Fire All Government Employees, Then Hire Them Back

Would you support a bill like this?

  • Yes. Absolutely at the federal, state, and local level

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • No

    Votes: 16 72.7%
  • Yes but only at the federal level

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • Yes but only at the state level

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes but only at the local level

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other types of yes's

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other types of no's

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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  • Poll closed .
I was the one who voted that. Yes. That would be fine for a short period of time. It would just be like a war. There are anarchy-type and riot-type stuff during a war. It would just be like that but only 3 months. Once the three month period is over they would be restored to half of their pay. If the government wants to get rid of leeches sucking the government dry, then it will take some sacrifices. 3 months of anarchy and riots would be fine for a little while.

3 months of anarchy and riots, to accomplish something that could be done without such drastic measures.
Remember, a .gov job isn't a right.

You'd have to talk to 750-1000 government employees to find someone to agree with that statement. I agree with you but the only time I worked for the government was when I was in the military and I would have agreed with you then. I would have been that 1-750 government employees that would have openly told you that I was paid too much and did very little. I said it often even back then.
Yes. Some of them do have parachute packages. I've seen that. Those types of disgusting scam artist that have no desire to serve the public just might be able to get a pass.
There is no such thing with a reduction in force.

Security has them gather-up their shit, inventories any .gov property (like a .gov laptop, .gov phone, and such) takes their pass key, walks the affected to the door (or parking lot), and they are gone till they are recalled.

All seperation paperwork is handled by the agency HQ online.....Easy peasy. ;)
There is no such thing with a reduction in force.

Security has them gather-up their shit, inventories any .gov property (like a .gov laptop, .gov phone, and such) takes their pass key, walks the affected to the door (or parking lot), and they are gone till they are recalled.

All seperation paperwork is handled by the agency HQ online.....Easy peasy. ;)

And millions of people are suddenly unemployed. The ripple effect alone would sink the economy.
Right, you want them fired for 2 months. And then, when they come back from that, you want their pay cut in half?

No, I am not saying people aren't fired or laid off. But I am saying doing it to so many, for so little gain is pitiful.

And whether they do their job well and are good employees doesn't matter at all. You want them all fired.

There are 2.87 million Americans who work for the federal gov't. And you want them all fire, regardless of how critical their job is.
Yes. Yes I do. It is only a symbolic gesture. Not very many government employees are aware that they work for the public. This would just act as a reminder of the way the dynamics work. Here is a chart.

Elected officials
Government employees

Government employees are the lowest-ranking people on the totem pole but in reality they are the ones in charge. It is extremely gross.
Cutting jobs is very, very different from what the OP idiot wants. Yes, trim personnel. But that would be a far cry from firing everyone and then rehiring at half their previous salary.
It is just a symbolic gesture. The practical solution would look much different.
Yes. Yes I do. It is only a symbolic gesture. Not very many government employees are aware that they work for the public. This would just act as a reminder of the way the dynamics work. Here is a chart.

Elected officials
Government employees

Government employees are the lowest-ranking people on the totem pole but in reality they are the ones in charge. It is extremely gross.

If that is true, your plan would not change that. Except that the good workers wouldn't come back for half pay. So you'd be left with the lazy dumbasses.
Well this is the dumbest idea i've ever heard.
Workers salaries are not the why we have a deficit. We have a deficit mainly because of government contractors overcharging. Reforming government contract work would Make a far bigger difference to spending then cutting government worker salaries in half.

Also, Seeing as many departments are already understaffed and expecting workers to do ten times the work,load Halvng their pay would just screw over the workers even more.

All the o p's Idea would do would be driving vital workers away from vital offices such as the VA, health inspection, and others.
Then hire more contractors in who have well paid lobbyists...

I agree with you, this idea is so dumb... It just saying, lets give anarchy a try...

To quote an Iraqi: "Better sixty years of tyranny than one night of anarchy."

"Better sixty years of tyranny than one night of anarchy."

These guys haven't a clue how society and Government work so they want to break it... They are like kids with a grenade pulling out the pin..
And cutting people's pay in half will result is mass exodus.

That would be wonderful. Is that all it takes? We should have been cutting their salaries in half years ago if it was that easy to get rid of them. I bet many of them would stay, not even whine about it, and enjoy the long vacation.
3 months of anarchy and riots, to accomplish something that could be done without such drastic measures.

How do you change an entitlement mentality that has been around for generations without drastic measures? It isn't about saving money. It is about reminding government employees that they are the lowest-ranking members of society. I bet you don't even think they are.
And millions of people are suddenly unemployed. The ripple effect alone would sink the economy.
Well at least it might clear-out NOtVA some and lower housing prices.....Blackrock would have a fine time of it. ;)
Nobody cares about that crusty ole thing. If you don't believe me, spend 1 hour in your local court house.
Wrong. Lots of people care and care a lot about our Constitution. No libs of course.

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