First slave owner in America was black

No, what you do is highlight distinctions that make no difference and try to legitimise your lame positions by amplifying those distinctions. A few years back there was this guy...probably a sock of yours...that tried to point out that Saddam didnt use WMDs by insisting biological weapons were not used. He used chemical weapons which are every bit as deadly...but the boy couldnt see it.

Whites owned blacks.
It was wrong.
The States in the South left the union because of it.
It was illegal.
They started the Civil War.
The North ended it under extraordinarily charitable terms given 1860's society.

Those are the facts. Spin all you want to.
Did Black People Own Slaves? | American Renaissance
The same happened in reverse as well. It was wrong.
Yep South did secede and had every right to do so. They voluntarily became a member of the Union they voluntarily left. No where was it stated one could not leave if it wanted to. It was no civil war. Please look up definition of civil war its defined as one or more groups of people trying to control a nation that is not what happened...the south seceded it wanted nothing to do with the north. So therefore it was no civil war. The South defended its self after asking the north to remove its forces from CSA territory but the north decided to send in reinforcements in essence to pick a fight with a sovereign nation.The USA has gone to war for less you can in no way knock the CSA for doing the same. Like I said remain willfully ignorant if you choose. Some of us decide to educate ourselves past a 3rd grade level.

You dropped out in 2nd grade.

So I guess part of Louisiana could just decide to leave Louisiana if it wanted to? We could have an unlimited number of states.

You're a professional idiot.

Yes. If the people elected to then yes. You are a professional sheep. So...
And "We that its okay to just up and leave the union, the North started the Civil War and that slaves were revered by their owners" are "facts" known by educated American youth and young adults to be fabrications by a weak-minded faction in America who are afraid of their country, its history, and its greatness.

This, in part, is why the GOP is beginning a tremendous undergoing that will change it for the better and for the country's betterment during the next decade. The southern white evangeicl euro-centric version of American Exceptionalism is going into the gutter at last.

Another revisionist historian. Funny.
And "We that its okay to just up and leave the union, the North started the Civil War and that slaves were revered by their owners" are "facts" known by educated American youth and young adults to be fabrications by a weak-minded faction in America who are afraid of their country, its history, and its greatness.

This, in part, is why the GOP is beginning a tremendous undergoing that will change it for the better and for the country's betterment during the next decade. The southern white evangeicl euro-centric version of American Exceptionalism is going into the gutter at last.

Another revisionist historian. Funny.
This is a typical response of a typical weak-headed American Exceptionalist of the type I describe above.
The US is one of the most racially tolerant countries in the world -

Utter and abominable nonsense and called out as such.

The reactions we have from some of the far right to a black president, some of it presented on this board, contradicts such a witless statement.

We have many black on the left that are racist, and we have seen it on this board.

We are racially "tolerant" because some of us have to continually monitor the idiots in the country who are haters to the bone of those different than them.

Racism is a deadly poison that permeates society, cultural, and politics.

You say "from some" (above). Why not say "all". You know you want to. While your at it, be sure to let those two Swedish researchers and the kind folks at the Washington Post know that you will be reviewing their work in the future and to inform you ahead of time before publishing more of this kind of stuff. :cuckoo:

Decus, you have no idea what I think. You have no way to deny those types of some on the far right exist, and they are a poison in our system, as are the many blacks I noticed and you ignored who are racist as well.

Racism is an ill in this country that must be excised.
Utter and abominable nonsense and called out as such.

The reactions we have from some of the far right to a black president, some of it presented on this board, contradicts such a witless statement.

We have many black on the left that are racist, and we have seen it on this board.

We are racially "tolerant" because some of us have to continually monitor the idiots in the country who are haters to the bone of those different than them.

Racism is a deadly poison that permeates society, cultural, and politics.

You say "from some" (above). Why not say "all". You know you want to. While your at it, be sure to let those two Swedish researchers and the kind folks at the Washington Post know that you will be reviewing their work in the future and to inform you ahead of time before publishing more of this kind of stuff. :cuckoo:

Decus, you have no idea what I think. You have no way to deny those types of some on the far right exist, and they are a poison in our system, as are the many blacks I noticed and you ignored who are racist as well.

Racism is an ill in this country that must be excised.

I agree that racism is wrong. I also know that we have come further than many other countries. We may not have reached the point of being completely open to others but we have made progress - and that should be acknowledged.
And "We that its okay to just up and leave the union, the North started the Civil War and that slaves were revered by their owners" are "facts" known by educated American youth and young adults to be fabrications by a weak-minded faction in America who are afraid of their country, its history, and its greatness.

This, in part, is why the GOP is beginning a tremendous undergoing that will change it for the better and for the country's betterment during the next decade. The southern white evangeicl euro-centric version of American Exceptionalism is going into the gutter at last.

Another revisionist historian. Funny.
This is a typical response of a typical weak-headed American Exceptionalist of the type I describe above.

So now we get 3rd world balkanization, Lwing style?. Also slavery was legal in the original 13 colonies in case you forgot.
And yet those who wished to keep slavery were White democrats and now white libertarians....So?

The stupid in this one is me 1 instance anyone here said they wanted to keep slavery moron..I for one already said Slavery was a horrible thing and I think it was should go to Africa and the ME and tell those horrible people to let their slaves go! I bet they would listen to ya...:cuckoo:
And yet those who wished to keep slavery were White democrats and now white libertarians....So?

The stupid in this one is me 1 instance anyone here said they wanted to keep slavery moron..I for one already said Slavery was a horrible thing and I think it was should go to Africa and the ME and tell those horrible people to let their slaves go! I bet they would listen to ya...:cuckoo:

Excuse me? Your the one that wants the south to rise again .
Another revisionist historian. Funny.
This is a typical response of a typical weak-headed American Exceptionalist of the type I describe above.

So now we get 3rd world balkanization, Lwing style?. Also slavery was legal in the original 13 colonies in case you forgot.

One, there is no balkanization happening, and, two, that doesn't matter at all.
You say "from some" (above). Why not say "all". You know you want to. While your at it, be sure to let those two Swedish researchers and the kind folks at the Washington Post know that you will be reviewing their work in the future and to inform you ahead of time before publishing more of this kind of stuff. :cuckoo:

Decus, you have no idea what I think. You have no way to deny those types of some on the far right exist, and they are a poison in our system, as are the many blacks I noticed and you ignored who are racist as well.

Racism is an ill in this country that must be excised.

I agree that racism is wrong. I also know that we have come further than many other countries. We may not have reached the point of being completely open to others but we have made progress - and that should be acknowledged.

Yes, we have, thank heavens, we have, and we have much more to go. The final two generations of black and white racists will be gone in fifty years, and our descendants have that to look forward, too.
Did Black People Own Slaves? | American Renaissance
The same happened in reverse as well. It was wrong.
Yep South did secede and had every right to do so. They voluntarily became a member of the Union they voluntarily left. No where was it stated one could not leave if it wanted to. It was no civil war. Please look up definition of civil war its defined as one or more groups of people trying to control a nation that is not what happened...the south seceded it wanted nothing to do with the north. So therefore it was no civil war. The South defended its self after asking the north to remove its forces from CSA territory but the north decided to send in reinforcements in essence to pick a fight with a sovereign nation.The USA has gone to war for less you can in no way knock the CSA for doing the same. Like I said remain willfully ignorant if you choose. Some of us decide to educate ourselves past a 3rd grade level.

You dropped out in 2nd grade.

So I guess part of Louisiana could just decide to leave Louisiana if it wanted to? We could have an unlimited number of states.

You're a professional idiot.

Yes. If the people elected to then yes. You are a professional sheep. So...

Hey, I like this idea; I can declare that my 1/4 of the floor here in my high rise condo is a separate state; my assistant who lives out in Glendale can declare her 4 acres as two separate states... Neat.

Every April 15 you'd have 700-800 thousand new states being born....

And on April 16 you'd have another 700-800 thousand because gee, you'd have to pay taxes to the new state where you live; why not just say you're not part of the new state either and keep all your money?

It was a high price to pay to maintain human bondage based on skin color.
And yet those who wished to keep slavery were White democrats and now white libertarians....So?

The stupid in this one is me 1 instance anyone here said they wanted to keep slavery moron..I for one already said Slavery was a horrible thing and I think it was should go to Africa and the ME and tell those horrible people to let their slaves go! I bet they would listen to ya...:cuckoo:

Excuse me? Your the one that wants the south to rise again .
I said that? Where? The south never stopped why would it need to rise again?

This is a typical response of a typical weak-headed American Exceptionalist of the type I describe above.

So now we get 3rd world balkanization, Lwing style?. Also slavery was legal in the original 13 colonies in case you forgot.

One, there is no balkanization happening, and, two, that doesn't matter at all.
There is balkanization but not in the separate state sense not yet anyways...Latino's are taking back the southwest,your liberals have the west and east corners of the country,your conservatives are mostly in the south and ya got freedom loving folks spread everywhere...its balkanizing alright just not the way most assumed it would and the way that it is balkanizing is a precursor to what is to come...Rome fell and so will the USA.

You dropped out in 2nd grade.

So I guess part of Louisiana could just decide to leave Louisiana if it wanted to? We could have an unlimited number of states.

You're a professional idiot.

Yes. If the people elected to then yes. You are a professional sheep. So...

Hey, I like this idea; I can declare that my 1/4 of the floor here in my high rise condo is a separate state; my assistant who lives out in Glendale can declare her 4 acres as two separate states... Neat.

Every April 15 you'd have 700-800 thousand new states being born....

And on April 16 you'd have another 700-800 thousand because gee, you'd have to pay taxes to the new state where you live; why not just say you're not part of the new state either and keep all your money?

It was a high price to pay to maintain human bondage based on skin color.
Sounds great to me! See you don't seem to realize each and every one of us is a sovereign person I mean unless you signed some contract for someone to own you? I sure in the hell didn't. Oh and it has nothing to do with skin color,nations have separated based on numerous reasons. Race,Religion,Ideology,Economic reasons etc etc.
The stupid in this one is me 1 instance anyone here said they wanted to keep slavery moron..I for one already said Slavery was a horrible thing and I think it was should go to Africa and the ME and tell those horrible people to let their slaves go! I bet they would listen to ya...:cuckoo:

Excuse me? Your the one that wants the south to rise again .
I said that? Where? The south never stopped why would it need to rise again?

There is balkanization but not in the separate state sense not yet anyways...Latino's are taking back the southwest,your liberals have the west and east corners of the country,your conservatives are mostly in the south and ya got freedom loving folks spread everywhere...its balkanizing alright just not the way most assumed it would and the way that it is balkanizing is a precursor to what is to come...Rome fell and so will the USA.

Yes. If the people elected to then yes. You are a professional sheep. So...

Hey, I like this idea; I can declare that my 1/4 of the floor here in my high rise condo is a separate state; my assistant who lives out in Glendale can declare her 4 acres as two separate states... Neat.

Every April 15 you'd have 700-800 thousand new states being born....

And on April 16 you'd have another 700-800 thousand because gee, you'd have to pay taxes to the new state where you live; why not just say you're not part of the new state either and keep all your money?

It was a high price to pay to maintain human bondage based on skin color.
Sounds great to me! See you don't seem to realize each and every one of us is a sovereign person I mean unless you signed some contract for someone to own you? I sure in the hell didn't. Oh and it has nothing to do with skin color,nations have separated based on numerous reasons. Race,Religion,Ideology,Economic reasons etc etc.

I have no right to suceed from society any more than you do. Try to tell the guy at Jack in the Box you're not going to pay sales tax and see what happens or drive faster than the speed limit because you don't recognize the laws. You don't seem to realize that in a society, you sacrifice some of your soverignity (sp?). Sorry.

The South didn't realize it and went to war over the insistance that they continue to hold another race in bondage.

It's a poor/disgusting example to cite in your bizarre, batshit crazy stance that you're able to self-govern.
Excuse me? Your the one that wants the south to rise again .
I said that? Where? The south never stopped why would it need to rise again?

There is balkanization but not in the separate state sense not yet anyways...Latino's are taking back the southwest,your liberals have the west and east corners of the country,your conservatives are mostly in the south and ya got freedom loving folks spread everywhere...its balkanizing alright just not the way most assumed it would and the way that it is balkanizing is a precursor to what is to come...Rome fell and so will the USA.

Hey, I like this idea; I can declare that my 1/4 of the floor here in my high rise condo is a separate state; my assistant who lives out in Glendale can declare her 4 acres as two separate states... Neat.

Every April 15 you'd have 700-800 thousand new states being born....

And on April 16 you'd have another 700-800 thousand because gee, you'd have to pay taxes to the new state where you live; why not just say you're not part of the new state either and keep all your money?

It was a high price to pay to maintain human bondage based on skin color.
Sounds great to me! See you don't seem to realize each and every one of us is a sovereign person I mean unless you signed some contract for someone to own you? I sure in the hell didn't. Oh and it has nothing to do with skin color,nations have separated based on numerous reasons. Race,Religion,Ideology,Economic reasons etc etc.

I have no right to suceed from society any more than you do. Try to tell the guy at Jack in the Box you're not going to pay sales tax and see what happens or drive faster than the speed limit because you don't recognize the laws. You don't seem to realize that in a society, you sacrifice some of your soverignity (sp?). Sorry.

The South didn't realize it and went to war over the insistance that they continue to hold another race in bondage.

It's a poor/disgusting example to cite in your bizarre, batshit crazy stance that you're able to self-govern.
Actually yes I do...I am under no orders and have no contract to participate in society. I can secede if I want to. I do to a certain point. I do drive faster than the speed limit every single day also don't wear a seat belt. Its just a small FUCK YOU to the establishment that I am a sovereign individual not a fucking drone or robot they control. I sacrifice NONE of my sovereignty I was born a free individual and I remain a free individual until the day I die or I give up my sovereignty willingly and not under ANY duress. The south went to war to fight back against tyranny and what they saw (correctly) the destruction of our republic into a mob ruled society with a dictator at its head. We have never been the same since that tyrant Lincoln took power.Kennedy tried and he was the last real president we had...we saw where that got him...
First slave owner in America was black

Is that a true statement? I don't think so...

Africans coming to Jamestown between 1630 and 1640 could expect to be freed after serving their indented period of time about seven to ten years for Africans and Indians. At this time there was no system of perpetual servitude or slave for life, but the system was rapidly evolving. Between 1640 and 1660 slavery was becoming a customary reality. In 1640 three servants of Hugh Gwyn, “a Dutchman called Victor, a Scotchman named James Gregory, and John Punch, a negro,” having run away from their master were overtaken in Maryland and brought back to stand trial for the misbehavior. The verdict of the court would change the system of indentured servitude and set the system in transition to plantation slavery. The court ruled that the three servants shall received punishment by whipping and have “thirty stripes apiece.” The court ordered that the Dutchman and the Scotchman should “first serve out their times with their master according to their Indentures and one whole year apiece after the time of their service is expired” and that they shall served the colony for three years. “The third being a negro. . .shall serve his said master or his assigns for the time of his natural life.”

Much More: The Black Slave Owners -
First slave owner in America was black

Is that a true statement? I don't think so...

Africans coming to Jamestown between 1630 and 1640 could expect to be freed after serving their indented period of time about seven to ten years for Africans and Indians. At this time there was no system of perpetual servitude or slave for life, but the system was rapidly evolving. Between 1640 and 1660 slavery was becoming a customary reality. In 1640 three servants of Hugh Gwyn, “a Dutchman called Victor, a Scotchman named James Gregory, and John Punch, a negro,” having run away from their master were overtaken in Maryland and brought back to stand trial for the misbehavior. The verdict of the court would change the system of indentured servitude and set the system in transition to plantation slavery. The court ruled that the three servants shall received punishment by whipping and have “thirty stripes apiece.” The court ordered that the Dutchman and the Scotchman should “first serve out their times with their master according to their Indentures and one whole year apiece after the time of their service is expired” and that they shall served the colony for three years. “The third being a negro. . .shall serve his said master or his assigns for the time of his natural life.”

Much More: The Black Slave Owners -

Take your pick...of course you are going to find sites that dispute it...slavery is a white racist dare the truth be opposite of that.
It just seems terribly convenient that a white colonial court in 1654 Virginia would choose to legitimize "slavery" by labeling Anthony Johnson (a black man) as being the first slave owner. Terribly convenient...

In 1654 Anthony Johnson went to court and sued his white neighbor for keeping his black servant John Casor. Casor claimed that Johnson “had kept him his serv [an] t seven years longer than hee should or ought. Johnson who the courts described as an “old Negro,” claimed that he was entitled to “ye Negro [Casor] for his life.” Johnson realized that if he continued and persisted in his suit, Casor could win damages against him. So, Johnson brought suit against his white neighbor Robert Parker, whom Johnson charged had detained Casor “under pretense [that] the s[ai]d John Casor is a freeman.” The courts now ruled in his favor and John Casor was returned to him and Parker had to pay the court costs.

This case establishes perpetual servitude in North America, and it is ironic that the case was brought to the court by an African who had arrived from Angola in 1621. Slavery was established in 1654 when Anthony Johnson, Northampton County, convinced the court that he was entitled to the lifetime service of John Casor; this was the first judicial approval of life servitude, except as punishment for a crime.

Much More: The Black Slave Owners -

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