First slave owner in America was black

John Punch was an African indentured servant who lived in seventeenth century, colonial York County, Virginia. In 1640, he was bound as a servant for life as punishment for having tried to escape from his indenture. Some genealogists and historians describe Punch as "the first African documented to be enslaved for life in what would eventually become the United States."[1]

In July 2012, published a paper documenting the combination of historic research and Y-DNA analysis that supports the conclusion that Punch was an eleventh-generation maternal grandfather of President Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the United States.[2][3][4] Punch was an ancestor through the Bunch family, free people of color in colonial Virginia, who were ancestors of Obama's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham.[2] Her ancestors were primarily of European-American ethnicity. Her line of Bunch ancestors had largely intermarried with whites, and probably appeared white by 1720. Children born to white women were free because of the status of the mother.[1] DNA testing of the male Bunch descendants has revealed that John Punch was probably from present-day Cameroon, in West Africa.[1]

Punch is also believed to be one of the ancestors of the American diplomat, Ralph Bunche, the first African American to win the Nobel Peace Prize.[5]

In 1640, Punch was an indentured servant of the Virginia planter Hugh Gwyn. He escaped to Maryland with two other indentured servants, a Dutchman and a Scot.[1] All three men were caught and sentenced to whippings. In addition, the European men were sentenced to have their terms of indenture extended by four years each, but Punch was sentenced to a life of servitude.[1] Historians consider this difference in penalties to mark this case as one of the first to make a racial distinction between black and white indentured servants.[6]

It is documented that John Casor was the first legally sanctioned slave in Virginia, through a court case of 1654.[7][8] While some genealogists and historians describe Punch as the first slave, he was technically still an indentured servant, as he was sentenced to serve the remainder of his life in servitude as punishment for escaping.[6] Casor, by contrast, was found to have been a slave since his arrival in Virginia.

John Punch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

John Casor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"There is balkanization but not in the separate state sense not yet anyways" The USA will fall, yes, as all countries do, but, no, there is no balkanization: absolutely no evidence for it at all.
Very little indentured servitude in perpetuity, and still then, a hope that the economic slavery would end.

For the slave, no hope at all in the institution itself.
"There is balkanization but not in the separate state sense not yet anyways" The USA will fall, yes, as all countries do, but, no, there is no balkanization: absolutely no evidence for it at all.

You don't see it do you? I do...its not real hard...its starting to will be a while yes but I see it within my lifetime.
Only right wingers could come up with "blacks brought slavery to the US" and the Civil War was the fault of blacks because they brought slaves into the country. I missed the part where White Southern Christians tried to stop them, but were overwhelmed with all the black slave holders, but I'm sure that's next.

I couldn't make this stuff up. But this? This is "rich".

I guess that's what happens when you buy all your food from the "Land of Milk and Cookies".
First slave owner in America was black

Is that a true statement? I don't think so...

Africans coming to Jamestown between 1630 and 1640 could expect to be freed after serving their indented period of time about seven to ten years for Africans and Indians. At this time there was no system of perpetual servitude or slave for life, but the system was rapidly evolving. Between 1640 and 1660 slavery was becoming a customary reality. In 1640 three servants of Hugh Gwyn, “a Dutchman called Victor, a Scotchman named James Gregory, and John Punch, a negro,” having run away from their master were overtaken in Maryland and brought back to stand trial for the misbehavior. The verdict of the court would change the system of indentured servitude and set the system in transition to plantation slavery. The court ruled that the three servants shall received punishment by whipping and have “thirty stripes apiece.” The court ordered that the Dutchman and the Scotchman should “first serve out their times with their master according to their Indentures and one whole year apiece after the time of their service is expired” and that they shall served the colony for three years. “The third being a negro. . .shall serve his said master or his assigns for the time of his natural life.”

Much More: The Black Slave Owners -

Take your pick...of course you are going to find sites that dispute it...slavery is a white racist dare the truth be opposite of that.
Slavery in the United States was a racist thing. That's why only people of color could be owned.
"There is balkanization but not in the separate state sense not yet anyways" The USA will fall, yes, as all countries do, but, no, there is no balkanization: absolutely no evidence for it at all.

You don't see it do you? I do...its not real hard...its starting to will be a while yes but I see it within my lifetime.

I think you see through a glass darkly and the view is distorted. But . . . this Board is for sharing ideas. Thank you.
The revisionist contortions that slavery apologists go through trying to somehow make slavery less offensive to sane people are a thing to behold, arent they?
They truly are, and yet they come back time and again to have their noses rubbed into their own crap that they have lost the dialogue on slavery and the Civil War and race nationally. The younger generations overwhelmingly think the reactionary far right all white arguments are absolute nonsense.
Is that a true statement? I don't think so...

Much More: The Black Slave Owners -

Take your pick...of course you are going to find sites that dispute it...slavery is a white racist dare the truth be opposite of that.
Slavery in the United States was a racist thing. That's why only people of color could be owned.
Actually it wasn't a race thing it was a need workers buy slaves thing. Whites did it,Blacks did it,Mexicans did it. Ya don't see white folks whining about the slavery of their ancestors do you?

I hate to break this to ya, but the first slaves and slave owners on this continent were among the indigenous peoples :rolleyes:
I never said this continent numb nuts. I said America or what was to become America. In what the historians consider that the black guy Anthony Johnson was the first. Oh and Europeans were here first so....

Take your pick...of course you are going to find sites that dispute it...slavery is a white racist dare the truth be opposite of that.
Slavery in the United States was a racist thing. That's why only people of color could be owned.
Actually it wasn't a race thing it was a need workers buy slaves thing. Whites did it,Blacks did it,Mexicans did it. Ya don't see white folks whining about the slavery of their ancestors do you?

I hate to break this to ya, but the first slaves and slave owners on this continent were among the indigenous peoples :rolleyes:
I never said this continent numb nuts. I said America or what was to become America. In what the historians consider that the black guy Anthony Johnson was the first. Oh and Europeans were here first so....

Were you going to tell us where all the white slaves were in America or not?

Take your pick...of course you are going to find sites that dispute it...slavery is a white racist dare the truth be opposite of that.
Slavery in the United States was a racist thing. That's why only people of color could be owned.
Actually it wasn't a race thing it was a need workers buy slaves thing. Whites did it,Blacks did it,Mexicans did it. Ya don't see white folks whining about the slavery of their ancestors do you?

White people don't whine about it, because servitude or slavery in the past doesn't effect their present. Slavery of Africans and their continued second-class status after it ended, had and continues to have effects to this day. It's not about who sold them or that fact that others of their race owned slaves, but that even afterwards the effects lingered.

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