First slave owner in America was black

So what do I personally need to pay to get the black monkey off my back so we can go back to being equal?

Stop calling human beings "black monkey" would be a good first step. :cool:

When they begin to act in such a way they would be treated that way. Until then I will continue my white flight, and let blacks fend for themselves. They have proven the world over that they can't do it.

What exactly are you expecting?

The type of institutional racism suffered in this country by black folks was and is pretty devastating.

Just as "wealth" is inherited so is poverty.

That in itself is a pretty hard cycle to break, even if a country considers you equal.

That's not the case here.

You cannot pretend to be white if you are not.

And the bars are often hire for non whites in this country.

So? You liberals keep making a big deal about it when a black man doesn't get his way.

For someone so in love with history you seem woefully ignorant of it.
Jews were able to overcome the Christian Nazis, because the world fought against them. You miss the whole world war thing, did ya?

nazis weren't Christians, they were mostly atheists

Nazis were Christian heroes.

Pope Pius signed a condordat with them. Which is a Christian Alliance.


learn some history not from the libbtard brainwashing stories
Almost every civilization that has practiced slavery has suffered from it.

And for a real long time.

So? You liberals keep making a big deal about it when a black man doesn't get his way.

For someone so in love with history you seem woefully ignorant of it.

Hah! Is this all you come at me with? I've already slapped one of your friends around for being woefully lacking in the history department, you wanna go?
Stop calling human beings "black monkey" would be a good first step. :cool:

When they begin to act in such a way they would be treated that way. Until then I will continue my white flight, and let blacks fend for themselves. They have proven the world over that they can't do it.

What exactly are you expecting?

The type of institutional racism suffered in this country by black folks was and is pretty devastating.

Just as "wealth" is inherited so is poverty.

That in itself is a pretty hard cycle to break, even if a country considers you equal.

That's not the case here.

You cannot pretend to be white if you are not.

And the bars are often hire for non whites in this country.

So you are saying that the black kid born next door is at a disadvantage? If they are equal human beings then how are there advantages? Plenty of poor white folk in the south. Yet when I pick up the paper I don't see them killing each other in the middle of town.
Slavery predates America, to say it's based on race is ludicrous. Learn some freaking history people.
It was in the US and colonial America. Only people of color could be slaves, for instance blacks or Native Americans. White people could not be owned.
That is amazing. Blacks killing blacks in 2013 is the fault of slavery in the 1800s. That is a pretty interesting opinion. Whites owe blacks nothing. If they can't fend for themselves it is not my responsibility to help them.
The guy who wants to enslave the american people to a tyranical government is also black.
You're right. He and his minions are doing their damnedest to obfuscate the real costs of "Affordable Health Care Act" which is anything but affordable for the ones who have to pay for it (mainly the Middle Class) and free for people who are also getting free food, free rent, free communications devices, and get-out-of-jail-free cards for crimes they commit with jurists being picked who will not convict them of anything they do if they are a minority, but will throw the book at someone who stops them from committing the crime.
Slavery predates America, to say it's based on race is ludicrous. Learn some freaking history people.
It was in the US and colonial America. Only people of color could be slaves, for instance blacks or Native Americans. White people could not be owned.
Whites could indenture themselves for 7 years and serve as slaves, Ravi, in every state in the Union. After that, they could use time served as apprenticeship and either work for pay or go into business for self if they had saved anything at all. Some did not have the option as promised.
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Slavery predates America, to say it's based on race is ludicrous. Learn some freaking history people.
It was in the US and colonial America. Only people of color could be slaves, for instance blacks or Native Americans. White people could not be owned.
Whites could indenture themselves for 7 years and serve as slaves, Ravi, in every state in the Union. After that, they could use time served as apprenticeship and either work for pay or go into business for self if they had saved anything at all.
Yes, they had that choice. They still weren't slaves but thanks for the red herring.
It was in the US and colonial America. Only people of color could be slaves, for instance blacks or Native Americans. White people could not be owned.
Whites could indenture themselves for 7 years and serve as slaves, Ravi, in every state in the Union. After that, they could use time served as apprenticeship and either work for pay or go into business for self if they had saved anything at all.
Yes, they had that choice. They still weren't slaves but thanks for the red herring.

Why don't blacks blame the black Africans that sold them in the first place? You don't really hear much of that.
Slavery predates America, to say it's based on race is ludicrous. Learn some freaking history people.
It was in the US and colonial America. Only people of color could be slaves, for instance blacks or Native Americans. White people could not be owned.

Why are you trolling? No. The advent of slavery came about with the invention of agriculture, over 11,000 years ago, in the Neolithic Era. I will hear no more of your lies. And as [MENTION=29697]freedombecki[/MENTION]: made clear:

When White servitude is acknowledged as having existed in America, it is almost always termed as temporary "indentured servitude" or part of the convict trade, which, after the Revolution of 1776, centered on Australia instead of America. The "convicts" transported to America under the 1723 Waltham Act, perhaps numbered 100,000.

The indentured servants who served a tidy little period of 4 to 7 years polishing the master's silver and china and then taking their place in colonial high society, were a minuscule fraction of the great unsung hundreds of thousands of White slaves who were worked to death in this country from the early l7th century onward.

Up to one-half of all the arrivals in the American colonies were Whites slaves and they were America's first slaves. These Whites were slaves for life, long before Blacks ever were. This slavery was even hereditary. White children born to White slaves were enslaved too.
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When they begin to act in such a way they would be treated that way. Until then I will continue my white flight, and let blacks fend for themselves. They have proven the world over that they can't do it.

No, you have proven that you are not entitled to American citizenship.

Come and try to take it. End up the same way as TM

Your attitude exactly points to what I am worried about on the far right: victimization and a sense of entitlement.
When they begin to act in such a way they would be treated that way. Until then I will continue my white flight, and let blacks fend for themselves. They have proven the world over that they can't do it.

No, you have proven that you are not entitled to American citizenship.

Wow. Who died and made you president?

Anybody like petey who has a victimization and entitlement complex based on race.

So? You liberals keep making a big deal about it when a black man doesn't get his way.

Good Americans from right to left make a big deal when any American is denied his freedom, liberty, and rights,.

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