Florida is now firmly for Trump liberal poll says....

Floridians never supported the fascist hitlery....

This election is going to be an epic landslide win for Trump...

Trump has 2-point edge in Bloomberg Politics poll of Florida
You don't believe polls remember? Lol
I don't....I thunk Trump is up over 10 points in Florida....

But this poll is the best lie you democrats could tell at this point in the game....:lol:
Want to bet? You can't post until noon for a week following the election if trump loses.
He's already going to bolt when Trump loses anyway.
You're going to bolt when Trump wins anyway....
RCP is a snapshot of the past and is worthless from this point on however...
Translation: I only believe the polls I like.

Thanks for your input.
Translation: I can't read and I don't like what my mommy told me it said about Trump winning...:lol:
LOL. Thanks for the laugh.
Trying to have a normal conversation with that one is pointless.

There's an old saying something along the lines of "Never argue with an idiot; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."
.... and... never argue with an idiot because they only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
....Who wants 550% more radical Muslims who want to kill US in the US, along with MS-13 and other Latino gangs who bring drugs and illegal weapons(because Eric Holder gave them) across the border to either rape or kill our women....
This reminds me of the immortal words of the Marine Corps' favorite badass, Chesty Puller, when he and the 1st Marine Regiment were surrounded by the entire fucking Chinese army at Chosin Reservoir, Korea 1950:
"We've been looking for the enemy for some time now. We've finally found him. We're surrounded. That simplifies things."

Translation: I only believe the polls I like.

Thanks for your input.
Translation: I can't read and I don't like what my mommy told me it said about Trump winning...:lol:
LOL. Thanks for the laugh.
Trying to have a normal conversation with that one is pointless.

There's an old saying something along the lines of "Never argue with an idiot; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."
.... and... never argue with an idiot because they only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Sorry for pissing on your head from up here....have a Trump is winning kinda day!
I think what will hurt Trump in a state like Florida is that he lacks a ground game

He will have difficulty in getting out the vote in a critical state like Florida
im exxagerating OK! but I have already heard that he is 9 points ahead of the beast in Florida and there is no way she can catch up!
Who knows where you heard that? But it matters not anyway since we're now to the point where Crazy Donald can win Florida ... can win every other swing state too ... and he still loses the election...

Agreed. It's very close, but other polls have Hillary in the lead: RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Florida: Trump vs. Clinton
RCP is a snapshot of the past and is worthless from this point on however...
Translation: I only believe the polls I like.

Thanks for your input.
Translation: I can't read and I don't like what my mommy told me it said about Trump winning...:lol:
LOL. Thanks for the laugh.
Trying to have a normal conversation with that one is pointless.
Funny and agreed.

While the Presidential election is close, albeit leaning toward Hillary, my main concern is losing Congress to the Democrats. With a strong Republican Congress, any excesses proposed by Hillary will be shot down. If it goes Democrat, we'd be doubly fucked for 4 years.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Senate Election Polls

2016 House Elections - Polls, Projections and Results


GOP 50 -4
DEM 48 +4


GOP 229 -18
DEM 206 +18


GOP 30 -1
DEM 19
Last edited:
RCP is a snapshot of the past and is worthless from this point on however...
Translation: I only believe the polls I like.

Thanks for your input.
Translation: I can't read and I don't like what my mommy told me it said about Trump winning...:lol:
LOL. Thanks for the laugh.
Trying to have a normal conversation with that one is pointless.
Funny and agreed.

While the Presidential election is close, albeit leaning toward Hillary, my main concern is losing Congress to the Democrats. With a strong Republican Congress, any excesses proposed by Hillary will be shot down. If it goes Democrat, we'd be doubly fucked for 4 years.
I'm not fond of either "major" party having too much power, so I agree.

What concerns me is that I'd also to see our "leaders" act like grown-ups and actually work together. Give & take. You win some, I win some. I don't have to win every time.

Right now, I don't see how this happens.
I couldn't watch the whole thing it was so irritating. She kept interrupting him. She'd ask a question then didn't let him finish. Gee, it's almost as though she was looking for a specific answer- kinda like polls do.

SHE IS AN ATTORNEY! She made Newt look like....well.... a Newt! Everyone with a brain knows Trump is a clueless sociopath.

I live in an upper middle class Florida neighborhood that is 70% Republican. There is one Trump sign. And that went up about a week ago.

I see tons of Trump signs and bumper stickers around where I live and almost no Crooked Hillary support.

Like I said in my post, in past elections by this time I would see a fair representation for the filthy ass Democrat and I am seeing hardly any now.

Either the Moon Bats could care less about Crooked Hillary or they are ashamed to admit they are going to vote for the bitch.

There's a lot of talk about silent Trump supporters who are too embarrassed to say they're voting for Trump. I would say that this is more likely true for Hillary than it is for Trump.

I work in a professional office. Most of us are Republicans. Most of us will be voting for Hillary because Trump is simply unacceptable as a candidate.

Nobody really wants her. There is no passion for her. But people are going to vote for her because of the alternative.
They are too afraid....of you fascist democrats and your Nazi thug tactics.....

Awesomely intelligent response.

I think what will hurt Trump in a state like Florida is that he lacks a ground game

He will have difficulty in getting out the vote in a critical state like Florida

They had one office open in FL at the beginning of Sept.


Hillary had north of 40.

There's a lot of talk about silent Trump supporters who are too embarrassed to say they're voting for Trump. I would say that this is more likely true for Hillary than it is for Trump.

I work in a professional office. Most of us are Republicans. Most of us will be voting for Hillary because Trump is simply unacceptable as a candidate.

Nobody really wants her. There is no passion for her. But people are going to vote for her because of the alternative.

Everything is anecdotal isn't it? My wife and I are both advanced degree professionals and we hardly know anybody that is going to vote for Crooked Hillary here in Florida.

Crooked Hillary is pretty well hated by many people.
Living in the shadow of the I-4 corridor where the election is always decided I just do not see the support for Crooked Hillary.

In the county I live typically the Republicans wins by a 60-40% majority but I would always see support for the Democrat.

I'll give you an anecdotal example of what I am talking about. There is a working class Black community along a major highway that I occasionally drive by. It is not welfare Blacks but middle class.

In past Presidential elections the community seemed to be politically interested and heavily Democrat as you would expect. In 2008 and 2012 there were yard signs and bumper stickers galore for that asshole Obama. In 2004 there were signs for that dickhead Kerry. The same in 2000 for that nutcase Gore.

This year I am not seeing anything for Crooked Hillary. Nada. Ziltch. I am sure some of the idiots there will vote Democrat because being Black they can't help it but I am not seeing the enthusiasm.

I have only seen maybe one or two Crooked Hillary bumper stickers and absolutely no yard signs driving around the state. By this time in past elections I would see many for the filthy ass Democrats. I see many for Trump.

Counting yard signs and bumper stickers does not constitute a valid polling process but I am just not seeing any excitement for Crooked Hillary like I have for the filthy ass Democrats in the past.

There were 27,000 people to see Trump on a weekday night in Tampa this week. Crooked Hillary has trouble getting 2700 to her rallies and that shithead she picked as VP had trouble getting 27 at one of his speech the other day.

I think Trump will do 3-5% better than what the polls are showing. He is a populists and the polling models that the pollsters use can't model populist very well.

I live in an upper middle class Florida neighborhood that is 70% Republican. There is one Trump sign. And that went up about a week ago.
Maybe they aren't keen to draw the attention of the lunatic violent democrat voters?
Floridians never supported the fascist hitlery....

This election is going to be an epic landslide win for Trump...

Trump has 2-point edge in Bloomberg Politics poll of Florida
You don't believe polls remember? Lol
I don't....I thunk Trump is up over 10 points in Florida....

But this poll is the best lie you democrats could tell at this point in the game....:lol:
Want to bet? You can't post until noon for a week following the election if trump loses.
He's already going to bolt when Trump loses anyway.
If I am not mistaken, when Trump wins and wins like Ronald Reagan, all you libidiots are going to flock to Canada. Why would you go there when Cuba, you know the Socialist Utopia of the Caribbean, has been opened for you. Live the dream, Fidel and his brother needs you. Take your failed messiah with you and his tranny partner also.

Floridians never supported the fascist hitlery....

This election is going to be an epic landslide win for Trump...

Trump has 2-point edge in Bloomberg Politics poll of Florida
You don't believe polls remember? Lol
I don't....I thunk Trump is up over 10 points in Florida....

But this poll is the best lie you democrats could tell at this point in the game....:lol:
Want to bet? You can't post until noon for a week following the election if trump loses.
He's already going to bolt when Trump loses anyway.
If I am not mistaken, when Trump wins and wins like Ronald Reagan, all you libidiots are going to flock to Canada. Why would you go there when Cuba, you know the Socialist Utopia of the Caribbean, has been opened for you. Live the dream, Fidel and his brother needs you. Take your failed messiah with you and his tranny partner also.

View attachment 95342
I bookmarked this post to make fun of you after the election but something tells me you won't be posting here after November 8th.
RCP is a snapshot of the past and is worthless from this point on however...
Translation: I only believe the polls I like.

Thanks for your input.
Translation: I can't read and I don't like what my mommy told me it said about Trump winning...:lol:
LOL. Thanks for the laugh.
Trying to have a normal conversation with that one is pointless.

There's an old saying something along the lines of "Never argue with an idiot; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."

Who's the crazy person? The crazy person or the person arguing with the crazy person?

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