Finally Trump will get 2 impeachments expunged

You do realize they have been confiscated as evidence?

But without actually being able to see them, we know there were over 150 boxes, each capable of holding at least 100 documents, and they only claim to have found 71 that were classified.
Which is less than 0.5%.
So then the images of all these boxes, with deliberate false implications they were all classified, is slander.
When the % of classified docs is that low, it obviously is just a case of poor sorting.
But the law also makes the raid and prosecution illegal, since all ex-presidents can and do retain classified docs.
You have described the end of the US as we know it.
The United ended when the word Democracy started being bandied about like drinks in a tavern years ago. We get to elect authoritarians with some spewing the word freedom when we are not. progs are near total authoritarian now. Republicans are halfway there.
But without actually being able to see them, we know there were over 150 boxes, each capable of holding at least 100 documents, and they only claim to have found 71 that were classified.
Which is less than 0.5%.
So then the images of all these boxes, with deliberate false implications they were all classified, is slander.
When the % of classified docs is that low, it obviously is just a case of poor sorting.
But the law also makes the raid and prosecution illegal, since all ex-presidents can and do retain classified docs.
They never said it was all classified….they said the opposite

If a box contained classified material, they took the whole box

The raid was legal and a warrant was served
And all the boxes are demonstrative of Trumps intentional neglect of classified documents. I hear he even had his golf shirts in those boxes.
So then the images of all these boxes, with deliberate false implications they were all classified, is slander.
You are just too stupid to have a discussion with. Unless you're kidding. Please say you're kidding. Otherwise, you're as dumb as a doorknob.

impeachment is child's play compared to what is heading donny's way.

And all the boxes are demonstrative of Trumps intentional neglect of classified documents. I hear he even had his golf shirts in those boxes.
Biden had classified boxes of documents next to his Corvette in the garage. You really should shut the fuck up.
Hum, come to think of it they were a bunch of rich white guys trying to get out of paying taxes. Maybe Trump is kinda like that, you know, without all the good qualities.
Oh you mean like Joe Biden's son? Keep going, you're doing great.
Trump is not the founding fathers.

But he is still a populist, telling people what they want to hear, so then it is illegal to impede the election process in anyway.
That does for the 2 fake impeachments, as well as the current fake indictments.
All an illegal attempt to violate an election.
And when the democrats regain control of the house, they can vote to reinstate the impeachments.

It doesn't matter anyway, because (1) the impeachments are part of historical record which can't be simply erased by a congressional vote, and (2) because the senate didn't meet the 2/3 supermajority requirement in either case, so there is no need to expunge. Trump was not found guilty by the senate.
Yeah, I don't think it will happen anyway but I'm actually in favor of keeping the two impeachments and the two results of the senate hearings as the historical record. Basically the history books will only show how divisive the country was during these years and the impeachments and constant investigations of Trump will be provided as part of the evidence of that. The impeachments will not go down in history negatively against Trump, or positively, for that matter.
But he is still a populist, telling people what they want to hear, so then it is illegal to impede the election process in anyway.
That does for the 2 fake impeachments, as well as the current fake indictments.
All an illegal attempt to violate an election.
No, running for POTUS does not allow one to break laws at will.
And in fact, a deliberate lie.
The reason presidents do not need a security clearance, is executive privilege.
Which the courts ruled never ends.
And that is obvious since the people presidents give classified docs to, like allies, generals, ambassadors, labs, etc., also do not have security clearances and access them by extension of executive privilege.
And clearly executive privilege never goes away, or else all these classified docs would have to be returned with every change in president.
And to top it off, most of the docs in ex-presidential libraries are classified.
Since everyone knows this, then the prosecution of Trump is just blatant criminal bias intent on preventing an election.

There isn’t a shred of truth in anything that you’ve posted. It’s just a regurgitation of Donald Trump’s false claims of executive privilege, none of which have ever held up in a court of law.

I used to wonder how Donald Trump had managed to put seven large corporations into bankruptcy over the course of his career. How could one person be so criminally stupid??

Watching his chaos and incompetence in the White House for the four years of his administration answered all of my questions.

Trump is criminally incompetent and corrupt.

Lol, Trump did not investigate Hillary. How many millions was spent on the Mueller investigation. They investigated it knowing it was a lie.

The first thing that Jeff Sessions did was to report a point John Huber, a special prosecutor to review all things Hillary, including the email investigation. Huber was supposed to file a report by the end of 2017, but did not actually complete his investigation and file his report until September 2019, when the entire nation was caught up in the whistleblowers accounts of Trump’s “perfect phone call”. The Huber Report found no criminal wrong doing by Clintonnor anyone else in her circle.

When Hubert took too long to produce his report, Trump ordered the Inspector General for the Justice Department to investigate the FBI’s handling of the email investigation and the charging decisions made by the FBI.

The IG the IG’s report concurred with the charging decisions, and castigated Comey for his “unfair treatment” of Clinton throughout the investigation.

Comey’s public comments and testimony, updating the public on the investigation while, saying nothing publicly about any of the investigations swirling around the Trump campaign at the same time, gave credence to Trump’s claims that Hillary Clinton was “crooked”. Trump was so pissed that the IG’s report didn’t condemn Hillary Clinton, that he fired the IG who issued it.

Then there was the State Department, investigation of Hillary’s emails, conducted by Mike Pompeo when he was Secretary of State. That investigation went on for 2 1/2 years and produced a report that said that Hillary Clinton did nothing illegal.

There was also a Senate committee investigation, conducted by one of the Senate Committees, that produced no charges.

And last, but not least the Durham report, which also produced no charges that against Hillary Clinton.

The Mueller investigation turned a profit. They cost the taxpayers $25 million and it generated $42 million in unpaid taxes, fines, and penalties.

How could it be “a lie” if it generated nine convictions against people for the crimes they committed? Flynn plead guilty three times and then decided he was innocent. Trump pardoned him and now Flynn is now pleading the fifth when questioned about his criminal acts on January 6.

We have solid proof that Don Junior lied to Congress about his contacts with Russians, and the Trump Tower Meeting, but he was never charged by his father’s DOJ. Talk about a double standard of justice.

We also have the Mueller Report which does not exonerate Donald Trump regardless of what Bill bars told you.

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