First slave owner in America was black

nazis weren't Christians, they were mostly atheists

Pure Balderdash. Can we stop the idiotic position that Nazi Germany was an atheist movement already? It was not.

The strongest thread that this theory rests on is the fact that Rudolph Hess supported atheism by decreeing "No National Socialist may suffer any detriment on the ground that he does not profess any particular faith or confession or on the ground that he does not make any religious profession at all."

That's a far cry from Nazi Germany being atheist.

The Nazi regime strongly opposed "godless communism" on the whole. Hitler himself opposed secular schools: "Secular schools can never be tolerated because such schools have no religious instruction, and a general moral instruction without a religious foundation is built on air; consequently, all character training and religion must be derived from faith."

The predominant religion in Nazi Germany was Protestant, with Catholicism running second. Martin Luther's On Jews and Their Lies was sometimes used as a justification for national socialism and the final solution. If one actually reads Luther's treatise, one can hear its sentiments echoed by Himmler centuries later.

I am in no way judging or demeaning Christianity by that unfortunate nastiness. It's more an example of how man's inhumanity to man knows no scruples when it comes to seeking whatever means necessary to justify it. I do, however, roundly condemn the use of Nazi Germany and "the final solution" by Christians with an agenda as an example of atheism, when anybody with an ounce of sense can see it for what it is: the culmination of centuries of European bias against Jews. No agenda, theist or atheist alike, need be applied.
The Enabling Act of 1933 was signed on March 23, 1933. The Reichskonkordat was signed four months later on July 20, 1933. It essentially gave rise to Nazi Germany, until it fell in 1945.

they pretend not to understand that at that point of time nobody yet knew what Hitler was.

And since the US recognized much more heinous regime exactly the same year ( Nov 16, 1933) and after it was already known to the US that up to 10 million people were slaughtered in an artificial famine by that regime ( USSR) in Ukraine and the libtard Democrat president pushed that recognition, you, libtards, better STFU

Interesting. So, Obama backing the Muslim Brotherhood isn't a new thing...

No, it is not.
As is not suppressing the voices who tell the truth:

Gareth Jones Soviet Union Newspaper Articles 1930-33

Gareth Jones left Cambridge University in 1929, having gained a First-Class Honours in French, Russian and German to join Mr. David Lloyd George, former Prime Minister to Great Britain (1916-1922). He commenced his new employment as a Foreign Affairs Advisor on January 1st, 1930.

From 1930 to 1933, Gareth visited the Soviet Union on three occasions and after each, he wrote articles for a number of newspapers regarding conditions he observed resulting from Stalin's Five-Year Plan.

On the first occasion in 1930, Gareth reported back to Lloyd George at his country retreat in Churt, Surrey . There he met Lord Lothian, a former wartime secretary to Lloyd George (and later the British Ambassador to the U.S. ), who recommended that Gareth should publish his articles in The Times.

His second independent visit to ' Russia ' in 1931 (as the USSR was widely known at the time in the West) occurred after being head-hunted for his Soviet expertise by the leading American public relations expert, Dr Ivy Lee. It was at Lee's request that Gareth accompanied a young Jack Heinz II (heir to the food manufacturing empire) to Russia and Ukraine , whereby sleeping on the 'bug-infested floors' of Soviet peasantry, they personally experienced the onset of starvation in Ukraine . Heinz took Gareth's copious diary notes and in early 1932 anonymously published (though containing a foreword under Gareth's name) a damning appraisal of 'starving' peasant life in the USSR . Due to the Great Depression, Gareth's one year contract with Lee was terminated and he returned from New York in mid-1932 to rejoin David Lloyd George's employ.

In October 1932, there were increasing rumours within informed London circles and other circumstantial evidence which Gareth had gleamed from recently acquired copies of Izvestia of an on-going famine. As a result he wrote two newspaper articles in a series entitled "Will there be soup?" to highlight the forthcoming winter crisis, before arranging his affairs so as to observe it for himself at his earliest opportunity in the following March..

Early in 1933, Gareth made an extensive tour of Europe . In February one month after Adolf Hitler had been made Chancellor of Germany (and just 3 days before the burning of the Reichstag), Gareth was afforded the 'privilege' to become the first foreign journalist to fly with the newly elected dictator to a rally in Frankfurt-am-Main.

The following month in early March 1933, after an 'off-limits' walking tour of the Soviet Ukraine, Gareth, a young man of just 27 years, exposed to the world the terrible famine-genocide that had befallen the Soviet Union and gave reasons for this tragic state of events. It was in the same week that Malcolm Muggeridge had three unsigned famine articles in the Manchester Guardian published, though at the time, due to the more reported Jewish problems in Germany , they went almost unnoticed. Gareth's story however, broke world-wide with much credence (by virtue of his position with Lloyd George) from a Berlin press interview on the 29th March 1933, and was published in the USA as 'exclusives' on the same day by Pulitzer prize winners; H. R Knickerbocker (1931) and Edgar Adsel Mowrer (1933)..

Even though Gareth revealed the truth, he was publicly denounced as a liar by several Moscow resident Western journalists, including The New York Times' and incumbent 1932 Pulitzer Prize Winner, Walter Duranty. In 1937, Eugene Lyons, a Moscow based correspondent, who repudiated Gareth four years earlier, was apologetic for his actions in his book Assignment in Utopia:

"Throwing down Jones was as unpleasant a chore as fell to any of us in years of juggling facts to please dictatorial regimes—but throw him down we did, unanimously and in almost identical formulas of equivocation. Poor Gareth Jones must have been the most surprised human being alive when the facts he so painstakingly garnered from our mouths were snowed under by our denials."

Undaunted, in a published letter to the New York Times, Gareth reasserted his observations of famine and also stingingly rebutted Duranty describing Moscow-based foreign correspondents as being "masters of euphemism".
they pretend not to understand that at that point of time nobody yet knew what Hitler was.

And since the US recognized much more heinous regime exactly the same year ( Nov 16, 1933) and after it was already known to the US that up to 10 million people were slaughtered in an artificial famine by that regime ( USSR) in Ukraine and the libtard Democrat president pushed that recognition, you, libtards, better STFU

Interesting. So, Obama backing the Muslim Brotherhood isn't a new thing...

No, it is not.
As is not suppressing the voices who tell the truth:

Gareth Jones Soviet Union Newspaper Articles 1930-33

Gareth Jones left Cambridge University in 1929, having gained a First-Class Honours in French, Russian and German to join Mr. David Lloyd George, former Prime Minister to Great Britain (1916-1922). He commenced his new employment as a Foreign Affairs Advisor on January 1st, 1930.

From 1930 to 1933, Gareth visited the Soviet Union on three occasions and after each, he wrote articles for a number of newspapers regarding conditions he observed resulting from Stalin's Five-Year Plan.

On the first occasion in 1930, Gareth reported back to Lloyd George at his country retreat in Churt, Surrey . There he met Lord Lothian, a former wartime secretary to Lloyd George (and later the British Ambassador to the U.S. ), who recommended that Gareth should publish his articles in The Times.

His second independent visit to ' Russia ' in 1931 (as the USSR was widely known at the time in the West) occurred after being head-hunted for his Soviet expertise by the leading American public relations expert, Dr Ivy Lee. It was at Lee's request that Gareth accompanied a young Jack Heinz II (heir to the food manufacturing empire) to Russia and Ukraine , whereby sleeping on the 'bug-infested floors' of Soviet peasantry, they personally experienced the onset of starvation in Ukraine . Heinz took Gareth's copious diary notes and in early 1932 anonymously published (though containing a foreword under Gareth's name) a damning appraisal of 'starving' peasant life in the USSR . Due to the Great Depression, Gareth's one year contract with Lee was terminated and he returned from New York in mid-1932 to rejoin David Lloyd George's employ.

In October 1932, there were increasing rumours within informed London circles and other circumstantial evidence which Gareth had gleamed from recently acquired copies of Izvestia of an on-going famine. As a result he wrote two newspaper articles in a series entitled "Will there be soup?" to highlight the forthcoming winter crisis, before arranging his affairs so as to observe it for himself at his earliest opportunity in the following March..

Early in 1933, Gareth made an extensive tour of Europe . In February one month after Adolf Hitler had been made Chancellor of Germany (and just 3 days before the burning of the Reichstag), Gareth was afforded the 'privilege' to become the first foreign journalist to fly with the newly elected dictator to a rally in Frankfurt-am-Main.

The following month in early March 1933, after an 'off-limits' walking tour of the Soviet Ukraine, Gareth, a young man of just 27 years, exposed to the world the terrible famine-genocide that had befallen the Soviet Union and gave reasons for this tragic state of events. It was in the same week that Malcolm Muggeridge had three unsigned famine articles in the Manchester Guardian published, though at the time, due to the more reported Jewish problems in Germany , they went almost unnoticed. Gareth's story however, broke world-wide with much credence (by virtue of his position with Lloyd George) from a Berlin press interview on the 29th March 1933, and was published in the USA as 'exclusives' on the same day by Pulitzer prize winners; H. R Knickerbocker (1931) and Edgar Adsel Mowrer (1933)..

Even though Gareth revealed the truth, he was publicly denounced as a liar by several Moscow resident Western journalists, including The New York Times' and incumbent 1932 Pulitzer Prize Winner, Walter Duranty. In 1937, Eugene Lyons, a Moscow based correspondent, who repudiated Gareth four years earlier, was apologetic for his actions in his book Assignment in Utopia:

"Throwing down Jones was as unpleasant a chore as fell to any of us in years of juggling facts to please dictatorial regimes—but throw him down we did, unanimously and in almost identical formulas of equivocation. Poor Gareth Jones must have been the most surprised human being alive when the facts he so painstakingly garnered from our mouths were snowed under by our denials."

Undaunted, in a published letter to the New York Times, Gareth reasserted his observations of famine and also stingingly rebutted Duranty describing Moscow-based foreign correspondents as being "masters of euphemism".

Great read, Vox.
Are those people still alive today?

Not important at all, whereas almost four centuries of race hatred on both sides is important today.

Damn, and we all thought that obama was going to be the first post-racism president. But what has he done--------stirred up more racism than any president in recent history.

Nah, far right racist remark. The opposition from the racist of the far right has stirred up the problem tremendously. BHO is not a good president, imo, but race has nothing to do with it.

An aside: I think non-racist America gave Obama close 2nd election, in part, because of the race stupidity in the election

I am glad that can't, apparently, negatively affect elections anymore. IOW, the racists from the right helped to re-elect him.
Whites could indenture themselves for 7 years and serve as slaves, Ravi, in every state in the Union. After that, they could use time served as apprenticeship and either work for pay or go into business for self if they had saved anything at all.
Yes, they had that choice. They still weren't slaves but thanks for the red herring.

Why don't blacks blame the black Africans that sold them in the first place? You don't really hear much of that.

Slavery per se was not an unusual situation in Africa or other places in the world. It's when you get to the Americas with its race-based version that even when you got your freedom, you still weren't truly free. That's the root of the problem. If all the freed slaves had immediately become equal citizens as was the norm in Roman times, for example, we wouldn't be still dealing with its after effects now.
Yes, they had that choice. They still weren't slaves but thanks for the red herring.

Why don't blacks blame the black Africans that sold them in the first place? You don't really hear much of that.

Slavery per se was not an unusual situation in Africa or other places in the world. It's when you get to the Americas with its race-based version that even when you got your freedom, you still weren't truly free. That's the root of the problem. If all the freed slaves had immediately become equal citizens as was the norm in Roman times, for example, we wouldn't be still dealing with its after effects now.

So you are saying that is the reason we get this in 2013?

Saturday Night Card Game (Will banning racism be held racist?)
Why don't blacks blame the black Africans that sold them in the first place? You don't really hear much of that.

Slavery per se was not an unusual situation in Africa or other places in the world. It's when you get to the Americas with its race-based version that even when you got your freedom, you still weren't truly free. That's the root of the problem. If all the freed slaves had immediately become equal citizens as was the norm in Roman times, for example, we wouldn't be still dealing with its after effects now.

So you are saying that is the reason we get this in 2013?

Saturday Night Card Game (Will banning racism be held racist?)

I'm saying the effects of race-based slavery and racism have fucked up nearly everyone in this country. It's plainly evident in the posts that talk about blacks and native Americans owning slaves or who sold them in the first place, as if that made things any better or different. It just means that the poster is either very new to the country and ignorant of its history or in extreme denial.
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It's bullshit that slavery was based on race.

Slavery was based on the need for a productive human animal if you want to bring this down to truth and not a political discussion.

Irish 14 year old slave vs a 14 year old black slave from Africa the higher money at the slave traders is going with the black.

It was what the Africans could and did in the fields that Cromwell's Irish slaves could not do as well.

Think horse trading.

I'm not wanting to ever demean slavery as it continues even as I type, but one has to look at the truth behind slavery.

Humans were dehumanized and became chattel. Humans are today dehumanized and are chattel on this planet. Nothing to do with race.

It has everything to do with race in the Americas. Whatever situation you're referring to with regard to slavery of other ethnic groups the fact remains, when that situation ended, they were indistinguishable from the general population. The same cannot be said for African slaves in America. They were stigmatized after emancipation and we're still feeling its effect to this day.

Oh kiss my ass darling. Get back to me after you explain how First Nations rocked their world on slave trading.

Race wasn't the issue in the early Americas. The slave owners were buying the best and the strongest like live stock.

This upsets me so. But it is the truth.Geese louise it really gets me.
Slavery predates America, to say it's based on race is ludicrous. Learn some freaking history people.
It was in the US and colonial America. Only people of color could be slaves, for instance blacks or Native Americans. White people could not be owned.

Why are you trolling? No. The advent of slavery came about with the invention of agriculture, over 11,000 years ago, in the Neolithic Era. I will hear no more of your lies. And as [MENTION=29697]freedombecki[/MENTION]: made clear:

When White servitude is acknowledged as having existed in America, it is almost always termed as temporary "indentured servitude" or part of the convict trade, which, after the Revolution of 1776, centered on Australia instead of America. The "convicts" transported to America under the 1723 Waltham Act, perhaps numbered 100,000.

The indentured servants who served a tidy little period of 4 to 7 years polishing the master's silver and china and then taking their place in colonial high society, were a minuscule fraction of the great unsung hundreds of thousands of White slaves who were worked to death in this country from the early l7th century onward.

Up to one-half of all the arrivals in the American colonies were Whites slaves and they were America's first slaves. These Whites were slaves for life, long before Blacks ever were. This slavery was even hereditary. White children born to White slaves were enslaved too.

Hoffman reveals: The Forgotten Slaves--Whites in Servitude
Nice unsourced BS. The owning of white people has never been legal in the United States. The owning of people of color has been.
Whites could indenture themselves for 7 years and serve as slaves, Ravi, in every state in the Union. After that, they could use time served as apprenticeship and either work for pay or go into business for self if they had saved anything at all.
Yes, they had that choice. They still weren't slaves but thanks for the red herring.
I can understand your brainwashing. I recommend reading for you: "They Were White and They Were Slaves," by Michael A. Hoffman II.

Don't be such a ninny. Why on earth would you take the word of a Holocaust denier?
Governor of Maine had slaves as well.

Not in Maine he didn't.

Massachusetts outlawed slavery in 1780. Maine was part of MA until 1820.

But King was a merchant and a diplomate (to Spain, I think) so it would not surprise me to learn he owned slaves when he was living elsewhere.
Approximately 1% of the US popoulation owned slaves just prior to the Civil War. I read somewhere that 4,000 free blacks owned slaves as well.

99% of the population that didn't own slaves were as guilty as the 1% that that did own slaves. Seems logical ....:eek:

I don't know where you got that statistic but it is my understanding that about 25% of the FAMILIES in the CSA owned slaves.

Most slaves were owned by a few industrial farming owers that is true, but many families owned one or two slaves.
Crunch the numbers, and I believe one will find that, including the North and West (where it was illegal except for Utah Territory), that 4 to 7% of white families owned slaves.
It's bullshit that slavery was based on race.

Slavery was based on the need for a productive human animal if you want to bring this down to truth and not a political discussion.

Irish 14 year old slave vs a 14 year old black slave from Africa the higher money at the slave traders is going with the black.

It was what the Africans could and did in the fields that Cromwell's Irish slaves could not do as well.

Think horse trading.

I'm not wanting to ever demean slavery as it continues even as I type, but one has to look at the truth behind slavery.

Humans were dehumanized and became chattel. Humans are today dehumanized and are chattel on this planet. Nothing to do with race.

It has everything to do with race in the Americas. Whatever situation you're referring to with regard to slavery of other ethnic groups the fact remains, when that situation ended, they were indistinguishable from the general population. The same cannot be said for African slaves in America. They were stigmatized after emancipation and we're still feeling its effect to this day.

Oh kiss my ass darling. Get back to me after you explain how First Nations rocked their world on slave trading.

Race wasn't the issue in the early Americas. The slave owners were buying the best and the strongest like live stock.

This upsets me so. But it is the truth.Geese louise it really gets me.

Like I said, extreme denial. Race became an issue or the freed slaves would have become accepted as full citizens. History proves they weren't.

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