First slave owner in America was black

Separate but equal???
When did blacks get the right to vote?

Yes, even after slavery they were second class citizens. That was true all the way up until they were FINALLY given equal access under the law and allowed to vote. From that point on is when they began to be able to fight for other to even recognize them as equal as up until then, they were LEGALLY INFERIOR.

This really has never been in contention. I have no idea how you can ask for proof of something that is that obvious.

you do realize that jim crow was not universal, right?

and the article was still from 1965

The date of the article is irrelevant as is the fact that crow laws were not universal. The reality is that they existed and well into the 1900’s. That alone speaks to the simple fact that blacks were not in the same class as whites. They could and were denied basic rights like the right to vote.

That cannot be denied.

Yep those democrats were assholes
When squeeze starts the deny and why routine, it goes on forever. Squeeze is wrong, we all know Squeeze is wrong, so let's keep asking for evidence why he is right.

if I'm wrong then you will be able to show a direct connection between slavery and black illegitimacy rates, or lower SAT scores or............

get the picture now Komrade?
I love the whole push of "Black people did it" to absolve the sins of the predominant slavery of blacks by whites in this country.
you do realize that jim crow was not universal, right?

and the article was still from 1965

The date of the article is irrelevant as is the fact that crow laws were not universal. The reality is that they existed and well into the 1900’s. That alone speaks to the simple fact that blacks were not in the same class as whites. They could and were denied basic rights like the right to vote.

That cannot be denied.

Yep those democrats were assholes

Those god-fearing conservative democrats.
I love the whole push of "Black people did it" to absolve the sins of the predominant slavery of blacks by whites in this country.

no , it's the double standards of blaming all whites , esp. southern whites, and giving a free pass to the others involved
When squeeze starts the deny and why routine, it goes on forever. Squeeze is wrong, we all know Squeeze is wrong, so let's keep asking for evidence why he is right.
you will be able to show a direct connection between slavery and black illegitimacy rates, or lower SAT scores or............
The 'why and deny' continues. Someone who scores between 80 and 90IQ asking for 'slavery and black legitimacy rates' is a hoot

Ahaha, you take no time to do any meaningful research! You need to learn, not whine.

Evidence of slavery predates written records, and has existed in many cultures.[8] Slavery is rare among hunter–gatherer populations, as slavery is a system of social stratification. Mass slavery also requires economic surpluses and a high population density to be viable. Due to these factors, the practice of slavery would have only proliferated after the invention of agriculture during the Neolithic Revolution about 11,000 years ago.[4]

Slavery was known in civilizations as old as Sumer, as well as almost every other ancient civilization, including Ancient Egypt, Ancient China, the Akkadian Empire, Assyria, Ancient India, Ancient Greece, the Roman Empire, the Islamic Caliphate, and the pre-Columbian civilizations of the Americas.[8] Such institutions were a mixture of debt-slavery, punishment for crime, the enslavement of prisoners of war, child abandonment, and the birth of slave children to slaves.[9]


In 1619 twenty Africans were brought by a Dutch soldier and sold to the English colony of Jamestown, Virginia as indentured servants. It is possible that Africans were brought to Virginia prior to this, both because neither John Rolfe our source on the 1619 shipment nor any contemporary of his ever says that this was the first contingent of Africans to come to Virginia and because the 1625 Virginia census lists one black as coming on a ship that appears to only have landed people in Virginia prior to 1619.[173]

History of slavery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anthony Johnson was a black Angolan held as an indentured servant by a merchant in the Colony of Virginia in 1620, but later freed to become a successful tobacco farmer and property owner. Notably, he was the first true slave owner: that is, the first to hold a black African servant as a slave in the mainland American colonies. Upon his death in 1670, a court ruled that he was "a negro and by consequence, an alien", and the colony seized his land.

Anthony Johnson (colonist) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Isn't the point about the origins of slavery in the English colonies?

And..last I checked...1619 is before 1620.
First slave owner in America was black


Are you so moronic as to believe this ‘mitigates’ any aspect of slavery in America, or the predominance of its practice in the South?

One human holding another human in bondage is heinous and reprehensible, regardless of race.

Last, that blacks held slaves was always known, an indication of the insidious nature of the institution.

They are wrong.................. "in 1638, a ship returned to Salem from the West Indies after a seven-month voyage. Its cargo included cotton, tobacco and, as far as we know, the first African slaves to be imported into Massachusetts."

"In 1641 Massachusetts Bay Colony was the first of Britain's mainland colonies to make slavery legal. "

Antonio Johnson vs Casor was in 1654. :)
And it does not matter who owned the first slaves. No one really knows if the Africans in 1619 were indentured servants or slaves, and that Johnson was black in no way undermines the role of race and slavery in British North American and the United States. Johnson was treated as less than white and his property escheated to the state, demonstrating that all blacks were considered unequal to whites.
I love the whole push of "Black people did it" to absolve the sins of the predominant slavery of blacks by whites in this country.

This is very very very old conservative propaganda, part of the whole white people as victims thing that conservatives have embraced.
I love the whole push of "Black people did it" to absolve the sins of the predominant slavery of blacks by whites in this country.

This is very very very old conservative propaganda, part of the whole white people as victims thing that conservatives have embraced.

Only those conservatives that still uphold the American Exceptionalist White Euro-Centric theory espoused by political reactionaries and social traditionalists and out right racists on the far right who claim 'victimazation' by history: tuff.
Basically the type of slavery that the United States practiced is different then that of Indentured Servitude.

Additionally, slavery/indentured servitude was practiced in the colonies since the late 1500s.

yes, shallow, you are correct. Lincoln (a republican) ended it. The civil rights act was passed by republicans despite the fillibustering of democrats.

Correction...the 1965 Civil Rights Act was passed by NORTHERN Republicans and Democrats despite the filibustering of SOUTHERN Republicans and Democrats.

Aka Liberals vs. conservatives respectively.
Yup, squeeze, you are talking to yourself, the double standard dude yourself.
I love the whole push of "Black people did it" to absolve the sins of the predominant slavery of blacks by whites in this country.

This is very very very old conservative propaganda, part of the whole white people as victims thing that conservatives have embraced.

Only those conservatives that still uphold the American Exceptionalist White Euro-Centric theory espoused by political reactionaries and social traditionalists and out right racists on the far right who claim 'victimazation' by history: tuff.

in reality it's the blame whitet crowd's propaganda to shift the blame to white people for something that happened decades if not centuries ago

show us a cause and effect Komrade

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