First slave owner in America was black


this was from 1965 and there are no facts, only conjecture

Separate but equal???
When did blacks get the right to vote?

Yes, even after slavery they were second class citizens. That was true all the way up until they were FINALLY given equal access under the law and allowed to vote. From that point on is when they began to be able to fight for other to even recognize them as equal as up until then, they were LEGALLY INFERIOR.

This really has never been in contention. I have no idea how you can ask for proof of something that is that obvious.

you do realize that jim crow was not universal, right?

and the article was still from 1965

Rhetorical questions and lack of point already? I thought you would've at least waited a little more till you threw the kitchen sink
The inability of negroes to assimilate into American culture cannot be explaind by a single cause. I know...I know...that is a shock to those here who believe it has something to do with the inferior genes of a species that is subhuman to Whites, and I hate to be the one to break the bad news, but we all have our burning crosses to bear.

As Alexis de Tocqueville so presciently foresaw, freeing the slaves would not result in rapid acceptance into the larger society as it had in antiquity. The difference between antiquity and modern slavery is that the ancient slaves were virtually indistinguishable in appearance and background and education from their masters.

While the freed slave of antiquity had to merely deal with the prejudice of the master who despised someone who had been his inferior, the black slave was further burdened with the prejudice of race, and the prejudice of color.

While some white people may have been enslaved in America to a small extent, they were not targeted for special prejudices like blacks were upon achieving their freedom. Not even close.

Being "freed" did not mean being free. Not at all. As FA_Q2 pointed out, white society continued to subjugate blacks long, long, long after the Civil War. Just as Alexis de Toqueville predicted would happen.

That's not to say blacks are entirely innocent for their plight. But in their anger, much of which is entirely understandable, they have chosen demogogues who take advantage of their anger for personal wealth, fame, and power.

Take a guy like Al Sharpton, for example. Look at his blatant exploitation of Tawana Brawley to launch himself into the national spotlight.

We can find many examples of black leadership that is downright ugly and counter-productive and we would be justified at being frustrated at the black community's constant self-destruction in its choice of leadership.

We also find black culture actually criticizes anyone who tries to get along and get ahead on their own merits. This is what I refer to as the "bucket of crabs" problem. We all know the story of an open bucket of crabs from which no crab escapes because as soon as one begins to climb out, the others pull it back in. From where I sit, the black community seems to behave the same way. And that is a real shame.

Even in the present day, Barack Obama had to kneel before Al Sharpton and kiss his ring to get the go-ahead to run for President. You can see Obama actually blushing in their post-blessing photo op.

However, the black community is not exclusive in this behavior. Just look at the modern GOP. We see a party destroying itself in a very public fashion. While screaming that fags are going to destroy marriage, they very nearly selected a serial adulterer, Newt Gingrich, as the recent GOP candidate for President! And we have a GOP governor who abandoned his post and ordered his staff to lie to the people of his state about his whereabouts so he could run to Argentina to screw his mistress. And when he was caught, he actually used the Bible to justify himself for not resigning. The GOP has rewarded him by elevating him to national office!

One has to ask oneself, "Is this REALLY the best they can do?"

One could post many links to many stories of blacks or Republicans self-destructing. At least the black community has an excuse for being so fricking dysfunctional. The GOP has none. It has had nothing but privilege. It is such a shame both communities parted ways in the 60s. They would have kept each other honest.
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Separate but equal???
When did blacks get the right to vote?

Yes, even after slavery they were second class citizens. That was true all the way up until they were FINALLY given equal access under the law and allowed to vote. From that point on is when they began to be able to fight for other to even recognize them as equal as up until then, they were LEGALLY INFERIOR.

This really has never been in contention. I have no idea how you can ask for proof of something that is that obvious.

you do realize that jim crow was not universal, right?

and the article was still from 1965

Rhetorical questions and lack of point already? I thought you would've at least waited a little more till you threw the kitchen sink

the point is assumptions are not facts
The inability of negroes to assimilate into American culture cannot be explaind by a single cause. I know...I know...that is a shock to those here who believe it has something to do with the inferior genes of a species that is subhuman to Whites, and I hate to be the one to break the bad news, but we all have our burning crosses to bear.

As Alexis de Tocqueville so presciently foresaw, freeing the slaves would not result in rapid acceptance into the larger society as it had in antiquity. The difference between antiquity and modern slavery is that the ancient slaves were virtually indistinguishable in appearance and background and education from their masters.

While the freed slave of antiquity had to merely deal with the prejudice of the master who despised someone who had been his inferior, the black slave was further burdened with the prejudice of race, and the prejudice of color.

While some white people may have been enslaved in America to a small extent, they were not targeted for special prejudices like blacks were upon achieving their freedom. Not even close.

Being "freed" did not mean being free. Not at all. As FA_Q2 pointed out, white society continued to subjugate blacks long, long, long after the Civil War. Just as Alexis de Toqueville predicted would happen.

That's not to say blacks are entirely innocent for their plight. But in their anger, much of which is entirely understandable, they have chosen demogogues who take advantage of their anger for personal wealth, fame, and power.

Take a guy like Al Sharpton, for example. Look at his blatant exploitation of Tawana Brawley to launch himself into the national spotlight.

We can find many examples of black leadership that is downright ugly and counter-productive and we would be justified at being frustrated at the black community's constant self-destruction in its choice of leadership.

We also find black culture actually criticizes anyone who tries to get along and get ahead on their own merits. This is what I refer to as the "bucket of crabs" problem. We all know the story of an open bucket of crabs from which no crab escapes because as soon as one begins to climb out, the others pull it back in. From where I sit, the black community seems to behave the same way. And that is a real shame.

Even in the present day, Barack Obama had to kneel before Al Sharpton and kiss his ring to get the go-ahead to run for President. You can see Obama actually blushing in their post-blessing photo op.

However, the black community is not exclusive in this behavior. Just look at the modern GOP. We see a party destroying itself in a very public fashion. While screaming that fags are going to destroy marriage, they very nearly selected a serial adulterer, Newt Gingrich, as the recent GOP candidate for President! And we have a GOP governor who abandoned his post and ordered his staff to lie to the people of his state about his whereabouts so he could run to Argentina to screw his mistress. And when he was caught, he actually used the Bible to justify himself for not resigning. The GOP has rewarded him by elevating him to national office!

One has to ask oneself, "Is this REALLY the best they can do?"

One could post many links to many stories of blacks or Republicans self-destructing. At least the black community has an excuse for being so fricking dysfunctional. The GOP has none. It has had nothing but privilege. It is such a shame both communities parted ways in the 60s. They would have kept each other honest.

link to all the "privilege"

facts only, no conjecture

ps demonstrate how dems are any better
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Actually it wasn't a race thing it was a need workers buy slaves thing. Whites did it,Blacks did it,Mexicans did it. Ya don't see white folks whining about the slavery of their ancestors do you?

White people don't whine about it, because servitude or slavery in the past doesn't effect their present. Slavery of Africans and their continued second-class status after it ended, had and continues to have effects to this day. It's not about who sold them or that fact that others of their race owned slaves, but that even afterwards the effects lingered.

let's have some proof of this

Are you new to the country or just in deep denial? If you are in America, just look around.
you do realize that jim crow was not universal, right?

and the article was still from 1965

Rhetorical questions and lack of point already? I thought you would've at least waited a little more till you threw the kitchen sink

the point is assumptions are not facts

I know what something isn't...What is your point? Cant deny it, cant refute is the smoke screen all you got?
link to all the "privilege" facts only, no conjecture

The above is the horse crap whine of the week and it is only Monday. This is a white man's country, always has been, and some few whites are friggin whining because they have to share what they have taken for granted for centuries. WTF?
White people don't whine about it, because servitude or slavery in the past doesn't effect their present. Slavery of Africans and their continued second-class status after it ended, had and continues to have effects to this day. It's not about who sold them or that fact that others of their race owned slaves, but that even afterwards the effects lingered.

let's have some proof of this

Are you new to the country or just in deep denial? If you are in America, just look around.

it's 2013

ps what am I supposed to be looking at?
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link to all the "privilege"

facts only, no conjecture

Why should we do your work for you? No one can open your eyes but yourself. If you're really living in this country, perhaps you should walk around WITHOUT your head up your butt.

That's his game. He pretend the info doesn't exist and asks others for it (not to change his mind but as an annoyance) then when that info is posted he ignores, finds fault, doesn't like the font size ANYTHING to dismiss it...without actually saying he doesn't believe it.

Saying he doesn't believe it would make him look like a true fool, so he does this dance of "links, links, links" then pushes them all aside when he gets them.

He so loves his ignorance
link to all the "privilege"

facts only, no conjecture

Why should we do your work for you? No one can open your eyes but yourself. If you're really living in this country, perhaps you should walk around WITHOUT your head up your butt.

That's his game. He pretend the info doesn't exist and asks others for it (not to change his mind but as an annoyance) then when that info is posted he ignores, finds fault, doesn't like the font size ANYTHING to dismiss it...without actually saying he doesn't believe it.

Saying he doesn't believe it would make him look like a true fool, so he does this dance of "links, links, links" then pushes them all aside when he gets them.

He so loves his ignorance

show us how slavery has directly caused any black person's failures
Why should we do your work for you? No one can open your eyes but yourself. If you're really living in this country, perhaps you should walk around WITHOUT your head up your butt.

That's his game. He pretend the info doesn't exist and asks others for it (not to change his mind but as an annoyance) then when that info is posted he ignores, finds fault, doesn't like the font size ANYTHING to dismiss it...without actually saying he doesn't believe it.

Saying he doesn't believe it would make him look like a true fool, so he does this dance of "links, links, links" then pushes them all aside when he gets them.

He so loves his ignorance

show us how slavery has directly caused any black person's failures

Show us how the legacy of slavery has been completely wiped out. You're the one making an assertion in contravention to all evidence. PROVE IT.
link to all the "privilege" facts only, no conjecture

The above is the horse crap whine of the week and it is only Monday. This is a white man's country, always has been, and some few whites are friggin whining because they have to share what they have taken for granted for centuries. WTF?

what am I supposed to share?

You are floating on the shame of denial, aren't you? :lol:
The above is the horse crap whine of the week and it is only Monday. This is a white man's country, always has been, and some few whites are friggin whining because they have to share what they have taken for granted for centuries. WTF?

what am I supposed to share?

You are floating on the shame of denial, aren't you? :lol:

couldn't answer the question, could you?
That's his game. He pretend the info doesn't exist and asks others for it (not to change his mind but as an annoyance) then when that info is posted he ignores, finds fault, doesn't like the font size ANYTHING to dismiss it...without actually saying he doesn't believe it.

Saying he doesn't believe it would make him look like a true fool, so he does this dance of "links, links, links" then pushes them all aside when he gets them.

He so loves his ignorance

show us how slavery has directly caused any black person's failures

Show us how the legacy of slavery has been completely wiped out. You're the one making an assertion in contravention to all evidence. PROVE IT.

show us it even exists

this was from 1965 and there are no facts, only conjecture

Separate but equal???
When did blacks get the right to vote?

Yes, even after slavery they were second class citizens. That was true all the way up until they were FINALLY given equal access under the law and allowed to vote. From that point on is when they began to be able to fight for other to even recognize them as equal as up until then, they were LEGALLY INFERIOR.

This really has never been in contention. I have no idea how you can ask for proof of something that is that obvious.

you do realize that jim crow was not universal, right?

and the article was still from 1965

The date of the article is irrelevant as is the fact that crow laws were not universal. The reality is that they existed and well into the 1900’s. That alone speaks to the simple fact that blacks were not in the same class as whites. They could and were denied basic rights like the right to vote.

That cannot be denied.
When squeeze starts the deny and why routine, it goes on forever. Squeeze is wrong, we all know Squeeze is wrong, so let's keep asking for evidence why he is right.
Separate but equal???
When did blacks get the right to vote?

Yes, even after slavery they were second class citizens. That was true all the way up until they were FINALLY given equal access under the law and allowed to vote. From that point on is when they began to be able to fight for other to even recognize them as equal as up until then, they were LEGALLY INFERIOR.

This really has never been in contention. I have no idea how you can ask for proof of something that is that obvious.

you do realize that jim crow was not universal, right?

and the article was still from 1965

The date of the article is irrelevant as is the fact that crow laws were not universal. The reality is that they existed and well into the 1900’s. That alone speaks to the simple fact that blacks were not in the same class as whites. They could and were denied basic rights like the right to vote.

That cannot be denied.

all black people were denied the right to vote until when?

all jurisdictions?

how did colored water fountains cause black unemployment in 2013?

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