First slave owner in America was black

The institution of slavery is a sad footnote in the history of this great nation. It was and is a stain that everyone should do their part to ensure NEVER happens again, regardless of who was/is responsible. We have human trafficking now and it should make every person literally weep that it exists in any form.

Having said that, I am not responsible for an insitution which ceased to exist over 150 years ago. IF there was a black ex-slave currently alive, then I would say they deserve reperations. But I am fairly confident there is not. Reperations is simply another form of the entitlement mentality with a "write me a check" bottom line. Reperations would do nothing to stem the race baiters.

We should understand slavery and how it was such an evil institution. Then we should move on to tackle the problems we face today.
No one is suggesting that at all, Survivalist. All peoples in history had slaves.

In British North America, the colonists and then Americans made slavery definable by color. To be black was to be a slave in the public mindset.

That is the issue, and the one the alternative reality historians here can't get around.

Not just the Europeans who were enslaving the Blacks. The Arabs were not only the primary ones first rounding up Blacks, but were also the ones who regarded them with the most disdain. Black slaves to this day, among others, are still being sold to Arabs in Saudia Arabia and othe countries. Blacks in Togo are still selling themselves as slaves to this day.

If Blacks want to have this stigma removed, they should first clean up their own act in their own backyards.

In my opinion, only real racists would consider Whites enslaving Blacks as more "racist" than one group enslaving any other group.
However, you are responsible for its effects today in our society and for helping to eliminate those effects. I agree that reparations has nothing to do with the issue.
No one is suggesting that at all, Survivalist. All peoples in history had slaves.

In British North America, the colonists and then Americans made slavery definable by color. To be black was to be a slave in the public mindset.

That is the issue, and the one the alternative reality historians here can't get around.

If Blacks want to have this stigma removed, they should first clean up their own act in their own backyards.

If you are talking about blacks enslaving blacks, (1) the overwhelming number of black slavers were in Africa, and (2) the very few black slaver owners here were corrupted by the system.

You cannot get away from white culpability in the problem.
No one is suggesting that at all, Survivalist. All peoples in history had slaves.

In British North America, the colonists and then Americans made slavery definable by color. To be black was to be a slave in the public mindset.

That is the issue, and the one the alternative reality historians here can't get around.

If Blacks want to have this stigma removed, they should first clean up their own act in their own backyards.

If you are talking about blacks enslaving blacks, (1) the overwhelming number of black slavers were in Africa, and (2) the very few black slaver owners here were corrupted by the system.

You cannot get away from white culpability in the problem.

As a liberal, you still think it is 1863, with the evil White slaveholders whipping his Black slaves who don't work hard enough.

That was in the past. Now is the future, and if Blacks want more credability, more respect then they need to take care of their own problems that have been entirely their own for at least 50 years in every country in Africa and the Carribean that they control.

CBC News In Depth: Modern slavery
Ever notice that people the farthest removed always have the worst ideas.

Just throw a stack of self help books in the hood and everything will be fine. Derp!
Slavery in the United States was a racist thing. That's why only people of color could be owned.
Actually it wasn't a race thing it was a need workers buy slaves thing. Whites did it,Blacks did it,Mexicans did it. Ya don't see white folks whining about the slavery of their ancestors do you?

White people don't whine about it, because servitude or slavery in the past doesn't effect their present. Slavery of Africans and their continued second-class status after it ended, had and continues to have effects to this day. It's not about who sold them or that fact that others of their race owned slaves, but that even afterwards the effects lingered.

let's have some proof of this
Actually it wasn't a race thing it was a need workers buy slaves thing. Whites did it,Blacks did it,Mexicans did it. Ya don't see white folks whining about the slavery of their ancestors do you?

White people don't whine about it, because servitude or slavery in the past doesn't effect their present. Slavery of Africans and their continued second-class status after it ended, had and continues to have effects to this day. It's not about who sold them or that fact that others of their race owned slaves, but that even afterwards the effects lingered.

let's have some proof of this

Now lets have some denial.
White people don't whine about it, because servitude or slavery in the past doesn't effect their present. Slavery of Africans and their continued second-class status after it ended, had and continues to have effects to this day. It's not about who sold them or that fact that others of their race owned slaves, but that even afterwards the effects lingered.

let's have some proof of this

Now lets have some denial.


this was from 1965 and there are no facts, only conjecture
Slavery predates America, to say it's based on race is ludicrous. Learn some freaking history people.

You kind off missed the point in the last pages though. It would not matter if it was based on race or not. The fact was, many blacks were slaves and after they were freed, they were still associated with slaves. In essence, if you were a white slave then freed, no one knew and you could live as though you were always free. If you were black and always free, everyone regarded you as a former slave anyway and beneath them.

This is exactly right.

Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America:

It is important to make an accurate distinction between slavery itself and its consequences. The immediate evils produced by slavery were very nearly the same in antiquity as they are among the moderns, but the consequences of these evils were different. The slave among the ancients belonged to the same race as his master, and was often the superior of the two in education and intelligence. Freedom was the only distinction between them; and when freedom was conferred, they were easily confounded together. The ancients, then, had a very simple means of ridding themselves of slavery and its consequences: that of enfranchisement; and they succeeded as soon as they adopted this measure generally. Not but that in ancient states the vestiges of servitude subsisted for some time after servitude itself was abolished. There is a natural prejudice that prompts men to despise whoever has been their inferior long after he has become their equal; and the real inequality that is produced by fortune or by law is always succeeded by an imaginary inequality that is implanted in the manners of the people. But among the ancients this secondary consequence of slavery had a natural limit; for the freedman bore so entire a resemblance to those born free that it soon became impossible to distinguish him from them.

The modern slave differs from his master not only in his condition but in his origin. You may set the Negro free, but you cannot make him otherwise than an alien to the European. Nor is this all we scarcely acknowledge the common features of humanity in this stranger whom slavery has brought among us. His physiog- nomy is to our eyes hideous, his understanding weak, his tastes low; and we are almost inclined to look upon him as a being intermediate between man and the brutes. The moderns, then, after they have abolished slavery, have three prejudices to contend against, which are less easy to attack and far less easy to conquer than the mere fact of servitude: the prejudice of the master, the prejudice of the race, and the prejudice of color.
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this was from 1965 and there are no facts, only conjecture

Separate but equal???
When did blacks get the right to vote?

Yes, even after slavery they were second class citizens. That was true all the way up until they were FINALLY given equal access under the law and allowed to vote. From that point on is when they began to be able to fight for other to even recognize them as equal as up until then, they were LEGALLY INFERIOR.

This really has never been in contention. I have no idea how you can ask for proof of something that is that obvious.
Serious culture problems face White Americans today within their own race that they MUST deal with. It is becoming a blight on that community and the worst part about it is until southern white euro-centric evangelicalism that supports it changes, the worse the culture making gets. It is a self-sustaining loop of destruction.

Well, that blather was worthless.

What I stated is backed by facts – you are just being childish. If you think there is nothing to the fact that blacks are facing very real and very large cultural influences then challenge that. Don’t act like an 8 year old.
However, you are responsible for its effects today in our society and for helping to eliminate those effects. I agree that reparations has nothing to do with the issue.

And what do you suppose is going to do that? What ‘responsibility’ for that problem does he bear?

That is bullshit and simply another way to try and cash in on guilt that should not even exist. The only ‘responsibility’ that we all share is that the law is not biased and we are not making racist decisions. Outside of that, there is nothing for us to really do or for us to be responsible for.


this was from 1965 and there are no facts, only conjecture

Give me some more denial theres even footnotes linking to more information.

Gimmie some more..


The most perplexing question abut American slavery, which has never been altogether explained, and which indeed most Americans hardly know exists, has been stated by Nathan Glazer as follows: "Why was American slavery the most awful the world has ever known?"12 The only thing that can be said with certainty is that this is true: it was.

American slavery was profoundly different from, and in its lasting effects on individuals and their children, indescribably worse than, any recorded servitude, ancient or modern. The peculiar nature of American slavery was noted by Alexis de Tocqueville and others, but it was not until 1948 that Frank Tannenbaum, a South American specialist, pointed to the striking differences between Brazilian and American slavery. The feudal, Catholic society of Brazil had a legal and religious tradition which accorded the slave a place as a human being in the hierarchy of society — a luckless, miserable place, to be sure, but a place withal. In contrast, there was nothing in the tradition of English law or Protestant theology which could accommodate to the fact of human bondage — the slaves were therefore reduced to the status of chattels — often, no doubt, well cared for, even privileged chattels, but chattels nevertheless.

This is where I post links to stuff and you reply with nothing but sarcasm. You asked for proof bud, it's on you.


this was from 1965 and there are no facts, only conjecture

Separate but equal???
When did blacks get the right to vote?

Yes, even after slavery they were second class citizens. That was true all the way up until they were FINALLY given equal access under the law and allowed to vote. From that point on is when they began to be able to fight for other to even recognize them as equal as up until then, they were LEGALLY INFERIOR.

This really has never been in contention. I have no idea how you can ask for proof of something that is that obvious.

you do realize that jim crow was not universal, right?

and the article was still from 1965

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