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Fiorina: Religion Not a Test For Presidency; Muslim Leader OK


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
ā€œI think thatā€™s wrong,ā€ she said. ā€œYou know, it says in our Constitution that religion cannot be a test for office. It is also true that this country was founded on the principle that we judge each individual and that anyone, of any faith, is welcome here. I actually believe that people of faith make better leaders, whether theyā€™re Christians, as I am ā€” my faith has sustained me through some very bad times. I battled cancer, Iā€™ve lost a child. Iā€™ve been tested. But whether itā€™s a person of Christian faith or Jewish faith or Muslim faith, or other faiths, I think faith gives us humility and empathy and optimism and i think those are important things.ā€
-- Fiorina

Religion would not / should not NORMALLY be a test for officeā€¦but we do not live in normal times. We live in a time when people we never would have expected turn out to be Islamic Extremists. We live in a time when Muslims explain how they are allowed to LIE for the good and the spread of Islam. We live in a time when the most vicious Islamic Extremists openly declare that they will infiltrate our society, perpetrate terrorist attacks inside of our country, use our laws against us, and destroy us from within.

The evidence of this, I believe, has already been seen. Obamaā€™s top advisor is a Muslim. Associated members of the internationally known Muslim Brotherhood are members of Obamaā€™s Cabinet as ā€˜Advisorsā€™. As President Obama aided the Muslim Brotherhood in taking control of the government of our ally, Egypt, took the nation to war on his own without Congressional approval to do so to help Al Qaeida ā€“ perpetrators of 9/11/01, 9/11/12, and more ā€“ take over Libya. He armed Libyan rebels, who became Al Qaeida, armed Syrian rebels, who became ISIS, and allowed ISIS to flow into Iraq un-opposed to conquer much of the nation our military troops had liberated at great cost. He attempted to declare the Fort Hood Terrorist Attack was a case of ā€˜workplace violenceā€™, claimed the attack on Benghazi that resulted in the death of 4 Americans ā€“ to include the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years ā€“ was due to a protest of a faux video, allowed the Boston Marathon bombing to occur, and, despite ISIS vows to infiltrate refugee numbers with fighters who will bring terrorism to our homeland, Obama is now bringing in thousands of Syrian ā€˜refugeesā€™ā€¦just not CHRISTIAN refugees.

President Obama has set a dangerous Un-Constitutional precedence by declaring he can do whatever he wants whenever he wants with the power of his OWN pen and phone. He has refused to enforce existing law simply because he does not like itā€¦.by HIS WILL it is not enforced. By HIS WILL other ā€˜lawsā€™ (edicts) are created by his own hand and ordered enforced. Obama has violated both Constitution and Law, applying the ā€˜frog in the warm potā€™ strategy, changing the country until the ā€˜frogsā€™ realize to olate that the Constitution, our laws, and our nationā€™s very existence as created by our Founding Fathers and entrusted to us is no more. Now imagine an even more aggressive President ā€¦ of Muslim faith ā€¦ taking over, with the same powers to do as they please, by-passing Congress, with the power of his pen and his phone. Imagine Sharia Law becoming the law of the land. Imagine honor killings ā€“ killing wives and daughters for not being covered up, for holding hands with a boy, as punishment for being RAPED! Imagine sex with little boys being ok. Imagine a TRUE ā€˜war on womenā€™ where women are not allowed to go to school / college / work and must stay home and cook and take care of the children, where they have no voiceā€¦.all made possible because of a Muslim following the precedence set by Obama by using his own phone and a pen to make it all happen!

ā€œIt is also true that this country was founded on the principle that we judge each individual and that anyone, of any faith, is welcome here.ā€ WRONG! The faith of ISIS is NOT welcome here! The faith and beliefs of Al Qaeida are NOT welcome here. The radical intolerance, hatred, oppression, sodomy/pedophilia, sharia law, beheading of Christians, abandoning of the Constitution and our Rule of Law, the stripping of Americansā€™ identity, freedom, and soul etc ā€¦ is NOT welcome here.

Yeah, Iā€™m a ā€˜racistā€™ and that would never happen here. There are approximately 5,000 Honor Killings in the US each year. A court out west had to recently step in and shut down a Sharia Law Court that had been established and was being run in an area established as a type of Muslim Zone-Free zoneā€¦here in the US. We have all kinds of checks and balances in this country / government to ensure this does not happenā€¦and in the last 7 years we have watched on In shock as elected officials sat back and did nothing while this President and government have shredded the Constitution, Rule of Law, our National Securityā€¦.gutlessly doing nothing but riding the country down like Slim Pickens on that bomb in Dr. Strangelove! IF we truly had leaders who would remain diligent and would ACT if someone ā€˜went off the reservationā€™ by jeopardizing our national security and / or scrapping our Constitution and/or laws then I might not have a problem with itā€¦.but since our ā€˜Repsā€™ have proven they do not have the combined ā€˜testicular fortitudeā€™ and resolve to protect this country as that of a GNAT, Sorryā€¦..no thanks.

Radical Islam and their ā€˜faithā€™ in a twisted Quran is not a ā€˜religionā€™ ā€“ it is a DISEASE, one that is spreading across the globe. It is the real-world version of the ā€˜Zombie Apocalypseā€™ā€¦

These things listed are not elements of a type of faith that is part of some ā€˜religionā€™. These things listed are ā€˜symptomsā€™ of a DISEASE that is spreading across the globe ā€“ like Nazi-ism once did. It is the modern-day real version of the ā€˜Zombie Apocalypseā€™. It is an intolerant, violent DISEASEā€¦.one that should be protected against and eradicated. A dog that suddenly begins growling snapping, and biting people, that suddenly starts foaming at the mouth and trying to kill you, is NOT your ā€˜good and faithful friendā€™. He has become ā€˜RABIDā€™ and must be put down. Islamic Extremists who adhere to this (new) ā€˜religionā€™ is a ā€˜rabid dogā€™, one that must be put down. These people seek the downfall of the US and the deaths of every living being on this planet who refuses to convert to Islam!

Some of these Syrian 'refugees' we are bringing into the US, for example....if anyone will recall....are the same people shown on the news DANCING IN THE STREETS as planes crashed into the Twin Towers, CELEBRATED as the towers burned, CHANTED DEATH TO AMERICA as our 'brothers and sisters' leapt to their deaths from the windows of the burning buildings, and reveled as the rowers crumpled to the ground while our policemen and firefighters were still inside.

So pardon me if I am not willing to give the nation's 'reins' over to anyone who shares these people's 'faith / religion'!
all of sudden religion is again ok in our government as long as it comes to a Muslim

but let a Christian government worker stand up for their state Constitution and they call for her be to jailed refuse service

there is something really wrong going on here in this country.

I don't care about Carson comment. he explained it and we've moved on
Anyone saying that a muzzy presbo is acceptable, in today's polical climate, invalidates themselves as a legitimate candidate.
5 or 6 Muslims total hold high positions, a very low total considering their overall numbers in the country.
ā€œI think thatā€™s wrong,ā€ she said. ā€œYou know, it says in our Constitution that religion cannot be a test for office. It is also true that this country was founded on the principle that we judge each individual and that anyone, of any faith, is welcome here. I actually believe that people of faith make better leaders, whether theyā€™re Christians, as I am ā€” my faith has sustained me through some very bad times. I battled cancer, Iā€™ve lost a child. Iā€™ve been tested. But whether itā€™s a person of Christian faith or Jewish faith or Muslim faith, or other faiths, I think faith gives us humility and empathy and optimism and i think those are important things.ā€
-- Fiorina

Religion would not / should not NORMALLY be a test for officeā€¦but we do not live in normal times. We live in a time when people we never would have expected turn out to be Islamic Extremists. We live in a time when Muslims explain how they are allowed to LIE for the good and the spread of Islam. We live in a time when the most vicious Islamic Extremists openly declare that they will infiltrate our society, perpetrate terrorist attacks inside of our country, use our laws against us, and destroy us from within.

The evidence of this, I believe, has already been seen. Obamaā€™s top advisor is a Muslim. Associated members of the internationally known Muslim Brotherhood are members of Obamaā€™s Cabinet as ā€˜Advisorsā€™. As President Obama aided the Muslim Brotherhood in taking control of the government of our ally, Egypt, took the nation to war on his own without Congressional approval to do so to help Al Qaeida ā€“ perpetrators of 9/11/01, 9/11/12, and more ā€“ take over Libya. He armed Libyan rebels, who became Al Qaeida, armed Syrian rebels, who became ISIS, and allowed ISIS to flow into Iraq un-opposed to conquer much of the nation our military troops had liberated at great cost. He attempted to declare the Fort Hood Terrorist Attack was a case of ā€˜workplace violenceā€™, claimed the attack on Benghazi that resulted in the death of 4 Americans ā€“ to include the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years ā€“ was due to a protest of a faux video, allowed the Boston Marathon bombing to occur, and, despite ISIS vows to infiltrate refugee numbers with fighters who will bring terrorism to our homeland, Obama is now bringing in thousands of Syrian ā€˜refugeesā€™ā€¦just not CHRISTIAN refugees.

President Obama has set a dangerous Un-Constitutional precedence by declaring he can do whatever he wants whenever he wants with the power of his OWN pen and phone. He has refused to enforce existing law simply because he does not like itā€¦.by HIS WILL it is not enforced. By HIS WILL other ā€˜lawsā€™ (edicts) are created by his own hand and ordered enforced. Obama has violated both Constitution and Law, applying the ā€˜frog in the warm potā€™ strategy, changing the country until the ā€˜frogsā€™ realize to olate that the Constitution, our laws, and our nationā€™s very existence as created by our Founding Fathers and entrusted to us is no more. Now imagine an even more aggressive President ā€¦ of Muslim faith ā€¦ taking over, with the same powers to do as they please, by-passing Congress, with the power of his pen and his phone. Imagine Sharia Law becoming the law of the land. Imagine honor killings ā€“ killing wives and daughters for not being covered up, for holding hands with a boy, as punishment for being RAPED! Imagine sex with little boys being ok. Imagine a TRUE ā€˜war on womenā€™ where women are not allowed to go to school / college / work and must stay home and cook and take care of the children, where they have no voiceā€¦.all made possible because of a Muslim following the precedence set by Obama by using his own phone and a pen to make it all happen!

ā€œIt is also true that this country was founded on the principle that we judge each individual and that anyone, of any faith, is welcome here.ā€ WRONG! The faith of ISIS is NOT welcome here! The faith and beliefs of Al Qaeida are NOT welcome here. The radical intolerance, hatred, oppression, sodomy/pedophilia, sharia law, beheading of Christians, abandoning of the Constitution and our Rule of Law, the stripping of Americansā€™ identity, freedom, and soul etc ā€¦ is NOT welcome here.

Yeah, Iā€™m a ā€˜racistā€™ and that would never happen here. There are approximately 5,000 Honor Killings in the US each year. A court out west had to recently step in and shut down a Sharia Law Court that had been established and was being run in an area established as a type of Muslim Zone-Free zoneā€¦here in the US. We have all kinds of checks and balances in this country / government to ensure this does not happenā€¦and in the last 7 years we have watched on In shock as elected officials sat back and did nothing while this President and government have shredded the Constitution, Rule of Law, our National Securityā€¦.gutlessly doing nothing but riding the country down like Slim Pickens on that bomb in Dr. Strangelove! IF we truly had leaders who would remain diligent and would ACT if someone ā€˜went off the reservationā€™ by jeopardizing our national security and / or scrapping our Constitution and/or laws then I might not have a problem with itā€¦.but since our ā€˜Repsā€™ have proven they do not have the combined ā€˜testicular fortitudeā€™ and resolve to protect this country as that of a GNAT, Sorryā€¦..no thanks.

Radical Islam and their ā€˜faithā€™ in a twisted Quran is not a ā€˜religionā€™ ā€“ it is a DISEASE, one that is spreading across the globe. It is the real-world version of the ā€˜Zombie Apocalypseā€™ā€¦

These things listed are not elements of a type of faith that is part of some ā€˜religionā€™. These things listed are ā€˜symptomsā€™ of a DISEASE that is spreading across the globe ā€“ like Nazi-ism once did. It is the modern-day real version of the ā€˜Zombie Apocalypseā€™. It is an intolerant, violent DISEASEā€¦.one that should be protected against and eradicated. A dog that suddenly begins growling snapping, and biting people, that suddenly starts foaming at the mouth and trying to kill you, is NOT your ā€˜good and faithful friendā€™. He has become ā€˜RABIDā€™ and must be put down. Islamic Extremists who adhere to this (new) ā€˜religionā€™ is a ā€˜rabid dogā€™, one that must be put down. These people seek the downfall of the US and the deaths of every living being on this planet who refuses to convert to Islam!

Some of these Syrian 'refugees' we are bringing into the US, for example....if anyone will recall....are the same people shown on the news DANCING IN THE STREETS as planes crashed into the Twin Towers, CELEBRATED as the towers burned, CHANTED DEATH TO AMERICA as our 'brothers and sisters' leapt to their deaths from the windows of the burning buildings, and reveled as the rowers crumpled to the ground while our policemen and firefighters were still inside.

So pardon me if I am not willing to give the nation's 'reins' over to anyone who shares these people's 'faith / religion'!

Sorry -- she's right, you're wrong.

All of these candidates are using anything in the top of the news to benefit their campaign. What a bunch of leeches!

It was not the candidates who brought this topic up. The Liberal Media, who declared before the last debate that they wanted to see a 'war between the candidates' instead of meaningful discussion on the nation's problems brought this topic up.

1st they DEMANDED Cruz answer the question of whether Obama was a Muslim or a Christian. Cruz answered perfectly by saying Obama's religion was between him and God. It was a perfect answer because it did not give them the 'scandal' they wanted.

So they moved on to Ben Carson and asked him their 'gottcha' question - if a Muslim should ever be President, instead of focusing on ANY number of important issues. Carson stated he did not think a Muslim should be President. 'Gottcha!' So they moved on to ask Fiorina the same question.

It's all B$!

Instead of what the religion of the person elected should or should not be, how about if we focus on what they are going to do about the issues?

Sorry, 'dude' - the MEDIA is pulling the strings playing the 'music'...the candidates are just 'dancing' to it right now.
Some of these Syrian 'refugees' we are bringing into the US, for example....if anyone will recall....are the same people shown on the news DANCING IN THE STREETS as planes crashed into the Twin Towers, CELEBRATED as the towers burned, CHANTED DEATH TO AMERICA as our 'brothers and sisters' leapt to their deaths from the windows of the burning buildings, and reveled as the rowers crumpled to the ground while our policemen and firefighters were still inside.

And you can prove this of course....

See what I mean? You're absolutely full of shit. Gotta make shit up as a basis for bigotry.

Fuck you.
Indeed there is no religious test, nor should there be one made law.

But one needs to remember that the voter applies a religious test and others at their leisure when they enter the booth, and there is no law that could ever prevent that.
All of these candidates are using anything in the top of the news to benefit their campaign. What a bunch of leeches!

It was not the candidates who brought this topic up. The Liberal Media, who declared before the last debate that they wanted to see a 'war between the candidates' instead of meaningful discussion on the nation's problems brought this topic up.

1st they DEMANDED Cruz answer the question of whether Obama was a Muslim or a Christian. Cruz answered perfectly by saying Obama's religion was between him and God. It was a perfect answer because it did not give them the 'scandal' they wanted.

So they moved on to Ben Carson and asked him their 'gottcha' question - if a Muslim should ever be President, instead of focusing on ANY number of important issues. Carson stated he did not think a Muslim should be President. 'Gottcha!' So they moved on to ask Fiorina the same question.

It's all B$!

Instead of what the religion of the person elected should or should not be, how about if we focus on what they are going to do about the issues?

Sorry, 'dude' - the MEDIA is pulling the strings playing the 'music'...the candidates are just 'dancing' to it right now.

You are right about the left trying to stir the pot, but Carly used it to her advantage on Jimmy Fallen last night while she was trying to be human. Couple nights ago it was Hillary on Fallen, Trump as well.

The president does not personally charge military offenders with crimes...

I beg to differ...slightly.

The US military caught combatants on the ground fighting against them and trying to kill them. In essence they became POWs. The military wanted to hold military tribunals, but the Federal Govt said, 'NO'.

Obama, and Liberals, decided that we would give / assign U.S.-Citizen Constitutionally-provided RIGHTS to not only FOREIGNERS but to terrorists, wartime combatants who were caught on the field of battle trying to kill our troops.

Obama then ordered the Department of Justice, at tax payer expense, charge them with crimes, give them the best lawyers our money could buy, and conduct 'criminal' trails for them here in the US. He also became the Gitmo WARDEN, the JUDGE, and the PARDONER who began releasing these combat terrorist enemies in an attempt to empty out Gitmo - a promise he wanted to keep despite Congress and the American citizens opposing this idea. He released the WORST terrorist, butchers, and even the Taliban 5 - the top 5 Taliban leaders. (1 -2 week after releasing them a group one of them lead attacked a village and slaughtered all the men, women, and children in the town!)

Commander-And-Chief, Judge, Jury, Pardon Bestow-er, ...Islamic sympathizer....

What the hail....but Obama can be and do anything he wants. Remember - he has a pen and a phone.
[QUOTE="Pogo, post: 12370743, member: 41527
It ain't an opinion. It's the fucking Constitution.
You don't like the Constitution? Go back to Pyonyang.[/QUOTE]

As I said, I respect your OPINION! :rock::lol:
Some of these Syrian 'refugees' we are bringing into the US, for example....if anyone will recall....are the same people shown on the news DANCING IN THE STREETS as planes crashed into the Twin Towers, CELEBRATED as the towers burned, CHANTED DEATH TO AMERICA as our 'brothers and sisters' leapt to their deaths from the windows of the burning buildings, and reveled as the rowers crumpled to the ground while our policemen and firefighters were still inside.

And you can prove this of course....

See what I mean? You're absolutely full of shit. Gotta make shit up as a basis for bigotry.

Fuck you.
WTF were you not alive then? they danced in the streets all over the ME
All of these candidates are using anything in the top of the news to benefit their campaign. What a bunch of leeches!

It was not the candidates who brought this topic up. The Liberal Media, who declared before the last debate that they wanted to see a 'war between the candidates' instead of meaningful discussion on the nation's problems brought this topic up.

1st they DEMANDED Cruz answer the question of whether Obama was a Muslim or a Christian. Cruz answered perfectly by saying Obama's religion was between him and God. It was a perfect answer because it did not give them the 'scandal' they wanted.

So they moved on to Ben Carson and asked him their 'gottcha' question - if a Muslim should ever be President, instead of focusing on ANY number of important issues. Carson stated he did not think a Muslim should be President. 'Gottcha!' So they moved on to ask Fiorina the same question.

It's all B$!

Instead of what the religion of the person elected should or should not be, how about if we focus on what they are going to do about the issues?

Sorry, 'dude' - the MEDIA is pulling the strings playing the 'music'...the candidates are just 'dancing' to it right now.

You are right about the left trying to stir the pot, but Carly used it to her advantage on Jimmy Fallen last night while she was trying to be human. Couple nights ago it was Hillary on Fallen, Trump as well.


In all honesty there is No way a Muslim, or maybe even an Asian will be voted into office. Many have problem with voting in a Black person, or a woman into office.

Some of these Syrian 'refugees' we are bringing into the US, for example....if anyone will recall....are the same people shown on the news DANCING IN THE STREETS as planes crashed into the Twin Towers, CELEBRATED as the towers burned, CHANTED DEATH TO AMERICA as our 'brothers and sisters' leapt to their deaths from the windows of the burning buildings, and reveled as the rowers crumpled to the ground while our policemen and firefighters were still inside.

And you can prove this of course....

See what I mean? You're absolutely full of shit. Gotta make shit up as a basis for bigotry.

Fuck you.
WTF were you not alive then? they danced in the streets all over the ME

"They" did, did "they"?

--- Would these be the same "they" who "all look alike to me"? Methinks "they" would.
Yessiree Bob, those six people were the entire "Middle East". It's sparsely populated out there.

God DAMN, people are so easily manipulated by mass media. They just line the fuck up for it.

Some of these Syrian 'refugees' we are bringing into the US, for example....if anyone will recall....are the same people shown on the news DANCING IN THE STREETS as planes crashed into the Twin Towers, CELEBRATED as the towers burned, CHANTED DEATH TO AMERICA as our 'brothers and sisters' leapt to their deaths from the windows of the burning buildings, and reveled as the rowers crumpled to the ground while our policemen and firefighters were still inside.

And you can prove this of course....

See what I mean? You're absolutely full of shit. Gotta make shit up as a basis for bigotry.

Fuck you.
WTF were you not alive then? they danced in the streets all over the ME

I remember that too~
In all honesty there is No way a Muslim, or maybe even an Asian will be voted into office. Many have problem with voting in a Black person, or a woman into office.

Yeah, and there is NO WAY a man who admitted he was tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied Socialist Saul Alynski, was mentored for over a decade by a racist hate-spewing Anti-American 'pastor', who was best pals with an un-repentant domestic terrorist who bombed his own country and killed cops, who was raised by an anti-colonialist Muslim daddy who believed the US became great by exploiting the rest of the world and who wanted to see the US eliminated as a world power and influence, who said in his own book that if things in the world turned bad he would stand with MUSLIMS, who was so confident in people's stupidity that he arrogantly selected and used an historic Socialist symbol and slogan ('Forward') as his own re-election campaign, and finally a man who declared before the election in 2008 that he would FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE this country... could EVER be elected into office as President!

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