Fire All Government Employees, Then Hire Them Back

Would you support a bill like this?

  • Yes. Absolutely at the federal, state, and local level

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • No

    Votes: 16 72.7%
  • Yes but only at the federal level

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • Yes but only at the state level

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes but only at the local level

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other types of yes's

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other types of no's

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
So you never seen the constitution ignored in a courtroom?
You’re being silly.

I saw decisions I didn’t like. I saw decisions which I felt contravened the Constitution. That’s why we get appeals.

Sometimes the rights of one side march up against and butt heads with the rights of the other side.

The bottom line is: the Constitution isn’t self effectuating. Parties argue against each other each side invoking the Constitution. Constitutional analysis is clearly an imprecise science.
I never voted while I was in the military. I firmly believe it is morally wrong for government employees to vote. Basic human nature tells us that those government employees are going to vote for more money 100 times out of 100. It is a twisted dynamic but you can't strip government employees of their right to vote because it would be too cumbersome. What if someone is a county employee? They should still have the right to vote in federal and state elections. So on and so forth. What if an government employee only worked part of the year? Would they be eligible or ineligible? Keeping government employees from voting would be a move in the right direction but I don't think you could enforce it at all. It would be too confusing and would complicate the voting process.

I'm not surprised that you believe that at all.

You do not lose your voting privileges because you work for the gov't. That is simply ignorant.

It is funny that you think only gov't employees vote for their best interests.

I would be shocked if I didn't believe that. You have shown nothing in this thread to show you superior to much of anyone.

I asked before, but what makes you so star-spangled wonderful? Certainly your ego needs stroking, if you talk about screwing millions of people just so those workers know their are inferior.
My plan is a discussion tool. Geez. Do you honestly not recognize that?

You started the discussion by firing 2.1 million people and then hiring them back after 90 days at half pay. The discussion is nothing more than a childish "I'm better than you!" bullshit.
I just looked at the poll. Who is the Enstein who voted to fire all gov't employees (federal state and local)?

Are you a fan of anarchy and riots?
Probably some far right puppet, who's so deep in the government is evil and must be destroyed rhetoric that the GOP spouts off that they are too dumb to realize what it actually means.

How many times have we heard abolished the government completely from the right, From moron who live off of social security and medicare. They're too fucking retarded to realize that medicare associated our government programs, No government means no medicare or social security.

Same thing about taxes. All we hear is taxes are theft. But don't touch our government programs That we are somehow too fucking retarded to realize thare paid for by taxes.
Would you support a bill to fire all government employees, give them three months off, and then hire them back at half of the pay?
After Intel is made public about how "infiltrated" America is, Americans will demand it.
I like it. Let's do both. If it doesn't work well they can go back to the old ways in a couple of years.
No left not do both. Because if you cut worker pay by half, Most of the workers will tell you the fuck off, And find work in the private sector, And you will end up with major shortages in every vital department.

And then the same morons who supported firing them all, We'll be bitching about the mail taking five times as long, And it taking almost a year to get tax refunds, You'll have a bunch of veterans dying off. Because there are no more v a doctors to take care of them. Do you think soldiers and police would be willing to work for half? Pay when they're barely paid anything at all to begin with. Do you think the already Undermanned health inspectors Would be willing to do the same work for even less paid when they're already overworked.
Would you support a bill to fire all government employees, give them three months off, and then hire them back at half of the pay?
Yes, let's start with firing the FBI, Customs and Border Security, and Homeland Security so terrorists can have a fighting chance to smuggle in some nukes.
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For 90 days, nobody. After 90 days it would be the same people. They would just work for half the pay. My keyboard didn't stutter.

so, all the Vets in the ERs and ICUs would just die so that you could have your little revenge on government workers.

That is a great fucking plan there little buddy, how about instead you just put a bullet through your own head
Most govt workers aren't wealthy. They're just average working people like the rest. Some kind of weird phenomenon has so.e middle class workers hating other middle class workers. It's pure stupidity.
Most govt workers aren't wealthy. They're just average working people like the rest. Some kind of weird phenomenon has so.e middle class workers hating other middle class workers. It's pure stupidity.
When I am paying for other middle class people that do nothing to improve my bottom line why should I be happy about it?
You do not lose your voting privileges because you work for the gov't. That is simply ignorant.

It is funny that you think only gov't employees vote for their best interests.

I would be shocked if I didn't believe that. You have shown nothing in this thread to show you superior to much of anyone.

I asked before, but what makes you so star-spangled wonderful? Certainly your ego needs stroking, if you talk about screwing millions of people just so those workers know their are inferior.

Two simple question.

Who is in charge?
A.) Elected leaders
B.) Government employees
C.) Voters

Who should be in charge?
A.) Elected leaders
B.) Government employees
C.) Voters

You are relying too much on the ad hominem fallacy. I am a jerk. I am terrible. I am awful. I am a liar. So on and so forth. You name it, I have the flaw that you are asserting. This doesn't move the goal post in the favor of the position that you hold. Just answer the two simple questions either silently, or publicly. Then you should understand the point of this thread.
You started the discussion by firing 2.1 million people and then hiring them back after 90 days at half pay. The discussion is nothing more than a childish "I'm better than you!" bullshit.

And you really believe that is practical?
Probably some far right puppet, who's so deep in the government is evil and must be destroyed rhetoric that the GOP spouts off that they are too dumb to realize what it actually means.

How many times have we heard abolished the government completely from the right, From moron who live off of social security and medicare. They're too fucking retarded to realize that medicare associated our government programs, No government means no medicare or social security.

Same thing about taxes. All we hear is taxes are theft. But don't touch our government programs That we are somehow too fucking retarded to realize thare paid for by taxes.

I have observed this from my side of the aisle. I'm probably the only conservative since Calvin Coolidge. I say cut off all government benefits including the ones that benefit me. Courts, prisons, military, and roads are the only valid government functions. Everything else is waste. If I benefit from a government program, cut it twice. I am a republican but I am not a Reagan Retard. I am a Coolidge Retard.
major companies are laying people off due to the potatoes policies and shitty job. so the govt. should be no different.
And then the same morons who supported firing them all, We'll be bitching about the mail taking five times as long, And it taking almost a year to get tax refunds, You'll have a bunch of veterans dying off. Because there are no more v a doctors to take care of them. Do you think soldiers and police would be willing to work for half? Pay when they're barely paid anything at all to begin with. Do you think the already Undermanned health inspectors Would be willing to do the same work for even less paid when they're already overworked.
Yes. These bad things would happen for 90 days. Then everything would transition back to normal shortly with more humble servants serving the people instead of arrogant spoiled brats that think the world owes them a living just because they work for the government. In the short term. Yes. Things would be super duper quadruple bad. In the long run this could benefit a culture shift in government that could last 3-4 generations. Think about it. 100 years from now nobody is going to care that a guy had to work hard for 90 days doing undesirable things before he got his job back.

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