in the next few weeks. I have another $100k set aside to put into small businesses, first come, first serve. (I've got feelers out all over the place.)

I will happily support an America I can believe in, but I will never willingly support a country that has abandoned me, my ideals and my beliefs, its Constitution, and respect for "we the people." It's a principle thing, kind of like how you wouldn't donate to a cause you thought was wrong.

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