Florida to teach the positive aspects of slavery in Black history

Wow!!! Talk about MAGALoonery! Q-Anon goofery.
This thread is Exhibit A in jackassery.
Let's do a test drive on some of the more thoughtful contributions.

First, from the esteemed Lenny 'Cyber-Ninja' Partiv.

He offered the forum these insights:

(slavery)....."...it was a job."
But back then the unemployment rate for blacks was zero percent.
Unfortunately Democrats will never see slavery as a good thing.
Just because DeSantis backs this new educational version of slavery doesn't mean he has read it.
(lynching) That was an accepted form of meting out justice back then
Surprisingly, Ninja Lenny does stumble upon some truisms. First, most Americans, including Democrats, will not see slavery "as a good thing". Witness: So few whites volunteered to take the place of black slaves in the cotton field.

And then, Ninja Lenny is likely right that just because DeSantis backs the 'educational version" certainly doesn't mean he has read it. Sounds like a left-handed compliment, if I've ever heard one.

And then the troll-ringer: Lynching = Justice.
Well, maybe NinjaLenny grew up someplace other than America. Where the scales of justice are a noose.

I love this bar. It is the Mos Eisley Cantina in American life. IMHO


Perhaps you could list other benefits of slavery ?
Yeah, TT, I'm waiting for the definitive listing.
Maybe we could get our Q-Anon loons here to offer up a list.....then copy it to the NAACP to see if their list is the same?


they will lets 10s of thousands of black children die every year in gang crime, and millions die through abortions. (underlining by my avatar.)

I think good poster 2aguy is claiming Democrats "let thousands die in gang crime"??
And millions through abortion?
Ummmm, that is a bit of shrill hyperbole, in my opinion. Panicky histrionics.
And it ain't true.
If, as we have read on this forum, that the Democrats coddle and cater to blacks only to get their votes.....then why would they "let" 'em die in gang violence? 'Let' em abort?

In my opinion, 2aguy doesn't know much about civic dynamics. For blacks. For whites. For Americans.

Sad. Bigly.

Exhibits showing slaves making things useful commercially. Producing wine and nails for instance. They would know how to butcher.
As mentioned earlier, did they get to keep that wine?
Selling those well-made, skillfully crafted nails.....garnered how much cash for the craftsman? Or, how much cash for Master Jefferson?
Does making license plates in prison..........benefit the prisoner or the State?

Slavery held black people back and did not allow them to achieve any life goals that were not to the benefit of the master.
let’s all just ignore @Tommy Tainant.......I’m already adding to the ignore list.

Let's not.
My avatar, for one, enjoys TT's contribution. He is quite usually articulate, has better grammar than most. And better logic too. Often brings perceptive insights and a 'fresh eye' to the mix as he or his avatar is purportedly from the UK.
That is 'value-added' in my view.

And I like the cut of his jib when skewering the xenophobia and parochialism that we too often see in our frequent posting MAGA/Q-Anon cadre.

PS and BTW......Anybody who puts anybody else on 'ignore' is a snowflake. A wuss. A girly-boy. A man-baby. Chickenmerde'.
Suck it up and quit thinking that everyone here must think like Alex Jones. If one doesn't like another poster's ideas....skip over the postings. Duh!!

Why would blacks see slavery as wrong?
Boy, that's a toughie.
Let's see: Daughters raped by the plantation owner. Wife and sons sold to other plantations 800 miles away. Whipped for not meeting quota. Beans and poke-salad menu. Learning to read....gets you killed.
Who couldn't like that?

Those in VA, head to Mt. Vernon and see all the skills those slaves learned. Same with Monticello.
They learned that if they made a competent saddle, manufactured nails and horseshoes that the fruits of their labor went to Massa Jefferson. They didn't get to keep the gun whose trigger they fixed. They didn't get to own the horse whose shoes they created.
To suggest that those poor blacks could not have learned trades, skills, and agency if they had not been fortunate enough to be enslaved is........jackassery. IMHO
Let's do a test drive on some of the more thoughtful contributions.

As mentioned earlier, did they get to keep that wine?
Selling those well-made, skillfully crafted nails.....garnered how much cash for the craftsman? Or, how much cash for Master Jefferson?
Does making license plates in prison..........benefit the prisoner or the State?

Boy, that's a toughie.
Let's see: Daughters raped by the plantation owner. Wife and sons sold to other plantations 800 miles away. Whipped for not meeting quota. Beans and poke-salad menu. Learning to read....gets you killed.
Who couldn't like that?

They learned that if they made a competent saddle, manufactured nails and horseshoes that the fruits of their labor went to Massa Jefferson. They didn't get to keep the gun whose trigger they fixed. They didn't get to own the horse whose shoes they created.
To suggest that those poor blacks could not have learned trades, skills, and agency if they had not been fortunate enough to be enslaved is........jackassery. IMHO
I am only responsible to reply to the above and not the gangbang job presented by the first party.
The idea is that slaves were freed. And once freed can market their skills. This should not be difficult to understand.
The nonsense about rape and so forth simply does not apply to freed blacks unless raped when free.
Slaves contrary to most opinions were not cheap to buy. Back then a $1000 payment for a slave was a huge sum of money. If a plantation had a surplus of slaves, sure revenue could come in by selling some slaves. Same way a rancher sells cattle.

The last blazing saddles remarks seems again that he did not read my post. I was talking about slaves learning marketable skills for their benefit and not as retained slaves, but as free humans.
We seem to be caught in a dilemma that today Democrats talk as releasing slaves was a win win for slaves who in their minds were merely a bunch of dumb very ignorant blacks. My version is the blacks released were not dumb or ignorant and had marketable skills. Learned as a slave.

Those who actually studied the actual courses to be taught in Florida understand that slaves in cases were mistreated. We see owners of dogs beat them. So we do not presume all slaves got beat nor that none were beat. Some were.

Newly approved academic standards from Florida’s Board of Education will require middle schools to teach that enslaved people "developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit" — a line that has ignited significant controversy among teachers' groups.

The standards, which were approved Wednesday, come in response to the state's 2022 "Stop WOKE Act," which stated that race must be taught in "an objective manner" that does not "indoctrinate or persuade students to a particular point of view." The measure pushed far-right lawmakers' rhetoric that teaching Black history makes White people feel ashamed, instructing that no student should be made to feel "guilt" or "responsibility" for actions previously committed by members of the same race.

In a state where the citizens describe mask mandates as "slavery" they take a very charitable view of actual slavery. It seems that chains and whips and rapings were misunderstood. They were actually programmes that helped black people become more useful slaves.

Its a novel approach to history but I suspect that the usual suspects will sieze on this and interpret it as Gov DeSantis being some sort of fascist.

People can be unkind in that regard.
The truth comes out, mainly non whites came up with it. They also stated that after the Civil War and slavery ended. The free slaves could use the skills they learned as slaves to be self efficient. Which is the truth, what is wrong with that? You loons do nothing but lie.
Wow!!! Talk about MAGALoonery! Q-Anon goofery.
This thread is Exhibit A in jackassery.
Let's do a test drive on some of the more thoughtful contributions.

First, from the esteemed Lenny 'Cyber-Ninja' Partiv.

He offered the forum these insights:

Surprisingly, Ninja Lenny does stumble upon some truisms. First, most Americans, including Democrats, will not see slavery "as a good thing". Witness: So few whites volunteered to take the place of black slaves in the cotton field.

And then, Ninja Lenny is likely right that just because DeSantis backs the 'educational version" certainly doesn't mean he has read it. Sounds like a left-handed compliment, if I've ever heard one.

And then the troll-ringer: Lynching = Justice.
Well, maybe NinjaLenny grew up someplace other than America. Where the scales of justice are a noose.

I love this bar. It is the Mos Eisley Cantina in American life. IMHO


Yeah, TT, I'm waiting for the definitive listing.
Maybe we could get our Q-Anon loons here to offer up a list.....then copy it to the NAACP to see if their list is the same?


I think good poster 2aguy is claiming Democrats "let thousands die in gang crime"??
And millions through abortion?
Ummmm, that is a bit of shrill hyperbole, in my opinion. Panicky histrionics.
And it ain't true.

If, as we have read on this forum, that the Democrats coddle and cater to blacks only to get their votes.....then why would they "let" 'em die in gang violence? 'Let' em abort?

In my opinion, 2aguy doesn't know much about civic dynamics. For blacks. For whites. For Americans.

Sad. Bigly.

As mentioned earlier, did they get to keep that wine?
Selling those well-made, skillfully crafted nails.....garnered how much cash for the craftsman? Or, how much cash for Master Jefferson?
Does making license plates in prison..........benefit the prisoner or the State?

Let's not.
My avatar, for one, enjoys TT's contribution. He is quite usually articulate, has better grammar than most. And better logic too. Often brings perceptive insights and a 'fresh eye' to the mix as he or his avatar is purportedly from the UK.
That is 'value-added' in my view.

And I like the cut of his jib when skewering the xenophobia and parochialism that we too often see in our frequent posting MAGA/Q-Anon cadre.

PS and BTW......Anybody who puts anybody else on 'ignore' is a snowflake. A wuss. A girly-boy. A man-baby. Chickenmerde'.
Suck it up and quit thinking that everyone here must think like Alex Jones. If one doesn't like another poster's ideas....skip over the postings. Duh!!

Boy, that's a toughie.
Let's see: Daughters raped by the plantation owner. Wife and sons sold to other plantations 800 miles away. Whipped for not meeting quota. Beans and poke-salad menu. Learning to read....gets you killed.
Who couldn't like that?

They learned that if they made a competent saddle, manufactured nails and horseshoes that the fruits of their labor went to Massa Jefferson. They didn't get to keep the gun whose trigger they fixed. They didn't get to own the horse whose shoes they created.
To suggest that those poor blacks could not have learned trades, skills, and agency if they had not been fortunate enough to be enslaved is........jackassery. IMHO
Who rushed to hire the freed blacks?
And I did not make the claims you alleged I made.

I think I see your confusion.
So let me clear up that confusion.
I was discussing AFTER the slaves were freed that they had marketable skills. Same as Florida teaches this course. I was NEVER discussing such skills being marketable during their time as slaves. But let's use you as an example.

This is not real, but just a way to get across an idea.

Say you own 50 slaves. And upon birth, now you have 55. Do you keep them or sell them? If you sell all, who handles the duties previously handled by the slaves? If you sell only the 5 extra, do you sell them for a low price or all you can get at auction or direct sale?
The truth comes out, mainly non whites came up with it. They also stated that after the Civil War and slavery ended. The free slaves could use the skills they learned as slaves to be self efficient. Which is the truth, what is wrong with that? You loons do nothing but lie.
Simple question. Did slaves learn marketable skills working on plantations or were they not able to learn marketable skills?

Newly approved academic standards from Florida’s Board of Education will require middle schools to teach that enslaved people "developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit" — a line that has ignited significant controversy among teachers' groups.

The standards, which were approved Wednesday, come in response to the state's 2022 "Stop WOKE Act," which stated that race must be taught in "an objective manner" that does not "indoctrinate or persuade students to a particular point of view." The measure pushed far-right lawmakers' rhetoric that teaching Black history makes White people feel ashamed, instructing that no student should be made to feel "guilt" or "responsibility" for actions previously committed by members of the same race.

In a state where the citizens describe mask mandates as "slavery" they take a very charitable view of actual slavery. It seems that chains and whips and rapings were misunderstood. They were actually programmes that helped black people become more useful slaves.

Its a novel approach to history but I suspect that the usual suspects will sieze on this and interpret it as Gov DeSantis being some sort of fascist.

People can be unkind in that regard.

The curriculum team didn’t say what you claim, and they didn’t say anything factually untrue.

Said team is run by an African American and if you asked him his intentions rather than misread on purpose, he’s been all too happy to clarify.


Anyway end public schools regardless.
Conservatives attempting to defend the lie that enslaved Americans somehow ‘benefited’ from being in bondage is yet another example of how bold conservatives have become in expressing their racism and hate.

Conservatives embracing this racist revisionism is nothing new, of course; conservatives can’t seek to demonize and vilify black Americans if there are factual and current accounts of how Americans of color were disadvantages the consequence of slavery, Black Codes, Jim Crow, segregation, and the rightwing racism that exists today.
When I was in the Army, the draft was legal and many millions were drafted. That amounts to slavery by our own government.
Not every black learned from being a slave skills such as harvesting crops, the care and maintenance of animals, the skills needed on plantations to sustain said plantation. The skill of butchering animals. The skill of care of crops like cotton or tobacco. When they were freed, those knowing skills could market them to market. It is a plus that a slave could learn how to survive using his learned skills from being a slave. Such as when I was in the Army, I got much better at typing than prior to being in the army. I also had learned survival skills during combat so that were I in a battle, I had a better chance to live than when I was first drafted. (I was never in combat)
When I was in the Army, the draft was legal and many millions were drafted. That amounts to slavery by our own government.
Not every black learned from being a slave skills such as harvesting crops, the care and maintenance of animals, the skills needed on plantations to sustain said plantation. The skill of butchering animals. The skill of care of crops like cotton or tobacco. When they were freed, those knowing skills could market them to market. It is a plus that a slave could learn how to survive using his learned skills from being a slave. Such as when I was in the Army, I got much better at typing than prior to being in the army. I also had learned survival skills during combat so that were I in a battle, I had a better chance to live than when I was first drafted. (I was never in combat)
So slavery is a good thing then?
The truth comes out, mainly non whites came up with it. They also stated that after the Civil War and slavery ended. The free slaves could use the skills they learned as slaves to be self efficient. Which is the truth, what is wrong with that? You loons do nothing but lie.
Those who learned marketable skill were few. Most toiled and in the fields, including children. Is there anything you won’t defend?
Wow!!! Talk about MAGALoonery! Q-Anon goofery.
This thread is Exhibit A in jackassery.
Let's do a test drive on some of the more thoughtful contributions.

First, from the esteemed Lenny 'Cyber-Ninja' Partiv.

He offered the forum these insights:

Surprisingly, Ninja Lenny does stumble upon some truisms. First, most Americans, including Democrats, will not see slavery "as a good thing". Witness: So few whites volunteered to take the place of black slaves in the cotton field.

And then, Ninja Lenny is likely right that just because DeSantis backs the 'educational version" certainly doesn't mean he has read it. Sounds like a left-handed compliment, if I've ever heard one.

And then the troll-ringer: Lynching = Justice.
Well, maybe NinjaLenny grew up someplace other than America. Where the scales of justice are a noose.

I love this bar. It is the Mos Eisley Cantina in American life. IMHO


Yeah, TT, I'm waiting for the definitive listing.
Maybe we could get our Q-Anon loons here to offer up a list.....then copy it to the NAACP to see if their list is the same?


I think good poster 2aguy is claiming Democrats "let thousands die in gang crime"??
And millions through abortion?
Ummmm, that is a bit of shrill hyperbole, in my opinion. Panicky histrionics.
And it ain't true.

If, as we have read on this forum, that the Democrats coddle and cater to blacks only to get their votes.....then why would they "let" 'em die in gang violence? 'Let' em abort?

In my opinion, 2aguy doesn't know much about civic dynamics. For blacks. For whites. For Americans.

Sad. Bigly.

As mentioned earlier, did they get to keep that wine?
Selling those well-made, skillfully crafted nails.....garnered how much cash for the craftsman? Or, how much cash for Master Jefferson?
Does making license plates in prison..........benefit the prisoner or the State?

Let's not.
My avatar, for one, enjoys TT's contribution. He is quite usually articulate, has better grammar than most. And better logic too. Often brings perceptive insights and a 'fresh eye' to the mix as he or his avatar is purportedly from the UK.
That is 'value-added' in my view.

And I like the cut of his jib when skewering the xenophobia and parochialism that we too often see in our frequent posting MAGA/Q-Anon cadre.

PS and BTW......Anybody who puts anybody else on 'ignore' is a snowflake. A wuss. A girly-boy. A man-baby. Chickenmerde'.
Suck it up and quit thinking that everyone here must think like Alex Jones. If one doesn't like another poster's ideas....skip over the postings. Duh!!

Boy, that's a toughie.
Let's see: Daughters raped by the plantation owner. Wife and sons sold to other plantations 800 miles away. Whipped for not meeting quota. Beans and poke-salad menu. Learning to read....gets you killed.
Who couldn't like that?

They learned that if they made a competent saddle, manufactured nails and horseshoes that the fruits of their labor went to Massa Jefferson. They didn't get to keep the gun whose trigger they fixed. They didn't get to own the horse whose shoes they created.
To suggest that those poor blacks could not have learned trades, skills, and agency if they had not been fortunate enough to be enslaved is........jackassery. IMHO
Thanks Chili, much appreciated. I am waiting to see pix of the ling lines of white guys waiting to get on the slave training programmes. That would shut me up.

Meanwhile I believe we are seeing an attempt to normalise the desantis brand of fascism at play in Florida.

Its strange that not one acedemic has stepped forward to explain this course. perhaps they are busy reinterpreting the Holocaust.
The truth comes out, mainly non whites came up with it. They also stated that after the Civil War and slavery ended. The free slaves could use the skills they learned as slaves to be self efficient. Which is the truth, what is wrong with that? You loons do nothing but lie.
The vast majority of slaves lived and died in slavery. Its moronic to argue otherwise.
So slavery is a good thing then?
Surprises me you ask that. Jail is not a good thing either but if a person gets a college degree while in jail, don't you think that is better than sitting in Jail?
Those who learned marketable skill were few. Most toiled and in the fields, including children. Is there anything you won’t defend?
Isn't that why your party says we need an open borders now? We need them to pick our crops, that's what Pelosi said. So they learned something that could make them money. So you going to defend the open border now?
The vast majority of slaves lived and died in slavery. Its moronic to argue otherwise.
The same can be said about minorities in democrat run shitholes. They are born in poverty, given no education, democrats give them enough welfare to barely survive, all for a vote. Killing each other at a high rate, the democrat way. Modern slavery.
The same can be said about minorities in democrat run shitholes. They are born in poverty, given no education, democrats give them enough welfare to barely survive, all for a vote. Killing each other at a high rate, the democrat way. Modern slavery.
It really cant. You excel yourself im ignorance.
Wow!!! Talk about MAGALoonery! Q-Anon goofery.
This thread is Exhibit A in jackassery.
Let's do a test drive on some of the more thoughtful contributions.

First, from the esteemed Lenny 'Cyber-Ninja' Partiv.

He offered the forum these insights:

Surprisingly, Ninja Lenny does stumble upon some truisms. First, most Americans, including Democrats, will not see slavery "as a good thing". Witness: So few whites volunteered to take the place of black slaves in the cotton field.

And then, Ninja Lenny is likely right that just because DeSantis backs the 'educational version" certainly doesn't mean he has read it. Sounds like a left-handed compliment, if I've ever heard one.

And then the troll-ringer: Lynching = Justice.
Well, maybe NinjaLenny grew up someplace other than America. Where the scales of justice are a noose.

I love this bar. It is the Mos Eisley Cantina in American life. IMHO


Yeah, TT, I'm waiting for the definitive listing.
Maybe we could get our Q-Anon loons here to offer up a list.....then copy it to the NAACP to see if their list is the same?


I think good poster 2aguy is claiming Democrats "let thousands die in gang crime"??
And millions through abortion?
Ummmm, that is a bit of shrill hyperbole, in my opinion. Panicky histrionics.
And it ain't true.

If, as we have read on this forum, that the Democrats coddle and cater to blacks only to get their votes.....then why would they "let" 'em die in gang violence? 'Let' em abort?

In my opinion, 2aguy doesn't know much about civic dynamics. For blacks. For whites. For Americans.

Sad. Bigly.

As mentioned earlier, did they get to keep that wine?
Selling those well-made, skillfully crafted nails.....garnered how much cash for the craftsman? Or, how much cash for Master Jefferson?
Does making license plates in prison..........benefit the prisoner or the State?

Let's not.
My avatar, for one, enjoys TT's contribution. He is quite usually articulate, has better grammar than most. And better logic too. Often brings perceptive insights and a 'fresh eye' to the mix as he or his avatar is purportedly from the UK.
That is 'value-added' in my view.

And I like the cut of his jib when skewering the xenophobia and parochialism that we too often see in our frequent posting MAGA/Q-Anon cadre.

PS and BTW......Anybody who puts anybody else on 'ignore' is a snowflake. A wuss. A girly-boy. A man-baby. Chickenmerde'.
Suck it up and quit thinking that everyone here must think like Alex Jones. If one doesn't like another poster's ideas....skip over the postings. Duh!!

Boy, that's a toughie.
Let's see: Daughters raped by the plantation owner. Wife and sons sold to other plantations 800 miles away. Whipped for not meeting quota. Beans and poke-salad menu. Learning to read....gets you killed.
Who couldn't like that?

They learned that if they made a competent saddle, manufactured nails and horseshoes that the fruits of their labor went to Massa Jefferson. They didn't get to keep the gun whose trigger they fixed. They didn't get to own the horse whose shoes they created.
To suggest that those poor blacks could not have learned trades, skills, and agency if they had not been fortunate enough to be enslaved is........jackassery. IMHO
black people are still slaves to the democrat party......any black perosn will tell you if they dont vote democrat they are in terror of losing their welfare check

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