Florida to teach the positive aspects of slavery in Black history

When I was in the Army, the draft was legal and many millions were drafted. That amounts to slavery by our own government.
Not every black learned from being a slave skills such as harvesting crops, the care and maintenance of animals, the skills needed on plantations to sustain said plantation. The skill of butchering animals. The skill of care of crops like cotton or tobacco. When they were freed, those knowing skills could market them to market. It is a plus that a slave could learn how to survive using his learned skills from being a slave. Such as when I was in the Army, I got much better at typing than prior to being in the army. I also had learned survival skills during combat so that were I in a battle, I had a better chance to live than when I was first drafted. (I was never in combat)
while in the military I made marksman first time on the range....that is a skill I am damned happy to have
It really cant. You excel yourself im ignorance.
20 percent of blacks live in poverty. Seems the Democrats left them behind.

Poverty rate in the United States by ethnic group 2021​

Published by Statista Research Department, Sep 30, 2022
In 2021, 19.5 percent of Black people living in the United States were living below the poverty line. This is compared to 8.2 percent of White people, and 8.1 percent of Asian people.
Isn't that why your party says we need an open borders now?

No one calls for open borders, stop lying or learn what open borders mean.
We need them to pick our crops, that's what Pelosi said.

Not just Pelosi. Farmers as well. This is exactly we need CONGRESS to pass a comprehensive immigration bill.

But what does this have to do with white washing the history of slavery in America?

So they learned something that could make them money. So you going to defend the open border now?
Your attempt at equivalencies is nonsensical.
black people are still slaves to the democrat party......any black perosn will tell you if they dont vote democrat they are in terror of losing their welfare check
I have yet to hear a single Black person say that.
and if still in africa they could be enjoying a great baked lizard pie
You don’t know that. Are saying they should be grateful for being enslaved?

Would you rather be free somewhere else or a slave in America?
Picking cotton is not marketable. It’s hard unskilled manual labor.
Well not today. Cotton is picked using machines. But when I was in the 5th grade, I lived on a Cotton farm and did chop cotton. This is chopping weeds out of the area of the cotton plants. We used a hoe with about 1/2 the blade depth as a normal hoe. I was then paid .50 cents per hour for the work.

Slaves had more skills than working fields.

Since I have been on an all day trip to Mt. Vernon, let's see what they say.

The jobs done by enslaved workers at Mount Vernon varied considerably from person to person. Of the 316 slaves working on the Estate in 1799, 42% were either too old or too young to work. Of the remaining people, 28% were skilled laborers working as house servants, blacksmiths, barrel makers, cooks, dairy maids, gardeners, millers, distillers, seamstresses, shoemakers, spinners, knitters, ditch diggers, wagon drivers, or postillions driving the carriage. Most of the skilled slaves were men, who held nearly 75% of these jobs. A significant number of the skilled slaves appear to have been of mixed race, a fact that was frequently noted by visitors to the estate.

Almost three-quarters of the working slaves at Mount Vernon labored in the fields. Over 61% of the field slaves were women who hoed and ploughed, harvested, and built fences around the Estate. Slaves who were physically disabled in some way were often given less physically demanding jobs such as making clothing or shoes, or picking the seeds of wild onions out of the oat seeds.1
No one calls for open borders, stop lying or learn what open borders mean.

Not just Pelosi. Farmers as well. This is exactly we need CONGRESS to pass a comprehensive immigration bill.

But what does this have to do with white washing the history of slavery in America?

Your attempt at equivalencies is nonsensical.
We already have laws that stipulate how the immigrants can come to work in the farmers fields. Surprised you do not know that.

We do not need to scream our borders are open, Biden made sure they know this while he lies saying they are closed.
No one calls for open borders, stop lying or learn what open borders mean.

Not just Pelosi. Farmers as well. This is exactly we need CONGRESS to pass a comprehensive immigration bill.

But what does this have to do with white washing the history of slavery in America?

Your attempt at equivalencies is nonsensical.
About 200,000 a year under Trump, over 6 million with Biden in 2 1/2 years. Go ahead and defend that.

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