Florida to teach the positive aspects of slavery in Black history

Slaves did get whipped, raped, tortured, and killed. They did not get paid for their labors. Anyone who thinks slaves benefited are frankly, insane.

This is the benefit slaves received:
You are spectacularly in the weeds.

You are so lost it's scary.

Didn't you used to moderate here?

That's even scarier. :eek:

Anyhoo, yeah - the curriculum isn't saying Blacks benefitted from slavery.

That's just the voices in your head. :)
It says “slavery is a good thing” on page 6?

That’s what you said was the authentic voice of DeSantis.

Please cite exactly where it says that
There's reality, and there's what racist liberal trolls insist is real.

Choose one.
I was mainly speaking on the benefits blacks gained from being enslaved i.e. trade skills & the like. I do not think making that the focus would be all that beneficial. It should be talked about if brought up, say if a student asks...but I don't think most black kids in school will find that as a positive, they will still be thinking: " So what? Slavery was wrong"...which is true...I think if one of the goals of education is to foster racial harmony & tolerance...focusing on the benefits gained from slavery isn't the way to go.
The curriculum doesn't claim that there were benefits gained from slavery, so no problem. :)
Hey guys, let’s all just ignore Tommy Tainant Noone can be this obtuse naturally. Stop wasting your time.. I’m already adding to the ignore list. I like discussions with people i disagree with, but this guy cannot say a sentence that isnt verifiably false.

He's posting 100% in bad faith.

But important topic, so I'll carry on.
Conservatives attempting to defend the lie that enslaved Americans somehow ‘benefited’ from being in bondage is yet another example of how bold conservatives have become in expressing their racism and hate.
I agree that there ARE racist conservatives, and some have posted to this thread.

Luckily, however - and speaking to the topic - the curriculum in question does not make the claim that enslaved Black people benefitted from slavery.
Conservatives embracing this racist revisionism is nothing new, of course; conservatives can’t seek to demonize and vilify black Americans if there are factual and current accounts of how Americans of color were disadvantages the consequence of slavery, Black Codes, Jim Crow, segregation, and the rightwing racism that exists today.
See above.

The two Black PhDs responsible for this part of the curriculum are not engaging in racist revisionism.

The claim that they are doing so is an odious, racist claim being made by liberals seeking to denigrate or outright deny Black achievement.
You are wrong, yes.
Blacks are perfectly capable of being racist, reprehensible, and wrong.
Of course, but this is entirely irrelevant.

Your desire to denigrate the work of these two Black PhDs is duly noted however.
The race of whomever contrived the lie that enslaved Americans somehow ‘benefited’ from slavery is irrelevant.
It was liberals of several ethnicities who created this lie, as it's not in the curriculum.

So I agree - it's liberalism and not ethnicity that created this problem. :)
What is relevant is how conservatives embrace and propagate the lie to justify the right’s agenda of racism and hate.
Liberals created the lie, and are more than merely embracing it.

They're skullfucking it.

Liberals - you can't live with them, and you can't deny that they're deranged racist hatemongers. :(
You're still defending the Meatball.
I have no idea who this is.
He's a bad joke now.
He's done.
Everybody but you and him knows it
I don't know who this person is.

If you're referring to DeSantis, I'd suggest you spend less time trolling and more time reading.

I've criticized him numerous times here, calling him a creep and bully, and saying he has no national political future, and perhaps none in Florida.

But I do understand that reality and liberalism don't go together, so please continue doing the one thing you're clearly here to do, and that's endlessly troll.

I have no idea who this is.



I don't know who this person is.

If you're referring to DeSantis, I'd suggest you spend less time trolling and more time reading.

I've criticized him numerous times here, calling him a creep and bully, and saying he has no national political future, and perhaps none in Florida.

But I do understand that reality and liberalism don't go together, so please continue doing the one thing you're clearly here to do, and that's endlessly troll.

You are delusional enough to defend this shit coming outa Florida and you think I give a shit what the likes of you call me? Are you retarded?
It literally doesn't, Bozo.

But tell you what.

If I'm wrong, I'll donate $500 to the forum.

If you are, you donate $500.


"developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit"

Save your money you racist cu.nt.
"developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit"
Are you genuinely this blinded by your partisanship?

Or still just trolling?

Or incredibly incompetent?

Nowhere does the curriculum say that enslaved Blacks benefitted from slavery.
Save your money you racist cu.nt.
Ooo - struck a nerve did I? :)

Do we have a bet or not?
Are you genuinely this blinded by your partisanship?

Or still just trolling?

Or incredibly incompetent?

Nowhere does the curriculum say that enslaved Blacks benefitted from slavery.

Ooo - struck a nerve did I? :)

Do we have a bet or not?
Your racism blinds you to the words in front of you.

"developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit"

Is taken from the racist course notes.Page 6 if you are interested.
Your racism blinds you to the words in front of you.

"developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit"

Is taken from the racist course notes.Page 6 if you are interested.
Someone's being blinded by racism, but it's not me.

I do believe, however, that in this instance you are merely demonstrating your incompetence, and not trolling.

So a kind of progress...?

But nowhere does it say enslaved Blacks benefitted from slavery.

Except in your mind of course. :eek:

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