First slave owner in America was black

Crunch the numbers, and I believe one will find that, including the North and West (where it was illegal except for Utah Territory), that 4 to 7% of white families owned slaves.

And what % of non whites did? Mexicans,Indians,Blacks etc.

If we accept the overinflated number of 4000 black slave holders, then about .001% of black families owned black chattel slaves. I am sure some Mexican families owned black slaves in Texas, so I suggest you search the US Census 1860 for such. We know American Natives did not practice American negro chattel slavery unless they had joined American society, such as the Cherokees. The numbers of families practicing Negro chattel slavery would be very, very low, and I suggest you check the census as well.
Approximately 1% of the US popoulation owned slaves just prior to the Civil War. I read somewhere that 4,000 free blacks owned slaves as well.

99% of the population that didn't own slaves were as guilty as the 1% that that did own slaves. Seems logical ....:eek:

I don't know where you got that statistic but it is my understanding that about 25% of the FAMILIES in the CSA owned slaves.

Most slaves were owned by a few industrial farming owers that is true, but many families owned one or two slaves.

I said US population - see above. I appreciate your pointing out that the CSA statistics. The fact remains that a minority of the population owned slaves. The US is one of the most racially tolerant countries in the world - which should be celebrated. Instead we continue to rehash this tragic tale. Was it a regrettable period of history - absolutely. However it is time to move on.

You might want to look at the history of Asians in the US. Prejudice against them stiil exists. They rise above it and avail themselves of the opportunities this country provides. Why can't others?

Compared to other countries, this is something to be proud of:

A fascinating map of the world?s most and least racially tolerant countries
Approximately 1% of the US popoulation owned slaves just prior to the Civil War. I read somewhere that 4,000 free blacks owned slaves as well.

99% of the population that didn't own slaves were as guilty as the 1% that that did own slaves. Seems logical ....:eek:

I don't know where you got that statistic but it is my understanding that about 25% of the FAMILIES in the CSA owned slaves.

Most slaves were owned by a few industrial farming owers that is true, but many families owned one or two slaves.

I said US population - see above. I appreciate your pointing out that the CSA statistics. The fact remains that a minority of the population owned slaves. The US is one of the most racially tolerant countries in the world - which should be celebrated. Instead we continue to rehash this tragic tale. Was it a regrettable period of history - absolutely. However it is time to move on.

You might want to look at the history of Asians in the US. Prejudice against them stiil exists. They rise above it and avail themselves of the opportunities this country provides. Why can't others?

Compared to other countries, this is something to be proud of:

A fascinating map of the world?s most and least racially tolerant countries

Intereassting map. The leftist Europe is far more racist than it could be expected by their rhetoric on the international scale :eek:
Either way I don't condone slavery but I also realize the CSA was fighting for the right to determine their own destiny and not be under the thumb of a tyrant dictator. Yes slavery was in their constitution and yes it was wrong but they should have been the ones to decide to release their slaves...everyone says Lincoln is a great man but has ANYONE here read what he really though of slavery and blacks in general? I have...he was a disgusting racist piece of shit who used slavery for his own political gain. The CSA constitution banned the slave trade and eventually probably within 20-30 years all slaves would have been released or died off...kind of hard to keep a trade going when you have no more slaves coming in...Lincoln wanted a war because he wanted to drastically change the way the government was and the power it held. He did so much to the detriment of the country we now live in.
The US is one of the most racially tolerant countries in the world -

Utter and abominable nonsense and called out as such.

The reactions we have from some of the far right to a black president, some of it presented on this board, contradicts such a witless statement.

We have many black on the left that are racist, and we have seen it on this board.

We are racially "tolerant" because some of us have to continually monitor the idiots in the country who are haters to the bone of those different than them.

Racism is a deadly poison that permeates society, cultural, and politics.
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Africans captured and sold fellow Africans to white people on Europe and The US. In 2013, there are more than 25 million Africans enslaved in West Africa. Shouldn't the reparations crowd be going after the Africans.

they don't have any money. reparations require money. so they can only go after the evil american public, even though no living american was a slave owner or a slave.

Leftist leaders are often lawyers. Therefore, it's not about right and wrong or seeking true justice. It's about finding the deepest pockets and finding a way to get their hands on the money.

Did you read the page?

Notably, he was the first true slave owner: that is, the first to hold a black African servant as a slave in the mainland American colonies. Upon his death in 1670, a court ruled that he was "a negro and by consequence, an alien", and the colony seized his land.

It sort of puts the lie to the notion that slavery in the Americas wasn't all about race. As a "Negro" he was automatically an alien and could be legally dispossessed.
Africans captured and sold fellow Africans to white people on Europe and The US. In 2013, there are more than 25 million Africans enslaved in West Africa. Shouldn't the reparations crowd be going after the Africans.

they don't have any money. reparations require money. so they can only go after the evil american public, even though no living american was a slave owner or a slave.

Leftist leaders are often lawyers. Therefore, it's not about right and wrong or seeking true justice. It's about finding the deepest pockets and finding a way to get their hands on the money.

Republican leaders are mostly lawyers. But don't worry. There is a cleansing coming with the GOP. "We don't want smart people" "Education is for snobs" "We don't want elite". Instead of being the party of Jethro, it was be the party of only Jethro.
First slave owner in America was black

Now stop that. Don't you realize there's an agenda here? :eusa_shhh:

Yeah, the agenda seems to be to absolve slave owners "because everybody did it". What's routinely ignored, however, is that it was in the Americas that race entered the equation. Previously slavery had been the result of war, debt, criminality or religion. Race-based slavery meant that even nominally "freed men" weren't really free. We're still suffering from the effects of that part of our history and stories like the OP are counter-productive, because they attempt to whitewash history rather than deal with the facts.

We also 'learned' this week that its okay to just up and leave the union, the North started the Civil War and that slaves were revered by their owners.

Just so many fun facts...errr 'facts' out there
And "We that its okay to just up and leave the union, the North started the Civil War and that slaves were revered by their owners" are "facts" known by educated American youth and young adults to be fabrications by a weak-minded faction in America who are afraid of their country, its history, and its greatness.

This, in part, is why the GOP is beginning a tremendous undergoing that will change it for the better and for the country's betterment during the next decade. The southern white evangeicl euro-centric version of American Exceptionalism is going into the gutter at last.
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Now stop that. Don't you realize there's an agenda here? :eusa_shhh:

Yeah, the agenda seems to be to absolve slave owners "because everybody did it". What's routinely ignored, however, is that it was in the Americas that race entered the equation. Previously slavery had been the result of war, debt, criminality or religion. Race-based slavery meant that even nominally "freed men" weren't really free. We're still suffering from the effects of that part of our history and stories like the OP are counter-productive, because they attempt to whitewash history rather than deal with the facts.

We also 'learned' this week that its okay to just up and leave the union, the North started the Civil War and that slaves were revered by their owners.

Just so many fun facts...errr 'facts' out there
You learn lots of things if you know where to look and what to look for. I learned there are more willfully ignorant people than I previously knew about! You are certainly among them.
Yeah, the agenda seems to be to absolve slave owners "because everybody did it". What's routinely ignored, however, is that it was in the Americas that race entered the equation. Previously slavery had been the result of war, debt, criminality or religion. Race-based slavery meant that even nominally "freed men" weren't really free. We're still suffering from the effects of that part of our history and stories like the OP are counter-productive, because they attempt to whitewash history rather than deal with the facts.

We also 'learned' this week that its okay to just up and leave the union, the North started the Civil War and that slaves were revered by their owners.

Just so many fun facts...errr 'facts' out there
You learn lots of things if you know where to look and what to look for. I learned there are more willfully ignorant people than I previously knew about! You are certainly among them.

No, what you do is highlight distinctions that make no difference and try to legitimise your lame positions by amplifying those distinctions. A few years back there was this guy...probably a sock of yours...that tried to point out that Saddam didnt use WMDs by insisting biological weapons were not used. He used chemical weapons which are every bit as deadly...but the boy couldnt see it.

Whites owned blacks.
It was wrong.
The States in the South left the union because of it.
It was illegal.
They started the Civil War.
The North ended it under extraordinarily charitable terms given 1860's society.

Those are the facts. Spin all you want to.

Did you read the page?

Notably, he was the first true slave owner: that is, the first to hold a black African servant as a slave in the mainland American colonies. Upon his death in 1670, a court ruled that he was "a negro and by consequence, an alien", and the colony seized his land.

It sort of puts the lie to the notion that slavery in the Americas wasn't all about race. As a "Negro" he was automatically an alien and could be legally dispossessed.
He was also a slave himself to begin with. Freedom was relatively meaningless in the Americas and then in the USA for black people during that time and for almost two more centuries.

But hey, some blacks were bad so that makes the fact that the USA condoned slavery A-OK.
We also 'learned' this week that its okay to just up and leave the union, the North started the Civil War and that slaves were revered by their owners.

Just so many fun facts...errr 'facts' out there
You learn lots of things if you know where to look and what to look for. I learned there are more willfully ignorant people than I previously knew about! You are certainly among them.

No, what you do is highlight distinctions that make no difference and try to legitimise your lame positions by amplifying those distinctions. A few years back there was this guy...probably a sock of yours...that tried to point out that Saddam didnt use WMDs by insisting biological weapons were not used. He used chemical weapons which are every bit as deadly...but the boy couldnt see it.

Whites owned blacks.
It was wrong.
The States in the South left the union because of it.
It was illegal.
They started the Civil War.
The North ended it under extraordinarily charitable terms given 1860's society.

Those are the facts. Spin all you want to.
Did Black People Own Slaves? | American Renaissance
The same happened in reverse as well. It was wrong.
Yep South did secede and had every right to do so. They voluntarily became a member of the Union they voluntarily left. No where was it stated one could not leave if it wanted to. It was no civil war. Please look up definition of civil war its defined as one or more groups of people trying to control a nation that is not what happened...the south seceded it wanted nothing to do with the north. So therefore it was no civil war. The South defended its self after asking the north to remove its forces from CSA territory but the north decided to send in reinforcements in essence to pick a fight with a sovereign nation.The USA has gone to war for less you can in no way knock the CSA for doing the same. Like I said remain willfully ignorant if you choose. Some of us decide to educate ourselves past a 3rd grade level.
Neat the way everyone is blaming everyone else for being a slaveholder, as if that, in any way, vindicates everything.
Approximately 1% of the US popoulation owned slaves just prior to the Civil War. I read somewhere that 4,000 free blacks owned slaves as well.

99% of the population that didn't own slaves were as guilty as the 1% that that did own slaves. Seems logical ....:eek:

I don't know where you got that statistic but it is my understanding that about 25% of the FAMILIES in the CSA owned slaves.

Most slaves were owned by a few industrial farming owers that is true, but many families owned one or two slaves.

I said US population - see above. I appreciate your pointing out that the CSA statistics. The fact remains that a minority of the population owned slaves. The US is one of the most racially tolerant countries in the world - which should be celebrated. Instead we continue to rehash this tragic tale. Was it a regrettable period of history - absolutely. However it is time to move on.

You might want to look at the history of Asians in the US. Prejudice against them stiil exists. They rise above it and avail themselves of the opportunities this country provides. Why can't others?

Compared to other countries, this is something to be proud of:

A fascinating map of the world?s most and least racially tolerant countries

That is a cultural thing and worthy of a thread in itself. There are serious culture problems that Black Americans face today within their own race that they MUST deal with. It is becoming a blight on that community and the worst part about it is that the worse it gets, the worse the culture making bad gets. It is a self-sustaining loop of destruction.
Serious culture problems face White Americans today within their own race that they MUST deal with. It is becoming a blight on that community and the worst part about it is until southern white euro-centric evangelicalism that supports it changes, the worse the culture making gets. It is a self-sustaining loop of destruction.
You learn lots of things if you know where to look and what to look for. I learned there are more willfully ignorant people than I previously knew about! You are certainly among them.

No, what you do is highlight distinctions that make no difference and try to legitimise your lame positions by amplifying those distinctions. A few years back there was this guy...probably a sock of yours...that tried to point out that Saddam didnt use WMDs by insisting biological weapons were not used. He used chemical weapons which are every bit as deadly...but the boy couldnt see it.

Whites owned blacks.
It was wrong.
The States in the South left the union because of it.
It was illegal.
They started the Civil War.
The North ended it under extraordinarily charitable terms given 1860's society.

Those are the facts. Spin all you want to.
Did Black People Own Slaves? | American Renaissance
The same happened in reverse as well. It was wrong.
Yep South did secede and had every right to do so. They voluntarily became a member of the Union they voluntarily left. No where was it stated one could not leave if it wanted to. It was no civil war. Please look up definition of civil war its defined as one or more groups of people trying to control a nation that is not what happened...the south seceded it wanted nothing to do with the north. So therefore it was no civil war. The South defended its self after asking the north to remove its forces from CSA territory but the north decided to send in reinforcements in essence to pick a fight with a sovereign nation.The USA has gone to war for less you can in no way knock the CSA for doing the same. Like I said remain willfully ignorant if you choose. Some of us decide to educate ourselves past a 3rd grade level.

You dropped out in 2nd grade.

So I guess part of Louisiana could just decide to leave Louisiana if it wanted to? We could have an unlimited number of states.

You're a professional idiot.
The US is one of the most racially tolerant countries in the world -

Utter and abominable nonsense and called out as such.

The reactions we have from some of the far right to a black president, some of it presented on this board, contradicts such a witless statement.

We have many black on the left that are racist, and we have seen it on this board.

We are racially "tolerant" because some of us have to continually monitor the idiots in the country who are haters to the bone of those different than them.

Racism is a deadly poison that permeates society, cultural, and politics.

You say "from some" (above). Why not say "all". You know you want to. While your at it, be sure to let those two Swedish researchers and the kind folks at the Washington Post know that you will be reviewing their work in the future and to inform you ahead of time before publishing more of this kind of stuff. :cuckoo:

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