Fiona Hill Testifies ‘Fictions’ on Ukraine Pushed by Trump Help Russia


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2012
Fiona Hill Testifies ‘Fictions’ on Ukraine Pushed by Trump Help Russia

WASHINGTON — The White House’s former top Europe and Russia expert sharply denounced what she called a “fictional narrative” embraced by President Trump and his Republican allies that Ukraine, not Russia, interfered in the 2016 elections, testifying that the claim at the center of the impeachment inquiry was a fabrication by Moscow that had harmed the United States.

Testifying on the final day of the week’s public impeachment hearings, the expert, Fiona Hill, tied Mr. Trump’s pressure campaign on Ukraine to a dangerous effort by Russia to sow political divisions in the United States and undercut American diplomacy. Her testimony before the House Intelligence Committee was an implicit rebuke to the president, suggesting that when he pressed Ukraine to investigate the theory that Kyiv rather than Moscow undertook a concerted campaign to meddle in the 2016 campaign, he was playing into Russia’s hands for his own political gain.

Dr. Hill’s account of how Mr. Trump’s team carried out what she called a “domestic political errand” that diverged from his own administration’s foreign policy amounted to sharp — albeit indirect — criticism of the president she served, and it brought home the grave national security consequences of the effort.

“These fictions are harmful even if they are deployed for purely domestic political purposes,” said Dr. Hill, the British-born daughter of a coal miner who became a United States citizen and co-wrote a length book analyzing the psyche of President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.

Both Dr. Hill and David Holmes, a top aide in the United States Embassy in Kyiv, testified in detail about what they understood to be a concerted campaign by the president and his allies, led by Rudolph W. Giuliani, his personal lawyer, to condition a White House meeting for Ukraine’s president on his announcement of investigations that Mr. Trump wanted into the 2016 election claim and of former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.

“Investigations for a meeting,” is how Dr. Hill described her understanding of the deal laid out by the president’s inner circle, including Mr. Giuliani, Gordon D. Sondland, the ambassador to the European Union, and Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff.

Under questioning from the top Republican counsel on the House Intelligence Committee, Dr. Hill said she confronted Mr. Sondland in July about his failure to coordinate with other members of the administration on his actions regarding Ukraine. She understood only later that Mr. Sondland was part of a group of officials — along with Mr. Mulvaney and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo — who were “being involved in a domestic political errand, and we were being involved in national security, foreign policy — and those two things had just diverged.”

Dr. Hill said she had told Mr. Sondland at the time that, “this is all going to blow up.”

Mr. Holmes said it was his “clear understanding” by the end of August that Mr. Trump had frozen $391 million in vital security aid to pressure Ukraine to commit to announcing an investigation into Mr. Biden and his family.

Fiona Hill Testifies ‘Fictions’ on Ukraine Pushed by Trump Help Russia
We'll soon see how many Republicans in the House Of Representatives and the Senate care more about their PARTY and POLITICAL PROSPECTS than they do their country. We'll soon see how many of them prefer to serve Vladimir Putin rather than their own country. I say this as a Republican, who has voted straight Republican, down the voting ballot, in every election, until 2016.

Its one thing to prefer a candidate, its another thing to actively engage in another countries election to influence the outcome. The United States Intelligence services proved that Russia intervened in the United States 2016 election. The same intelligence services found no evidence that Ukraine had done anything like that.

I trust the CIA, DIA, FBI and other U.S. intelligence services.

Unlike Trumper's who believe the RUSSIAN FSB, better known as the KGB!

Its one thing to prefer a candidate, its another thing to actively engage in another countries election to influence the outcome. The United States Intelligence services proved that Russia intervened in the United States 2016 election. The same intelligence services found no evidence that Ukraine had done anything like that.

I trust the CIA, DIA, FBI and other U.S. intelligence services.

Unlike Trumper's who believe the RUSSIAN FSB, better known as the KGB!
Were those the intelligence agencies run by Brennan, Clapper, Strozk, Comey, McCabe, and Ohr?

I rest my case.
Hill puts the nail in the Democrats' case

Washington (CNN)Fiona Hill, the last witness in two weeks of televised impeachment hearings, made the case against her old boss President Donald Trump better than Democrats ever have.

The former National Security Council official on Thursday distilled the fog of shady dealings and competition between Trump appointees and career bureaucrats with a crystal clear condemnation of his rogue foreign policy operation in Ukraine.
And she also effectively warned that the Republican defense of the President -- by peddling Ukraine conspiracy theories -- was in danger, in itself, of becoming an extension of the 2016 Russian election scheme that is tearing American politics apart and draining public confidence in its democracy.
Hill -- a British-born non-partisan Russia expert who also wrote a book on Vladimir Putin -- was the star witness in a day of testimony that brought many of the threads of the Democratic case together and who left the Trump administration earlier this year. Using authoritative and clear language, Hill -- who left the Trump administration earlier this year -- spelled out her reactions to the pressure campaign unfolding before her eyes. But Hill said she only really began to understand the scandal herself while watching testimony from Trump's ad hoc messenger to the new government in Kiev Gordon Sondland.

He was being involved in a domestic political errand. And we were being involved in national security foreign policy. And those two things had just diverged."
The day's testimony, from Hill and US embassy official David Holmes who is stationed in Kiev, was a fitting coda to a dramatic week of testimony on Capitol Hill as the impeachment inquiry went under the bright lights of televised public hearings. Democrats are now meeting to decide if they have enough evidence to proceed toward writing articles of impeachment while the GOP appears to be more entrenched than ever in its defense of Trump.
Hill's comment summed up evidence that build a strong case that Trump -- as Sondland put it in an overheard telephone call in July -- "didn't give a s—t" about Ukraine but wanted the vulnerable ex-Soviet state to cough up political favors.

Hill also helped the Democratic case by exposing the core of the defense of Trump built by GOP lawmakers.
She slammed the "fictional" conspiracy theories that Ukraine meddled in the US election that she said were dreamed up by Moscow in another attempt to fulfill Putin's goal of stoking political division and diminishing America's prestige.
Such claims were hyped by Republican House members who struggled to counter evidence of abuses of power by the President who demanded Ukraine's new government investigate Joe Biden.
They also sparked the Ukraine scandal itself -- since witnesses have claimed Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani put such stories in Trump's head, leading the President to wield his authority to set foreign policy not in US interests but for his own political ends.
"I refuse to be part of an effort to legitimize an alternate narrative that the Ukrainian government is a US adversary, and that Ukraine, not Russia, attacked us in 2016," Hill said.

Republican arguments debunked

Hill's testimony was a fitting coda to the televised hearings in the House Intelligence Committee as the focus now shifts to an almost certain full House vote to impeach the President.
Two weeks of dramatic hearings starring steely career officials braving the conservative media storm to tell the truth have left Trump's anti-impeachment offensive in tatters. In recent days, testimony has built a convincing case that Trump directed an effort to force Ukraine into investigating Biden by withholding an Oval Office presidential visit and military aid.
Sondland confirmed that there was a quid pro quo asked of Ukraine in return for a White House visit. He also said that Trump, acting through Giuliani directed the scheme and that other officials including Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo were all in the loop.
Other witnesses called by Republicans, including former Ukraine envoy Kurt Volker, did not as Trump's supporters hoped, clear the President.
Days of hearings also challenged Republican claims that the case is built on hearsay, that Trump never withheld recognition from Kiev and that its new government didn't even realize it.
The ultimate effect of all the new evidence is to cast Trump's call with Ukrainian President
Volodymyr Zelensky on July 25, in which he asked for a "favor" in an even more sinister light.
Republicans have managed to land a few blows. They seized for instance on Sondland's admission that Trump never told him directly to use military aid over Ukraine for political leverage -- even though he said he presumed that was what was happening.
Trump and supporters ignored the entirety of the evidence in recent days to seize on that moment -- as if an entire court case could be undermined by a single less damning fact.
But the hearings often appeared to deepen Trump's plight by drawing out the kind of behavior that left him danger of being only third impeached President in the first place. Such antics make Trump difficult to defend among Senate Republicans running in swing states who are in trouble because of an unpopular President.
Trump's tweeted threats against several witnesses, including the former US Ambassador to Kiev Marie Yovanovitch, who was apparently fired to make way for the corrupt scheme to pressure Ukraine, could be folded into articles of impeachment.

Hill puts the nail in the Democrats' case - CNNPolitics

Its one thing to prefer a candidate, its another thing to actively engage in another countries election to influence the outcome. The United States Intelligence services proved that Russia intervened in the United States 2016 election. The same intelligence services found no evidence that Ukraine had done anything like that.

I trust the CIA, DIA, FBI and other U.S. intelligence services.

Unlike Trumper's who believe the RUSSIAN FSB, better known as the KGB!
Were those the intelligence agencies run by Brennan, Clapper, Strozk, Comey, McCabe, and Ohr?

I rest my case.
You don't have a case. All you have is bullshit, just like your messiah.
She's 100% full of shit.

Why do you continue to support this Con Man.
The last people off the Titanic all DIED.
Early jumpers died too, but those that hung on, yup, they DIED.

Trump is only afloat because the ship hasn't actually sunk yet, but be assured dude, it is sinking.
Fiona Hill put on an impressive performance.
I liked the part where she pointed out the Ukraine 2016 US election conspiracy was certainly pushed by Russia. Every time that someone pushed the.conspiracy, is rewarding Russia.
She is a true American Patriot, and we are fortunate to have her serving our country.

Its one thing to prefer a candidate, its another thing to actively engage in another countries election to influence the outcome. The United States Intelligence services proved that Russia intervened in the United States 2016 election.
Bulshit. To this day they still haven't released any shred of evidence whatsoever showing that Russia interfered with the 2016 election.
Fiona Hill is a ridiculous, anti-American Obama hold over. A few years ago she argued that Ukraine not receive any military aid when they actually could have used it when Russia was messing with the Ukriane. And what was up with her sob story about some kid in elementary school messing with her hair. :p Folks the democrats and their deep state connections are mentally ill, hypocritical idiots that only TDS suckers can relate to. Is Soros paying them that much? And how did Soros obtain all that money again?

Its one thing to prefer a candidate, its another thing to actively engage in another countries election to influence the outcome. The United States Intelligence services proved that Russia intervened in the United States 2016 election.
Bulshit. To this day they still haven't released any shred of evidence whatsoever showing that Russia interfered with the 2016 election.
But what evidence would you accept, as evidence,

that would make you believe Russia made a concerted, systematic effort to interfere?

What evidence did you have for you to believe the Ukraine systematically attacked our election process?
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Its one thing to prefer a candidate, its another thing to actively engage in another countries election to influence the outcome. The United States Intelligence services proved that Russia intervened in the United States 2016 election.
Bulshit. To this day they still haven't released any shred of evidence whatsoever showing that Russia interfered with the 2016 election.
But what evidence would you accept, as evidence,

that would make you believe Russia made a concerted, systematic effort to interfere?

What evidence did you have to believe the Ukraine systematically attacked our election process?
She is a true American Patriot, and we are fortunate to have her serving our country.

Serving the deep state is not exactly the same thing as serving the homeland...

Well, in theory that is

Oh great, another one of the many deep state conspiracy theorists.

OK, I'll play, tell me specifically who the individual members of the the deep state are.
Oh great, another one of the many deep state conspiracy theorists.

Eh, the CIA admitted that the deep state is real so you can drop the nutty conspiracy excuse
OK, I'll play, tell me specifically who the individual members of the the deep state are.

What, all of them?

How about just the ringleaders.. Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Rosenstein, Mueller.... the psycho princess herself of course... not Obama I'd say, he was more like a willing tool...

Oh great, another one of the many deep state conspiracy theorists.

Eh, the CIA admitted that the deep state is real so you can drop the nutty conspiracy excuse
OK, I'll play, tell me specifically who the individual members of the the deep state are.

What, all of them?

How about just the ringleaders.. Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Rosenstein, Mueller.... the psycho princess herself of course... not Obama I'd say, he was more like a willing tool...

I see deep state members everywhere.

You could definitely benefit from some professional psychiatric help.

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