Florida to teach the positive aspects of slavery in Black history

The idea is that slaves were freed. And once freed can market their skills.
They also stated that after the Civil War and slavery ended. The free slaves could use the skills they learned as slaves to be self efficient.
So let me clear up that confusion. I was discussing AFTER the slaves were freed that they had marketable skills.
Simple question. Did slaves learn marketable skills working on plantations or were they not able to learn marketable skills?

The 4 posts above are of a kind, i.e., whitewash.
That slaves after the Civil War could take their learned skilled and market them freely, openly, and competitively to the dominant white society is fantasy.
Perhaps a tiny number could. I have no data to rely upon on how tiny.
However, those fortunate few who could go to the white market and sell their seamstress or saddlery skills were a mere drop in the bucket.
A drop in the bucket to the millions prior to them who lived and died in slavery....with no opportunity to up and leave and go to a better paying job or a better boss or more career opportunity. Without a free market there is no such thing as 'marketable skills'.

But those tiny few ain't the story. It is the millions before the Civil War who lived and died enslaved.

The first black slaves arrived at Jamestown in 1619. 12 generations later the last generation was freed in 1865. And from that final generation some now want to celebrate a tiny few and say ' See, slavery wasn't so bad. Look Tom can make a saddle and be paid for it. Sally can make a dress for cash money.'

But let's not talk about the generations of Toms and Sallys who lived and died slaves with similar skills but no free market for selling them....for at least 11 generations.
No 'marketable skills'....because there was no market. Duh!

The whitewashers are gaslighting. IMHO

The vast majority of slaves lived and died in slavery. Its moronic to argue otherwise.
TT said it more succinctly than my poor avatar.

any black perosn will tell you if they dont vote democrat they are in terror of losing their welfare check
I've never heard, or read, or seen a black person who said such a thing. But, admittedly. I am just a single rural farmer so don't see much of a wider world anymore; however, I am curious on how anyone, say the poster Mirrorthief for example, or even a group of Democrats would know how a black man or woman voted.

I kinda think that is why voting is private and confidential.
I also think that most people already know that.

Newly approved academic standards from Florida’s Board of Education will require middle schools to teach that enslaved people "developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit" — a line that has ignited significant controversy among teachers' groups.

The standards, which were approved Wednesday, come in response to the state's 2022 "Stop WOKE Act," which stated that race must be taught in "an objective manner" that does not "indoctrinate or persuade students to a particular point of view." The measure pushed far-right lawmakers' rhetoric that teaching Black history makes White people feel ashamed, instructing that no student should be made to feel "guilt" or "responsibility" for actions previously committed by members of the same race.

In a state where the citizens describe mask mandates as "slavery" they take a very charitable view of actual slavery. It seems that chains and whips and rapings were misunderstood. They were actually programmes that helped black people become more useful slaves.

Its a novel approach to history but I suspect that the usual suspects will sieze on this and interpret it as Gov DeSantis being some sort of fascist.

People can be unkind in that regard.
There were things in slavery that were harmful to slaves, but relative to a prehistoric level existence that most blacks had lived in Africa, in the 1700s & 1800s, slavery certainly had some benefits to slaves too. Ignoring that is simply ridiculous.
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The 4 posts above are of a kind, i.e., whitewash.
That slaves after the Civil War could take their learned skilled and market them freely, openly, and competitively to the dominant white society is fantasy.
Perhaps a tiny number could. I have no data to rely upon on how tiny.
However, those fortunate few who could go to the white market and sell their seamstress or saddlery skills were a mere drop in the bucket.
A drop in the bucket to the millions prior to them who lived and died in slavery....with no opportunity to up and leave and go to a better paying job or a better boss or more career opportunity. Without a free market there is no such thing as 'marketable skills'.

But those tiny few ain't the story. It is the millions before the Civil War who lived and died enslaved.

The first black slaves arrived at Jamestown in 1619. 12 generations later the last generation was freed in 1865. And from that final generation some now want to celebrate a tiny few and say ' See, slavery wasn't so bad. Look Tom can make a saddle and be paid for it. Sally can make a dress for cash money.'

But let's not talk about the generations of Toms and Sallys who lived and died slaves with similar skills but no free market for selling them....for at least 11 generations.
No 'marketable skills'....because there was no market. Duh!

The whitewashers are gaslighting. IMHO

TT said it more succinctly than my poor avatar.


I've never heard, or read, or seen a black person who said such a thing. But, admittedly. I am just a single rural farmer so don't see much of a wider world anymore; however, I am curious on how anyone, say the poster Mirrorthief for example, or even a group of Democrats would know how a black man or woman voted.

I kinda think that is why voting is private and confidential.

I also think that most people already know that.
You do know, one of the first slave owners in the states, was a black man?
Slaves did not learn anything new in America that they had not learned at home. The were agriculturalists, metallurgists, livestock peoples, blacksmiths, teachers, students, etc. in Africa.
Yeah ? Where did you hear that ? On CNN/MSNBC ? l've seen documentaries about the "Dark Continent" of the 18th & 19th century, and they describe the African populations as hunters & gatherers, similar to the people shown in Tarzan movies, and those in the 1965 movie, The Naked Prey"
You are rather twisting the truth. They learned skills to make them more valuable to the slave owner.
Benefits? Like picking cotton? What crazy, convoluted BS. The students will laugh at such idiocy.
So you can't think of any benefits that slaves got, in comparison to their primitive society lives in Africa ? You've got to be kidding.
Conservatives have clearly become more bold and aggressive in their racism – advancing the lie that enslaved Americans somehow ‘benefited’ from being in bondage.

This racist revisionism embraced by conservatives is clearly intended to justify Republicans’ efforts today to disadvantage and discriminate against Americans of color.
1. Despite the various obvious disadvantages for blacks, there were also some obvious advantages. Glossing past these are yet another way that leftists obliterate fact & truth, so as to push their agenda.

2. The support for Affirmative Action, CRT, and Biden's "American Rescue Plan", are Democrats' efforts to disadvantage & discriminate against white & Asian Americans.

3. Blacks, for 58 years have been ADvantaged, not disadvantaged, by being the beneficiaries of AA.
the conservative GOP in FL says they are not racists, then put forth a law like that.

I remember one of their Sunday School teachers in Davenport, FL, saying how benefited the Hebrew slaves were in Egypt to learn how to make bricks without straw.
A law like what ? If you think there is something wrong, specify what that is .
Its a distortion of the truth no matter who wrote the course to comply with the fascist regime in Florida.
Slavery was not a well intentioned training scheme to better black folk. It was naked brutality to make the lives of slavers better.
Any "benefits" were incidental and not worth a mention. Certainly not worth bragging about.
Who said anything about a "well-intentioned training scheme to better black folk", Mr Straw Man ?

Simply saying SOME things in slavery benefitted slaves, is just stating the obvious truth. It has nothing to do with your absurd distorton scenario.
I see you have given up.
I see you haven't given up on trolling/crapping in your own thread.

I always thought you were annoying, but I also thought you had at least a speck of integrity.

Sad to see that you don't.

But yeah, this is a garbage thread with a counterfactual OP; I won't make the mistake of thinking you have any integrity again.
Their interest is power......and to get it, they will lets 10s of thousands of black children die every year in gang crime, and millions die through abortions.........all for their own power....
2016 was my wake up year.

I will NEVER vote Democrat again.

Just the racist trolling they're doing on this thread helps demonstrate why.
How about you list the benefits of making threads that proclaim incorrect information?

Yahoo’s Claim:

DeSantis says Black people benefited from slavery when questioned about new school standards​

What DeSantis actually said:

“They're probably going to show some of the folks that eventually parlayed, you know, being a blacksmith into, into doing things later in life," DeSantis said.

"The reality is, all of that is rooted in whatever is factual. They listed everything out. And if you have any questions about it, just ask the Department of Education. These were scholars who put that together. It was not anything that was done politically."

How about you stop posting proven misinformation? Yahoo is acting completely unethical and malicious here.. you ought to condemn such immoral behavior
He ought to, but TT's just another racist liberal troll.

The OP, and all the liberal posting on this thread?

Well, Democrats desire that what is taught is slaves had no skills, were ignorant of skills and unable to care for themselves when freed.
I prefer the optimistic view of blacks.
Also, this I saw at Mt. Vernon and Monticello..... Exhibits showing slaves making things useful commercially. Producing wine and nails for instance. They would know how to butcher.

Why don't Democrats think this through?
They're not interested in truth.

They have a view of Blacks as helpless subhumans - a view thay've always held - and anything which challenges this enrages them.
Why do you keep saying DeSantis says things that he hasn’t said? This a really boring, uncompelling discussion, just you writing fiction based on some narrative that you read on yahoo. You ought to think first and find out if what they report is true.
He's a racist liberal troll uninterested in actual discussion.

I tried dozens of times before I realized his only interest is in racist trolling and thread crapping.

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